View Full Version : How do i tell people im bi?

Dec 15, 2010, 10:40 PM
Just want to know some tips guys. Im a 28 bi male and have told my girlfriend im bi and now i want to tell someone else like mum family but i dont know if i should. Or should i keep it to myself?

Long Duck Dong
Dec 15, 2010, 11:04 PM
its personal choice and perference..... as you have to live with the reactions to your *coming out *

as for telling people your bi.... there is many different ways to say it... but only one way to say what you are... * I am bisexual *

now you know best how to talk with your family, you know them better than we do.... so my suggestion is talk to them in the same way you would talk about other issues....

Dec 16, 2010, 1:19 PM
As Long Dong Duck said, there really is the one way to say it. Telling friends is usually easier but of course that depends on the friends. Most of my closest friends know but not all. Those that don't know would probably accept it but at the same time, it might complicate our relationship and I would rather continue our friendship without complicating it for them. Those friends that do know are very accepting though I'm not sexual with any of them. And of course there are those friends that I am sexually active with and for that reason we are friends (with benefits).
Telling parents and family completely depends on how they will react. If it's something within their reality that they can't comprehend, I simply see no reason to let them know. Besides, your sexuality is your business and if they can't accept it, I see no reason in saying anything if they're going to reject it. Best to be gentle with yourself and confident in knowing this is who you are without having to tell everyone. However, if you feel this is what you want to do by exposing all about yourself, then of course it's your choice. If you're willing to live with the consequences of revealing that part of you, then it's in your hands. But you can't control how others are going to react and if you can accept that then it's your choice. All these things that all of us tell you I am sure you already know. Best to you whatever your choices may be.

Dec 16, 2010, 11:59 PM
I do not tell. I prefer to keep it for my self. I it not peoples business that I like to suck cock

Magic Couple
Dec 17, 2010, 12:57 AM
its personal choice and perference..... as you have to live with the reactions to your *coming out *

as for telling people your bi.... there is many different ways to say it... but only one way to say what you are... * I am bisexual *

now you know best how to talk with your family, you know them better than we do.... so my suggestion is talk to them in the same way you would talk about other issues....

I agree 100%. My Parnts never knew for sure. My mom knew my brother was before he died and I am sure she suspected I am before she died. I never told ether one of my parents. I now my mom would have been ok with it. My dad would have flipped out. I guess I was just scarred of dissapointing my mom. The choice is yours. Start with the more understanding parent if you decide to tell them. That parent can prob. help you come up with the easiest way, time. and place to tell the other.

Dec 17, 2010, 8:46 AM
Each of us must do what is best for us. I've chosen to tell only lovers and a very few trustworthy friends. I never wanted to know about my parents' sex life, so why should I reveal mine to them?

Dec 17, 2010, 1:12 PM
user humor to tell folks serious things, lightens the mood.

"Knock Knock"

"who's there?"

"I don't care, let's fuck!" *

* don't use on family members.

Dec 17, 2010, 7:57 PM
user humor to tell folks serious things, lightens the mood.

"Knock Knock"

"who's there?"

"I don't care, let's fuck!" *

* don't use on family members.

I don't think that would work real well at work either.
Well, it would not work well where I work.

Mar 23, 2011, 5:41 PM
Just want to know some tips guys. Im a 28 bi male and have told my girlfriend im bi and now i want to tell someone else like mum family but i dont know if i should. Or should i keep it to myself?

whats the point?ain't no bodys business but your own.

roy m cox
Mar 24, 2011, 3:24 AM
user humor to tell folks serious things, lightens the mood.

"Knock Knock"

"who's there?"

"I don't care, let's fuck!" *

* don't use on family members.

LOL joe i think i can say this for every one hear we love you :tong:

and i keep my being bi to my self,, some people tend to give fat lips or they quit being your friend :(

Mar 24, 2011, 9:44 AM
I did the coming out thing back in October of last year to my wife first... things went ok which I was not expecting. Then I came out to a really close friend of mine, female, and a gay guy who is on our cast at a Refair I work at. Then at work there is one guy who knows... most of the reception has been acceptable so far. I know the feelings you get when first coming out about it... you really, or at least I felt, want to tell the world and be Bi-Proud! but I have also found that one experience where when they found out I could see the look in their eyes questioning why. As much as I trust this woman I still worry that she might pass the word before Im ready.... pick carefully if you want to only have selected people knowing.... if not... Tell the world the way you want to!

PS... Joe... Im stealing the joke!!! LOL!!


Mar 24, 2011, 1:40 PM
Just want to know some tips guys. Im a 28 bi male and have told my girlfriend im bi and now i want to tell someone else like mum family but i dont know if i should. Or should i keep it to myself?

i think i would keep it....dont think you want to upset anyone that dont need to be. they can wonder but i wouldnt do it for sure. that would give them something else to worry about cause the first thing they think about is HIV or Hep C. i just wouldnt do it. if they ask then you can use your judgment to tell them but i wouldnt voluntary tell them. if my mother would have ask me i would have told her that i have had man to man contact but basically i like women mostly.

Mar 24, 2011, 8:03 PM
Keep it for yourself It is none of their business what you are.
Some older generations can have difficulties coping with it