View Full Version : I am outta here

Long Duck Dong
Oct 24, 2010, 3:04 AM
I have spent 4 years in the site.... learnt a lot, grown to love and respect so many people..... and have memories that I will treasure.....

I now have a dear, beloved partner whom I hold dear.... and now journey on a path that will take me to new places, ideas and ways of thinking.....

but my time in this site is at a end.....

I can no longer sit here and feel like a second rate person cos I served my country in the armed forces, cos I was diagnosised with incurable / untreatable depression, cos I am bisexual and I want to be monogamous..... cos I have a hetero partner that loves me and respects the fact that I just want to share her bed.......

so I come to a site that I once treasured and valued, with a broad range of people of all walks and paths, ages and genders....... and now I have realised something, the fight for rights has lost its meaning for many..... the fight for acceptance has lost its meaning

I am now aware that I am not * bisexual enuf * cos I do not have numerous partners, even tho I have my partners permission, that I am not * bisexual enuf * cos I dare consider the rights of people to be monogamous or open relationship oriented, as equally valid, that I am not *bisexual enuf as I do not reduce people to sex objects and that my bisexual is not * bisexual enuf * for bisexual.com

now I join the ranks of heteros, les, gay, trans and bi curious that have ended up feeling like they are not * bisexual enuf * to be a part of this site

therefore..... I believe that its time this not * bisexual enuf * bisexual is no longer a part of a site where even bisexuals do not * make the grade * of being bisexual and worthy of a voice in the site

so thank you void, darkeyes, cat, coyote, marie delta, allbi, rissa, 12volt, badgurrrl, sweetjuices, annika, drew, ian and so many many others for helping me stand strong when I faltered....... for supporting me when I lost my sister and her partner to aids...... for helping me believe in a cause that benefited so many in nz...... and for believing that it is possible to love, hold and respect a hetero partner and be monogamous......

and mikey3000.... should I end up not being monogamous.... dude I am following your lead...... you are a real inspiration and role model to bisexuals and people in open marriages........

last but not least...... good luck in the us and other countries with the fight for LGBT rights and the rights of marriage...... I hope you win and enjoy new freedoms.......

tenni..... I have a song for you, you could use it as your theme song * oh lord its hard to be humble... *.....

quietly closes the door on a chapter in my life....and walks off into the distance

Oct 24, 2010, 3:20 AM
I'm sorry you feel you have to leave, LDD. But remember you can come back any time you like.

Oct 24, 2010, 3:24 AM
Aww hell no, man. If you aren't bisexual enough to be here I guess most of us aren't bisexual enough to be here. I haven't had sex except with my own hand in a couple years, does that make me not bisexual enough?

Take it easy, man, and thanks for all your help. Take care of the beautiful partner of yours, she's a gem to treasure. Now are you sure she didn't have a sister?

Oct 24, 2010, 6:03 AM
I don't care who you are because whatever the situation, you will never be enough to some and too much to others. Let's face it, if you let them, people will push you around and tell you that you need to become what they think is more an ideal person. People will tell you that you're wrong and that you need to be, act, think this way. Then the next thing you know they will start to tell you that you need to be, act, think, that way. While all the time others will tell you that you need to be, act, think the other way. And on and on it will go because most people aren't ever satisfied with others, with them being the way they are. Even though some may tell you that you aren't bisexual enough to be here on this site. I am willing to bet that there is also a crowd that will tell you that too bisexual to be here also. :(

We have always heard the expression "It's not me that's crazy, it's the rest of the world that is out of step, not me!" :confused:

Now if all those that think everybody ought to be this or that (some seem to think too much ya know) were just at this website, it would not be a problem, you could just click them away into oblivion. The problem is that the same will be with you at work, play, waiting in line at the store, ETC!!! I mean to say that they are everywhere! And one minute some will tell you that you aren't enough of this or that, and the next thing you know there will be some that will tell you that your to much of this or that. :(

I have a co-worker, in my department, that is all the time criticizing everything that I do. And he is always telling everybody and the management all about how sorry I am, what very little that I do, and that if I ever do something, it's all wrong, and that he could have done better, and on and on he goes. He used to do his picking on another co-worker, until I came there, but now it's me. Everybody, including the management, knows that he is full of shit and that he always bitiching about somebody, including me, so as long as they don't take him seriously, to me, it's really no big deal. Except I'm glad that he is on another shift, because I really don't think that I could put up with it if I was on the same shift. I myself gotta admit, that I do have my limitations!

