View Full Version : ask me questions

Dec 6, 2010, 10:20 PM
Hi everyone. I am a guy and I like answering questions about sex. About what I like to do etc. so if you are interested ask me something sexy!!
this could be fun!

love roz.

Dec 12, 2010, 2:08 AM
Do you ever sunbathe where there's the possibility someone might be watching and you masturbate?

Dec 19, 2010, 7:06 PM
Do you ever sunbathe where there's the possibility someone might be watching and you masturbate?

I have once done this. i was living in a shared house many years ago. I was home alone relaxing in the back yard on a banana lounge reading. I noticed that my male neighbor was standing at the window on the top floor of his house watching me. i smiled at him and waved. i then saw him place his hand on his crotch and start to rub.
i put my book down and did same. I then thought that I would take this up a notch so i took my shorts and underwear off, leaving me laying there naked with a rather large and hard erection. i slowly started to stroke my cock. I noticed him gasp as I did all of this. He then took his clothes off producing a lovely hard cock! we locked eyes as we both stroked ourselves to orgasm.
He then beckoned me to come over and visit him. But that is a story for another time.

Dec 19, 2010, 10:19 PM
It took six days to have a question posted, then another seven to attain a response. This noted, is it difficult to write up these stories?

Apologies, it reads like a fake to me. I may be incorrect in that perception, yet it appears there is a valid point in asking.

But I'll follow suit for giggles. Have you ever used ice in sexual play? Does it make you harder or kill attraction?

Dec 20, 2010, 12:39 AM
It took six days to have a question posted, then another seven to attain a response. This noted, is it difficult to write up these stories?

Apologies, it reads like a fake to me. I may be incorrect in that perception, yet it appears there is a valid point in asking.

But I'll follow suit for giggles. Have you ever used ice in sexual play? Does it make you harder or kill attraction?

Sure have used ice, Void---sure adds something to oral fun--both giving and getting. Sure makes the nips get nice and hard--on both gals and guys!!

Dec 20, 2010, 4:45 AM
Uh huh. I like using with ladies. Surprises them when a guy gets more fired up instead of running away. :) Of course, there's only one lady, now and probably forever and a day. Same with my guy. I'm just so grateful and happy they are both wonderful and understanding loves.

"Well, I owe, I owe and so off to work I go." I get to bang 200lb wooden bin boxes into shape until Wednesday. <sarcasm> "Joy of joys! Love my job, love my job. No, I don't want to stay in bed like a rational person, heck no, love my job!" </sarcasm>

Dec 20, 2010, 6:48 PM
It took six days to have a question posted, then another seven to attain a response. This noted, is it difficult to write up these stories?

Apologies, it reads like a fake to me. I may be incorrect in that perception, yet it appears there is a valid point in asking.

But I'll follow suit for giggles. Have you ever used ice in sexual play? Does it make you harder or kill attraction?

Hi, Nope, this is a true story. I just thought I would write it up nicely. Sorry if it looked like something from penthouse forum.
In answer to your ice question; I have only ever used ice once, on a girl. It actually had a funny result. I was rubbing her clitoris et al with the ice cube when we heard a friend coming, I quickly removed my hand but left the ice cube up there. She and I then announced that we were going for a walk. We left and found a small set of stairs around the corner form the house that seemed secluded enough. She took her pants of and straddled me which caused the now melted ice to stream out over my jeans. oh well, twas summer and dried pretty quickly, and the sex was great...

Dec 20, 2010, 6:50 PM
It took six days to have a question posted, then another seven to attain a response. This noted, is it difficult to write up these stories?

Apologies, it reads like a fake to me. I may be incorrect in that perception, yet it appears there is a valid point in asking.

But I'll follow suit for giggles. Have you ever used ice in sexual play? Does it make you harder or kill attraction?

oh, and your point re the length of time for me to get a question and for me to write a response. I dont check this site everyday. It took me about 5 minutes to write the said response.