View Full Version : Parisienne- awsome nights out?

Nov 15, 2010, 1:43 PM
I want to start a thread on great nights out you've had recently.

t\his is following my first night out in Paris on saturday night. I have to say it was about as typically bisexual as one can get!:bibounce::rainbow:

I went out with a female lesbian friend and a guy who is "not gay".

We went to all the gay bars in one area of Paris. In the firstbar I was surrounded by lesbians but I blagged a free rose of this hot Pakistani guy who sells them on the weekend in all the bars. (he's a student)

My "not gay" friend spent ages outside with this weird old woman who was smoking a joint. she lookked propely crazy and so cute, i wish she was my grandma! so funny.

I bought a drink and gave it to this hot tomboy girl with dark hair and eyes. Turns out she is Algerian and sooo hot! We swpped numbers before she went home for her curfew,adorable.

In the next bar the cute rose seller was there again and we got chattin' and swapped numbers but we had to leave cos my "not gay" friend got thrown out for being drunk! We met the old stoner lady again and she shared another joint with my friend. I gave her a big kiss on the cheek for being so cute and crazy!

We all moved on to another bar where I gave the free rose to a cute girl sitting alone near the end at the dancefloor end of the bar. Turns out she was American and a trainee pilot. U.S millitary!! Score!! We chatted a bit in between several rounds and hours of "tonsil tennis" as my friend called it. We took her back with us to the flat of my friend and we had her double bed while my friend had to stay on her own sofa. lol

My army chick comes back to Paris in 2 weeks. I got home on sunday morning to watch the sun rising in every shade of blue,orange, pink and purple the heart can stand! Mezmerising! On Sunday afternoon the flower guy called me for a date and the hot Algerian girl txt me today. 3/3 set up for "appointments"

Now I'm gettin myself prepared for those dates and for next saturday night to do it all over again! watch out Paris!

Tell me your latest night to remember!

Nov 15, 2010, 9:05 PM
ahhhh.. Paris.. city of romance and wonderful pleasure... city of the sexist lesbian women on the planet..and the most wonderful clubs for same sex rendezvous... my best friend lived in Paris for several years.. and it is an amazing place...my visitis were always wonderful and always stimulating... astonishing culture and beautiful, chic, sexy women.. I have visted Paris as a bisexual and latterly gay woman since I was 15... I love my home city more than anywhere else on earth.. but Paris.. now there is somewhere special...

When I can, I still return to Paris.. and the life which for those interested in same sex relationships is not simply brilliant..it is much much more than that.. because the people are so chic, so beautiful, so sexy..it may or may not be the most wonderful gay and bi friendly city on earth with the most beautiful gay and bi people.. but if there is a better one, I havent found it...

Nov 16, 2010, 5:52 AM
Does it matter whether she is lesbian or bisexual? What matters is, whether lesbian or bi, or str8... Paris has lots to offer... and Parisiennes are much more sexy and chic than are Parisian men... and being such a wonderful, multicutural city... there are more than just Parisiennes or Parisians to choose from whatever our sexuality...:tong:;)

Nov 16, 2010, 7:28 AM
How do your experiences in Paris with only women happen to be typically bisexual? You did not flirt with any men, did not kiss any men, or write about being attracted to any men at all. You only had hook ups or set up dates with women. Did you just take the Paki rose seller's number because you felt bad for him and just wanted to pretend you were going to date him? You don't seem that attracted to him at all but you wrote a lot about being attracted to women.

Are you sure that you are not lesbian xosama?

I talked to him over the night but got a bit preoccupied with the sexy army girl later.lol

I am going on a date with him tonight! I consider the night an equal balance of talking alot to him and the other 2 who were girls and then going home with another girl, that all. But the key to a good night out is often having a little something for later. ;)

Nov 16, 2010, 7:31 AM
What made it "typically bisexual" FOR ME was that I was flirting with and exchanged numbers with botha guy and a girl before going home with another girl later. And I fully intend to see him again as we have a date in Paris tonight. What's the problem?

Nov 16, 2010, 7:34 AM
Does it matter whether she is lesbian or bisexual? What matters is, whether lesbian or bi, or str8... Paris has lots to offer... and Parisiennes are much more sexy and chic than are Parisian men... and being such a wonderful, multicutural city... there are more than just Parisiennes or Parisians to choose from whatever our sexuality...:tong:;)

Exactly! thanx for the back up there! And I wouldn't waste my time on this website if I wasn't bi. lol:bibounce::bipride:

Nov 16, 2010, 7:36 AM
ahhhh.. Paris.. city of romance and wonderful pleasure... city of the sexist lesbian women on the planet..and the most wonderful clubs for same sex rendezvous... my best friend lived in Paris for several years.. and it is an amazing place...my visitis were always wonderful and always stimulating... astonishing culture and beautiful, chic, sexy women.. I have visted Paris as a bisexual and latterly gay woman since I was 15... I love my home city more than anywhere else on earth.. but Paris.. now there is somewhere special...

When I can, I still return to Paris.. and the life which for those interested in same sex relationships is not simply brilliant..it is much much more than that.. because the people are so chic, so beautiful, so sexy..it may or may not be the most wonderful gay and bi friendly city on earth with the most beautiful gay and bi people.. but if there is a better one, I havent found it...

exactly! it's brilliant! I'm in love with the city! (at night) I plan to go out there every weekend now til I leave in may! Imagine what I can get up to in that time!!!! hee heeee:bipride::bibounce: heeeeeeeee