SO,,, The moral to this story LongDuckDong, is that. If someone at this site, or at work, or wherever??? Starts to tell you that you are to much, or not enough of this or that, and that you need to start doing this or that. Just tell them hummmmm :rolleyes: OK, I'll have to think about that!!! Just to be polite, and go on in your life, and not worry about it.

The moment that you start to try to conform to everybody else-es standards, or expectations, you will wind up chasing an impossible, ever changing, un-obtainable goal. Kinda like a dog running in circles, chasing it's tail, and never catching it cause it'll always stay one step ahead. I mean it's like a fella rowing a boat with one paddle, always going in circles, never getting anywhere.

Are you beginning to catch on to what I'm trying to say? I mean do you know what I'm talking (typing?) about? :tong:

Oh well, that's my :2cents: OK??? Your friend, :doggie:

Oct 24, 2010, 9:42 AM
I couldn't have said it any better than Doggiestyle!

LDD, I hope you're just in a down mood and will rethink leaving. But, whatever you do, at least you know that ONE person in this world loves you the way you need to be loved........ so your joining this site certainly hasn't been in vain!

Good luck and peace to you!

Oct 24, 2010, 10:44 AM
Daft bugger.. I'm still officially on hol from the site... its harder to bugger off and leave it alone thanya think... an so sumtimes havta say summat.. don say leavin me luffly ole bonker person.. take a hol.. cudn give a bugga if yas a bloody heterosexual Martian who h8s gays an bi peeps... ur as welcome as ne me luffly.. 2 me ne way.. an think 2 most every1 else that has haff a brain... kissie n huggles ne way... yas frantabulous 2 row wiv.. so if an wen me cums back as of old... then expect 2 c ya still bein an awkward ole bastard!!!:tong:;):bigrin:

Oct 24, 2010, 11:09 AM
bit dramatic? just log in or don't log in when you feel like it. You don't have to *leave* or announce your departure. Just keep posting and agitating.

Oct 24, 2010, 11:12 AM
Hey LDD, I have enjoyed reading your post and I am saddened by the fact the actions of a few self declared popes of all things bisexual, if anyone actually voted for them please tell the rest of us, have disgusted you enough to leave. If anything, these individuals should know, bisexuals and bisexuality is a spectrum going from one extreme to another with most of us falling somewhere near the middle. You served your country and I thank you for that. You choose to be partnered and monogamous bless you for that, people are not tissues to throw away after being used. You have been a voice of reason and sanity when things have gotten out of control. We are diminished by leaving, but I for one hope you return. Take care and good luck to you.

Oct 24, 2010, 12:30 PM
I know that earlier this year I had made up my mind to leave the site---all I wound up doing was to take a little break from the site---but have come back--at least on a more limited basis than before.

Whether you decide to bail entirely--or just be here on a limited basis---take care and good luck with whatever ya do in life.

Oct 24, 2010, 1:03 PM
Not long after I joined this site, I had some difficulties with some members. A few were trolls, but some were regulars, too.

I was being too "in your face" and took offense at a few responses to things I'd posted.

Then, I realized I could read, or ignore, whatever I wanted to.

I'm glad I stayed........ended up meeting some folks with similar views, interests, and even found a lover. Can't beat that!

Hey, there's no need to get angry with anyone, if you don't agree with them, just move on. If it gets bad, put 'em on ignore.

And, as an ex-military, in two different services, who believes in being patriotic, and one who believes my country can and will get out of this terrible mess we're in, right now, I appreciate your support for us imperfect Americans!

I've felt way too much negative energy here, lately. But, I'm not leaving. There's still way more interesting and caring folks here, than not.

Oct 24, 2010, 1:05 PM
Hey LDD, I have enjoyed reading your post and I am saddened by the fact the actions of a few self declared popes of all things bisexual, if anyone actually voted for them please tell the rest of us, have disgusted you enough to leave. If anything, these individuals should know, bisexuals and bisexuality is a spectrum going from one extreme to another with most of us falling somewhere near the middle. You served your country and I thank you for that. You choose to be partnered and monogamous bless you for that, people are not tissues to throw away after being used. You have been a voice of reason and sanity when things have gotten out of control. We are diminished by leaving, but I for one hope you return. Take care and good luck to you.

