View Full Version : A Question for Bisexuals

Nov 29, 2010, 10:21 PM
I don't mean for this thread to be selectively inclusive, but for bisexuals: do you find that you tend to be attracted to both sexes consistently, or do you go through gay/straight phases?

Nov 29, 2010, 10:48 PM
i like both just depends on my moode if i want to hug and kiss and make out i like women but just raw sex i like men guy sucking me and then me fucking his ass really i like threesomes better with a man and woman

Nov 30, 2010, 1:01 AM
For the most part I find myself attracted to both sexes usually. I admit I do go through phases where I would rather be with a man or a woman. As posted earlier a threesome with both sexes is a big turn on. :male::male::bipride::male::male:

Nov 30, 2010, 2:44 AM
Attraction kinda varies by mood . . . kinda like the candy bars . . . sometimes ya feel like a nut sometimes ya dont . . . but if i am just looking for a quick roll in the hay . . . men seem to fit the bill . . . if i am looking for some passionate all nighter . . . women . . . not set in stone though . . . depends on the person

Nov 30, 2010, 12:27 PM
It seems I am attracted to both equally most of the time. However, as most have said, at times my desire drifts slightly to one or the other.

Nov 30, 2010, 1:07 PM
I am a male, for me mostly women but every now and then I crave men. I just love the raw sex you get with guys.

Nov 30, 2010, 2:42 PM
I find men and women equally attractive. I love to suck a mans cock and fuck a womans pussy. Its sooo HOT!!!

Nov 30, 2010, 2:53 PM
The desire to be with men or women seems to change over time going from one to the other----and what I tend to want from men and women is different---more purely sexual with men and more relationship oriented with females.

Nov 30, 2010, 3:31 PM
I am married, happily, but at times desire a relationship and sex with a man. I was exclusively with guy for most of my teen years and discovered women in my twenties...was confusing there for awhile..lol.

Nov 30, 2010, 6:07 PM
I don't find I have gay or straight phases as such, never quite kinsey 6 or kinsey 0, but there's lots of moving around the bi range (the space between 0.001 and 5.999) over the course of each year and over longer time too.

It's not the only aspect of my sexuality that changes over time though - for example probably lots of other folk too find they are more or less interested in sex and relationships from one time to another regardless of the genders.

Nov 30, 2010, 6:44 PM
I have always like both men and woman physically and sexualy since I was 12

Dec 2, 2010, 9:23 AM
It's about the person not the gender. The men and women to whom I am attracted share the quality of being worthy of my lust. Of both genders there are the vast majority I gladly ignore and overlook. I am consistently interested in anyone who crosses my path without offending my sensibilities, man or woman. To sway back and forth from one sex to the other is a sign of indecision, probably due to ambivalence and possibly related to confusion.

Dec 2, 2010, 11:45 AM
It's the person, not the gender, for me as well. I have fallen in love and lust with both men and women. If the attraction (physical, emotional, mental) is there, it doesn't matter to me if they're male or female. As far as sexually, sometimes I want a strong pair of male arms to hold me and sometimes I want a little more of the tenderness and softness you typically only find in women.

Dec 2, 2010, 12:26 PM

That's pretty much my mantra, too. Even when I've been in a "male", or "female" mode..............when I've meet someone who really garnered my interest, and it was mutual, I have fallen for whichever gender they were.

Dec 2, 2010, 4:08 PM
I'm more so attracted to women but I am Bisexual and I very much so enjoy sex with another man. I love oral sex with another male but I have done it all and really enjoied it all, With the right guy I have no problems with anything sexual with a guy. It's the person also but what else can I say "I'm Bi":tongue:

Dec 2, 2010, 10:57 PM
I would have to say phases.There are times when I just have to have a guy,although they seem tobe more often then women. but like bigolv said,Im bi.

Dec 2, 2010, 11:43 PM
I look for the person be it male of female. Both men and women do have different qualities. I would rather enjoy quality time with a nice person. I am not into quick things but prefer more special times.

Dec 3, 2010, 7:19 AM
I tend to go through "phases" but am equally attracted to both men and women...I think this may be why transexuals interest me...all my favorite parts in one package! Emotionally, I lean towards women for that need but do love sharing with a man....Damn, this bi stuff is confusing...lol

Dec 3, 2010, 5:05 PM
I have always noticed I loved both men and women. But with the way I was brought up it was harder then hell to be me. I love the softness of women and how you can just hold them close and be strong for them. But I also love the way a man can be the one to do that for you when you need it yourself.

Dec 3, 2010, 5:44 PM
I tend to go through phases. I'm not sure why. I would say though that mood has to do with it too. If I'm sad I tend to want to cuddle and be with a beautiful woman. If I'm horny a boy or girl would make me happy! hahaha. :)

Dec 4, 2010, 12:49 PM
I don't mean for this thread to be selectively inclusive, but for bisexuals: do you find that you tend to be attracted to both sexes consistently, or do you go through gay/straight phases?

