View Full Version : Top 3 countries for sexual satisfaction

Apr 20, 2006, 8:46 AM
Here's an interesting new sex study ... the top 3 countries for sexual satisfaction are 1 Austria, 2 Spain, 3 Canada, and the lowest levels are in Thailand, China, Indonesia, Taiwan and Japan. In Western countries — where men and women are considered equal — couples were more sexually satisfied. In countries where men are traditionally more dominant, men and women reported less satisfaction. Your thoughts about this?

Here's the whole article:

Canada third in new sex study
Austria tops satisfaction chart
Not too many Casanovas in Asia

Satisfaction is not guaranteed — not if you live, and love, on the Pacific Rim.

A new study found couples in Thailand, China, Indonesia, Taiwan and Japan report the lowest levels of sexual satisfaction in the world, while the hills of chart-topper Austria are alive with more than just the sound of music.

According to researchers at The University of Chicago, who interviewed 27,500 people between the ages of 40 and 80 in 29 countries, Canada ranks third, behind Austria and Spain, when it comes to sexual satisfaction. Countries such as Turkey, Egypt and Algeria were in the middle, while Japan was at the bottom.

The Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, billed as the first of its kind, found that in Western countries — where men and women are considered equal — couples were more sexually satisfied. In countries where men are traditionally more dominant, men and women reported less satisfaction.

"Male-centred cultures where sexual behaviour is more oriented toward procreation tend to discount the pleasure for women," said Edward Laumann, sociologist and lead author of the study published this month in Archives of Sexual Behavior.

But Fadi Abou-Rihan, adjunct professor in sexual diversity studies at the University of Toronto, argues if there were a direct correlation between gender equality and sexual satisfaction, then Japan would have scored higher than Egypt.

"Japan may have scored lower, not because of gender inequality, but because of the culture's attitude toward pleasure and toward the body."

After all, he joked, if gender equality equalled a better sex life, then most, if not all, men would become feminists.

Kirk Lin of the Taiwanese-Canadian Community Service Association said Taiwan's ranking didn't surprise him because people there are so busy working, they don't have time for sex.

"People here (in Canada) are more relaxed and have time to think about it and enjoy it."


Apr 20, 2006, 9:40 AM
But Fadi Abou-Rihan, adjunct professor in sexual diversity studies at the University of Toronto, argues if there were a direct correlation between gender equality and sexual satisfaction, then Japan would have scored higher than Egypt.

Wow! What a simplistic response.. how'd this guy ever become a professor?

Obviously there are more factors at work in sexual satisfaction than gender equality, however to discount that gender equality is a factor at all is very intellectually dishonest.

After all, he joked, if gender equality equalled a better sex life, then most, if not all, men would become feminists.Another moronic statement. It first assumes that the men in question understand the correlation. Second, it assumes that sexual satisfaction is more important to them than their religious and/or political beliefs.

Driver 8
Apr 20, 2006, 10:24 AM
I can't help noticing that two of the top three countries have legalized same-sex marriage. Maybe the Freedom to Marry people should work this into their campaign ... ?

Apr 20, 2006, 7:36 PM
Where's Norway??????

I've had 2 sexual "encouters" there one of each variety. :male: and :female:

Both left me breathless and replete.

Norway any time.