You said exactly what I have been wanting to say, only better as I could not formulate the words. Your words have even stated, far better, some things I have tried to say in other threads.

LDD, I also have served my country and from one veteran to another, I salute you. I hope this is only a break for you and that you will be back. It is your decision and I completely understand. I wish I had time to read all of your posts, but in the short time I have been active and what few posts of yours I have read, I have really enjoyed and found them to be a solid foundation in the chaotic spectrum of topics and reasoning. You will be missed b

Oct 24, 2010, 2:42 PM
Altho I understand and respect your decision, why let some asshole win? They can say all they want about you or your lady but it doesnt mean its true! And if you run from something, or someone, especially a bully, all it does is give them more power. It takes more strength to stand up for whats right and to stand up for yourself than to just give up, Hon
Do what you have to do, but remember that there's plenty of us that love and respect you and DD, and we out-weigh the assholes who dont..LOL;)
Big Hugs Sweetie

Oct 24, 2010, 3:20 PM
Isn't everyone on the verge of leaving this site? Fortunately one of you were kind enough to direct me to another bisexual forum site and so far it is much more positive than this one. Perhaps in time the dynamics will change up again. The crowd here seems generally older and stuck in their ways. Interesting dialogue has decomposed to curmudgeonly "this-is-what-I-think-and-I'm-not-interested-in-what-you-have-to-say" endless arguments.

If anyone is interested in the other site send me a message and I'll fill you in rather than advertising it in this thread.

Oct 24, 2010, 3:57 PM
Thats bullshit that you want to leave here because of some ass clowns that think they are self rightous. I will miss you my brother in arms. To the self serving turd wranglers that seen to think that they know what is best for everyone else. You can just kiss my Irish potato eating ass. I will not nor can i condone those here that want to change the rest of us. I fought for this countrys freedom and the freedom of ALL the folks in this great country and if you have a problm with bi's gay's, hetros, on this site and if you are a troll,goblin or any hater or ass clown why don't you just go the fuck away. So if you have a bitch with my post on here to fucking bad. To Drew and others that know me I want to say I'm sorry for my anger in this post but enuff is enuff.
To those that are new here I want to say welcum and enjoy and please be respectful of those that have been here awhile.

Oct 24, 2010, 4:03 PM
I have been a lurker on this site for many years. I only became active recently, in a limited fashion. My first two postings were met with hmmm ... shall we say, less than enthusiastic response by some.
But when I needed help (and yes, I still do), when my world started falling apart, there was one person I turned to. Someone who had politely disagreed with me on one of those two earlier posts.
I learned that I am not the only one with experience in controversial issues. I learned that even though you disagree with someone, if you show them the respect they deserve, eventually, you can probably call them friend,
That person was you, LDD. You have helped me understand many things in the short time I have known you.
I request that you take a break (holiday for those with British or Australian or New Zealand Accents. lol) and not leave the site altogether. There are a lot of people who will miss you, including me.
If this is goodbye, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the great advice and knowledge, for backing me up when you did publicly, and for politely disagreeing with me that first time. lol. If this is goodbye, please, take care of yourself and DD.
I hope you will be back.

Oct 24, 2010, 5:33 PM
In my few months of stirring this pot, I have always valued LDD's unabashed, thoughtful, vulnerable, and articulate perspective. Having been disdained myself on this site -- from every possible angle -- I understand the feeling of not fitting in, because of being "too" this or "not enough" that. I envy LDD and DD that they have such a devoted relationship. I only wish I could have been as honest with my Darling and as true as LDD is with DD.

LDD, you deserve admiration, not judgment. Here's hoping that your love continues to thrive.


Annika L
Oct 24, 2010, 9:25 PM
bit dramatic? just log in or don't log in when you feel like it. You don't have to *leave* or announce your departure. Just keep posting and agitating.

Thanks, dafydd. I didn't have the credibility to say it myself, since I had my own "dramatic" departure a few years ago. But I learned enough from it to know that, as Fran has found, it's difficult to *really* leave, and I resolved that the next time I mean to go (whether it's for good or a bit), I'll just do it, and not announce it. In fact I have a couple times and I doubt anyone even noticed. :tong:

I understand why LDD feels the urge to go, and obviously he'll do what he needs to do, and he'll come back if/when he needs to do that, too. But nobody, least of all LDD should be fooled into thinking that he's really leaving because he thinks he's "not bisexual enuf" for this site.

