View Full Version : New Year's resolutions?

Dec 26, 2010, 2:41 PM
Get my sorry ass back on the treadmill.



Dec 26, 2010, 3:35 PM
Find that bikini body I hid under the pizza and burgers!

Dec 26, 2010, 4:06 PM
i don't get into resolutions anymore. if i decide to do something, any time of the year, i will do it. if i stumble, i'm kind to myself. life's too short and seems to be going so fast. i want to enjoy it and not miss a bit. 'crap' just drains my energy and steals my time.

Dec 26, 2010, 8:30 PM
I resolved last New Years to not make a resolution this year or in the future so I'm sticking to that.

Dec 26, 2010, 9:23 PM
Not to believe other's promises and to not fall for some stupid guy ever again.

Dec 26, 2010, 9:47 PM
To remain focussed and positive !

Dec 26, 2010, 11:02 PM
Yeah, right, Mikey!

You're kinda like me.......you'd think at my age I wouldn't be so gullible, but I can fall so easily!

Dec 27, 2010, 12:09 AM
To come into chat more now that I dont have job number three...Just to harress and pick on ya'll...lol:tongue::tong:;)
Yer Cat

Dec 27, 2010, 3:56 PM
Every year I used to resolve to smoke more pot than in the previous year. Now I am actually looking forward to moving back to NYC where there is no way I'll be able to smoke this much and still function.

Lisa (va)
Dec 27, 2010, 4:10 PM
Well after my (routine) doctors visit, my wishis to gain 10 pounds.


hugs n kisses

Tom P
Dec 27, 2010, 6:55 PM
Try to accept myself and maybe others will accept me.

Dec 28, 2010, 11:35 AM
Last year was about reducing stress and I did. This year it's about extending that by living in the moment. Enjoy the moment while it lasts. In addition I'm making resolutions to improve my guitar playing as well as upgrading my guitar amp.
I used to ignore New Year's resolutions but now I look forward to them. One year a resolution was to meet more bi friends. Almost immediately, out of the blue, someone contacted me (from this site). Him and I enjoyed great times together. I guess it's a mind set thing? Whatever but I'll continue to make them. :flag1:

Dec 29, 2010, 12:08 PM
[QUOTE=Tom P;190679]Try to accept myself and maybe others will accept me.

I hope you find self acceptance too !

Dec 29, 2010, 1:42 PM
To cash out my 401k, buy a RV and travel.....

Dec 30, 2010, 12:16 AM
Sex with my partner, starting in 2010 and climaxing in 2011.
Then, I hope to do it again for New Year's Eve 2011.

Dec 30, 2010, 8:03 AM
Same thing every year, always FAIL, but here is mine anyway,,,,cut back on sex:bigrin::bigrin:

Dec 31, 2010, 12:17 AM
I also resolve to try and cause as much mischief as I can, and love as many people as possible, and to fall in lust at Least 50 times a day...lol :bigrin:
Happy New Year Darlings.
Your Cat

Dec 31, 2010, 3:32 AM
Get my sorry ass back on the treadmill.



That is why all the Ad inserts in the newspapers have treadmills on sale this and the next couple weeks.

Dec 31, 2010, 4:25 AM
Last year was about reducing stress and I did. This year it's about extending that by living in the moment.

"I resolve that next year I will live more in the present than I have in the past."

That won't work. You can only be in the present NOW. :bigrin:

Dec 31, 2010, 9:16 AM
That is why all the Ad inserts in the newspapers have treadmills on sale this and the next couple weeks.

I've had treadmills at home before. Somehow, I function better when I am in a gym settings. Perhaps it's the eye candy? He he he...



Dec 31, 2010, 10:12 AM
I've had treadmills at home before. Somehow, I function better when I am in a gym settings. Perhaps it's the eye candy? He he he...



or the showers :)

Annika L
Dec 31, 2010, 10:29 AM
No thanks...never touch them, myself. Nasty dangerous things...make you late for dinner! :tong:

Dec 31, 2010, 10:43 AM
Actually my resolution for this year,and it's been the same for a couple(ok several) years is to quit smoking.DAMNIT! This year I shall succeed! I've already bought the nicorette and am determined not to fail Happy New Year everyone may you all succeed at whatever resolution you may make.

