View Full Version : Woman and gay men

Dec 22, 2010, 11:48 AM
Curious as to if any women here would be into sex with a completely gay man. Had a girlfriend once and we invited a friend for a little fun time. She said the sex was okay, but he didn't feel completely into it (imagine that). Anyways, that was some 10 years ago. Been thinking about that lately and wanted to get other peoples opinions.

If the tables were turned (and I've done a full on lesbian a few times) I didn't notice any untoward feelings from her end. We both had a blast. Opinions?

Dec 22, 2010, 12:32 PM
My ex wife has been trying to convert a gay bear for about 13 years!

If she's very aggressive and has him cornered, he will eventually get erect and lose his resolve not to have sex with her. I think it actually disgusts him when he allows her to break him down, like that.

Still, he will go back, because she cooks magnificently and babies him, which he loves. He probably thinks the sex is a fair price to pay for the benefits he receives!

Rough Trade
Dec 22, 2010, 9:39 PM
Probably my closest friend is a serious butch dyke. Shaved head, tattoos, arm pit hair, Harley, the works. She has no use for men and if you look at her the wrong way, things can get ugly fast. I have a part time construction business and she helps me when I need help, she's hardcore and I respect her. We've had sex a few times and it is always great. She's a major lesbian who when it suits her, will bang a guy. Very few people are really 100% gay or straight.

Dec 22, 2010, 9:49 PM
Okay as for me since I am pre op female to male transgender I date a fem gay male never had a gf before so my body was very different to him and believe it or not he was interested in doing somethings and enjoyed it very much lol but i feel i am an exception to this question lol

Dec 23, 2010, 9:17 AM
Wow, these are some amazing replies. It really solidifies how we are not all set in stone.

the sacred night
Dec 23, 2010, 11:28 AM
I suppose I'd do stuff with a gay man, but if he's interested in me in the first place, he's not really that gay, now is he?

Dec 23, 2010, 2:26 PM
It's true, there's no set rule!

The pendulum swings back and forth, people do things they've never done before and maybe they will never do again, or their lives may change overnight forever.............. there are no absolutes, and no two people are just alike.

Dec 24, 2010, 11:48 AM
I think it's wonderful. I hope that one day people won't care what sex a person is, or what label they attach to themselves, but if they find a person they love, then go for it.