Fare thee well, LDD, and as Ian says, you'll be welcome back if/when you return...by many of us, anyway...and unwelcome by just as many people as currently don't welcome you. None of us is welcome by everyone...but that's not about us; that's about them.

Oct 24, 2010, 9:36 PM
Hey Duckie! Ive knowen you online for longer then you have been apart of this site, and ive met you in Real Life, your not one to stick to jsut one path, this i know, You stray from path to path to find out more about your self and life itself, Hun i congratulate you! i think you are an awesome guy who puts more into his words then alot of others who post on this site.

As you said, you have your Partner, Duckies Darlin, shes so sweet, never mind the rubbish that happens here hun, you have your life sitting there infront of you! go get her LDD. And though we have not spoken in some time, I miss ya, and care about ya my friend!

Forever your Friend Gleeky

Oct 24, 2010, 9:41 PM

I'm going to be as direct as always. WTF are you thinking? Yes, there are a few folks here that attack others (I'm one on occasion, I know). And yes, it can be contentious. But, there is a need in our "community" for people of integrity to stand up to those who view being gay as an open door to being immoral (speaking of the way they treat others/sex, not of the fact they like same sex partners). If those who would stand instead turn away, what hope do we have of ever gaining acceptance in the greater world around us?

Maybe I'm asking too much. But, I've never seen leaving the site as an option. Standing up and saying to those who do fucked up things "that's fucked up" is the only way our community will grow up.


Oct 25, 2010, 12:10 AM
As LDD said, he's leaving. No point leaving a message here for him.

Oct 25, 2010, 6:38 AM
As LDD said, he's leaving. No point leaving a message here for him.

He'll be back.

Oct 25, 2010, 6:44 AM
But nobody, least of all LDD should be fooled into thinking that he's really leaving because he thinks he's "not bisexual enuf" for this site.

I don't think he's even fooled himself on this one. It's just part of the tantrum, which I suspect is just another salvo in the LDD&DD/Tenni feud (the mock retreat is a classic battle strategy.) I haven't posted here because I've felt torn between wanting to extend to LDD the hugs and snuggles he seems to need right now, and wanting to turn him over my knee and spank him for being such a crybaby and drama queen.

Tenni also made noises about leaving this site, just a few hours before LDD did the same. But Tenni said his piece in the last few paragraphs of a post towards the end of a thread, rather than make a new thread of it and see how many mourners showed up for his own funeral. Am I the only who noticed, and said anything about it?

Tenni obviously needs drama lessons from LDD.

Oct 25, 2010, 4:39 PM
Daft bugger.. I'm still officially on hol from the site... its harder to bugger off and leave it alone thanya think... an so sumtimes havta say summat.. don say leavin me luffly ole bonker person.. take a hol.. cudn give a bugga if yas a bloody heterosexual Martian who h8s gays an bi peeps... ur as welcome as ne me luffly.. 2 me ne way.. an think 2 most every1 else that has haff a brain... kissie n huggles ne way... yas frantabulous 2 row wiv.. so if an wen me cums back as of old... then expect 2 c ya still bein an awkward ole bastard!!!:tong:;):bigrin:

:bigrin: Ah-Ha,,,,,I thought so, somehow I thought that you couldn't take a "wee break" for long!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL :bigrin:

Right now I got a ear to ear grin that's bigger than I am!!!!! :smilies15 Just the thought of this is gonna keep a smile on my face for at least, the rest of the day! :cutelaugh

And I'm glad too, cause your cool :cool: and I :love: ya hon!!!! ;) Ahhhhh yes, ye jest kan't keep a good person down 4 long, HUH? :tong:

Now for a more serious note. It seems like all folks, male and female, young and old, whatever the race, are all to some degree, dysfunctional! I guess that people are like machines, meaning that when they get overwhelmed they break down and come to a halt. EXCEPT--- with people, instead of coming to a halt, they get mad, lash out, or just go haywire! Now with some this may become an extreme outburst, but with most it's a "your wrong expression, and this is why I think that your wrong". Then comes the story that follows...... OK, so you stepped on someones toes and they hollered at you,,,,, just think back to the other day when someone stepped on your toes and you hollered at them.

We all would like to think that were all perfect, but were not, me included! This is why I am saying that to some degree, the whole dam world is dysfunctional. I gotta admit that some seem to be a little better at it, than others.

