View Full Version : What are your favorite ways to destress?

Oct 29, 2010, 6:29 PM
What are your favorite ways to destress after work?

Sex is certainly one way, but thinking about others and in particular things that can job related stress and tension off your mind

A few of my favorites
1) reading
2) running and lifting weights
3) playing guitar

Oct 29, 2010, 7:29 PM
I usually just pile all the clothes in a big heap next to the corner of the bed..

Oh, sorry..I thought you said UNDRESS- <grins>

Destress eh? Hmmm...good question..let me give that one some thought.

The closest I come to "destress" is usually taking a long walk where all you pretty much do is put one foot in front of the other...it helps if the scenery is nice.

Oct 29, 2010, 8:15 PM
Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Music - playing or listening.
Seeing a film.
A cup of Fortnum and Mason's Earl Grey.
Just a few of my relaxation favourites.

Oct 29, 2010, 11:23 PM
working out, having a drink, music, going for a drive and sex.

Oct 30, 2010, 2:17 AM
Doing A bit of roadwork on the bike or some miles on my shoes, a pile of weights at the gym or at home then.....Playing guitar, then playing a different guitar then one more guitar. I have a harem available when I am really stressed out. Sunburst Stratocaster, blond Telecaster, black & gold custom Les Paul or an acoustic of many flavors when I want that larger body feel. Unfortunately my stress release needs to be balanced with the volume knob which when turned up can create stress for those around me. :)

Oct 30, 2010, 2:18 AM
Calling my partner
Walking around outside and just letting the elements rebalance me
Hot bath then total care including shaving or,


Hot bath with good book to read while soaking

Oct 30, 2010, 4:32 AM
Get stressed? Neva...

Playing guiltar/fiddle or a family jam sesh
Walkin the Pentland Hills
Lazin in bath
Surprisinly..makin luff;)
Unloadin on Kate
Listenin 2 music

.. not necessarily in that order..:tong:

Oct 30, 2010, 5:24 AM
I try to avoid getting whipped up about stuff in the first place. But favorite self care includes:

1) a well done nude massage, preferably tantric, happy ending not required

2) Loooooong walks. I do three miles every morning, just to clear my head, organize my thoughts, reaffirm myself and get the gears moving before I go into my office.

3) a drive to no where -- get in the car, no destination, wander around and find new roads to visit and explore. (Subject to gas prices)

Oct 30, 2010, 7:09 AM
1. Sledge hammer usage -- As in destroying things which are suitable to destroy.
2. Explosives detonation -- As in destroying things which are suitable to destroy.
3. Crazy stunts
4. Watching movies w/ 1-3
5. Reading books
6. Listening to Classical music
7. Making love
8. F_$king
9. Meditation
10. Family Guy
11. Genealogy
12. Chromium B.S.U (http://www.reptilelabour.com/software/chromium/)
13. Free Dink (http://www.freedink.org/)
14. Burger Space (http://perso.b2b2c.ca/sarrazip/dev/burgerspace.html)
15. Cuddling
16. Hot tea
17. Chocolate
18. Imagination Treks a.k.a Daydreaming
19. Hacking
20. Writing (hacking of another variety)
21. Fixing things (more hacking)

Oct 30, 2010, 7:21 AM
..did forget masturbation.. its not summat me dus often 2 destress, but sumtimes wen Kate is away or am away mesel an nowt else is workin for me... an wen lyin in baff wiv the candles lit.. it jus seem 2 cum naturally.. tee hee;):tong:

Oct 30, 2010, 8:54 AM
I do anything that will force me to focus on something other than work:
1. play my stratocaster - Coasttocoast I have 2 strats and looking forward to having a "harem" some day :rotate:
2. exercise at the gym
3. listen to music
4. masturbate
5. have a drink
6. go for a bike ride along the lakefront
7. read stories or watch porn
8. chat with online friends
9. have a nap with my head on her lap while she watches tv
10. make love

Oct 30, 2010, 8:55 AM
Doesn't anybody pull the wings off flies anymore?


Oct 30, 2010, 9:35 AM
I knit! and I vent to my hubby. So thankful he is a great listener, and I can knit and vent at the same time. :bigrin:

Oct 30, 2010, 9:43 AM
Doesn't anybody pull the wings off flies anymore?


