View Full Version : So...is she or isnt she?

Dec 1, 2010, 6:53 PM
Well, guys, girls, hello to everyone :) Last Saturday, I did two things that were completely new to me...

a) I went speed-dating. It was the first time that I actually did that. In Spain this is relatively new and, as I have heard about it in movies and stuff like that, I thought it could be fun. I met lot of nice girls and had a laugh, and some of us even stayed at the place after the session had ended to have a few beers, and there was this gorgeous French petite girl who had a magnificent body... certainly, good things dont last forever, and in a few minutes a girlfriend was calling me to tell me that she needed my help on a nearby pub. So, off I went...

b) I made love to a lesbian... yeah, you people can stop gasping now (although I think that this is not so uncommon...). I dunno how it started. I just entered into a lesbian bar that is known around my town, and then, all of a sudden, there is this girl sticking her pierced tongue into my mouth. So, I, naturally, had to follow her lead. We were both wonderfully and truthfully drunk and high. She told me her name, she told me she was a nurse in the local hospital. I told her I was bisexual and she told me she was bisexual as well, although she hadnt been with a guy for two years as of that night. She had been in a long-term relationship with a girl and had just broke up with her a few weeks ago. So, thing is, she was not exactly a feminine girl... she was heavy-set, and was a little bit of "butch" appearance, but still girly enough for me to find her attractive. Anyway, we ended up in her apartment. I was extremely careful while making love to her (I ve got lesbian friends who dont like to make love to guys at all). I asked her if she was sure that she wanted this or that. I told her that I wanted her to make love to me not for a wrong reason... anyway, the next morning, when we both woke up, she told me she actually thought of herself as a lesbian, but that she didnt mind having a guy once in a while.

So... the thing is... do you guys think she is bisexual, lesbian, confused or just a girl who likes to fuck guys and gals? Or maybe she was trying to find if she still liked guys after being with girls? She seemed to really want me to do her... but I dunno, I am still a little bit confused.

Dec 1, 2010, 7:03 PM
It's possible that she is just experimenting, and if she enjoyed it she may have confirmed her questions about liking guys and girls.


Dec 1, 2010, 7:10 PM
You can "think" a thing like this to death! Who knows what motivates people to go off the beaten path, like that? She apparently was attracted to you and I hope the sex was good.

Just take it as it was a interesting meeting, a night of fun, and maybe something few other guys had ever been lucky enough to experience!

Dec 1, 2010, 8:15 PM
the girl is bi she just had not found a guy she wanted for awhile i know girls like that will do a guy they want

Dec 2, 2010, 3:33 AM
You met a person and had sexual relations with them. You did not meet a immutable category of stock.

If you made love then so much the better. If it pleased you both then better still.

Good luck

Dec 2, 2010, 6:00 PM
Ah yesssssss, Now to me, the question to wonder is not "is she or isn't she", but rather "will she or won't she"? :rolleyes:

And in this case, she not only would, but did. ;)

Hey now, you cannot improve on that at all, can you??? :tong:

Just my :2cents: thought here. Your friend, :doggie:

Dec 2, 2010, 6:01 PM
okay is it me or did the girl in question already answer this when she stated she was bisexual at the beginning, she might be mostly lesbian but has some attraction to males?

Dec 3, 2010, 8:33 AM
okay is it me or did the girl in question already answer this when she stated she was bisexual at the beginning, she might be mostly lesbian but has some attraction to males?

I also think that, maybe she likes girls mostly but she told me she sometimes likes boys as well. She just doesnt like to identify as bisexual, maybe because most lesbians dont trust bisexual people (at least the place where I live). Besides, she told me she had experiences with guys going back to when she was thirteen years (that really got me by surprise, I must say...).

Anyway, thanks for giving your opinions. I have tried to talk to her this days via MSN. I mostly want to be her friend, but if something else happens between the two of us, it is warmly welcome (and thanks for giving me your two cents, Doggie, I appreciate it... and yeah, it occurs to me several ways to make it even better, but I would have to ask her first ;)).

I dunno if she was just experimenting with me to see if she still liked guys or not, but anyway, it was a pleasant experience nonetheless, and I would like to repeat it some day :) Thanks for answering my question, guys.