View Full Version : A Question About Life..

Apr 16, 2006, 8:11 PM
Hi Y'all, The other day i was listening to the local radio station that i listen to most every day at least some. They somehow got around to talking about how each of them would react if in fact they new the very date they would die. I thought about this and wonderd how some of y'all would react. So if you new the precise date that you were going to die,How would you want to live out the remaining time on earth. I know this is a bit of a different post than weve had at time's but i am very curios to y'alls answers, As far as i am concerned i would want to spend as much time as i could with my family and friends.But also would want to do alot of the things i have never done. Anyway thanks y'all...

Apr 16, 2006, 8:21 PM
Wow, what a post tex!

I think I would be the same..I would spend as much time with my family..especially my husband and son. But at the same time.. There are many people out there in the world..some on this site that I would want to meet and hug and tell them what a difference they have made in my life. I would want to travel and see everything that I have dreamed of seeing and have never had the "time" to see.

Honestly though...I would not be able to handle knowing such a date. It would be all I thought about. I tend to worry alot! :rolleyes:

Mrs.F :)

Lisa (va)
Apr 16, 2006, 9:16 PM
If someone wanted to tell the exact day I would die, I would politely ask them not too: I would rather not know, but my life is going terrific and I can't see me changing things or how I feel. But I guess I would fall in the category of those wishing to spend time with loved ones.

hugs n kisses

Apr 16, 2006, 9:38 PM
Life. How wonderful it is.
I can answer your question with a clear mind. For you see, I have cancer.

I have an Advanced Directive already in place. I'm also a member of the Hemlock Society. I refuse to just wither away and let the medical commuity take away my assests.

Will I fight the cancer? Of course I will. Nevertheless, I do belive in euthinasia.

With respct to the Community,


Apr 16, 2006, 9:53 PM
Hi Fred, I am sorry to hear of your situation. You definetly have a different way of seeing this subject. Please note if you need to talk or just someone to lean on i am more than willing to listen. I am more or less grasping for words here but do know you have our support...

Apr 16, 2006, 10:56 PM
You shouldn't find out you're going to die before finally starting live....but too many people do and it's a shame. I fall into the, "I'll do it tomorrow" catagory and with age realize that there isn't a lot of tomorrows to count on so am slowly trying to remedy that. I agree with Lisa (because she rules), I wouldn't want to know either.

((((((((( Freddie ))))))))))) you know we're here for you.

Apr 16, 2006, 11:22 PM
Gee if I died I'd make too many people happy..........thats why I'm gunna hang around for as long as I can :tong:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Apr 17, 2006, 12:22 AM
Depends on how long I have. It would be awful to know and I am not sure that would make me do all the wonderful things in life I'd want to do. Hopefully, I would ready myself spiritually. I would want to travel, fly fish all the places I have read about. Be with loved ones. Gawd it would not be a good way to die, knowing when.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 17, 2006, 12:52 AM
mmm if i knew the exact date and time of my death, I wouldn't change any aspect of my life

I live my life the way it best works for me... and its taken me a lifetime to get it that way and the idea of running around being all huggy feely with my family is a idea that actually makes me wanna barf

I enjoy, sex, friends, music, nature and sunsets... but if I am busy being involved with family and other people, then I miss out of a lot of that... and for all the good it may to spending that bit long with my family... its just that bit longer that I spend in a situation that I don't wanna be in

and sure i would do the things that I wouldn't normally do....I quess i would be a bit more risque with my life..... but things like bungy jumping and parachuting etc...just don't appeal to me.... instead I would do the things that are spur of the moment and fit with being me, ..like streaking thru the middle of a international cricket match and that type of thing...... something that I can remember and smile about til the day I die

Apr 17, 2006, 8:08 AM
((((((((((Fred)))))))))) Not sure if it helps, but you are in my prayers. Remember, you are buying me a beer in Kalispell.

Apr 18, 2006, 2:37 AM
Hi So if you new the precise date that you were going to die,How would you want to live out the remaining time on earth.

It would depend on how much time I had left. I’ve lived with the knowledge of death’s inevitability for many years and have as close as one can without actually making that transition. I’ve tried to be wise in applying that knowledge in my everyday life because today could be that date. One of my favorite quotes comes from my readings on the Native Americans whose lessons in spirituality and life have given me so much comfort and enjoyment over the years “ It’s a good day to die.” I don’t think knowing the exact date would make much of a difference on the spiritual plane I’m ready now. The people I love know I love them I’ve tried to make amends to those I’ve hurt or offended I would continue in my own way to make the world a better place to live.
Oh yea…I’d give up on my notion that I need to quit smoking!

Nobody’s perfect :bigrin:
Ambi :)

Elmer 54
Apr 18, 2006, 5:31 AM
The fact is that we are all going to die whether it be tomorrow, next week, next year, or next decade. It is important that we live our life knowing that. Humans are procrastinators and we think we have all the time in the world to take care of those problems with other people that need resolving. To me, relationships are what we are on this earth to learn about, nurture and soar within. If I were told the exact day I would die, I would let those people in my life how much they mean to me and the effect they have had on who I am.
My thoughts are with you Fred.

Apr 18, 2006, 8:53 AM
I would hug and kiss my nieces, tell them I love them, give them an earfull of advice about how to happy which at aged 3 and 4 im sure they would really appreciate................
Then id go about my usual business and look forward to coming back again :)

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((Fred))))))))))))))))))) ))))what a star
"For in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."
How right Kathel Gibran is eh.....um...did i spell his name right?

meteast chick
Apr 18, 2006, 11:57 AM
I'd make peace with all, tell everyone how much I love them and make sure my will was in place, then I'd throw caution to the wind and do all the things I've always wanted to do. Travel and live with abandon. I'd dote on my children, take them to faraway places and record it all with photos and video. I'd videotape me singing their favorite bedtime songs, my wish for them in hardtimes, my hopes for them in life, at every birthday, at their marriage, if and when they have kids, all the things I would want to be at. However, given the choice, I would not want to know.

