View Full Version : Just Joined today

Dec 19, 2010, 9:46 AM
Hello everyone. I am new here and wanted to tell everyone hi. Look forward to reading all the post and hopefully make some new freinds along the way. Im 45 and just recently told the wife I am curiouse about men. She understands and says she will intertain the idea of a 3some if we ever find the right person.

Lisa (va)
Dec 19, 2010, 2:51 PM
Hello and welcome, hope you enjoy it here.


hugs n kisses

Dec 19, 2010, 3:08 PM
gidday charlie, you are most welcome. you're in same position as my hub. people here are wonderful, supportive and very open with helpful advice. just call out if you have any questions. cheers.

Dec 19, 2010, 5:44 PM
Welcome to the site. My advice to you--just take your time---don't rush into anything--surely take your time to "vet" someone you might be considering to meet with.

My suggestion on that----chat with them for a time---maybe call each other on the phone----see how it goes at each stage of the process---maybe eventually meeting at some neutral, public place. If ya feel at all sketchy about them---"follow your gut" and just let things fade off.

Also--as I have said to others talking about doing a three-way as a first time thing---I would advise against that---that if you THINK you want to be with another guy----when you get with one--you may find that you do not really like it after all, so I suggest "playing" with a buddy alone for at least for your first time or so--and if your wife is open to doing a three-way--good for you guys!! She should be "kept in the loop" when it comes to what you did, how things went and how you feel about him being someone "safe" to be with--the meaning of safe having several layers of definitions in a case such as this.

Once again--good luck and welcome.

Dec 19, 2010, 7:52 PM
Thanks everybody. I look forward to gaining new freinds here.

Dec 19, 2010, 8:43 PM
I hope that you do find answers to some of your questions about all of this---most likely--if you have a question or concern about finding what bisexuality means to you----chances are that someone on here has had the same feelings and prior experiences---I do urge you that when you have time---go back through the archives of the bulletin board to look at that--go back many months to several years---I bet that you will find discussions of much of what sorts of things are going through your mind--once again--welcome and I hope this site helps you with this as it has helped others.

Dec 20, 2010, 12:38 AM
Hi Sugar. Welcome to the group. :}
Everybody's Feline.. ;)

Dec 20, 2010, 9:39 AM
Hello and Welcome...You will feel like home here. I have met lots of wonderful people here and they are all very, very special to me. I'm sure that you're going to have the time of your life.....Enjoy!!!:)

Dec 20, 2010, 11:23 AM
So far so good. Hope everyone has a merry christmas.

Dec 21, 2010, 7:53 PM
Hello everyone. I am new here and wanted to tell everyone hi. Look forward to reading all the post and hopefully make some new freinds along the way. Im 45 and just recently told the wife I am curiouse about men. She understands and says she will intertain the idea of a 3some if we ever find the right person.

Welcome there!

Dec 21, 2010, 8:26 PM
Hello Charlie... There are lots of good folks here and still many more that I have not had the time to meet... Hope you and your loved ones enjoy a very Merry Christmas...
So 1st off, Welcome to your new home...
And 2nd, can I be the right person you are looking for??? :rolleyes:;):tongue:
Hope you have a great time here... :paw::paw:

Dec 22, 2010, 11:21 AM
You are a long way away. I am up by Fort Worth. But thanks for the offer.