View Full Version : Something joyous!

Nov 29, 2010, 2:12 PM
I've always liked Harry Belafonte.....for many reasons and in the 1970's had the good fortune to see him, in concert, in London. A performance never to be forgotten. He was amazing! For some reason, I decided to google his name and immediately came upon this video, from 2007, when he was 80! I think he and the performance, are just incredible. Everyone is enjoying what is going on, performers and audience and watching it, certainly made me feel good. So enjoy!


Nov 29, 2010, 4:00 PM
Whoa! That brought back some memories! Thanks!

Nov 29, 2010, 4:42 PM
Glad you enjoyed it Realist. I just was knocked out, to see him performing aged 80 and still looking and sounding, incredible. Think I'll watch it again. LOL

Nov 29, 2010, 8:17 PM
OMG!!!! I love him too!!! I was raised during the seventies dancing with my mum listening to him all the time. My favourite...


And he looks great. Can someone please give him my number?

Nov 30, 2010, 4:11 AM
Harry Belfonte isn't my kind of singer and Im no great fan of his music. Yet he always gives me a warm glow remembering Sunday mornings at my Grampa's an Gramma's when I was little. Even more so one xmas morning when I was about 6 or 7. They had a huge collection of old 78's from way back when they were young, an Gran from was a huge fan of Harry Belafonte. Most Sunday mornings they played a selection of those on an old windie up gramophone (which I have btw). On that xmas morning the warmth as I listened to Belafonte sing "Mary's Boy Child" stays with me still, and even now I have the occasional foray into nostalgia by playing Belafonte and those ancient scratched and hissy records on that old grammaphone (my word cos I thought it was called that cos only grammas had such things and that was what it was called).

Nov 30, 2010, 1:38 PM
without a doubt one of the most physically arousing men I have ever laid eyes on.....gawd he's gorgeous...doowop singers LOL.. great memories

Dec 10, 2010, 12:18 PM

With Fran in mind

(not the video I wanted, the other has disappeared)

Dorian Earnest
Dec 10, 2010, 12:26 PM

I have missed you on line -- I have been unable to access this site. I couldn't use your link, but I m guessing it might be this one. If not, enjoy:


I still can't access the chat room but can check in for messages and read forums now.

Dorian Earnest
Dec 10, 2010, 12:29 PM
Funny -- when i first looked at this, there was nothing there but the web addy - no other comments. Then when I posted, the rest appeared! So now I know what your link is -- different than mine -- but you might like it anyway.

Dec 10, 2010, 6:45 PM
Hi Dorian,

LTNS....good to hear from you. No, my link is some more Belafonte. I won't say which, in case Fran hasn't yet seen it.

Gee, your link was amazing. I love Handel's Messiah and no matter what one's belief system, the Hallelulah Chorus, cannot fail to give one goosebumps. It was wonderful. Thank you.

Hope the writing of your novel, is going well.

Dec 11, 2010, 3:39 AM
Aww ta Canticle.. can just find mesel lyin in floor back at me gramma an gramps now... :)

1 of the sadnesses of modern livin in the uK is that we no longer have any decent xmas songs written.. not for the charts ne way.. No 1 records them in the UK at least, cos of the bloody Xfactor an Simon Cowell... not since it started an released cover versions of old songs (not xmas songs) by the winner just before xmas day an has dominated the xmas chart for years now.. until last year when a piece of crap made no 1 cos of an anti Xfactor an Simon Cowell campaign.. is all so childish but understandable.. same this year it seems.. consequently there are no more iconic xmas songs a la Slade bein written, an for me just a lil bit of xmas magic has gone...:(

Dec 11, 2010, 4:17 AM
Eh. His music reminds me of Reggae. Not bad to look at. But not really my type, music or man. I like a little jazz (http://www.archive.org/details/Free_20s_Jazz_Collection), though.