((((((((((((((((((Fred)))))))))))))))))) We're all thinkin' of you...

luv and kisses,

Apr 18, 2006, 7:51 PM
Since this is a hypothetical question....ahhh, the things I would do...the things I would go out to see and experience...live life to the fullest and be foot-loose and carefree...

But if someone came and said, "This is real. You will die on this day, at this hour and under these circumstances", then I guess my true character would surface and I would face it in whatever state of mind I would find myself in. But when it all came down to the last minute, I would ask the Great Spirit to give me the strength to die bravely and make my dying day a good day to die... :paw: :paw:

Apr 18, 2006, 8:20 PM
The future is fluid...I don't think it is set in stone. Each choice, each decision, each random in daily life is not only of self but of those around me. So the exact moment is constantly changing.

I strive to be the best 'me' I can be...to show love and appreciation to those I know, to decide on life and work towards that with little excuses.

Being told I will end this life at x time, date, year. Bah! I'd make the best effort to challenge that. But that's me...not charging on regardless, but not afraid to live either.

What would I do 'if'...hmmm....I'd write down more of my deeper thoughts, so it will last. Plan the best practical joke on my friends as a parting gift (and no retaliations!!) Bottom line, leave with a contented smile and no regrets. Yet shed a tear for the end to the wonderful interactions with those I love....till I meet them again....

Apr 18, 2006, 11:57 PM
There are those of us who live in the past, regaling about accomplishments of days gone by. There are those of us living in the future, looking for the delights offered by the hopes of tomorrow. Yet, facing death almost inevitably causes one to live in the present.

I find, myself, multi-tasking frequently. In so doing, I am rarely wholely in the present moment. I am thinking about what needs to be accomplished, how it should be done, and the reproach of unfinsihed tasks.

Tex, your question has invited me to pause and reflect on my own thoughts and actions. How much more meaningful life would be if we peacefully and wholely absorbed each conversation, each touch, each heartbeat.

I, for one, thank you for this reflection and the renewed invitation to enjoy the present.

With Love and Light,

Apr 19, 2006, 12:21 AM
I love the thought. I think about this often, I would live like I do now. I recently watched my little sister pass away. she was told "you have 6 weeks if your lucky" she told the Doc "F*** you!" she lived for 2 full years and had the best life I ever saw anyone have, she enjoyed every day knowing she wasn't supposed to have it. she left 2 little children that remember their mom as alive. if I knew the exact day and time I was supposed to die, I would like to have just one day that wasn't supposed to be mine. I want my son to remember that I was really alive. I feel so sorry for people that go through life worrying about what is going to happen next year or next week or worse when they retire... I tell my son to plan for tomorrow but not on tomorrow. I want to enjoy a sunset. :2cents:


Apr 19, 2006, 1:20 PM
I guess that we all have wondered what we would do if we were to face our own mortality. Unfortunetly, like everyone else, I too fail to heed the advise in that popular song "Live Like You Were Dying". So, what would I do if I knew the date of my death.

As I approached the "date", I would do the things I always wanted to do, but were afraid or didn't have the time to try. I would see the wonders of the world with my loved ones. I would tell certain people in my life how I actually felt about them (no, not in a negative way, but how much they meant to me). I would tell my recently found soul mate, that I loved her and that she should let go of the misery that she feels (and I know that it is a deep sense of guilt she holds) and to love the man that she is with now, that at least we had a chance to meet and know each other, even for just a little time. I would spend all of my time with my precious, little girl. I would try to help people who were in dire need with what I could. I would be a better friend, father, and husband. And I would try to make sure that people remembered who I was and the kind of person I was.

It is a wonderful exercise to think about. Why not do those things now? I guess maybe I will.

Thank you Tex for opening my eyes and making realize that life is too short.


Apr 19, 2006, 3:02 PM
There are those of us who live in the past, regaling about accomplishments of days gone by. There are those of us living in the future, looking for the delights offered by the hopes of tomorrow. Yet, facing death almost inevitably causes one to live in the present.

I find, myself, multi-tasking frequently. In so doing, I am rarely wholely in the present moment. I am thinking about what needs to be accomplished, how it should be done, and the reproach of unfinsihed tasks.

Tex, your question has invited me to pause and reflect on my own thoughts and actions. How much more meaningful life would be if we peacefully and wholely absorbed each conversation, each touch, each heartbeat.

I, for one, thank you for this reflection and the renewed invitation to enjoy the present.

With Love and Light,
Thank you Tex for coming up with a question that brought back Red! I've missed him posting.

Apr 19, 2006, 5:34 PM
Hi y'all, I for one like Arana am glad to see Red posting again. Its bad enough we dont get to see him all that much in chat anymore. But RED your post's are welcome anytime my friend...

Apr 19, 2006, 7:34 PM
Life, is what you make it or so the story goes. Recently ( in February) I finally put allot of my house in order. I thought that life is too short and that like many of us,I had many regrets about what I have done and have not taken the time to do. I vowed to never look back, to live like each and everyday was to be a gift. I have always been the one to take care of everyone else, and now I shall think of me for if I am not well and full of love and hope for myself, how can I be there for those around me. This is not always an easy task. Damn hard sometimes. But love and understanding, and acceptance of what life has bestowed upon you has given me new hope for the future.

Also, there are those among us who have the innate ability to live, although dying, and make the lives of those around them better for the pleasure of their company. Love come to those in mysterious and often hidden ways. Life never gives us a task that we are unable to handle, but never alone. Love my friend.