Can you imagine this??? But when lawyers, sports teams, ETC go against each other. They are Girrrrr "I'm gonna kill ya" at each other! But after the event they all go out and have lunch together and it's all love and kisses and laughing at each other about what they did / said at each other..... To them "It's just another day"

So I guess that the moral to this story is that if someone hit's ya, hit them back!!!! I would. But please don't hold a grudge against them! If someone does "accidentally" step on your toes,,,,,,don't let it get at ya,,,,,,because you will get a chance to do the same eventually (accidentally, of course). In the end though,,,,don't take it so personally, because they / you really didn't mean to, now did you?

OK now son's / daughter's! Enough for today's sermon / lecture! You can go back to fighting now!!! :rolleyes:

Just my :2cents: and because of inflation :2cents: :2cents: :2cents: Your friend, :doggie:

Just a thought here,,,,but,,,, Can you imagine all the controversy and conflict that goes on when the govt officials get together to make a decision about something? I mean all the folks all with different points of view trying to come up with a acceptable decision? I bet it would make the controversy here, at this site, look very minor or insignificant, compared to them. But in the end of the day after the battle, there all still "buddies" Even though one may become a "sacrificial lamb". After their loss, the rest of them will do them favors and they will be compensated for their sacrifice.

Oct 25, 2010, 5:09 PM
I don't think he's even fooled himself on this one. It's just part of the tantrum, which I suspect is just another salvo in the LDD&DD/Tenni feud (the mock retreat is a classic battle strategy.) I haven't posted here because I've felt torn between wanting to extend to LDD the hugs and snuggles he seems to need right now, and wanting to turn him over my knee and spank him for being such a crybaby and drama queen.

Tenni also made noises about leaving this site, just a few hours before LDD did the same. But Tenni said his piece in the last few paragraphs of a post towards the end of a thread, rather than make a new thread of it and see how many mourners showed up for his own funeral. Am I the only who noticed, and said anything about it?

Tenni obviously needs drama lessons from LDD.

No, no, no. You take him over your knee for spankings and THEN you give him the hugs and snuggles.

"First the spankings, and then....the oral sex!" - Zoot


Oct 25, 2010, 5:24 PM
I don't think it's a tantrum. To say it that way diminishes LDD's feelings in a way that isn't accurate. Is he over-reacting? Perhaps. I've said that I disagree with his decision, to be sure.

But, the fact of the matter is that Tenni has had it out for DD for quite some time, and it just built up over time. Personally I think Tenni wound up winning this round because he would be happier if LDD and DD left this site. He'd be happier if I did too, I'm sure. I'm not his kind of bisexual. I'm an American, and I think with something other than my dick. But, I'm not going anywhere.

I will note that when Fran did the EXACT same thing, no one said she was throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sent love letters practically kissing her ass. You may like Fran more, but send hugs to one and raspberries to the other is a bit hypocritical.


Oct 25, 2010, 5:30 PM
I will note that when Fran did the EXACT same thing, no one said she was throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sent love letters practically kissing her ass. You may like Fran more, but send hugs to one and raspberries to the other is a bit hypocritical.


Personally.. me cant think of a lufflier lil bum 2 kiss.. :bigrin:

Oct 25, 2010, 5:51 PM
I was one who sent one of those ass kissing letters, so I must agree on some level ;)


Oct 25, 2010, 5:54 PM
Hey LDD,

I will be very sorry to see you go as I really like what you had to say in thin forum. I know exactly what you mean by people say you are not bi enough (bi at all). I too have been told that (I'm just bi-curious):eek: Well I know what I HAVE done & not done. I refuse to let a single person make me 2nd guess myself leave the group. It is great to have some like mined people to talk to.:male::2cents:

Oct 25, 2010, 6:52 PM
Just because some people don't expect LGBT folks to be monogamous doesn't mean there aren't any monogamous alternative lifestyle people out there, it just means that some people prefer multiple partners or are too immature to understand that a) they are not the center of the universe and/or b) what it means to be in a deep, committed, loving relationship.

I prefer to be essentially monogamous for a lot of good reasons but I guess that's not for everyone..

I wish you both well, sometimes it is important to try new things - I sort of sense an undercurrent within the last month or two lots of people at this time going through a lot of changes..a lot being thrown at them in different ways.

