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Nov 21, 2010, 12:21 PM
If you have at all a soft spot for kitties---ya gotta love this video---it is SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!


Nov 21, 2010, 12:34 PM
Awwwwww.. aaaa.. aaaaaaaa.. aaaaaaaaaaachoooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. achoooooooooooooooooooo.. aaaachooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Huh ta ver much Votlie.. ya knos me is allergic 2 lil puddy tats... aaaaachoooooooooooooooo... an now me eyes r all red an me skin blotchy. an me throat all tite...

... but they r...aaachoooooooooodorable.....:tong:

Now wers me piriton??????:eek:

Nov 21, 2010, 1:12 PM
I loved it Volty! Thank you for sharing!


Nov 21, 2010, 1:33 PM
I love animals, too! The sad thing is they don't usually last as long as we do.

How could anyone not love 'em?

Nov 21, 2010, 8:17 PM
Awww, I have one of those. See my new little kitty...

Nov 21, 2010, 8:20 PM
I love animals, too! The sad thing is they don't usually last as long as we do.

How could anyone not love 'em?

Get a parrot Realist.. they can last several human lifetimes.. or a giant tortoise...:tong:

Nov 22, 2010, 2:04 PM
Since I turned 8 I have been allergic to rabbits, dogs and cats, but call it a Karmic calling, they come to me when in distress and I rescue them. As a result I have nursed and cared for over 80 pets in my lifetime. Some stayed with me for a short time, others for a longer, but I love them all. I may be paying something off from a past life, but at least it's not unpleasant.

The latest animals to come to me are a pair of kittens, now not so small as before, that were born to a queen that lives nearby. her owner is breeding her for her kittens to sell and make quick profit to keep up his drug habit when he cannot deal drugs. She had 8, and the man never fed them by the way, we took in 7 of the 8(he let one die of hunger and we found her remains in a garage he'd stuffed them in to) and took them to the animal shelter...all but 2. These 2 called to me and I could see they were friends from past lives...cats that had another go as cats for me, and so I took in my 2 little snooches and they love me dearly.

No one can fight bond so deep it transcends lifetimes....

Nov 22, 2010, 2:53 PM
Awww, I have one of those. See my new little kitty...

what a cute lil pussycat :)

Nov 22, 2010, 2:56 PM
If you have at all a soft spot for kitties---ya gotta love this video---it is SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!


thanks for finding that for us volty......really cute :)

I love kittens......the ONLY problem with them is they grow up to be cats ! (don't get all upset with me now folks, I had 2 cats for 20 years, that's enough for me....I'm STILL choking on cat hair - it gets into EVERYthing!)

Nov 22, 2010, 3:14 PM
Awww, I have one of those. See my new little kitty...

That is a cute kitty too Mikey!!!!

Peg---you must have long haired cats--I tend to get short haired ones and they hardly are any problem at all for hair---I have had plenty of dogs that shed worse than most of the cats I have had.

Nov 22, 2010, 3:47 PM
Awww, I have one of those. See my new little kitty...

That kitty is soooooooo cute!!!!! Reminds me of the kitty on the bottom of that kitty pile in the video!

Nov 22, 2010, 4:55 PM
lol Makes me wanna pick All of them up, put kisses and over those little faces and snuggle em on large soft boobies. Have Always adored cat and kitties of all kinds.:}
Everybody's feline

Nov 22, 2010, 5:53 PM
And he's such a good boy, but man, he is a handful. He likes to hit and run now, by that I mean he hides until someone walks by, then lunges and tackles your feet. He's all claws and teeth right now. And he's my pee buddy too. When ever I have to pee, he comes running. He loves to watch. One day I'm gonna miss and nail him. :eek:

Nov 22, 2010, 9:25 PM
One of my cats--his name is Buddy and that is a good name for him--no one or anything is a stranger to him--some day probably to his detriment. He does get frisky at times by starting to nip me and now---he has this skill of finding items like the most important documents, letters, library books, etc. then chewing them up. Its amazing at how fast he can take a piece of typed paper and turn it into shreds!!!

If I were still in school--I would be able to really use--at least in part, the old excuse of not having an assignment by saying: "my dog ate my homework!---well I fib--actually it's my cat that ate it!!!!"

The little shit!! He is so cute and he does this thing when I am mad at him---he lays down on the floor and does "flippy flops" giving me this look of his: "Ohhh I am way too cute for you to be mad and yell at me!!"

Nov 22, 2010, 11:38 PM
I am pretty much a dog person. I had one cat that pretty much was the coolest cat I have ever seen. I found him when he was abandoned in a parking lot. I named him Psycho well because I think he was a few bricks short of a wall. Craziest animal I have ever had. He must have had serious mental problems which enevitably was quite entertaining to me. He was a cool cat. Up until I burried him in the back yard. Good memories!

Nov 22, 2010, 11:47 PM
the other day my kitty fell asleep while licking himself. LOL!! If I could do that I'd never sleep.