View Full Version : Gender

Dec 8, 2010, 1:21 PM
The other night in chat we were discussing the gender of items... here are some that made me smile:

They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

These are female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again. They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong ones.

Tires are male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated

Also a male object, because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under their butt.

These are female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.

Female, because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.

Definitely male, because they always use the same old lines for picking up people..

Egg timers are female because, over time, all the weight shifts to the bottom.

Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at all, and are occasionally handy to have around.

Female. Ha! You probably thought it would-be male, but consider this: It easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying

Dec 8, 2010, 2:10 PM
Those are wonderful -- a great chuckle. Thanks for sharing.

Dec 8, 2010, 3:04 PM
Photocopiers are definitely female- they give you more trouble and drama than all the other office equipment combined.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 12, 2010, 4:53 PM
I spoke with you briefly last night, and I was only trying to find out about the status of 2 T.O. CITY-TV employees, and you so rudely blew me off, the reason being completely unknown to me, because I know I never said anything insulting. (Mark Dailey & Miles O'Brien)

When I joined this site, I read the rules, which clearly stated the you were expected to be polite & respectful, and these were the only reasons I joined, but last night you crossed the line, and yes, I read your ad before I spoke with you, as I told, and I couldn't possibly have a romantic interest in you, it was just open chit-chat.

I have to question your motivations for being on a bisexual site, as you freely admit you're neither bi/bi-curious/lesbian/gay?

If you're allowed on here, we can expect every Kinsey 6 gay to join, and tell us all, or should I say coerce us that we need to OUT ourselves for the LGBT cause. Are we just better than a novel about your fantasies, that you wish you would have read/acted on, at an earlier age?

Shame on you!

couple of things..... the rules state be polite, they do not say we must talk with everybody..... nor be interested in talking with everybody.....

it may be bisexual,com.... but nowhere in the rules does it say every person must be bisexual to be here.......
there are people that are bi friendly, bi allies, learning about bis, bi supportive etc.....

my own partner has been questioned over why she is here cos she is straight.... yet there have been a number of bi people that have thanked her for sharing the straight perspective, sharing about having a bi partner, sharing about the ups and downs of our relationship...etc etc......

there are those bisexuals out there that embrace people like peg and my partner and many other gay / lesbian / trans members that are part of this site as they can share and answer questions from a perspective that most bis can not.....and it makes bisexual.com a place where people can come and learn about bisexuality, being bisexual and living / loving bisexuals......
and see how judgemental some bisexuals can be about other sexualities and people.....

Dec 12, 2010, 5:03 PM
Oh someone's dissing my Peg ?

Get the torches and pitchforks!

Dec 12, 2010, 5:16 PM
Out of all the dramallama threads we have here, this one thread was one for laughs. No drama.

You just crapped on it, and brought drama into it.

Who's the one who failed again ?

Dec 12, 2010, 5:22 PM
Out of all the dramallama threads we have here, this one thread was one for laughs. No drama.

You just crapped on it, and brought drama into it.

Who's the one who failed again ?

I love you, Joe :)

Long Duck Dong
Dec 12, 2010, 5:22 PM
your point is you took issue with pegs conduct within the chat and now you are making a big deal out of it on the forums and using that to support your straight people do not belong here, stance.....

unless the rules state bis only, pegs welcome here.... as long as peg never broke the rules in drews eyes ( site owner ) peg is welcome here...... and I will act in the same accepting manner that I would like to have from others......

you may be a person that is fine with seperatism and elitism..... but this site is not about that and most of the members are demonstrating the same level of accepting that they seek from other sexualities..... and bis like you, demonstrate the same seperatism that we fight against

I have lost count of the number of times in the site that my own partner has been told to leave cos shes not * suitable * for the site cos shes straight.... the fact shes the partner of a bi person, bi friendly, bi supportive, seems to not matter......

who needs judgment from the mainstream community when we have it amongst our own ranks.......

Dec 12, 2010, 5:31 PM
It is total Bull to say that if someone is straight they have no reason to be here---my only criteria on who I don't want here are those who diss other people in a nasty way----making personal attacks on others---namely--the kind we call "trolls."

There is no place for them on here as far as I am concerned but otherwise--I don't care what sort of sexual identity someone who comes here claims to have----they are more than welcome.

I think that after being at this site for five years now---I can surely state what my preferences are in this regard!!!!

Dec 12, 2010, 5:43 PM
I feel that way, too, Volty.

I don't think the majority of us feel it's "US AGAINST THEM" but more like "US AND THEM!"

There's some really great straight folks here and if we were closer, I'm sure we'd be friends, too.

Dec 12, 2010, 5:52 PM
I support straight people being on this site - one extremely good example I can think of is straight partners of bi spouses. Generally speaking - if a person is in sympathy with the aims of the site - why shouldn't they be allowed to join? It seems to me the more straight people that get to know actual LGBT is a good thing - it makes us harder to demonize.

Peg seems pretty supportive to me, I'm sorry that you are so upset over this one incident where she did not or could not respond to your request.

I have been ignored on chat at this site and others before, it's not the end of the world, believe me.

Likewise there are some times when people I don't know PM me out of the blue and say something like "Wanna fuck?" - I usually don't respond to those at all because it's the analog IRL of a total stranger coming up to me in a public place and grabbing my crotch..that's not really as fun as it sounds.

Dec 12, 2010, 5:53 PM
..and I'm really sorry that this is yet ANOTHER thread that seems to have been hijacked by drama.