On this site that seems to manifest in a lot of "bickering" - if we are all truly friends here then I hope people can hold each other with love and understanding as we continue to grow - it is a hard struggle at times.

Oct 25, 2010, 8:21 PM
[B}Now for a more serious note. It seems like all folks, male and female, young and old, whatever the race, are all to some degree, dysfunctional! [/B]

Excuse me! I'm not dysfunctional! I just work weird...LOL
Kisses Doggie. ;) Just pickin on ya, Darlin.

Secondly, firtstella1, you seem to be making alot of disparaging remarks about folks you dont know, for being one who just joined us. :rolleyes:
Cat getting an itchy clicking finger....

Oct 25, 2010, 9:36 PM
Hugs, guys.

I don't know if he will ever even look at this forum again. Right now he's in the middle of a PTSD meltdown. All I can do is wait til he's done shattering to pick up the pieces.

Oct 25, 2010, 11:13 PM
Give him our love, DD. I've had a number of those PTSD meltdowns myself and they aren't pretty. {{{HUGSZ}}} to you and LDD.

Oct 25, 2010, 11:15 PM
Hugs, guys.

I don't know if he will ever even look at this forum again. Right now he's in the middle of a PTSD meltdown. All I can do is wait til he's done shattering to pick up the pieces.

I'm not going to give ammo to the trolls by telling of my life, but I know what he's experiencing and I wish you all the luck and him all the best in the world.

Oct 25, 2010, 11:25 PM
You know, those who care about LDD, if you haven't already, can send him an email by going to his profile.
DD, I hope you and LDD will be together soon. I know EXACTLY what you two are going through as far as Long Distance Relationships go, but I am sure you probably already know that (you ARE his SO. lol).
Take care to both of you.

Oct 26, 2010, 1:57 PM
In case you come back...or DD sees this...or whatever...all I have to say is rock on LDD. This site is like an infection now. I only come back every now and again to message a friend or whatnot, skim through the forum titles for a sec, and move onto anothe site no more than five minutes after logging on. Know why? Because as soon as I get on this page, I immediately feel bitter. This site has gone from a fun place that I loved to spend time on to nothing more than an obstacle I have to face every now and then to speak to a couple of friends. Never thought I'd say this, but I fuckin hate this place now. Love the people that I have gotten to know and care about...but absolutely hate this place.

And as for him having a tantrum...really? He...and his girlfriend...has been harassed more so than a lot of you even know here for a REALLY long time. The guy is obviously annoyed and wants to say what he wants to say and make his peace as he moves onto the next part of his life. Are people not even allowed to do that without someone having some bitchy ass comment to make? What the fuck ever.

Well, I have the emails of the people that I talk to on this site now so I'm good to go. I already have a site I use for email, and yahoo doesn't make me feel like I want to punch someone in the face the second I sign on...much more suitable...

Oct 26, 2010, 2:11 PM
Rissa---sorry to hear that you totally hate the site now---I know I don't have quite the same warm and fuzzy feelings for it now that I once did----due to many reasons.

The thing is----time moves on, so do people and everything changes---sometimes not for the best to be sure----but still the site is not a totally bad thing, at least as far as I am concerned.

The nature of it has changed and if I had my way--I would change it back to be more like it was back when I first came here--but that can't and won't happen.

I am glad to see you back on for at least one more posting.

Oct 26, 2010, 3:26 PM
Rissa and Volty,

I agree with you somewhat. But, like a pendulum, I think it'll change from time to time. Everything is fluid and no matter how badly we wish things would get at it's best point and stay there, that ain't gonna happen.

If that was possible, I'd made sure that it'd be 1957 for the rest of my life!

Still, every day, I read something interesting, someone inspires me, and memories are brought back to life.

The rest...I can block that out....or ignore.

Oct 26, 2010, 8:59 PM
I was one who sent one of those ass kissing letters, so I must agree on some level ;)


Pasa darlin'.. no matta how much peeps disagree.. ther r ALWAYS areas of agreement...;)

Oct 27, 2010, 12:31 AM
Sorry to hear LDD is having a meltdown--I hope it passes soon.

Oct 27, 2010, 8:06 PM
Well this is depressing to see as I wander back in.....

Oct 27, 2010, 10:36 PM
and mikey3000.... should I end up not being monogamous.... dude I am following your lead...... you are a real inspiration and role model to bisexuals and people in open marriages........