..only nasty lil boys Heph...;)

Oct 30, 2010, 3:37 PM
..did forget masturbation.. its not summat me dus often 2 destress, but sumtimes wen Kate is away or am away mesel an nowt else is workin for me... an wen lyin in baff wiv the candles lit.. it jus seem 2 cum naturally.. tee hee;):tong:

:eek: Thats something I never do. As Eliza says in My Fair Lady "Im a good girl I am." No wonder you wear glasses, dearest.:)

Oct 30, 2010, 5:35 PM
I knit! and I vent to my hubby. So thankful he is a great listener, and I can knit and vent at the same time. :bigrin:

Be careful thou doe'st not vent with too much passion lest thou droppest a stitch.

My mother one night did'st vent at my father repeatedly in their privacy. Whence he did reply in manly baritone and did'st clear the room emphatically; my father being well practiced at work with his mates in such matters.

Oct 30, 2010, 6:08 PM
:eek: Thats something I never do. As Eliza says in My Fair Lady "Im a good girl I am." No wonder you wear glasses, dearest.:)

Gettin 2 b a rite ole fibber now yas an ole married lady aintcha?? tee hee...:tong:

Oct 31, 2010, 12:14 AM
a shower massage in all the right places soothes that savage beast within.

Oct 31, 2010, 1:48 AM
1. Cardio workouts
2. Martial arts sparring
3. Driving to great music

Oct 31, 2010, 6:45 PM
Doesn't anybody pull the wings off flies anymore?


Bugger all ... You must have an observatory with a mad plot for global domination. How else would you know?

Nov 1, 2010, 3:26 AM
De-stressing. Hmmm, let's see. You mean b'sides bopping the living shit out of some idjet who probably desperately deserves it? lol

1. Try to not cause dis-stress to someone else.
2. Cleaning furiously and telling folks if they dont wanna help, then they Damn well best stay outt my way.
3. Writing, whether it be one of my erotics, or someplace like here..:}
4. Having my sanity saved by listening to music.
5. Talk the situation out with one of my "Girls".
6. Hermiting in my room and just kicking back with something to read, or by watching a movie.
7. CHOCOLATE!!! oops, did I say that aloud...? *Smirk*
8. Go down by the river here nad just think the problem through, and go from there. Watch the water, feed the ducks and squirrels, and just nature take away the stress and frustration. This is the best one for me. It keeps me from wanting to turn "Savage" and resort to my first original thought...LOL

I dont stress very often. I dont allow things or people to do that to me. Stress is a killer, Ya'll, so dont let things get to to you. Think it out, rationalize it, Fix it, then throw it away-- but dont let something stress you too badly. Life's too short, trust me.
Kisses and hugs to those I know well, naughty gooses to those I dont...lol;)

Nov 1, 2010, 4:35 AM
1 way Kate destresses is bollokkin a guy who lives down the road wen 'is dogs (rottweilers) shite on our front garden.. the gett dusn even clean it up... she is absobloodylutely gorge wen she storms out an fukkin rages at 'im for bein a total pratt... an the big brave dogs run a bloody mile...:bigrin: 'E of course goes home an changes 'is knickers.. tee hee

Nov 1, 2010, 5:07 AM
1 way Kate destresses is bollokkin a guy who lives down the road wen 'is dogs (rottweilers) shite on our front garden.. the gett dusn even clean it up... she is absobloodylutely gorge wen she storms out an fukkin rages at 'im for bein a total pratt... an the big brave dogs run a bloody mile...:bigrin: 'E of course goes home an changes 'is knickers.. tee hee

Funny when the pink mists descend.

Some years ago I got annoyed when some fellow let his dog crap outside my gate and without a moment's thought scooped it up in a handy piece of paper and dropped it in his jacket pocket. It then dawned on me that he was 2 foot bigger. Fortunately, the shock and embarrassment factor prevailed.

My neighbour lost it in a similar fashion and shouted at an unfortunate owner walking a miniature breed. The owner began apologising profusely until he paused to compare the size of the steaming log versus the impossible size of his dog. The tables were turned.