Dec 12, 2010, 6:19 PM
Excuse me? But you made it about sexuality when you said.

I have to question your motivations for being on a bisexual site, as you freely admit you're neither bi/bi-curious/lesbian/gay?

If you're allowed on here, we can expect every Kinsey 6 gay to join, and tell us all, or should I say coerce us that we need to OUT ourselves for the LGBT cause. Are we just better than a novel about your fantasies, that you wish you would have read/acted on, at an earlier age?

Shame on you!

Now, I've been in chat with Peg. I know how Peg is. She abhors fighting, life is too short for it. If a fight starts she ignores the participants or just leaves if it is the whole room. The fact is she blew you off cause she didn't want to talk to you. She returns pms to people she actually knows and has seen around the site. Your posting this here was just pretty pathetic as the majority of forum posters do not frequent chat and the chatters do not frequent forums so two disparate groups and you lose on both fronts.

People do not like to get randomly pm'd in chat, you could have asked if you could PM and she would have responded one way or another. Instead you not only jack this thread and turn it into an argument but you deliberately have posted in every other controversial thread to bring it back to the top of the forums. You have made comments about gays pushing people to be out, you've deliberately stirred the pot on the shemales thread and you will probably soon use the wonderful word "closeted". Before you do though, let us know what name to call you because right now there are a number of lately banned posters that come to mind with your phrasing and ideology.

Dec 12, 2010, 6:36 PM
I just learned an interesting saying the other day, supposedly from Japan...

"A woman's heart is like the winter sky - always changing, but mostly angry."

I shared this with Mrs. Coyote, and she threw something at me. Wonder why? :eek:

Dec 12, 2010, 6:45 PM
So just let it go and bring this back to the topic.

Thank you Peg for the nice laugh.

Dec 12, 2010, 6:45 PM
I' wouldn't be so quick to say moot and redundant. Well redundant perhaps. PEG has many friends here. I am one of them. Moot no. She belongs here like most. She contributes positively to the community, like most and she has a razor sharp wit I rather enjoy. PEG also answers all my PMs. Never have I seen her rant like an insolent child as you have here. Who has the problem? As for who belongs here; everyone. That's why I put the rainbow at the end of all my posts. Do us all a favour, grow up and get over yourself.:flag2::rainbow:

Dec 12, 2010, 6:47 PM

If you're allowed on here, we can expect every Kinsey 6 gay to join, and tell us all, or should I say coerce us that we need to OUT ourselves for the LGBT cause.

Shame on you!

No hun.. shame on you.. thats twice in these forums you've made this claim and it is simply bollox... you display a prejudice against gay and straight people which is neither welcome or acceptable, and by misrepresenting how gay people think as you do, you display much animosity toward them that we can do without... not every gay, not even as you put it, those who are Kinsey 6 thinks as you claim, and I do wish you would stop peddling such untruths..

Now stop trying to create friction where none exists.. there are far more important matters in this world than your real or imagined slight... if you wish to be confrontational do so on an issue of substance..

Dec 12, 2010, 9:08 PM
I, too, vote for getting back on topic. Peg, those definitions were absolutely hilarious. I greatly enjoyed reading all of those. Thank you for laugh today.:bigrin:

Dec 13, 2010, 5:29 AM
<giggles> - the definitions are kinda funny. I never learned one of those "romantic" languages - you know the ones where people actually ascribe gender to objects.. I'm thinking a car might be bisexual ..

Dec 13, 2010, 10:13 AM
wow you folks are somethin else :)

I had NO idea this was going on, so thank you (you know who you are) for the heads up. Simple explanation for what happened is: I was busy.

DD: right on... I speak in pm ONLY to people I know well.

I was multitasking when 'alliswell' pmmed me. I do believe I even replied to him (politely). I noticed he left the room abruptly. Life goes on. If someone is THAT sensitive that they get all bent out of shape because someone doesn't reply immediately, then that person needs to grow a thicker skin. And those sentiments have nothing WHATSOEVER to do with ones' sexual orientation IMO.

Thank you all for your kind remarks (blush).

I love you elian :)


Dec 13, 2010, 2:15 PM
<trying to come up with a witty gender definition>

Dec 13, 2010, 4:58 PM
A bit of a twist on the OP but cute even if patently untrue in some cases of either gender :)

THINGY (thing-ee) n.
female: Any part under a car's hood.
male: The strap fastener on a woman's bra.

VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.
female: Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another.
male: Playing football without a helmet.

COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.
female: The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.
male: Scratching out a note before suddenly taking off for a weekend with the boys.

BUTT (but) n.
female: The body part that every item of clothing manufactured makes "look bigger."
male: what you slap when someone's scored a touchdown, homerun, or goal. Also good for mooning.

COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.
female: A desire to get married and raise a family.
male: Not trying to pick up other women while out with one's girlfriend.

ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.
female: A good movie, concert, play or book.
male: Anything that can be done while drinking

FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n.
female: An embarrassing by-product of digestion.
male: An endless source of entertainment, self-expression and male bonding.

MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.
female: The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve.
male: Call it whatever you want just as long as we end up in bed.

REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.
female: A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
male: A device for scanning through all 75 channels every 2.5 mins.

Dec 13, 2010, 11:49 PM
Those are good to Darling! I love them!

Dec 14, 2010, 9:00 PM
wow you folks are somethin else :)

I love you elian :)


Aww ... <blushes>

Hey, can you please tell the PM to unplug those huge industrial fans that keep blowing cold air across the border?