View Full Version : Anticipating some sexual fun!

Dec 15, 2010, 5:14 PM
Dianna will be home shortly ... I've texted her to let her know that both TVs have great movies running. All the way to the bedroom she'll hear the moans of the great videos playing. One is a Bimaxx vid of boys and girls in a gym all over each other. Everyone is doing everyone else! The other is a great guy-guy flick from Europe with cute young twinks messing around in the grass and exploring every possible hole!

Dianna and I should have lots of great fantasy sex tonight!


Dec 15, 2010, 6:43 PM
i remember, with a laugh, my first porn movie. hen's night, i'm virginal 19, and all the women were commenting on 'yes, they did that' or 'no, never tried that' etc. one particular pose, movie chick was in the men's locker room, mouth full, rear end full. i got such a surprise i choked on my vodka and orange and had to be carried out of the room gasping for breath. only remember being feeling terribly embarrassed. now, i'd like to make my own with my hub and his new buddies (he's bi???). have you tried homemade porn?

Dec 15, 2010, 8:56 PM
Have fun! My fantast fest is going to happen saturday night! woohoo! can't wait