View Full Version : Wow a year has been and gone already!

Dec 4, 2010, 2:41 PM
Happy 1st Birthday to my Little Baby Girl!

i will put up Photos of how her special day has gone once i get the photos onto PC.

So far she has opened her Pressies from one side of the family, and have a big party this afternoon to go to!

i still cannot believe a year has come and gone already, its gone so fast and she has growen up very well and fast! learning new things everyday!

Love to all

Dec 4, 2010, 4:10 PM
congratulations to all. had a look at your other photos and she looks absolutely adorable. have a fabulous time and take all the pictures you can. she'll grow so quickly.

Dec 5, 2010, 8:32 AM

I saw an old LIFE magazine article, about a father who took a photo of his daughter at the same place at a beach resort, every year. He did that from his daughter's 1st birthday, until he died when she was 40. What a remarkable series of photos!

By the way, what does "Gleeky" mean?

Dec 5, 2010, 9:35 AM
Time sure does fly, Gleeky. I am always glad to hear that all is well with you and your progeny.

Take care--keep us informed.

Have a great holiday season.

Dec 5, 2010, 3:49 PM
Yes, we cannot believe " OUR " baby is a year old. Wishing mom and dad and sweet baby are doing well.


Dec 6, 2010, 12:39 AM
Saw this and meant to post earlier but exhaustion got me. Happy Birthday and Goddess Bless to your little one.

Dec 29, 2010, 3:48 AM
27th December my lil baby went on holiday early!!!! :eek:
She is staying with her Grandparents for a few days (there xmas pressie have her stay) OMG Tyga n i miss her so much x.x

Saw her on Skype video call tonight, she was all cute n stuff till she realised whom was on the screen and started to cry, my poor baby.
cant wait till thursday night when we drive up there for a week!!

OOOh here i almsot forgot!!

1= "oooo Whats that?"
2= Georgous laugh/smile
3= BIG chocolate Birthday cake for our big 1 year old.. (Cake went EVERYWHERE once she got her slice)
4= Pressie time!
5= Poor kid was sooo tired, that while playing paddy cake with her feet on the sliding door while having a bottle she totally zonked out (fell alseep on the floor)
Was the cutest thing, first time ever XD
More will come once i get em onto the pc....


Dec 29, 2010, 5:25 PM
AWWWWW!! Baby Gleeky is WWWWAYYYY CUTE!! She is gonna melt some hearts---of course she has mama's already I think we can tell!! :bigrin:

It is amazing at how fast this year went---and when it comes to kids---I have not had any of my own--but I know that time sure has flown by when it seemed like just yesterday the children of friends, cousins and such are now doing things like either graduating high school or college--some from Grad school!! Getting married or even having a little one of their own--and to think---that with them---it seems like just yesterday that they were being baptized, or christened---things of that sort!!!!

Time sure does fly by--enjoy the time you have with your little one--they get big so fast!!

Dec 29, 2010, 9:37 PM
Gleeky... Long time no chat... A Happy belated Birthday to Samantha... She is a beauty... I am very happy for you and Tyga... May your Pride and Joy give you many years of happiness... :paw::paw:

Dec 30, 2010, 9:40 AM
ohmygosh Gleeky :) hehe what a cutie she is.

Happiest ever New Years wishes to you, Tyga and Sam



Dec 31, 2010, 12:05 AM
OMG, has it been a year already??? Sees like just the other day we saw infant pics of her! Shes as pretty as her Mommy and I bet as witty as her Daddy.
Hugs to all of you and Happy Birthday to Miss Sam..:}