LDD, Dude, the reason I am the way I am is partially because of you. I know I'm no where near perfect, but my wife accepts me for me and she accepts my boyfriend too. And my boyfriend just adores my wife and children. And my children just adore him too. There are so many different types of bisexuals, just like many different types of people, and we all gotta learn to get along. Lord knows I've been a target to many ever since I got here too. I've had to develop a thick skin. We all don't always agree, but that's what makes the world go 'round. Even on the smallest scale, friction is necessary to hold everything together.

Thank you for the very kind words. They mean a lot to me.

So take care buddy. I hope you change your mind. If not, please PM me and we'll stay in touch.

Oct 28, 2010, 12:32 AM
Hugs, guys.

I don't know if he will ever even look at this forum again. Right now he's in the middle of a PTSD meltdown. All I can do is wait til he's done shattering to pick up the pieces.

...i was wondering if this was something of the sort that might give cause to his decision; i go away for awhile, and my, my, the site keeps losing so many of the posters.

both you and he should know that there are many here wishing him a a speedy healing, and you the all the support that you need!

Oct 30, 2010, 11:19 AM
Thanks guys, I let him know what the thread is saying when it's something good, when it's another bit of trollophobia I just ignore it :)

I really don't know if he will ever even come to the site again, but he left the site not the people. Anyone that needs to get in contact with him can send a message through his email.

Nov 17, 2010, 9:30 AM
....Hate speech...


Nov 17, 2010, 11:25 AM
Did you ever think that he belongs in a mental hospital or needs major psychiatric help instead of being with you if he has PTSD and other major mental illnesses?

This should be a major red flag for you. Do not feel as though you have to stay in a relationship or take care of Long Duck Dong just because he has PTSD and because you claim to love each other.

It's not love on your part or his part. It's co-dependence and abuse.

Does that show that he loves you, cares for you, or even respects you? Not at all, he's being entirely selfish, and just wants someone as a caretaker for his issues with mental illness.

If you yourself have mental health issues do not think that you are somehow going to help him by being in a relationship with him.

This is not a fair or equal relationship on his part. You're going to wind up being his nurse or caretaker and not his girlfriend. Get out now while you still can Duckies Darling. If you stay with him you are only going to regret it and you're not going to help him or yourself if you have other mental health issues. In fact being with Long Duck Dong may make your own meantal health issues a lot worse.

What does he have PTSD about? His life seems pretty easy.

Either way Tenni and other people here the Duck does not like are not responsible for Long Duck having a hissy fit and throwing a tantrum and leaving the site. They are not responsible for his mental health either.

Long Duck Dong and his girlfriend are not discriminated against, attacked, or harassed by anyone here on this site.

I did notice how they liked to gang up on other people here who were not for monogamy or who they did not personally agree with.

He would frequently claim he had minor depression or dysthymia but he does not have that since his girlfriend said how he has major PTSD and I'm sure he has other major mental illnesses.

Long Duck could easily get help for his mental health issues or go on medications yet he refuses to do both of these things. This is his choice not to do anything such as going on meds or getting help.

There comes a time when you have to understand that you are not going to help or make someone with mental illnesses better. These people are not going to get better without medication, therapy, and help from a professional. It is Long Duck's own choice not to seek help or go on medications for his severe PTSD and mental health issues.

Dysthymia is NOT incurable or untreatable. I have friends that were diagnosed with Dysthymia and they went into therapy and got on an anti-depressant and their depression went into remission. They are no longer depressed. If LongDuck has PTSD he is NOT dysthymic or just depressed.

I know he loved to claim he was a counselor. This is either bullshit or else New Zealand has a very shitty mental health system that allows anyone even someone as majorly mentally ill as Long Duck Dong to practice counseling. I'd hate to think what their medical system is like if their mental health system is this shitty!

You're making another wrong decision in your life by having a relationship with Long Duck Dong and choosing to be manipulated by this guy. Do not say you were not warned or did not see the red flags when everything with him goes shitty because of his many issues.

Pure and simple, fuck you. Reported, I wonder what your new name will be? I mean you've had so many in the past and it's very apparent. So why don't you actually go live the great life you think you have and let other people live their lives as best as they can.

