View Full Version : santa

Dec 11, 2010, 6:52 PM
when santa empties his sack......what do you hope it will be?

Dec 11, 2010, 7:47 PM
Well, it depends. Am i dreaming big without a limit on the pricetag? Or am I being realistic?

If I were dreaming big.....a new kitchen. Yeah, a $40,000 makeover.

In my world though.....I love Crayola. Anything about crayons, colored pencils, coloring books. Coloring destresses me. Seeing the green and yellow Crayola boxes makes me very happy.

Of course, coloring at the breakfast bar in my new kitchen would make me ecstatic!


Dec 11, 2010, 8:01 PM
Well, it depends. Am i dreaming big without a limit on the pricetag? Or am I being realistic?

If I were dreaming big.....a new kitchen. Yeah, a $40,000 makeover.

In my world though.....I love Crayola. Anything about crayons, colored pencils, coloring books. Coloring destresses me. Seeing the green and yellow Crayola boxes makes me very happy.

Of course, coloring at the breakfast bar in my new kitchen would make me ecstatic!


Its yours mistress if I win the Lottery lol.

Dec 11, 2010, 9:09 PM
haven't seen my fella for 6months as he's been working up north where the work is, so him naked with a ribbon around his.... any sub-present in the form of a mouthful would also be bliss. otherwise, i have everything i need and most of what i want. a girlfriend and i gave each other the oxfam gift of a chicken with chicks to a below-poverty family in laos. have to say, i feel really good about that. anyone interested can visit the oxfam site, to donate gifts in the name of loved ones (or if you have to, those you want to piss off). there's really cheap presents $10 too. love that karma thing.

Dec 12, 2010, 12:57 AM
sorry, should have added this to the oxfam idea. if you really want to feel good this christmas, be santa and take a stack of long-life food to a charity shop. over here we can adopt-a-family, prepare a hamper of xmas goodies for them. the charities have lists of families struggling. with the gfc, i imagine plenty of people in the world need a helping hand this xmas. pressies for kids, food for the family. i have to say, you feel real warm inside when you do stuff like this. hope you feel inspired to make some unknown's christmas this year.

Dec 12, 2010, 9:31 AM
"I want peace on earth and goodwill toward man." (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105435/quotes?qt0448929)

Add on oh say, 75 million dollars, one 5 million dollar house complete with television wall in large family room. Of course, the tv wall probably won't get watched much. Maybe watch Sneakers, Criminal Minds, Numbers, M*A*S*H (movie & series), Mork & Mindy, MacGyver, Supernatural, Law & Order, NCIS, Labyrinth. Think that's all ... hm ... Okay maybe some classic Woody Woodpecker, Betty Boop, Roadrunner, Three Stooges (don't tell the wife), Marx Brothers (tell the wife and I die).

<sighs> Ah, yeah ... private cabin in the woods, one on a beach too.

My boy Munchie back home with Da.

All of these dreams for Ho Ho man to fill. I'll be thankful of just a hug.

Dec 12, 2010, 10:55 AM
Well when Santa is ready to unload his sack,I'll be on my knees waiting. HO!HO!HO!HOT :)

Dec 12, 2010, 4:27 PM
Hmmm well Santa could drop off an airline ticket and a couple mill so there would be no worries about visas and the like. Failing that he could drop off a new employer or two in my town or a Congress that actually works at trying to create jobs instead of blocking unemployment payments.

Dec 12, 2010, 5:23 PM
Bizel's altruistic suggestion is a good one, well in keeping with the spirit of the holidays---but I think the point of the OP is to see what sort of stuff we want----so with that in mind, the following is my dream list stuff from Santa.

Since we are dreaming here----my wish list from Santa would be a package of goodies that includes at least one full-frame, pro-grade DSLR camera complete with a set of just about every lens imaginable, filters, studio lighting gear and other pertinent accessories along with full boat Photoshop and other editing software programs and also---a pro-grade HD video cam and gear along with high end video editing software.

Getting such stuff would both be fun and help to further the kind of work I have been doing in recent years---allowing me to potentially break into higher levels of income--so my desire to get stuff like this is not purely just for fun--but having practical results too.

It is a dream to get a load of such stuff all at once since the cost of what I am talking about here--could easily run to around $100,000---which is at present-- is way out of my budget range.

Dec 12, 2010, 9:46 PM
Is this a trick question????

When santa empties his sack,....what do I hope it will be...??

Isn't it the obvious answer....EMPTY?????

Dec 13, 2010, 12:17 AM
llllllllll - Well when Santa is ready to unload his sack,I'll be on my knees waiting. HO!HO!HO!HOT
BareHunter45 - Is this a trick question????
When santa empties his sack,....what do I hope it will be...??
Isn't it the obvious answer....EMPTY?????

I'm with the above. However, I hope that Santa also leaves a hefty amount of 'appreciation' in the form of money or jewellry. Thousands would be good, millions would be better.

Dec 13, 2010, 11:03 AM
I'd like a group of hot bi friends kind of like the ones at the top of this page next to the bisexual.com logo.