Nov 4, 2010, 7:55 AM
Funny when the pink mists descend.

Some years ago I got annoyed when some fellow let his dog crap outside my gate and without a moment's thought scooped it up in a handy piece of paper and dropped it in his jacket pocket. It then dawned on me that he was 2 foot bigger. Fortunately, the shock and embarrassment factor prevailed.

My neighbour lost it in a similar fashion and shouted at an unfortunate owner walking a miniature breed. The owner began apologising profusely until he paused to compare the size of the steaming log versus the impossible size of his dog. The tables were turned.

Talk bout destress.. gettin out me car an gettin me stuff outa the back set, bloody gr8 mongrel had the cheek 2 cock 'is leg an pee down the back a me trouser leg.. wos bloody ragin.. 40 miles from 'ome an no change a clothin.. kids laffin ther heads off as they went inta school an me felt bout 2" tall..

As of am now wearin a skirt wich wos left in the lost property wich is a size 2 big an 4" 2 short for the Head's comfort an a borrowed pair a tights wich r also a size 2 big for comfort.. an worse.. bein tights me feels like an ole grannie bag.. Fran NEVA wears tights.. me mum wears tights, an me aunties.. lil ole ladies wear tights but not me... tights r for frumps.. all mornin hav had comments like "woooooo braw legs Miss", Dried off yet Miss", "Nice dog wasn't it Miss", pencils an jotters hav been dropped on floor an eyes lookin wer they shudn... an am not in besta humour wiv the lil getts.. but we must smile b nice an jus gerron wiv it must we not?:rolleyes:

.. but mus admit to a wry smile wen 1 partic cheeky lil sod called ova 2 me at break time.. an sed "So dykes do have legs Miss an no' bad yins either.. ye should wear skirts mair often.." Ahhh the Fran vanity... snotty lil boys can get away wiv murder long as they appeal 2 me vanity.. should have copped 'im for is cheek, but wot canya do wen 'e sez such luffly thing.. :)

*Note 2 self* Always have complete change a clothin in car in case a pissy dogs an otha emergencies...

Nov 4, 2010, 10:45 PM
There are many good ways that people have talked about to de-stress life.

Among some of mine--they repeat what others have said, but here it goes:

Certainly listening to music----I finally broke down and got myself a subscription to Sirius/XM radio for home--I have had it in the car and love it on long trips--I had it in the big boat this summer---I really listened to it more this summer than I had in years and I just had to have it to help me make it through the coming long cold nights of winter, so along with all the other ways I listen to music---streaming from the web, what I have downloaded from my laptop to my new Droid Smartphone, or IPod. Now it seems--thanks to technology---I have access to all kinds of music--either that from my own collection or via some service--of course a selection much better than most of the crap that comes from commercial radio stations.

Even though I love to run boats on the water----when not on the water--I love to simply go sit by it---just be quiet and watch the other boats go by, or the waves lapping, the fish and other creatures doing their thing.

Building a fire--either inside or outside---- just enjoying the flames going, the smoke, the crackling of the wood burning.

Going out and taking a walk.

Now this might not seem to be very relaxing--but I love to dig in to learn about history and other things---so I really enjoy going to a library to go through the research material on whatever I am "working on." I just love to find out bits of history or facts about things that I had no idea was the case. I can spend hours doing that--and I am starting to do some of that now that the weather is turning crappy and I might as well make good use of my indoor time since it is not really going to be very fun to be outside for the next few months.

Nov 5, 2010, 7:25 AM
There are many good ways that people have talked about to de-stress life.

Among some of mine--they repeat what others have said, but here it goes:

Certainly listening to music----I finally broke down and got myself a subscription to Sirius/XM radio for home--I have had it in the car and love it on long trips--I had it in the big boat this summer---I really listened to it more this summer than I had in years and I just had to have it to help me make it through the coming long cold nights of winter, so along with all the other ways I listen to music---streaming from the web, what I have downloaded from my laptop to my new Droid Smartphone, or IPod. Now it seems--thanks to technology---I have access to all kinds of music--either that from my own collection or via some service--of course a selection much better than most of the crap that comes from commercial radio stations.

