View Full Version : Where in the hell has 12voltman gone?

Apr 20, 2006, 9:54 PM
Hello to all who remember me----

I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know where I have been---

Back when I was on here a great deal--it was winter, I had been kind of house bound due to some health issues, and I was not working at all due to my health so I had plenty of free time.

I had in fact been spending most of my time on here for a time. There was actually a stretch there where I spent nearly an entire week online here without much of a break!!!!

As some may remember--I had received notice at the beginning of the year that I was called to serve on my county's Grand Jury.

Initially--I was not selected to sit the first two months (Jan and Feb) but I was called to duty later and have been serving on the Grand Jury since the first of March. I finish up at the end of April--which of course is the end of next week.

It has been quite an experience---quite an education.

I had been employed for over six years as an adult felony probation/parole officer in two states and had thought I had "seen it all."

Man, was I wrong---serving on the Grand Jury has been an eye opener.

I am glad that I have only had to do two months and not the full four-month term of the Grand Jury as some of my fellow jurors have done--they figure that by the end of next week--they will have heard just over 2,000 cases.

The cases run the gamet of possible criminal cases ranging from things like bad checks, thefts, forgery and other "minor crimes" all the way to rapes and homocides.

The worst cases are those where children have been sexually molested by an adult. In recent days we have been presented with cases in which the suspects (well-off, middle aged men) have been caught with an extensive amount of child pornography on their computers.

If convicted of these offenses--these men face some very serious prison time.

But of course, as they say on true crime shows like "Cops," all of those whose cases who have come before us: "are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."

I am glad to be wrapping this up and handing off this duty to a new group of Grand Jurors. I feel sorry for them having to be cooped up in that basement meeting room during the next four months, and we have had some really serious criminal events in recent weeks that they will no doubt be tasked with dealing with.

Now that I am completing my civic duty --I now have to concentrate on getting another job. I am also planning to do some volunteer work and to get back to producing some new artwork.

With these things going on, along with spending time at the lake in the great outdoors--I will not be online much at all in the coming months.

I hope everyone has a good, safe, healthy, crime-free summer.

If you spend much time on here--have fun doing so as well--I may pop in from time-to-time but should be back come fall once the leaves are gone, the boat is back on shore and the snow is flying---until then---I am going to be outside as much as I can.

12voltman :cap: :cap:

Apr 20, 2006, 10:56 PM
Welcome back.
You do need to change tht font so i can read it.
I do hope you put all the bad ppl. where they belong.

Apr 21, 2006, 12:05 AM
Welcome back!!

....and a personal thanks for what you have been doing. I know it wouldn't have been easy hearing and seeing that which was presented to the Grand Jury. But honestly, thank you for taking the responsibility and helping to protect those who needed it so much! *hugs*

Move ahead in life with pride!

Apr 21, 2006, 12:13 AM
Glad to see you back online Volty! Bet that 4 months seemed long but you did get a new experience out of it and from what parts I could read of it (hint hint) quite an education. Look forward to seeing you back at chat when you can!

Apr 21, 2006, 11:26 AM
Well, FIRST, change the font. Some of us are old and well if the body has not started to go (which god knows mine has) the eyes need assistance.

SECOND, Welcome back to the most darling and dearest man. I so miss the intellectual stimutation that you have given in the past. Although you will be proud, others have stepped to the plate and followed your example with admiration. But still, no one puts a spin on a word like you. Although tales, lyrics and lots of love have been exchanged in your absence. Even a new treehouse and condo have been built. And a bear is never happy without a friend to catch fish with.

THIRD, kindly forgive the dligence and veracity of my search for you, your friends care, have always cared and will continue to care about you.

Now people. rejoice for HE has returned.

Loving Belle

Gee, sounds like an anthem for a long lost god, eh?

Apr 21, 2006, 12:49 PM
Thanks for not being one of the people that dodge their civic duty. And Thank you for dropping in to let us know how you are doing. I hope the health problems are improving.

I have missed you in the chat. You were one of the fine people at this site that gave me a very warm welcome. I hope that we get to see more of you soon. Until then, take care of yourself.


P.S. I hate to sound like a parrot but I would REALY appreciate it if you used a larger font. I enjoy reading your posts and it is very difficult to read them with such a small font. :)

Apr 21, 2006, 7:42 PM

Welcome back old friend,
I miss you greatly. I have not been on the site as often either though. But it is good to know you're alive and I hope well. I will know more when you enlarge the friggin' font so I can read it. LMFFBAO

ur ever luvin

Apr 21, 2006, 8:16 PM
What an experience for you...Welcome back, Voltman... :paw: :paw:

P.S. - I am sending you my eye-doctor bill cuz everytime I read your posts, I burst a blood-vessel in my eye-balls...