Nov 19, 2010, 2:45 PM
hey this isnt a jab at anyone, but im just wondering how you,or anyone could believe in this pls explan to me

At the same time god created Adam, he created a woman, Lilith, who like Adam was taken from the earth. She was given to Adam as his wife. But there was a dispute between them about a matter that when it came before the judges had to be discussed behind closed doors. She spoke the unspeakable name of Jehovah and vanished.
Adam, distraught and no doubt also angered by her insolent behaviour, wanted her back. On Adam's request, God sent three angels, named Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, who found her in the Red Sea. Despite the threat from the three angels that if she didn't return to Adam one hundred of her sons would die. {THAT’S GREAT FROM A LOVING GOD}
Also there were no apples in the land of edan cause they haven’t been invented or grown there, they think the fruit was a fig cause of the fact they used fig leaves to cover them self.

My comment is why or how could you believe in a book or belief that don’t tell you the whole truth, and takes out bits about judus who was a good guy not bad. When you think about it Jesus was put on earth to die for our sins right, well how can he die if no one told on him?
All so it says that we should have sex with the one we love, but yet peter and Paul was saying don’t have sex at all, and be pure. Well that wasn’t in the book of god. No it was cut along with 100 of other pages. Please can someone explain to me why you would believe in a book that’ says stone your kids for not listen to you. Or kill the man that works on a Sabbath day, come on.

Nov 19, 2010, 4:27 PM
Ahhhh, poor Lotus. To paraphrase Mr. Spock, "Religion is illogical." Believers believe. To be a believer one must suspend your logical thinking and simply believe. Religion is man's pathetic way of trying to explain the inexplicable.

There may be far more than I understand in this universe, but I'm pretty sure that the Christians don't have the whole story.

So, let them believe what they will believe. Keep asking questions and analyzing the answers. Be careful of words and text taken out of context. Bible scholars (if there is such a thing) look for texts to promote their view while ignoring other views. Early on in the Christian church, the powerful men in the organization purged many of the existing books and texts because they didn't "fit" the message they wanted to send. If you hold on to the rules that ban masturbation and homosexuality why not all the other rules like stoning an adulterous wife or not wearing a certain fabric or eating certain foods?

This is open for discussion but.... I believe that many of today's problems between the east and the west stem from the "righteous" war waged by the Christian world against the "heathens" of the ancient east during the Crusades.

I digress.

You cannot persuade a faithful person to drop his faith. That's what faith is.
"Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing that is not based on proof." (Wikipedia)

A person of faith needs no proof. Therein lies the rub. We try to convince people that religion is illogical, unproven and not true.

It's really irritating to those of us who know what a load of crap it is.

Nov 19, 2010, 5:11 PM
I was raised by a pair of very religeous parents. I was forced to go to church every sunday and wenesday. I have heard as much of religion as I can stand throughout my life.

I look at it this way. Every person needs to believe in something. They need to have hope in something. Whether that need is in a god or in themselves, I think everyone needs something.

I do not believe in religion, because there isn't a man/woman on this earth that would have what it takes to write the word of any god. I believe that all religions on this earth were written by some man/woman, and since man/woman is falable not a single religion can be correct. This is my opinion and do not force it on anyone.

I do not find people at fault for believing in any religion, because it feeds them and fulfils a part of thier life. Sometimes they are a nuisance to me for wanting me to believe as they do, but just like these forums everyone has an opinion. Some will agree and others will agree to disagree.

That is life. :)

Nov 19, 2010, 7:51 PM
Wut? WTF?


Nov 19, 2010, 10:29 PM
I couldn't think of a better place for this "discussion" than here. Troll away.

Nov 20, 2010, 2:38 AM
Actually this is a tale from one of the Hebrew books and not part of biblical cannon. Lilth's major sin was that she refused to be underneath Adam for sex and felt thta she could be on top as well. God sent three angels after Lilith to capture her and bring her back . She proceeded to give birth to 100 demons every day, so she was cast oout of Eden and is known as the mother of demons. In traditional hebrew homes the name of the 3 angels is place on the baby's crib to keep Lilith at bay. The story then goes that God then created Eve from Adams rib so that she would be a helpmate to ADam. Since Lilith and Adam were created from the dust at the same time. Some view Lilth as th e first feminist standing up for her rights that was later villified. HIstoricaly she is a pre hebraic goddess that was incorporated into the jewish tradtion.

Nov 20, 2010, 2:48 AM
Well that makes a lot of sense to the Lilith in Two and a Half Men! :bigrin:

Nov 20, 2010, 4:32 AM
Well that makes a lot of sense to the Lilith in Two and a Half Men! :bigrin:

......and Frasier.

Stories are stories, truth is truth and then there is a lot inbetween the two. Believers.....of whatever kind, don't know how things are...exactly and neither do non-believers. To badly quote DD...there is religion and there is faith....and the two are very different.....as is spirituality...which, even an atheist can possess.....what lies within.

Nov 20, 2010, 5:17 AM
Lilith.. badly dressed, ill-mannered old cow down end of my dad's road in Barnton whose demon sons produced worse demon grandsons an several succubi.. old bag who once booted my backside for saying her youngest son was a nasty wee bully and should be taken away from humanity.. same son who is currently on yet another stretch for aggravated assault and dealing in narcotics.. witch whose 15 yo granddaughter attacked my sister with a bottle in a pub up town.. old harridan with psycopathic tendencies whose descendants deserved better and who raised them to be as they are..

Lilith lives... it is said that Lilith was the first feminist.. not so.. she is a viscious old woman with money from Edinburgh who did indeed spawn demons.. yes. I know Lil only too well...

Nov 20, 2010, 8:37 AM
You were asking how anyone could believe it, I think. There is an axiom: "tell the lie enough, it becomes fact." I'm something of a non-believer yet do have a sense of the spiritual. Majik exists, have seen it. But it is earnestly rare. And viewed with reason, skepticism it gets all the more so, rare. Granted, it exists. Because, yes there are things we have yet to explain. Here's one.

Define gravity for me, please? And I do not want a text book response. Tell me specifically what gravity itself is. What makes it? What is it comprised of? Is it just magnetism? Is it inertia? What is gravity?

I'm sure there is an answer somewhere.

Another one to ponder.

Where did language, and words originate? How did they come to be? What sparked the first human to create the first word, a symbol devised as a standard meaning? We evolved from fish, chicken or apes depending on your flavor of evolution. So how did we reason out creating words?

And a third. How did our eyes come to be? They truly are a remarkable experiment of nature. Nothing else exists as a precursor to the human eye. even the eyes of other animals do not equate to anything remotely similar to ours. Ours are truly unique, and just 'poof' appeared. So how did that happen?

I also could ask if history tells us of a king in Minos, Greece known as Zeus Patra of the double faced axe, and scholars seem to lean toward him being the factual basis of Zeus the god, does that lend to explaining other gods?

Apologies for the run on. Needed to finish out a thought and could not Suess a proper form.

At any given, I close.