View Full Version : Evolution and Humanity: A Theory

Nov 30, 2010, 1:41 PM
I havent been able to get to work this week cos of the snow.. so I have had a little extra time just idling and surfing. I picked this up from the website of the Independent, and must say it is nothing if not controversial and flies in the face of everything I have been brought up to know of evolution of our species.. so much sounds bollox to me yet oddly has a kind of perverse logic.


Nov 30, 2010, 7:06 PM
I havent been able to get to work this week cos of the snow.. so I have had a little extra time just idling and surfing. I picked this up from the website of the Independent, and must say it is nothing if not controversial and flies in the face of everything I have been brought up to know of evolution of our species.. so much sounds bollox to me yet oddly has a kind of perverse logic.


Ummmm....................I think I'll go and do some meditation............:rolleyes:

Nov 30, 2010, 7:40 PM
You of all people, Fran, post this? I just snorted coffee at my computer monitor and wonders if government funding paid for the study of his theories.

Dec 1, 2010, 1:13 AM
Kanzanawa has long been considered a quack and fraud in the scientific community.


Dec 1, 2010, 1:59 AM
Quack, Fraud, Pseudo-science, mumbo-jumbo etc are acceptable in this case.

I doubt strongly that anyone in the scientific community proper would accept him as one of their own. In my book the words 'science' and 'economics' are mutually exclusive.

Dec 1, 2010, 4:26 AM
Darlin, darling..I did say I was idling when I spotted it.. it was posted for fun.. I merely said it has a perverse kind of logic.. not that I accept a word of it... I may be nuts, but give me some credit...:tong:

Dec 1, 2010, 7:13 AM
Just how much snow do you have ?

Dec 1, 2010, 8:14 AM
How much snow? Too bloody much... enough in me garden to cover me knees anyway!! An its still fallin.. an can say.. school is a 35 mile drive away.. an its worse down there than it is here!! Fun huh?

An darlin' darlin'? Dunno if ne element of his financin is funded by the government.. neway wetha govt or private.. not convinced they r gettin value for money..:tong:

Dec 1, 2010, 1:12 PM
How much snow? Too bloody much... enough in me garden to cover me knees anyway!! An its still fallin.. an can say.. school is a 35 mile drive away.. an its worse down there than it is here!! Fun huh?

An darlin' darlin'? Dunno if ne element of his financin is funded by the government.. neway wetha govt or private.. not convinced they r gettin value for money..:tong:

''Too bloody much''.....too bloody true! Snow....it's everywhere and so damn cold!! Still, it keeps falling......Hold on...the snow...it's not just falling....it's evolving!!!! Definitely evolving!

Dec 1, 2010, 2:07 PM
Hold on...the snow...it's not just falling....it's evolving!!!! Definitely evolving!

It is! It is!! Inta bloody gr8 glacier.. wiv beautiful girl snowflake children..:bigrin:

..well.. wish it wud stop!!!:eek::(

Dec 1, 2010, 3:20 PM
Steady on ladies. Remember that this is Britain. The answer to be given is that 'we've had a flurry or two' and it is bracing.

In Newcastle upon Tyne they wander around in T-shirts. Here in London, I stepped outside to feed the birds wearing only a skimpy thong and sandals.

Dec 1, 2010, 3:27 PM
That snow's awful!

It was 79F today in Florida!

High tomorrow's gonna be 65, though. My brother in law will be wearing his long-johns!

Dec 1, 2010, 4:11 PM
Cant even fly 2 sumwer warm... airport is closed.. gettin 2 Glasgow is a nitemare on M8 an otha roads r either impassable or 2 dangerous.. trains south r..well trains south eventually.. a week on Tuesday mayb.. an thats ifyas stuck on 1 now.. A1 is shut here an there an dangeous everywer.. trains north r off.. Forth Bridge is shut.. think the road bridge is an all.. but wtf wonts 2 go north? Bloody worse ther than 'ere!!!!

The Pentlands look so beautiful in the snow. an wiv a lil struggle ya can c over the city 'cross the Forth an gaze at Fife.. beautiful an well worth the effort.. Athur's seat as a White lion is spesh gorge, this lil village in the suburbs so romantically Christmas cardy.. almos Dickensian..

.. but we can't do owt, go ne wer, c ne 1, r wastin time.. peeps r freezin, an dyin, peeps r gettin ill.. an dyin...peeps r losin wages cos they cant work, wot use is the beauty of a white wonderland when it is causin so much misery all round? Longer it goes on worse it gets...

We took Shiv an Lou an a neighbours kids sledgin 2 day an had a ball.. wos gr8 fun an they luffed every minute of it.. an so did we.. then on way back 2 house, saw poor ole homeless guy bein huckled by polis for loiterin in shop doorway for warmth... an that brings home the truth of the "beauty" of snow... ya can shuv it..

