View Full Version : Just sharing (I do not condone this at all)

Dec 3, 2010, 12:24 AM
HAYDEN, Idaho (AP) — A white separatist drew complaints from neighbors and a visit from law enforcement officers after building a snowman shaped like a member of the Ku Klux Klan on his front lawn.

Kootenai County sheriff's deputies told Mark Eliseuson Wednesday that he could be charged with a crime because the 10-foot-tall snowman was holding what appeared to be a noose. Deputies were called by neighbors who were appalled by the pointy-headed snowman with two dark eyes.

Hayden for decades earned notoriety for being near the former rural compound of the Aryan Nations.

Eliseuson could have been charged with creating a public nuisance. Idaho law defines such a nuisance as anything "offensive to the senses" or that interferes with the comfort of an entire neighborhood. Eliseuson removed the noose and toppled the snowman after he talked with officers.

Eliseuson told KXLY-TV of Spokane that he sees nothing wrong with the snowman. But other people did.

"It's such a message of hate," said Amber Caldwell, who saw the snowman while visiting her cousin in the neighborhood. "My kids asked me about it and I had to explain what that symbol means."

Eliseuson has angered neighbors in the past by flying Aryan Nations flags at his home. At Halloween he passed out bullet casings after he said he ran out of candy.

I have attached the pic to the message....what some idiots will do..

Dec 3, 2010, 3:53 AM
Maybe the neighbours should have just 'vandalised' the creation with a banner reading:


Humour is a very good antidote to hate.

Dec 3, 2010, 5:00 AM
o guddie.. they foundya then:)? Have tossed an turned all nite worryin boutcha all nekky ovanite in the freezin snow.. didn wanna lose ya lil pearls a wisdom Heph.. an here we r wiv anotha..;)

Ya bits still attached?:tong:

Dec 3, 2010, 6:08 AM
o guddie.. they foundya then:)? Have tossed an turned all nite worryin boutcha all nekky ovanite in the freezin snow.. didn wanna lose ya lil pearls a wisdom Heph.. an here we r wiv anotha..;)

Ya bits still attached?:tong:

Ok have your jest - you worried, indeed. Last time I'me telling you anything. Had to rub my little pearls of wisdom back to life - that's my story and I'm sticky to it - apologies for the graphic puns.

Naturists Unite!

Dec 3, 2010, 6:46 AM
Wouldn't it suck to have someone like that as a neighbor?? Talk about deflating property values since a guy like him with his crazy shit, "don't tread on me" kinda thinking is probably like a loaded gun or bomb ready to go off.

You never know when the FBI, ATF and other Federal agencies might show up to bust him and you have another Ruby Ridge/Waco kinda thing.

Not too far from me--we had this old man who was sort of like this. He had a total hatred of "the forces of Babylon" and such----and to stick it in the eye of his neighbors, the township and county--- he built a fortified wooden wall around his entire two acre property.

He died a few years back, and over time---one of his sons has been very slowly taking down the walls around the property and the various structures inside the confines of the property the old man had built over the years.

The local township trustees and, of course, his neighbors hated the "fort" that the man had constructed on his property--but even though his property is now in a pocket of suburban style homes---it is actually in an area that was traditionally zoned rural/agricultural that has been gradually been converted to residential/planned unit devlopment zoning--but his work pre-dated those changed designations so it was grandfathered in.

When it comes to this case Duckie posted, I do have to wonder though if it is a good thing for government to be able to say that his putting up that sort of snowman is something potentially criminal or at least in violation of civil law----I know its pretty nasty stuff what this man did--but if I had kids and they asked me about the snowman and the noose--I think I would use it as one of those "teachable moments" to tell my kids about things like the Klan, extreme racism and such---and also say that it is kinda sad that someone's heart, mind and soul are so ate up with destructive things like hatred and anger this man demonstrated when he made a snowman of this sort.

Dec 3, 2010, 7:52 AM
Listenin 2 telly news this mornin ther wos a thing bout the misuse of the 999 emergency number.. lil girl foned up 2 get the polis 2 do summat bout whoeva nicked 'er snowman from 'er garden.. cant say me wud nick this guys nasty but mite jus demolish it... so much easier...:)

Ya can help Heph..clad or not..will try an not snigger.. honest...;)

Dec 3, 2010, 11:45 AM
I think in this case that the police were responding to calls and scrambling for anything other than "there is nothing we can do" Yet another example of our freedom at work in America. I don't agree with what he's done but unfortunately I have to agree with you, Volt, he had the right to do it. Parents should embrace the chance to explain the meaning and use it to let their children know that the real world has some real idiots in it at times.

Dec 3, 2010, 3:41 PM
I have to agree with Volty and DD, if a land where freedom of expression. thought, belief, etc, exists, then it has to allow those with ideals, which are despicable to the majority, to be aired...in any way which does not harm others. Certainly, a good time, if such a thing is spotted, to educate the young.

So....Yes, the man has to be allowed to build his monstrosity....exercise the freedom he has, to do so.......but others can then exercise their rights and freedom.....and kick the goddamn thing to pieces. Must work both ways......surely.

Dec 3, 2010, 5:12 PM
Sadly no, Canticle, it does not work both ways. In this instance the man destroyed it himself after a visit from the police, but if he stood firm and someone else came on his property and destroyed it, then you have trespass and criminal mischief charges that could be filed. That's the sucky part about having your hands tied but people still have the right to tell the man what a despicable person he is.

Dec 3, 2010, 9:06 PM
Someone should've built another KKK snowman directly across the street from this guy. A KKK snowman with its neck in a noose. Preferably with a sign saying: "See, it works both ways." But perhaps that would've been too subtle...:rolleyes:

And DD is right - going on to his property and vandalizing his "work of art" could result in criminal charges. So would thumbtacks hidden in the snow behind the wheels of his car. But I digress...

Dec 4, 2010, 4:18 AM
Sadly no, Canticle, it does not work both ways. In this instance the man destroyed it himself after a visit from the police, but if he stood firm and someone else came on his property and destroyed it, then you have trespass and criminal mischief charges that could be filed. That's the sucky part about having your hands tied but people still have the right to tell the man what a despicable person he is.

Yes, you are quite right, DD. I worded that last part badly (had been asleep and caffeine hadn't kicked in), and I thought about it later and realised it didn't read very well. I guess what I was really thinking, was that people should have the right to go and kick the damn thing to pieces. I actually was toying with adding....''but that wouldn't be legal, or right'' etc, etc. LOL. It's so darn cold here, even the brain cells are freezing. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

Dec 4, 2010, 6:05 AM
..wud still go in an bash it wiv a spade... or more fun.. batter it down wiv snowballs.. more fun... pity peeps wer me lives hav more decorum in a way.. doin me outa me bitta fun an civil disobedience..:(

.. only prob wiv that lil scenario is all round bout, every garden ther r eitha 3 metre high hedges or fences.. an gardens r not small.. so 'e cud build it an no 1 wud notice from street.. mayb from me upstairs tho...:tong: Still we hav a diseased Chestnut tree that we need choppin down.. :bigrin:

Dec 4, 2010, 11:38 AM
Damn thats bad, Personally if i was near this person i would sit outside on a lawn chair with a glass of rum and just call the police myself just to see this person arrested.

Racism is not right pure and simple.