I feel an attraction to both men and women but i find if given the choice i will go for the man i've done "Things" with both and in all honestly i enjoy men more because they know what a man likes in most cases lol.:bipride::bipride:

Dec 5, 2010, 12:15 AM
i am more attracted to women by far but at time my attraction to men is overpowering and difficult to control, just being awake is hard (pardon the pun), oh hell, on those days i am just hard period . so i guess i have phases

Dec 5, 2010, 8:45 AM
I have always like both men and woman physically and sexualy since I was 12

I started like that at 11 :-)

However I think I do lean toward women a bit, but I have done a stand-stupid-still-and-gawk at men too... So it may be when I see someone that attracts me, I don't care if they are male, female or martian :-)

Dec 6, 2010, 10:07 PM
i go through phases. I am in a hetro relationship but seem to fluctuate between gay and straight. my girlfriend knows that I have gay tendencies and is fine with it. I am faithful to her, but often dream of gay sex.

Dec 6, 2010, 11:09 PM
i find that i am attracted to a person on a variety of levels and if the sex trigger is pulled it does not matter if they are man or woman it just happens...:three:

Dec 6, 2010, 11:26 PM
To sway back and forth from one sex to the other is a sign of indecision, probably due to ambivalence and possibly related to confusion.

I have to disagree with the assumption that sexual fluidity is about indecision. For me, there is no choice. I am attracted to men sometimes and to women more often. I never know when the attraction will shift, it just does. I don't choose to be attracted to one or the other. There is no confusion either. I was confused, at one time, about my shifting desires. I am no longer confused, I follow my desire in whatever direction it takes me. I have learned to accept my shifting desires. My partner is wonderful too. She embraces, understands and shares my shifting desires. We both have a lot of fun with it.:flag2::rainbow:

Dec 7, 2010, 9:32 AM
When I was single I always ended up going back and forth, if I dated a guy the next person I dated would inevitably be a girl. But I think that was a coincidence, it's all about the personality not the equipment.

Dec 7, 2010, 1:38 PM
I have to disagree with the assumption that sexual fluidity is about indecision. For me, there is no choice. I am attracted to men sometimes and to women more often. I never know when the attraction will shift, it just does. I don't choose to be attracted to one or the other. There is no confusion either. I was confused, at one time, about my shifting desires. I am no longer confused, I follow my desire in whatever direction it takes me. I have learned to accept my shifting desires. My partner is wonderful too. She embraces, understands and shares my shifting desires. We both have a lot of fun with it.:flag2::rainbow:

I absolutely agree BiCycler; I don't see my desires and attractions as indecision either. As so many other men have stated here, I am more interested in women for emotional and relationship situations and only for the sex with men. Though it's only sex with men, I find the experiences wonderful and very fulfilling. They certainly don't have the depth and beauty of being with a woman, but they do have a quality that I enjoy and indulge in otherwise I wouldn't be interested. And for me too, there is no confusion about this. I learned to embrace this many years ago after struggling with it for too long.

And though I am more prone to getting involved with women, I also enjoy being with couples and have learned to enjoy those experiences for just the enjoyment of the sensual without attachment to the female partner. I respect this because when I am involved with a woman, I would expect the same from a person who would join us.

Dec 8, 2010, 8:54 PM
I am female and I am attracted to men more often than women, but I develop crushes on women at random times. I don't really go through straight and gay phases so much as just feel attracted to individuals of each gender.

Dec 9, 2010, 7:48 PM
For most of my sexually active life I've been "Gay" and only had sex with other guys.

However I'm now in a long term polyamorous realtionship with three other people (MMFF) all of us BI with a shared fetish.

Mostly for safety reasons we're more or less exclusive (though we have been to a few "swingers" parties) - so for me making love almost always involves both sexes at the same time. I don't think I'd be able to enjoy one-on-one sex as much nor just with one gender.

I certainly couldn't now imagine switching to have sex with either only men or only women.

Dec 9, 2010, 8:02 PM
I have many time when I grave men more, than I see a beautiful girl and its about about girls again. I go through a lot of phases. I never had oral or sex with a guy, but I want to.

Dec 10, 2010, 2:27 PM
Like some of the posters, my bi experiences have been in the context of Male/Female/Male sex play. I've never done guy/guy before without the presence of a woman. Not saying I won't, but the thrill of a threesome is one of the things that really gets me pumped!

Now, that being said... if John Barrowman wanted sex... OH HELL YEAH!!!

Dec 10, 2010, 7:28 PM
I seem to go through phases. I have only been with one truly bi man the rest of my experiences have been with gay men. I love women and always have but I go through phases of needing to play with a man.