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Dec 23, 2010, 12:03 PM

Ask me ANYTHINGGG :) I need some entertainment...

Dec 23, 2010, 1:30 PM

Ask me ANYTHINGGG :) I need some entertainment...

When I'm home alone I get very horny and always try to get off anyway I can, but I'm tired of always the same thing...... what do you do for self satisfaction.

Annika L
Dec 23, 2010, 3:39 PM

Ask me ANYTHINGGG :) I need some entertainment...

Hmmm, what the hell kind of request is that?? :tong:

Dec 23, 2010, 5:21 PM

Ask me ANYTHINGGG :) I need some entertainment...

Why was there bacon in the soap?

Dec 23, 2010, 6:01 PM
why is a raven like a writing desk?

Dec 23, 2010, 6:51 PM
What's the difference between light and hard?

Dec 24, 2010, 3:22 AM
If a female Octopi is called and Octopus, is a male one called an Octocock?

If a person just eats pussy, is that person a Vaginatarian?

How cum the "Little man in a boat" cant be a "Little Woman in a boat?"

Who came first, the chicken or the egg? The Rooster....

I'd think of some others, but its late here, and my mind aint workin'..lol

Dec 24, 2010, 7:50 AM
Why do some peeps ask such stupid questions?:rolleyes:

Dec 24, 2010, 9:01 AM
Are we there yet?

Dec 24, 2010, 9:35 AM
Alright then, I've a small host of questions at hand.

1: If x == a, then c == z, then y == b, else y != b.

Why is this the case and not some other perverse case?

2: How do they make the ever mystical silly putty?

3: Or, no?

4: What if there existed no hypothetical questions?

5: Did Thomas P. Smythe abduct the Lindenberg child?

6. When shall Mer Wyn return?

7: Being a template, do we have the same power?

8: Energy is not created nor destroyed, we are but energy. Does that imply immortality?

9: Why does 2+2=5?

10: Blue, red, green?

Dec 24, 2010, 8:29 PM
1: If x == a, then c == z, then y == b, else y != b.

Why is this the case and not some other perverse case?

.........can I just have some chocolate?

2: How do they make the ever mystical silly putty?

..........mystical silly putty ingredients

3: Or, no?

..................maybe, perhaps, of course, whatever?

4: What if there existed no hypothetical questions?

............there would be no need for hypothetical answers

5: Did Thomas P. Smythe abduct the Lindenberg child?

..................Can't answer that one

6. When shall Mer Wyn return?

.............heck....I even googled this one...not a clue

7: Being a template, do we have the same power?


8: Energy is not created nor destroyed, we are but energy. Does that imply immortality?

...............well..I could go into that....but it would take too long...but basically..Yes!

9: Why does 2+2=5?

Grrrr......more chocolate...PLEASE!!!!

10: Blue, red, green?

..................Well, I always say purple, or black....but depends how deep this goes. Mix them all together and you get a dirty brown...so..Mud

Dec 24, 2010, 10:25 PM
1: If x == a, then c == z, then y == b, else y != b.

Why is this the case and not some other perverse case?

.........can I just have some chocolate?

Alright, that sounds fine. :)

2: How do they make the ever mystical silly putty?

..........mystical silly putty ingredients

Drat, thought someone actually knew the ingredients. Maybe you do but won't say. "Ve ave vays ..."

3: Or, no?

..................maybe, perhaps, of course, whatever?

Uh huh. One xeon gas light saber and two atom smashers coming up.

4: What if there existed no hypothetical questions?

............there would be no need for hypothetical answers

Hmmm. Good point.

5: Did Thomas P. Smythe abduct the Lindenberg child?

..................Can't answer that one

You must be related to Smythe, then.

6. When shall Mer Wyn return?

.............heck....I even googled this one...not a clue

You of all people needed to Google the Red Dragon? Woot woot!!
It would be a dark day I fear if Merlin were to return. Hear the myth foretells his return only if the Pendragon arises to lead England, again. And the good king only comes in the darkest hour.

7: Being a template, do we have the same power?


Then I may not prove nor disprove myself. Interesting notion, that.

8: Energy is not created nor destroyed, we are but energy. Does that imply immortality?

...............well..I could go into that....but it would take too long...but basically..Yes!

Right toe, left foot. Had thought as much.

9: Why does 2+2=5?

Grrrr......more chocolate...PLEASE!!!!

Hehe. Vou see ve ave our vays. You are now addicted to chocy, poor dear. You must confess to causing the following, in no particular order.

A pain in void's left pinky, the rising of the Tory party, the number 42, Martian concourse with Venusians, and the most heinous of all ... eating late night bangers.

10: Blue, red, green?

..................Well, I always say purple, or black....but depends how deep this goes. Mix them all together and you get a dirty brown...so..Mud

Odd you mention mud. There is a truly eccentric document on the internet, _Confessions of a Mad Immortal_ or some such. In it this bloke explains that women derive from mud. It's a fictional tale but nonetheless funny in a really perverse quaint fashion.

Probably has nothing to do with thousand year old eggs or tea prices, just memory filling in blanks.

Hope your Holidays are bright there. :)

Dec 28, 2010, 1:38 AM
lilme: Normal masturbation, but i try to get sex anytime possible with my bf

Dec 28, 2010, 1:39 AM
Zwitter: because you want to eat and shower at the same time??? lol

Dec 28, 2010, 1:40 AM
Diva667: I have no clue

Dec 28, 2010, 1:41 AM
DuckiesDarling: light seems innocent hard seems sexual and lusty and dark ;D

Dec 28, 2010, 1:43 AM
Cheerokee mountain cat: If a female Octopi is called and Octopus, is a male one called an Octocock? it should be

If a person just eats pussy, is that person a Vaginatarian? yes it is in my world

How cum the "Little man in a boat" cant be a "Little Woman in a boat?" because our world is still sexist

Who came first, the chicken or the egg? The Rooster.... with a COCKKKK lol

I'd think of some others, but its late here, and my mind aint workin'..lol
"If you're Sexting does that mean you have a phoner??"

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
- Robert A. Heinlein

Dec 28, 2010, 1:44 AM
darkeyes: dont know girl

Dec 28, 2010, 1:45 AM
csrakate: nope we are not

Dec 28, 2010, 1:49 AM
Alright then, I've a small host of questions at hand.

1: If x == a, then c == z, then y == b, else y != b.

Why is this the case and not some other perverse case?

Je ne sais pas

2: How do they make the ever mystical silly putty?

rainbows butterflies and metal music

3: Or, no?

4: What if there existed no hypothetical questions?

then the world would end

5: Did Thomas P. Smythe abduct the Lindenberg child?

6. When shall Mer Wyn return?
when pigs fly

7: Being a template, do we have the same power?
yes we do

8: Energy is not created nor destroyed, we are but energy. Does that imply immortality? yes now we have to find out how

9: Why does 2+2=5? because you added wrong ;D

10: Blue, red, green? redddddddd

Dec 28, 2010, 8:13 AM
Okay Void.
1. Seems like a programming language, or... what are those things called where words are interpreted... like YYURYYUBICURYY4ME! (Y bang equals b has got me though).
10. Is easy for me(if it's literal), I work with this nearly every day. White. Blue, red, and green are the three colors of light from which you can make up any color, including, combined, white.

Dec 28, 2010, 8:17 AM
DuckiesDarling: light seems innocent hard seems sexual and lusty and dark ;D

I was thinking more the fact you can sleep with a LIGHT on :)