View Full Version : Enjoy!!!

Apr 22, 2006, 12:41 PM
Happy Earth Day Everyone!!!!

I hope you all are able to enjoy at least some time out in nature today, smelling the new Spring flowers (unless you have allergies), freshly mown lawns and blue skies. The sounds of birds chirping, dogs barking, cat stretching and kids playing in the background. Relax, kickback and enjoy your favorite people while drinking your favorite beverage and have a great day!!!!
It's cold and cloudy here in southern CA, but still a beautiful day.

Apr 22, 2006, 12:57 PM
Thanks - I would love to however it has been raining all day here in Virginia. Then again April showers bring May flowers!

Apr 22, 2006, 1:48 PM
i think i will play outside today :female:

Apr 22, 2006, 1:57 PM
i have been outside all day

went fishing at 6:30 this morning, and then i have been working on my truck

HAPPY EARTH DAY everyone :bibounce: :bibounce:

hugs & more hugs

Apr 22, 2006, 2:22 PM
Hi Arana,thanks for reminding though's of us that dont remember such day's like we should. Ifor one did get out and enjoy this beutifull dat here in North Texas. It was about 70 degrees,when i got up. Sun shining air crisp,the sun shining brightly,not a cloud in the sky. Another reason it was such a perfect day,i got to take about a 45 minute drive and i finally got to meet MISS RED . Y'all have a wonderfull and fantastic day :) ...

Apr 22, 2006, 2:23 PM
63 and partly cloudy with elegant blue skies here in the mountains. Think I'll go hiking later. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy my surroundings.


Apr 22, 2006, 3:16 PM
Thanks Arana, for the beautiful picture you painted, useing your words as a brush, and our minds as a canvas. I spent the morning with my father at a flea market looking for that elusive, lucrative deal. Just to be with him and still have the chance to listen to his stories is a blessing in itself (even if I have heard some of them more than once) :bigrin: Happy Earth Day to You


Apr 22, 2006, 3:17 PM
Been a lovely day here in scotland had my wee boy out at the park
not hot but warm and sunny

Apr 22, 2006, 4:28 PM
i and my friendgirl stayed in geting dirty wif each others bodys


Apr 22, 2006, 4:51 PM
Yes Happy Day to Everyone we have a beautiful day here in Washington clear sky warm with a ever so slight breeze. I took my little guys out for a walk and just enjoyed. :cool:

Apr 22, 2006, 4:52 PM
I awoke early to drop off a card and flowers to my ex. It's her birthday today and it fills my heart to give to her the beauty of nature.

Apr 22, 2006, 6:20 PM
It's a wonderful spring day in Montana. All the things Arana brought to our attention are happening here. 75 and sunny, all here have spring fever. Enjoy I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 22, 2006, 6:33 PM
It has been a beautiful day here in Iowa also. Sunny, bright but a wind that is chilly. About 60-65. But from winter to this....I love it!! The tractors are in the fields plowing and kids are out playing (like mine is) and it's just so perfect. Thanks arana! :bigrin:

Mrs.F :)

meteast chick
Apr 22, 2006, 8:04 PM
Hi 70's today, but gorgeous and clear skies galore. I did get outside and thank god for it because I'm not ready to turn on the a/c. Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses. The birds are chirping and by and large I love it, but occasionally want to shoot the little annoying bastards!!!

luv and kisses,

Apr 22, 2006, 8:39 PM
I'm so glad some of you have shared your day with us. It's nice hearing about how everyone's day was and what you all were doing.

I got some of my garden shopping in so will be planting soon. I LOVE flowers and growing veggies. I came across a rose while I was out and about that was so pretty and if anyone knows it's name or who breeds it I would appreciate the information. I have a similar one called candy cane but it's not nearly as deep a burgundy and splattered looking as this one is. I've posted it along with a yellow one from my garden and my new violet and fern. :tong:

Thanks again and have a great weekend everyone!!!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Apr 23, 2006, 3:26 AM
weel happy earth day right back at you :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: it was so beutifull up here in oregon all sun ,i drive around at work alot so i had a good time looking at all the wonderfull sights human and non human. :bibounce:

Apr 23, 2006, 5:23 PM
We are all the children of Mother Earth...She provides for us during our lifes journey and takes us back into Her at the end of our journey...Happy Earth Day everybody... :paw: :paw: