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Dec 1, 2010, 9:34 PM
so what did i say last night..... 'you can never tell.... '
the roller coaster continues as once again the layoff comes . its good that i don't own a gun as up set as it makes me./... the ugly head of unemployment has come knocking at my door should i start packing now or just wait till the shariff comes to evict this family out into the streets of nowhere..... fuck

Dec 1, 2010, 10:31 PM
I am sooo very sorry and my prayers are with you and your family.

Dec 1, 2010, 10:35 PM
Unemployment is rampant in the US and it's odd, normally this time of year stores are begging people to work even part time to fill the need as more people shop. Sadly, with the economy the way it is more and more people are barely buying the necessities let alone major Christmas gifts. The fact they denied the extension will cut off a lot of people soon and cold weather and holidays do not matter when they want to negotiate for tax cuts for the rich.

My thoughts are with you and I hope that you and your family find a way to make ends meet in this trying time.

Dec 2, 2010, 3:25 AM
Unemployment is one of the most soul destroying situations that a person can find themselves in.

In the UK our social welfare system was implemented to help out people like you in just such a predicament. Sadly this is being dismantled and abused while bankers are being steeped in millions for their incompetence and greed at the tax payers expense.

Borrowed from DD - "My thoughts are with you and I hope that you and your family find a way to make ends meet in this trying time."

Paul B.
Dec 2, 2010, 4:55 AM
Sorry to read of your employment situation. There is a pretty high likelyhood that I will be in the situation after the holidays. We are about the same age & ageism is definitely a factor, to say nothing of the biphobia that is out there. Being from a working class background, I used to heap a lot blame on myself in these situations. NO MORE. I believe we live in a corporatist plutocratic system. The middle class in this country has been gutted in favor of a wealthy governing class that moves seamlessly between the public & private sectors. It has become the playground of the well-healed and the well connected. I probably won't live to see it, but there's probably another civil war in this country's future. All one can do is try to do what is indicated on a daily basis & keep one's head up knowing that nobody can take away your human dignity, regardless of your current or future circumstances.

Dec 2, 2010, 5:01 AM
My thoughts and best wishes go to you and your family, terri, and like Heph thank kismet that I live in a country where, for all its drawbacks, still does much to prevent those who fall on hard times through no fault of their own from losing their home. Yet people do still lose their homes and end up on the street through no fault of their own even now, and sadly this will become more commonplace as our government makes the less well off pay more than it should for the crisis.

It is a mark of the true greatness or otherwise of a nation, just how well it protects the interests of the poorest sectors of its society...

Dec 2, 2010, 9:22 AM
Our prayers are with you and we understand your situation. We are both unemployed her for 2 years and myself for 18 months now. Her unemployment has stopped as the claim ran out. we are living only on my unemployment now and still have to try and pay the rent and everything else.

Dec 2, 2010, 11:02 AM
How are those here who have been unemployed long time managing to pay their living expenses? I am self-employed, but I know I couldn't manage more than a very short period of being without income.

Dec 2, 2010, 11:21 AM
How are those here who have been unemployed long time managing to pay their living expenses? I am self-employed, but I know I couldn't manage more than a very short period of being without income.

Live in a welfare state, Jamie..it can be an is done.. ya'll nev b rich but u ya wife an kids will live, eat, get free medical treatment an still hav a roof ova ya head.. but don u fret an worry now... Cameron an Cleggie r doin ther damnedest 2 put a stop 2 alla that..

Dec 2, 2010, 7:43 PM
First off... Hang in there Terri. I feel your pain.

How are those here who have been unemployed long time managing to pay their living expenses? I am self-employed, but I know I couldn't manage more than a very short period of being without income.

This has been a 2 year struggle for me. Starting at the beginning to the down fall until now.

My business finally closed its doors last summer. I couldn't keep it open once my savings ran out. I was lucky enough to sell what was left of it for mere pennies on the dollar. As for me now, I am doing what I can. I can't get unemployment because I was self employed. Unfortunately, I am down to the last dollars from the sale. We sold everything we had and have continued to down size. I believe I have done everything I could possibly do and live on as little as we can. We will see what happens. I am just praying for a job to come along quick.

Sadly, it is all we can do to stay in the places we are with a roof over our head, as I have left my home to find a future for my family. Luckily where I am at has free internet. HAHA! It's the little perks that make you smile anyway.

I built one empire and I can do it again! ....is my attitude at the moment. :bigrin:

Dec 2, 2010, 8:39 PM
How are those here who have been unemployed long time managing to pay their living expenses? I am self-employed, but I know I couldn't manage more than a very short period of being without income.

Basically we were making ends meet with the federal extensions on unemployment, Jamie. That ended thanks to the lame duck Congress. Now all anyone can do is to keep trying to find a job that doesn't exist or we'd have already had one.

Dec 2, 2010, 11:05 PM

While I presently work it is as what the company refers to as Seasonal Employment. This means I work full time hours without full time benefits.
My paycheck for over last week ran a couple hundred short of expectations. Most companies when paying holiday pay, use double time, not so in this case.

We got a straight time eight hours for one day. Yes, I took two days off for Thanksgiving, expecting the double time to blunt the lose. Silly me. I can still empathize for locating even this work consisted of a struggle. And I could be laid off at a moments notice. "See ya next year!" Doubt I'll return.

queer id,

"All one can do is try to do what is indicated on a daily basis & keep one's head up knowing that nobody can take away your human dignity, regardless of your current or future circumstances."

I don't know. Having to move back in with a parent when you're near forty and married, to just get by, sort of puts a toll on self esteem, dignity. My wife and I really don't dream or hope much, now. Paychecks are gone sooner than they come.

Some guy called Bill insists on being paid, too. And then of course we help mom out, simply because we live here without paying rent, nice gesture to help out. And I would even if not asked because mom is mom, family helps family. That civil war may come sooner than any of us realize. I beg that it be an evolution instead of revolution. We don't need more of the same to come back 'round, again.

Well, I'm retiring for the eve. Run 'er slow.

Paul B.
Dec 3, 2010, 8:49 AM
Your absolutely right Void Dweller. Easy to give advice when one isn't actually in the situation. Was trying to offer some encouragment, that's all. The economy is reportedly in a recovery while anecdotally, just about everyone I run into these days has a hard luck story of some kind.

Dec 3, 2010, 8:54 PM
Agreed on the 'hard luck' being abundant. It keeps getting tougher going for most of us. But we got to keep going. I'm grateful for health, food, shelter, clothing and being loved. Least I may do is continue on for the sake of gratitude. That's what helps me, your milage may vary, standard disclaimer applicable, void where prohibited. :)

Dec 3, 2010, 9:33 PM
My thoughts are with you.

I've been unemployed for nearly two years now - the end of January will be the anniversary. My unemployment benefits are pretty much used up, so I'm burning through my savings while living at home with my mother (great for the ego, that) - who just got laid off herself. Fortunately, she was due to retire in a month (but she won't get all of this year's pension contributions since she "didn't work a full year" - evil bastards), so once she starts collecting her retirement benefits and my father's pensions, she'll be fine.

As for me, barring accidents or unplanned expenses, I have about 8-9 months of reserves standing between me and the financial grim reaper. I can only hope - for everyone's sake - that the economy improves quickly. Not just here, but in all the countries that have been suffering.

I hope your situation improves more quickly than mine. :)
