View Full Version : Anyone seasick yet???

Dec 8, 2010, 3:40 PM
I just had to share the link to this video: http://news.yahoo.com/video/world-15749633/horror-on-the-high-seas-23392390

There is no doubt--take a trip on a ship down to Antarctica there is a very high likely that if something goes wrong---you are pretty well shit outta luck!!

Those are some of the roughest seas in the world and once past a certain point----pretty much beyond the range of help that can arrive in time to save anyone.

Dec 8, 2010, 6:45 PM
Thanks, Volty, I'm green!

I went to Germany and back on troop ships. I hope I never see another fukkin' ship as long as I live! The English Channel and the North Atlantic was like being in hell for me.

I get air sick, too, but it just doesn't last so long!

Dec 9, 2010, 3:28 AM
just watching the video made me feel a little technicolor . . . remind me not to book an antartic cruise lol

Dec 9, 2010, 10:34 AM
I do admit that I would like to go down there to at least see the icebergs, the "coastline" of the continent which is actually the ice sheet and whatever else that you can see on one of those ships--I would sure capture some great photos--there is one of those "coffee table" books that just came out with some incredible photos taken by a top photog---the photos he took are really something.

I had hoped to get down there while in the service by getting assigned to an ice breaker but there weren't any billets available at the time in my rating.

It sure doesn't look as though those passengers on that ship are having all that good of a time right now--its taking them days to get back to port since the ship is only moving at about five miles per hour headway.

Some kinda FUN!!!! :bigrin::bigrin:

Dec 9, 2010, 5:03 PM
I do admit that I would like to go down


Dec 11, 2010, 9:06 AM
Whoa......I bet there were quite a few passengers saying their prayers during that rock and roll.

Here's my question. The camera that is shooting the footage seems to be stable. I could not even begin to guesstimate the distance between the camera and the ship but it clearly isn't far. Why isn't the camera bobbing and dipping like the cruise ship? Anyone?

Dec 11, 2010, 10:53 AM
They are probably using stabilized cameras, with gyroscopes in 'em.

Without gyros, you might get motion sickness watching the video!

I know I would!