View Full Version : Why are young men so at risk for STDs?

Nov 12, 2010, 5:33 PM
Hey Folks:

I am wondering what contributes to high rates of sexual risk among young men (18-29) years old?

What do you all think?

Also, if you feel so inclined, our GLBT research team is conducting a national men's health survey (for men 18-29) focusing on sexual health. You can view our research here to make sure we are legit first www.memphis.edu/cepr/glbt-research.htm

If you take the confidential, 10-minute survey and the 2-question follow-up, then you can enter into a raffle for one of four $50.00 gift cards.

Here is the link: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/338809/HealthSurvey

Thanks so much and I look forward to the discussion and appreciate those taking the survey, too.

Nov 12, 2010, 5:56 PM
And, I know its "because they aren't using condoms."

But, why else? Social norms? Condom fit? Attitudes? Knowledge?

Nov 12, 2010, 6:51 PM
Decline is circumcision?


Nov 12, 2010, 11:42 PM
Good question about oral sex. We had to make a decision about one kind of sexual encounter; if it gets too long, then people don't take it! But, its a great idea for a follow up study.

Do folks think it is a matter of time orientation, then? That this just won't happen to me?

Nov 13, 2010, 1:12 AM
Becuase the meaning and safeguards that where place 20 years ago are not the same today. TV and internet make sex and porn the norm. Unfortunately parents today don't realize teens are having sex at much younger ages and the conversation 20 years ago, is the same one that they should recieve today.

Nov 13, 2010, 3:41 AM
Becuase the meaning and safeguards that where place 20 years ago are not the same today. TV and internet make sex and porn the norm. Unfortunately parents today don't realize teens are having sex at much younger ages and the conversation 20 years ago, is the same one that they should recieve today.

Meant to say.. " is NOT the same one..." -Four scores and two bottles of wine later :tong: ...

Nov 13, 2010, 1:10 PM
In the case of younger men--it is often a case that they think they are "immortal" no matter whether they are gay or straight.

As someone said----with many young straight men---they don't think they need to use condoms since in their minds it seems that far too many of them have either one false idea or another---such as "that AIDS shit is what faggots get and I ain't no damned faggot so I ain't gonna get it" and "real men don't use rubbers."

I can tell you from experience that many young straight men hold these views---when I worked in probation/parole---I would sit in at times on group sessions we had with young men who had either abused their female partners and/or were "deadbeat dads." Our department had gotten some grants and contracted with a local university psychology department to provide therapy/counselling in these areas to men who had been convicted of domestic violence and not paying child support.

It was something the views many of these guys had regarding why they had to used violence against their female partners or to be responsible for taking care of the children they had fathered. It is really amazing the stupid things that people still believe even today. I found the thoughts and attitudes of these guys to be pretty frightening and sorta depressing to boot.

With many young gay men---I think that, in addition to the thought they are going to live forever---they are falling victim to a movement out in a part of the gay world that gay men might as well just accept that AIDS/HIV is out there--not worry about it and that gay men should embrace the true nature of gay sex---which is by definition---sex without boundaries or restraints (not using any protection or using other safe sex practices). I read somewhere that one guy called it "BALLS TO THE WALLS" sex--and WHEN they do come up HIV/AIDS poz--it is simply something part and parcel of being a true gay man.

I have to say---I find that attitude to be pretty well messed up too. Some of you many recall about a year or so now---I had gotten a message from a guy who used to be a member here----he decided he wasn't bisexual, but was instead fully gay--and he had allowed himself to go gay in a bigtime way--going to bathouses and having serial, unprotected, anal and oral sex with partners he knew nothing about. Needless to say--he came up HIV poz and said he was what they call a "bug chaser"--meaning that he sought out getting "the bug." He said he was having regular sexual relations with many married men who knew that he was Poz and they were receiving bareback anal sex from him in the hopes they would become HIV poz too.

I really do hope that this is more the exception than the rule---it would really be a sad commentary about male to male sex if we really do have a sizeable number of guys who are not only gay but identify as being bisexual as well who feel this compulsion to engage in such dangerous and deadly behavior.

Nov 13, 2010, 8:19 PM
+1 for the "immortal" idea, or just plain ignorance or inexperience. When you look through a photo album with some friends and all they keep saying is "Do you remember THAT guy?" - 3/4 of the people in the album are dead from HIV or partying too much? That puts the risk into perspective.

Also, lack of proper access to prophylactics (there are still some places in my state were they put the condoms directly below the pharmacist's consultation window) or ..impatience.. maybe.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:31 AM
Decline is circumcision?


Dear God Mikey,
In three words (your post) you betrayed your children and the human race to preserve your John Wayne ego for doing this to your innocent children years ago (without their express adult consent). Post facto justification of your ego; this (post facto justification) is typically embarrassing to adult humans.
The overwhelming feeling of shame would be appropriate for intelligent (at least sentient) being at this point of your utterances.
If you've paid attention to the immoral pseudo science of mutilating innocent children...
You'd realize what miniscule grounds for harming/mutilating children there is, is further dependent on temperate zone.
If you live at the equator, problems with the foreskin... can on occasion be troublesome.
On the other hand, mutilating infants in Canada or the Neitherlands... well, sadistic people will harm innocent children for the fun of it won't they?
Of course the answer is soap and water for 99.9% of the situations, and condoms for others.

if you insist,

perhaps hard core conservatives like you in Canada should just castrate/neuter their children. Virtually no STDs in castrated/neutered children.
Infallible logic; and you do love your logic so... plus you've noticed the fact that the world is overpopulated and cannot sustain the present population past 40 - 50 years from now. So no further breeding past this day is needed. In fact further breeding will only harm the future.

I really couldn't give a rat's ass about you, Mikey (whom the whole world is all about). But the fact you promote harming children... starting with your own...

Mikey I don't flame you, I flame your need to harm children and all the roots of that need; not to mention the clear neurotic manipulative methods of your most recent post...
...any point you wish to challenge me on regarding this issue, or your more troll-like in drive by stabs/posts?
Your article lacked (by it's own admission/non-admission) credibility.
Mikey, you tell us, you critique...
what was in the article that didn't belong in a scientific article?
What wasn't there that should belong in any credible article?
These are railroad crossing telltale signs of pseudo science!!!

P.S. I'm glad your children are cured/prevented from homosexuality, masturbation, STDs, insanity, and all other things 'circumcision' has been claimed to do by modern medical science in the last 100 years!

Good luck Mikey.

Nov 15, 2010, 6:20 AM
Excellent post, Blue.

Nov 15, 2010, 6:52 AM
Although I love watching bareback porn, I don't think it's encouraging safe sex and I also think these guys think they'll be able to live forever on the AIDS cocktail if they get infected.

Plus the level of self-loathing in the gay community, even with all the so called "gay pride" out there, hasn't dropped. There seems to be a sort of built in death wish in many homosexuals especially your more promiscious ones.

And AIDS is spreading in the straight black community because "real men" don't wear condoms.

I attended Gay Bingo recently and heard that 20% of gay and bisexual men in Philadelphia are infected with the AIDS virus and that's pretty freak'n scary. You REALLY have to know who are you sleeping with and getting drunk at a bar and going home with someone you don't know or know well is just a recipe for trouble.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:33 PM
I attended Gay Bingo recently and heard that 20% of gay and bisexual men in Philadelphia are infected with the AIDS virus and that's pretty freak'n scary. You REALLY have to know who are you sleeping with and getting drunk at a bar and going home with someone you don't know or know well is just a recipe for trouble.

It is my understanding that this rate of infection is pretty common in many of the larger metropolitan areas here in the US--so yes--that is kinda scary to be sure.