Even though I love to run boats on the water----when not on the water--I love to simply go sit by it---just be quiet and watch the other boats go by, or the waves lapping, the fish and other creatures doing their thing.

Building a fire--either inside or outside---- just enjoying the flames going, the smoke, the crackling of the wood burning.

Going out and taking a walk.

Now this might not seem to be very relaxing--but I love to dig in to learn about history and other things---so I really enjoy going to a library to go through the research material on whatever I am "working on." I just love to find out bits of history or facts about things that I had no idea was the case. I can spend hours doing that--and I am starting to do some of that now that the weather is turning crappy and I might as well make good use of my indoor time since it is not really going to be very fun to be outside for the next few months.

Love xm radio, the old rock station is a favorite of mine. I also love the water as I grew up right next to it (being from good ole Newfoundland, it's hard to NOT be next to the water:)) and I thoroughly enjoy walking around the park next to the water. All your ways to destress sound great.:)

Nov 6, 2010, 1:18 PM
It has to be something that prevents me from thinking about the stressful things, so even sex doesn't always qualify. I'd have to say reading or writing erotica is best for this. Getting something accomplished at home is also good - making progress on a crafts project, for example.

Nov 6, 2010, 8:17 PM
I take a good book into the jacuzzi tub, and some of the smelly salt stuff and candles.

Nov 7, 2010, 7:11 AM
"pissy dogs"

Void reads the above and recalls an expression about umbrellas, mad dogs, Englishmen and starts laughing so hard his cigarette loses its flavour.

"You shan't use umbrellas dear, to ward off Englishmen if you are but a mad dog yerself. It is not cooth nor civil and such is the way of MI-6ers, cooth and civil, dear."

Considering Lennon wrote the original _Sunday, Bloody Sunday (http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Sunday-Bloody-Sunday-lyrics-John-Lennon/C79BAF6AEF2A9E5C48256BCA0007A62A)_ in protest of Englishmen committing blatant murder of Irishmen in broad daylight, it is truly hilarious in that odd grave ironic way.

Und danke for this chuckle, no matter the graveness. It helps at this point.

Nov 7, 2010, 7:21 AM
Is not an expression Voidie me luffly.. but a song.. written by Noel Coward.. is 1 me knos well cos its me uncle's party piece an 'e nev needs ne excuse 2 give us a rendering..

'e's mad.. well 'e is English afta all.. they cant help it poor sods.. tee hee:tong:

Mad Dogs and Englishmen
(Noel Coward)

In tropical climes there are certain times of day
When all the citizens retire,
to tear their clothes off and perspire.
It's one of those rules that the biggest fools obey,
Because the sun is much too sultry and one must avoid
its ultry-violet ray --
Papalaka-papalaka-papalaka-boo. (Repeat)
Digariga-digariga-digariga-doo. (Repeat)
The natives grieve when the white men leave their huts,
Because they're obviously, absolutely nuts --

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
The Japanese don't care to, the Chinese wouldn't dare to,
Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one,
But Englishmen detest a siesta,
In the Philippines there are lovely screens,
to protect you from the glare,
In the Malay states there are hats like plates,
which the Britishers won't wear,
At twelve noon the natives swoon, and
no further work is done -
But Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

It's such a surprise for the Eastern eyes to see,
That though the British are effete,
they're quite impervious to heat,
When the white man rides, every native hides in glee,
Because the simple creatures hope he will
impale his solar topee on a tree.
Bolyboly-bolyboly-bolyboly-baa. (Repeat)
Habaninny-habaninny-habaninny-haa. (Repeat)
It seems such a shame that when the English claim the earth
That they give rise to such hilarity and mirth -

Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
The toughest Burmese bandit can never understand it.
In Rangoon the heat of noon is just what the natives shun.
They put their scotch or rye down, and lie down.
In the jungle town where the sun beats down,
to the rage of man or beast,
The English garb of the English sahib merely gets a bit more creased.
In Bangkok, at twelve o'clock, they foam at the mouth and run,
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

Mad Dogs and Englishmen, go out in the midday sun.
The smallest Malay rabbit deplores this stupid habit.
In Hong Kong, they strike a gong, and fire off a noonday gun.
To reprimand each inmate, who's in late.
In the mangrove swamps where the python romps
there is peace from twelve till two.
Even caribous lie down and snooze, for there's nothing else to do.
In Bengal, to move at all, is seldom if ever done,
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

So there ya r... ;)

.. an goin out in midday sun no bad thing.. we get so ver lil of it in this country (the UK.. not only England) we nip out an hav kwik sun every chance we get!!!

