View Full Version : transsexual, transvest or hermaphrodite

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2006, 10:02 AM
I am curious.... and damm glad i am not a cat....lol

I noticed that cruising thru the forum, that there is next to no mention of people having or having had transexual, tranvestite or hermaphrodite partners

now either we are too ashamed to admit it...not comfortable admitting it... don't think the world needs to know about it...or... haven't gone there

but I am actually curious..... part from the obvious difference in parts....can anybody tell me is the feeling of coupling ( sexual or non sexual ) with any of the the 3 people, is different, in the ways of emotional feeling etc

I have been with a pre op trans M2F and I was drunk.... ( dammit ) so i can't remember much.... but with the few I have been around ( non sexually and sober ) I noticed that they are not overly feminine, like some gay males can be but lady life feminine... one had to prove to me she was pre op cos I swore she was a natural born she... beleive me.. its hard to argue with a 5 o'clock shadow on a lady

Apr 22, 2006, 12:58 PM
My very first experience was with a wonderful TV. It was a great experience and I truly enjoyed being with her. In fact, I feel lucky that my first time was with a TV. She was very passable and very sensual. We dated for a little while until a job transfer took her out of state. This was many years ago but I often think of her and wish I could duplicate the moment.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2006, 11:29 PM
thanks for that....

I have to admit to a odd kind of curiosity, lol we are so used to male / female relationships and interaction and its been sticking in my mind that tho TV / TS / hermaphrodites are male and female, that the minor differences in mental and emotional states, may lead to a new experience in relationships

I guess in a sense that being bisexual, for me, may be close to what life can be like for a hermaphrodite...except, they are blessed with a complete dual sexual body... but I admit my curiosity extends well between the sex aspect

its often felt that males have a restricted emotional range as opposed to a female, and females have the multi tasking aspect and ability to work out situations faster and more in depth than males and tho studies may indicate that to be the case....thats broad spectrum and I haven't found any study that investigates the same finding over the full sexual Identity range

so lol I am currently curious if a person that is BI / TV / TS / HERM...and open to the aspects of both sexs...is more likely to have the mental and emotional range of both sexes

Apr 23, 2006, 3:22 AM
im also one of those people that are glad their not a cat.he he he for im a very curius person to. i have not had the chance to be with eather of the three.although it is not out of the question. i have met a couple of transv.one i had know idea my freind had to spell it out to me he he he that was rather funny.and the other was rather sad cause he made the uglest woman i have ever seen.dont get me wrong its not the ugly part that botherd me it was she did not know how to dress or put on makeup or even careie thems selves right.i did not say anything im not that way,its not right, so i just talked to them like any other person,i figured she was having a hard time with their knew selves.or a bad hair day we all have them.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 23, 2006, 4:23 AM
~ smiles ~ yeah I agree, some of the TV out there, are not attractive.. nor feminine.... but they are happy... and thats awesome

I did a google search on gender reassignment surgery and in a few sites, noticed that the emphasis was on feminine model type TV / TS... it came as no surprise that even in a socially taboo area....the " media " focus is on the * 5 % * of TV / TS, .... ~ sighs ~..