View Full Version : Sick folks....:(

Nov 5, 2010, 7:21 PM
So many people have been down sick already, and it isnt even winter yet! me included. And, our own Swimmy is down sick the Pneumonia. So for all of our sick ones I send hugs and Get Well soon wishes..:}

Nov 5, 2010, 7:44 PM
Thanks and you too! I have been draggy for the last couple of days, but it has hit the other half pretty hard. Here is to soup and healthy doses of OJ!

Nov 5, 2010, 8:02 PM
Sinus infection threatening... going down to the lungs... developing to bronchitis (the stage before pneumononia). Went to the doctor. Perscribed meds. Meds I've got... and Mrs Blue in rare extreme bitching form... I may be away for a few days... I'm leaving now... holy shit I've (almost) never had to leave my own home before... and I've rarely been more legitimately ill... on the edge of pneumunomia...

the interesting twists life throws at us...

Nov 5, 2010, 9:41 PM
sending best wishes to all, who are under the weather. raist makes one of those home cures that smell, and taste worse than buckleys , but it does work.
bring 4 cups of water to a boil add 4 pouches of green tea, and 4 cloves of garlic, take off heat, cover and let steep for 15 to 30 minutes. tastes bad smells bad, but trust me it works.


Nov 5, 2010, 10:12 PM
Thx. I am getting off of a bad case of pneumonia as well. This will be the 4th time I've gotten it. On some heavy duty antibiotics, Levaquin. And those ain't cheap.

This hasn't been a fun ride the last 2 weeks for me. And wife is at the end of her rope dealing with me and the kids all by herself. Gotta return the favor when I am back to 100%

Hope everyone else stays healthy this season.


Nov 6, 2010, 1:53 AM
Aww hugs guys, yeah saw Swimmy's status on MSN. It's gonna be a wonderful winter I can tell already. I've been fairly lucky and it's stayed a cold, however, it's been here for damn near a month. Even before the weather got persnickecty. Now it's 28 but gonna be 70 again within 10 days, is it any wonder people get sick when the weather changes extremely.

Nov 6, 2010, 4:22 AM
2 alla the ill peeps me wud send lil snog round the world 2 helpyas feel betta.. 2 alla the reelly ill peeps me wud send 3 snogs.. but no.. me hasn already sent em 2 make yas ill cos me down wiv ver red snottie snitch an barkin coff cos Fran as a nasty cold but do hopeya all get betta dubble kwik... roll on Spring... muah!!:):tong:

Nov 6, 2010, 12:00 PM
ME??? A lucky dog on this one, colds, the flu really don't bother me. I don't know why, just has always been that way with me. I still don't like em though, something that devastate others will bother me a little for a few days and that's it. Actually I really hate winter!!! Cold all the time, gotta wear lots of clothing, tough to ride a motorcycle in it, have to spend most of the time indoors !!! and the worst of the worst-es of ALL ,,, the dry itchy cracking up skin that you experience ,,, Ughhhhh ,,, gimmie th dam moisturizer lotion !!! Flea season is over with, this dog gotta quit scratchin. :bigrin:

Now as far as the flu shot!!! Not me, I'm kinda leery of the govt sponsoring a mass medicine. Oh yes, sure it's safe, ya know they are still using thimerasol <--spelling wrong? as a preservative in that stuff, as in all other vaccines too......I'm kinda scared of medicines, stay away from it as much as I can. :eek:

Now, for all you winter-time lovin folks out there that say they love it (I really don't believe them when they say that they love the winter) That I really don't mind that you just LOVE :love: the winter. that it makes you feel all fuzzy and snuggle-ly, in front of a fireplace, ETC. I just wished that you could / would keep the winter to yourself !!!

Actually, in the area where I live, the winter / summer in really not all that bad. The winter's not that cold, the summer's not that hot, a decent balance I mean to say. And actually to me, San Diego has the best winter to summer highs and lows, temperature wise. I have kin-folk that live there, been there winter and summer, really nice!!!

However, me, a real summertime guy here. Yeah it does get hot, yeah you sweat a little, yeah your underarms get a little funky, so, that's when you look for the shade. You can ride your cycle in comfort, day or night. I get to do what I really like to do, which is spend a lot of time outdoors, while wearing a minimum amount of clothing, Ahhhhh yes, me love it, :love:

Well now I guess that is all the rambling that I'm going to do for now. I'll have to save the rest for later....... Type more at ya later,,,,, Your friend, :doggie:

ALSO...... On a subject that is totally unrelated to the above subject!!! I found this by accident while reading up on the California defeat of prop-19 or it's marijuana laws. This is a good video about marijuana, as a matter of fact, I went to this web-site home page and found lots of good videos on lots of different subjects. Check it out!
