View Full Version : favourite film or music/artist of all time?

Dec 19, 2010, 3:10 PM
My fave film of all time is A matter of life and death (staircase to heaven usa) with David Niven.

Fave music would have to be New Awlins Jazz/ Brass Band Music

Fave Artist wel many but probably Annie Lennox

whats your favourite?


Dec 19, 2010, 5:09 PM
I am with ya about David Niven. To me--he was the epitome of coolness and class--the quintessential "gentleman's gentleman."

He was one of a kind and it is unlikely in this day and time that we can produce anyone with his degree of panache and class.

They broke the mold with him.

David Niven may or may not be my most fave actor of all time--but he is certainly up to the top of my list.

As far as music is concerned---my tastes continually tend to evolve and change. I am not stuck only listening to music I liked in the past and always like to seek out new styles of music and within genres of music--like to find those who do it a bit differently than do other groups and individual artists within those genres that I am already following.

It is simply way too hard for me to say with any certainty what group or individual musician is my favorite one----and if I named one today---I could "discover" a new group or individual in the next few weeks that totally blows me away and is my fave at that time.

Right now--I am very much enamored of a bluegrass band called The SteelDrivers. They totally kick ass when it comes to making the sort of music I prefer at this point in my life.

What does bum me is when I come to like a group that has been around for a fair amount of time, this means that I have missed the chance to enjoy their music over the years, maybe see them in concert and that its just one more group that I have to scramble to try to go back and buy as many of their past releases as I can. I am already way behind in obtaining past releases of many on my list of favorite musical artists as it is!!!!

Dec 19, 2010, 6:31 PM
My fave film of all time is A matter of life and death (staircase to heaven usa) with David Niven.

Fave music would have to be New Awlins Jazz/ Brass Band Music

Fave Artist wel many but probably Annie Lennox

whats your favourite?


Ah....good taste!

Another Powell and Pressburger films, fan?

''A matter of life and death'' is an amazing film and not for any religious reasons...not one bit. Right actors for the roles. Clever use of colour and black and white film. Just amazing.

''Stand by me'' is another of my favourite films, starring the late River Phoenix.

Got to think about everything else....so many...LOL!

Dec 19, 2010, 7:16 PM
My fave film of all time is A matter of life and death (staircase to heaven usa) with David Niven.

Fave music would have to be New Awlins Jazz/ Brass Band Music

Fave Artist wel many but probably Annie Lennox

whats your favourite?


For those who wish to watch it.....


Dec 19, 2010, 7:52 PM
I am with ya about David Niven. To me--he was the epitome of coolness and class--the quintessential "gentleman's gentleman."

And a very Scottish gentleman's gentleman too, not English as most think.. coming from near Kelso in the Scottish Borders.. and distantly related to a good friend and site member and occasional contributor to these forums... 1 gabby an cheeky lil tart of whom I am inordinately fond (not Kate eitha foreya ask)...

... but me own fave film of all time.... French, an have said it fore now... La Reine Margot a film of the life of one of my fave historical characters and one with whom I am not just a little in love, with the awesome Isabelle Adjani, who along with Catherine Deneuve (in French only) and Ingrid Bergman ties for me fave film star of all time..

Fave music star might surprise ya... the SNO... a large "band" (tee hee) who Kate and I go to see when we can for some classical treats...

Dec 20, 2010, 4:49 AM
I whilst return to answer in further, later. For now, I enjoy Billy Idol a good bit. He's always twenty years, or so ahead of everyone and considering I hear the songs twenty years ahead ... well it's um .. erm ... interesting.

Dec 20, 2010, 5:02 AM
hmmm music is just up in the air, depending on what genre my faves can change from day to day.

Film is a bit easier for me. At his particular moment it's Tommy Lee Jones. I have loved him in every movie I have seen him in but the one that really stood out to me was as Jake Beerlander in "House of Cards". Any movie he's in you know you will see at least one solid performance. Dennis Hopper and Anthony Hopkins are up there as well and for sure sexy when young and even more sexy as he aged... Sean Connery.

Dec 20, 2010, 5:47 AM
Found out summat interestin recently bout Connery.. wen 'e wos young 'e used 2 b a model for students at the Edinburgh College of Art.. lotsa nuddy pics of 'im floatin round the world an 1 recently wos discovered recently wich wos painted by some Scottish artist who wos a student at the school.. wot a scrawny thing 'e wos an all wen 'e wos young...


There ya r.. still fancy 'im???

