View Full Version : New Guy Here

Dec 6, 2010, 8:50 PM
I just thought I pop my post cherry by introducing myself briefly. I'm a bi guy with a small amount of experience under my belt (relatively speaking of course) and I'm currently dating a girl. She knows I'm bi and accepts it but it is definitely a source of mild tension in our relationship. I was just wondering if anyone else has similar issues? I actually have a lot of questions now that I'm thinking because everyone I know is either straight or gay, I don't know anyone who's bi! I won't bombard everyone with all of my questions right now, I just wanted to say hi and get a feel for what y'all are like.

Dec 6, 2010, 10:08 PM
hi loveinlife, i'm partner of bicurious bloke so i'm of absolutely no help to you. but the people here are generally fabulous and very generous with sensible advice. welcome aboard and best of luck.

Dec 6, 2010, 10:31 PM
hi Love,

I am actually in a similar position. I have therefor not been having any sex with men, just my girlfriend. I keep my bi side for fantasies. it seems to be going ok but I do have days when I simply crave a nice big penis!!


Dec 6, 2010, 10:57 PM
Welcome "Lovin"!

I've been here a couple of years and feel genuinely at home. I classify myself as bisexual, too.

You'll find someone here, who will be in your fix, no doubt. Others will share their thoughts, I'm sure.

You'll find good and not so good advice here. Most of the members are very caring and courteous, but there's a few trolls and maybe a couple who love to get your ire up.

Take what you need and ignore the rest, is my advice. Just be yourself.

Dec 7, 2010, 8:13 AM
Was in a similar situation, but am once again single. In the end, it was moving from California back to New York that ended the relationship, not the underlying fact that I am Bi - we just dealt with it and she actually found it interesting and exciting when she understood me more.

If I have any advice, it would be communicate. We all don't fall in to the same "type" of Bisexual classification. Some of us are more in to the opposite sex but still feel the attraction/desire for the same sex. The gradations along that scale go all the way to the other extreme. Knowing where you fall along the bell curve is an important thing to understand. From there, you can communicate with your Girlfriend and help her to understand who you are and what it is you are looking for in life.

Here is a link to a Bisexual FAQ that can help the non-Bisexual understand a little more of who we are and what we are about : https://www.msu.edu/~alliance/faq/faqbisexuality.html

Good luck, and keep us posted.



Dec 7, 2010, 9:23 AM
Thanks for the input, roz009 described my situation pretty accurately. It's kind of tricky being in a heterosexual relationship and still maintaining your sense of identity, but it's nice to finally get to talk to people to understand.