View Full Version : Lady Gaga and Nazimova

Dec 20, 2010, 4:42 AM
It was in idle mindless surfing that I wandered... Andrews Sisters... Moonlight and Cactus... Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle... Nazimova
When I saw the google image search on Nazimova...
And after reading about Nazimova...
even more Gaga...
Of course Gaga is her own person... but one does see influence and/or similarities.
To learn Gaga's - not even 1920s but 19teens - influence (throw in some Hitchcock, Madonna influence); wow.
There's truly nothing new we can do, just new people doing it... (shy of new technology)... very little new and totally different.
But the combinations and permutations can be different. Nazimova, Hitchcock, and Madonna... wow, I love Gaga all the more!

Dec 20, 2010, 5:13 AM
Dontcha worry now Blue me luffly.. u will go gaga soon enuff..take it from me.. tee hee:bigrin:

Besos para ella
Dec 20, 2010, 7:24 AM
Lady Gaga is INCREDIBLEEEEEEE I LOVE HER! So sad I couldn't get to her concert in London on Friday :(

Dec 20, 2010, 1:56 PM
Ehhh... she's like Madonna and Grace Jones. I admit it, I'm over Lady Gaga. Then again, I wasn't really under her in the first place.

But I gotta think more about Nazimova.


Rough Trade
Dec 20, 2010, 2:05 PM
Lady Gaga (real name: Stefani Germanotta) has always struck me as a poor man's Madonna. I try to make myself open to new music but I just don't get it. She does have a nice body although her face would make a freight train take a dirt road. It's clear she's wearing Madonna's hand-me-downs, with the possible exception of her meat dress, which I would gladly tear off her and throw onto the BBQ. (The dress, not her).

Dec 20, 2010, 6:41 PM
Maybe I'm just a bit whacky. I don't like Gaga as an artist, no real opinion of her as a person. I just don't care for her brand of glitzy go pop which is meaningless. When I hear "Gaga Gaga ..." it gives me something akin to an infectious rash internally. Just want to run yelling and wielding chain saw, shotgun, flamethrower and do really yucky stuff ... eek .. ugh. Then, it subsides once her voice and music are gone.

Of course, there are those rumors of her being like an Illuminati plant to further dumb folks down. Imagine, everyone just singing 'gaga gaga ...' constantly, nothing would get done. We have to ban the gaga, it is dangerous to productivity, surely the ultra funny mental Christian types will abhor that! :) "God made us to be productive, we must be good wage slaves."

Hopefully, many will understand I am not attacking, merely jesting. If you can't understand it by now, see the ruler over by the gate. "You need to be this tall to ride the ride." _ It's called sarcasm, irony, life and realism blended all up. Nothing I can say or do will alter it being what it is.

But seriously, I don't like Gaga as an artist, no real opinion of her personally. Doubt I'd ever be arsed to bother getting to know her personally, or she me. So it was written by Saul Good. :)

Dec 20, 2010, 11:32 PM
I am not a music expert.
But, I really like her and her music.
I REALLY enjoy her music!
It has been awhile since I have been jolted back to enjoying music as really good new stuff rather than as turned-down-low background stuff to sooth me while I work. She was a major influence in that change in my new attention to music.