..an ther is a luffly lil ole lady down the street from me wos also a student at the school who also has a few sketches of 'im.. an 'e still looks less than adorable.. spose it wos fore 'e started body buildin.. an who am I 2 talk bout peeps bein scrawny?? tee hee:tong:

Dec 20, 2010, 6:43 AM
Found out summat interestin recently bout Connery.. wen 'e wos young 'e used 2 b a model for students at the Edinburgh College of Art.. lotsa nuddy pics of 'im floatin round the world an 1 recently wos discovered recently wich wos painted by some Scottish artist who wos a student at the school.. wot a scrawny thing 'e wos an all wen 'e wos young...


There ya r.. still fancy 'im???

..an ther is a luffly lil ole lady down the street from me wos also a student at the school who also has a few sketches of 'im.. an 'e still looks less than adorable.. spose it wos fore 'e started body buildin.. an who am I 2 talk bout peeps bein scrawny?? tee hee:tong:

Yep :)

Dec 20, 2010, 8:11 AM
Yep :)

Then glad 2 b of service Darlin', darlin!!!;)

Dec 20, 2010, 8:18 AM
LOL, Sean Connery is just sexy to me, it may be the voice it may be the eyes but he's definitely something sexy.

Dec 20, 2010, 9:50 AM
And a very Scottish gentleman's gentleman too, not English as most think.. coming from near Kelso in the Scottish Borders.. and distantly related to a good friend and site member and occasional contributor to these forums... 1 gabby an cheeky lil tart of whom I am inordinately fond (not Kate eitha foreya ask)...

... but me own fave film of all time.... French, an have said it fore now... La Reine Margot a film of the life of one of my fave historical characters and one with whom I am not just a little in love, with the awesome Isabelle Adjani, who along with Catherine Deneuve (in French only) and Ingrid Bergman ties for me fave film star of all time..

Fave music star might surprise ya... the SNO... a large "band" (tee hee) who Kate and I go to see when we can for some classical treats...

Excellent film choice....one of many good scenes is where her brother pushes her in the Marriage scene.....very sexy film.....excellent notice to detail etc........good taste fran!


BJ Hunter
Dec 20, 2010, 5:32 PM
For me, just give me an action flick, or a Mel Brooks comedy. I can watch Blazing Sadles, or Space Balls, or Young Frankenstien again and again and still laugh.
Music, well I change as time changes. My current fav's are anything Jack White is involved in, e.g. White Strips. I just love the fresh sound of his work.
I've always liked Classical as well, as a consent.
When It comes to day to day, I'm a rocker, mostly as with the Jack White thing, very male oriented hard alt. rock.

Dec 21, 2010, 6:16 AM
Excellent film choice....one of many good scenes is where her brother pushes her in the Marriage scene.....very sexy film.....excellent notice to detail etc........good taste fran!


Me has impeccable taste in all things Max darlin'.. :bigrin: so ty.. I do me lil bit 2 try and open eyes to things they wudn normally see.. :)

..and if anyone ever buys a copy of the film in the US, make sure it is not the US version which is a botched job and is hardly worth viewin.. is about much, much more than sex and a soppy love story.. ;)

Dec 21, 2010, 6:30 AM
LOL, Sean Connery is just sexy to me, it may be the voice it may be the eyes but he's definitely something sexy.

Me mum went to 'is investiture as a Freeman of the City of Edinburgh at the Usher Hall a few years ago.. sum haff sozzed toffee nosed plummy daft cow stumbled and grabbed at 'er dress an tore it.. mum wos.. ehhhh.. pleased.. an 'er gob went an she ripped inta the daft cow like no 1's biz. She is nev 1 2 suffa fools or drunks, spesh wen they ruin 'er clothes.. the cow wos given an alternative.. stump up or else... not many can refuse mum's alternatives.. wich r not alternatives lemme say.. 'er hubbie had 'is cheque book out kwik as a flash an the ole bat ended up wiv a dress worth twice as much as the 1 she had ruined.. an extra 150 quid for embarrassment and stress.. seems fair 2 me.. :bigrin:

Management of the Usher Hall were neitha use nor ornament.. cheeky buggas demanded mum kept 'er voice down or she wud b ejected from the premises.. threat of takin them 2 court for negligence and damages soon pulled them inta line an shut them up.. dus luff it wen nob institutions r put firmly inta ther place..:tong:

Dec 21, 2010, 10:36 AM
Anyone remember Mario Lanza?

His rendition of "Drink, Drink!", from Student Prince, was masterfully done!

His movie "Caruso", was sung better than Caruso, himself!