Dec 31, 2010, 8:01 PM
None for me. Besides thinking they are a silly idea to begin with, I've never been able to keep them.

her hubby
Dec 31, 2010, 10:09 PM
Well after my (routine) doctors visit, my wishis to gain 10 pounds.


hugs n kisses

Don't change a thing hun, you are that perverbial button everyone compares cute too

Luv ya


Jan 1, 2011, 3:23 PM
Last year was about reducing stress and I did. This year it's about extending that by living in the moment. Enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Biboz, with your permission I am adopting your resolution about living in the moment. Last Thursday the doctor told me that because one of my critical heart functions was now down to 19% he wants to put me on total disability. I don't like the prospects of having to retire earlier than I had planned, but what the hell! Got to enjoy it while you have it.


Jan 1, 2011, 6:36 PM
Biboz, with your permission I am adopting your resolution about living in the moment. Last Thursday the doctor told me that because one of my critical heart functions was now down to 19% he wants to put me on total disability. I don't like the prospects of having to retire earlier than I had planned, but what the hell! Got to enjoy it while you have it.


Bityme, no permission needed! I'm sorry about your health issue and wish you well. Do all you can to live in the moment and enjoy.

the sacred night
Jan 1, 2011, 6:56 PM
I was going to make one, but before I could think of one, I rang in the new year with something I've been wanting for years, so I'm calling it mission accomplished.

Jan 2, 2011, 6:36 PM
Biboz, with your permission I am adopting your resolution about living in the moment. Last Thursday the doctor told me that because one of my critical heart functions was now down to 19% he wants to put me on total disability. I don't like the prospects of having to retire earlier than I had planned, but what the hell! Got to enjoy it while you have it.


Wow, this thread took a serious turn. Hope you have a great and healthy year.



Jan 2, 2011, 8:59 PM
Well I'm 36 hours into my resolution....I got a late start LOL But I'm still smoke free,and I see light at the end of the tunnel

Jan 3, 2011, 1:28 PM
Lisa: I have 10 just for you :bigrin:

code: congrats.... you hang in there: the rewards are many. First 3 days are the hardest then you're home free. (btdt)

Jan 4, 2011, 8:01 PM
None for me. Besides thinking they are a silly idea to begin with, I've never been able to keep them.

Hello, old friend... Like you, I find 'em silly and pointless since I didn't do it at anytime of the year to begin with... But to those that did make them, best of luck to you all... And as for the treadmills, those things will kill you... I tried one a couple months back at my doctors request... He said it would add 10 years to my life... Sure enuff, after 15 minutes on the damned contraption, I felt 10 years older... :bigrin::paw::paw:

Jan 4, 2011, 9:59 PM
I resolved to keep my gym membership, work on my communication (both in relationships and verbally because no one understands me when I'm speaking) find a better job, and study more.

Jan 5, 2011, 1:20 PM
The reason that so many people have trouble keeping New Years Resolutions is because the don't create reachable, well defined goals. Losing 10 pounds is a good goal, being more in shape is not.

or those of you with vague goals (study more, have more sex, make more friends) you simply need to figure out much exactly you need to do to feel like you've acheived your goal.

I was always saying that I should "get in shape" (whatever that means). I failed. When I stater creating running goals (I will run three times this week for 20 minutes, no matter what speed) I lost weight... in other words.. I got in shape.

I haven't made a New Years Resolution because I am a goal orrentated person. My advice to everyone who likes New Years resolutions... pick a vague goal... then make it specific so that you will know when you have reach it.

Good Luck all.

P.S. I can think of a few goals I have...

1) Earn a 3.3 GPA of higher next semester.
2) Joina team sport or fighting sport for two months.
3) Work on two theater productions outside of my daily job
4) Visit a nude beach
5) learn five new fire spinning tricks