View Full Version : swimsuits, bathers, cozzies

Dec 21, 2010, 3:41 AM
I know there are many of you who enjoy wearing women's panties but I am interested to know if any men enjoy wearing women's swimsuits?

We have a draw in our home in which we keep all our swimsuits and my wife puts her old bikinis. One day I had the urge to try on her bikinis (bottom and top) and have enjoyed wearing them ever since. Men's swimsuits are just so boring. I often wear bikini bottoms under my board shorts. I particularly like string bikinis.

What do you like to wear?

BJ Hunter
Dec 21, 2010, 11:39 AM
Well, I'm brave or stupid enough to wear bikini swimwear on the beach.
My smallest string suit is so low, that only 1/4" of tan line sits above my cock.
Actually, I find the ones that cover more more sexy to wear, but I always get a reaction from both genders regardess of the bikini I where. I see the eyes fixate on the buldge, and love every glance I get. When I'm not with my wife, say going to the beach bar for drinks, I do get hit on, which, after all is what we all want right?
So drop the board shorts, and enjoy the eyes on you. Maybe you will get sex on the beach, and I'm not talking the drink here ;)

Dec 21, 2010, 1:01 PM
First let me start by saying you are both in great shape and should be wearing Bikini's.I have always been a fan of them too and have worn them to a couple of pools .They are very comfortable and you get a much nicer tan.I say wear what makes ya happy and who cares what everyone else thinks.

Dec 21, 2010, 2:32 PM
my hubby loves wearing women's cossie bottoms. he especially loves the ones that tie at both sides. he has been known to wear them to work under his jeans. it's getting harder and harder to keep him out of my drawers (lol). when he phones (he works away from home) i always ask him what he's wearing in that department. and when i tell him what i'm wearing, he tells me i didn't ask permission to wear them (lol). for a joke, before he gets home, i must put a lock on the drawer. after me, it's the first place he heads for.