Nov 10, 2010, 12:45 AM
Whilst it is not necessarily my favourite way and I don't do it very often, but I find that cross dressing relieves stress. In fact is is something that I started during a particularly stress full period in my life.

By wearing womens clothes I am able to leave behind some of my masculine responsibilities and relax.

Nov 10, 2010, 12:03 PM
In someones mouth !

Nov 10, 2010, 11:43 PM
Music is my number one self-care tool - listening, playing, composing.

Also taking long walks when I'm really angry or upset.

Nov 11, 2010, 1:08 PM
1. automotive virtual design and rendering
2. modelcar building scale 1/25 (old skool hotrods and vintage tuned japanese cars )
3. my japanese garden with turtle pond (building it and maintaining it)
4. all sorts of construction in and around the house (diy) (building stuff)
5. cars and motorcycles , tuning it building a custom chopper riding it)

6. sexual >> masturbating with a nice fantasy after i got a hard dick 8 times in the hours before masturbating (just me and myself:bigrin:)
7. talking to bi people about feelings and just nice talk

Nov 13, 2010, 12:02 PM
Actually I have several ways to unwind myself.

I like to play with mechanical things and make things out of metal or wood. I am lucky enough to have a workshop that is bigger than my house and is full of metal, wood working machinery, you name it and I probably got one. If I ever happen onto a "bargain" as far as machinery goes I will buy it and repair it and keep, sell or trade it, when i get it restored.

But by far the way I really like to unwind myself is with one of my motorcycles. Yep, as stressful and dangerous as the road is now-days, I can find rest and relaxation there. To me, I find it very relaxing to just go somewhere, actually anywhere, on a cycle. I started ridding when I was about 12yo and have been since. There has been times when a motorcycle was my only ride, no car, and at a few times in my life that was during the winter and summer, both. I really get a feeling of freedom when there is nothing around me but the wind and the scenery. It makes it seem like there is not a care in the world. And after a day of this, you may be tired from ridding, but you will also be completely unwound too, all will be forgotten, till you come back to reality. :eek:

:bigrin: I can completely understand why a dog wants to stick it's head out the window, while ridding down the road, while in a car!!! :bigrin:

But this kind of activity is becoming so dangerous now-days. There are a lot more cars on the road, that are driving faster, driving very distracted and not even watching the traffic, and driving with the attitude that "this is my god dam road, what are you doing on it"??? Yeah, "and I'll run your ass off it too"!!! I have had more near misses in the last year than I have had in last 5 years, and it seems like I have had more near misses in the last 5 years than I have had in all my years of ridding all-together. So, don't tell me that you can drive while text-ing, reading the newspaper, putting on make-up, picking up something you dropped on the floor, fiddling with a CD player or scrolling through a playlist for your favorite, ETC. To me, driving is not really a multi-task job. So if your doing this, and haven't had a wreck yet, don't think that you wont. You just have evidently been lucky so far and luck eventually runs out on you. But I gotta admit that dumb-assed people will not only try to run a cycle off the road, they will also try to run a mac truck off the road too. At least the dumb-assed drivers don't discriminate, HUH? And if someone tells me that "sorry, didn't see you". I usually say to them that "well if you cannot see a grown-up on a motorcycle, with it's headlights on, I guess that a kid on a tricycle don't stand a chance around you, HUH? :(

Well,,,,,,enough bitching for now. It's Saturday noon, no work today, pretty weather, cool enough to wear protective leather, warm enough to not freeze your ass off, just right for ridding. I am sure that there will be plenty of psycho's on cycles today, think I'll join them. :cool:

So,,,,,RIDE IN SAFETY ,,,,, AND I'LL DO THE SAME !!! :tong:

I'll type more at ya later.......Your friend, :doggie:

;) I wonder if anyone here would like to see a pic of me all unstressed up while wearing chaps and in pink panties? ;)