Dec 1, 2010, 7:31 PM
Cant even fly 2 sumwer warm... airport is closed.. gettin 2 Glasgow is a nitemare on M8 an otha roads r either impassable or 2 dangerous.. trains south r..well trains south eventually.. a week on Tuesday mayb.. an thats ifyas stuck on 1 now.. A1 is shut here an there an dangeous everywer.. trains north r off.. Forth Bridge is shut.. think the road bridge is an all.. but wtf wonts 2 go north? Bloody worse ther than 'ere!!!!

The Pentlands look so beautiful in the snow. an wiv a lil struggle ya can c over the city 'cross the Forth an gaze at Fife.. beautiful an well worth the effort.. Athur's seat as a White lion is spesh gorge, this lil village in the suburbs so romantically Christmas cardy.. almos Dickensian..

.. but we can't do owt, go ne wer, c ne 1, r wastin time.. peeps r freezin, an dyin, peeps r gettin ill.. an dyin...peeps r losin wages cos they cant work, wot use is the beauty of a white wonderland when it is causin so much misery all round? Longer it goes on worse it gets...

We took Shiv an Lou an a neighbours kids sledgin 2 day an had a ball.. wos gr8 fun an they luffed every minute of it.. an so did we.. then on way back 2 house, saw poor ole homeless guy bein huckled by polis for loiterin in shop doorway for warmth... an that brings home the truth of the "beauty" of snow... ya can shuv it..

Ohhhhhh....it's evil stuff...never did like it.....looks OK looking through the windows...but it's minus whatever out there. The Peak Disrict looks pretty...but this inhabitant feels the the same way as you, Fran.....Snow....''shuv it''

And feeding the birds....in thongs.....which planet do you reckon Heph is on.....LOL!!

Dec 2, 2010, 5:10 AM
Ohhhhhh....it's evil stuff...never did like it.....looks OK looking through the windows...but it's minus whatever out there. The Peak Disrict looks pretty...but this inhabitant feels the the same way as you, Fran.....Snow....''shuv it''

And feeding the birds....in thongs.....which planet do you reckon Heph is on.....LOL!!

If 'e went out dressed like that 'ere, Canticle.. 'e wudn b gettin back indoors.. we wud dig 'im out in the spring.. 'e wudn do it ne way.. not wiv snow up an ova 'is bits:eek:... wud enjoy the wake tho if 'e did...dus luff a gud knees up:bigrin:

Dec 2, 2010, 9:30 AM
So you'd think I was nuts having a snow bath then?

Balancing a couple of snow flakes on my nipples; mamelons pert, mais mes organes génitaux avaient disparu

Trying to stimulate my circulation. Didn't half hurt

I thought for a moment about the sailors lost in arctic seas and what a painful death it must have been. I had already encountered Antarctic temperatures. The pain goes right to the bones. It's when the pain goes that the danger is supposed to follow.

Dec 2, 2010, 12:42 PM
Like 2 b toasty an cosy ta Heph.. yep thinkyas nuts..

btw.. the bird feeders r empty.. nip out an fill 'em willya.. birdie food is in the consevatory... an leave the kit behind... is only -8 out ther.. ya will be fine... *giggles*:bigrin:

*gazes at Heph disappearin inta the freezin snowy gloom an peers as 'e disappears like big brave nut that 'e is*:tongue:

*fones mountain rescue an emergency services*:(

*puts casserole in oven, makes a coffee an pours juice out for kids*:)

*picks up key for loft an wanders upstairs for kwik visit 2 c an entertain Sybina*:tong::bigrin:

Dec 5, 2010, 4:05 PM
Well, I think you hit the nail on the head with your choice of the word perverse. I really liked what he had to say in number ten. What a croque o' crap. I don't want to be sexist so I'll harass women at work. wtf? How about, I don't subject men to abusive, intimidating and degrading treatment at work, so I won't do that to women either? I must admit, I like the idea that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives. I've always thought that. (BiCycler dons a firesuit and awaits the flame back on that last one : ):flag2::rainbow:

Dec 5, 2010, 5:30 PM
Well, I think you hit the nail on the head with your choice of the word perverse. I really liked what he had to say in number ten. What a croque o' crap. I don't want to be sexist so I'll harass women at work. wtf?

Muah!! Been waitin for SOMEONE to pick up on that one... hystestically funny isn it?:tong:

Dec 5, 2010, 6:53 PM
Scary, but I think the article did make some sense. :eek:

And here in Toronto, CANADA, it's a little chilly, but not a flake of snow to be seen.:tong:

Jan 27, 2011, 5:25 PM
There is no such thing as evolution, if there were all men would have 18 inch pricks!