Nov 17, 2010, 11:36 AM
It is up to you if you decide to continue a relationship with LDD. There is however a lot of truth in what SodomandGomorrahShow writes. You are an intelligent enough woman to make your own decisions and I'm sure that you have weighed the factors. Deny that SodomandGomorrahShow has not posted truth about LDD and you are merely denying some of what LDD has posted.

1/ LDD admitted that he was not a licensed counsellor and yet continued to use statements to suggest that he had credibility
2/ He admitted that he was in disagreement with the licensing Board
3/ In one rather questionable rant he stated how he had evolved a theory that other professionals in his country dismissed.
4/ His posts on this site wavered from very sane and rational thoughts to bizarre statements to a point about how people should be killed

Those are just four points. I could tell that there was more going on with his mental health than this condition that he stated that he had.

Now about this troll Marie who spam trolls and accuses others of being a troll...lol

Nov 17, 2010, 11:52 AM
God knows I have a list of criticisms about Duckie as long as me arm.. but would never dream of trying to force a wedge between two people in the manner that is being suggested here.. it is quite simply fucking despicable.. I am sure that Darling darling knows what she is doing and has weighed up everything in her mind and for people here to publicly have a go as is happening here is appalling and an abuse of this forum.. sometimes, just sometimes people fall in love and they take their prospective partner for all his or her faults warts and all, and often illness, mental or physical is involved.. my partner took me warts and all knowing I have a history of mental illness and we work at it every day of our lives.. I have no doubt that Darling darling will do precisely the same..

Now I suggest you bastards quit it and go and interest yourself in something other than a personal relationship or if you are seriously concerned do not attempt to discredit a person or persons by public denouncemnt but by private message... of course darling darling would rip your balls off for it because how you do it is without any real feeling or compassion and you wish to destroy.. no more no less..

I for one miss Duckie and always shall on these forums.. for all his cranky and odd ideas he was stimulating and challenging.. so are you tenni but I am beginning to wonder just what your agenda is here.. about Sod..well I have my owns ideas about her/him/it...

Nov 17, 2010, 12:45 PM
We disagree on a lot of things, but your post here is spot on.
There have been documented issues between tenni and LDD and DD in the past and I, too, wonder what the agenda is.
Sodom, if you have nothing better to do than try to break people up, bugger off. You have absolutely no respect or credibility in my eyes and probably most other people's eyes after this post.
If people are truly concerned about DD and LDD, why bring it out in public like this? You have ample opportunity to express your concerns and caring privately. But what Sodom posted was not care or concern and tenni's add on was just bashing.
Grow up children. Or go away.

Nov 17, 2010, 12:47 PM

I don't often see eye-to-eye with you, but I'm in total agreement this time. That was well-put and succinct.

Nov 17, 2010, 1:12 PM
Well being the new kid on the block, I don't know you LDD. I do wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Most importantly, I wish you the quickest possible recovery with the PTSD. I have one close friend that has been diagnosed with it and he is doing pretty well. So I hope that is at least uplifting in some way. Good Luck! :cool:

Nov 17, 2010, 2:18 PM
It is up to you if you decide to continue a relationship with LDD. There is however a lot of truth in what SodomandGomorrahShow writes. You are an intelligent enough woman to make your own decisions and I'm sure that you have weighed the factors. Deny that SodomandGomorrahShow has not posted truth about LDD and you are merely denying some of what LDD has posted.

1/ LDD admitted that he was not a licensed counsellor and yet continued to use statements to suggest that he had credibility
2/ He admitted that he was in disagreement with the licensing Board
3/ In one rather questionable rant he stated how he had evolved a theory that other professionals in his country dismissed.
4/ His posts on this site wavered from very sane and rational thoughts to bizarre statements to a point about how people should be killed

Those are just four points. I could tell that there was more going on with his mental health than this condition that he stated that he had.

Now about this troll Marie who spam trolls and accuses others of being a troll...lol

Tenni it is NONE of your business what goes on between DD and LDD.

Nor is it your business, or right to decide upon someone else's mental health.

Nov 17, 2010, 2:40 PM
Simply put Tenni would rather that monogamy be abolished so then instead of people being truthful and stating "No cause you are a short (profile) fat(profile) fuck (posts)" rather than the nicer "Sorry I'm with someone"

Tenni, you quite frankly do not have the balls to come after me without dragging on someone else's coattails. You have a problem with strong women, I'm betting somewhere in your past you have a domineering female in your life.

You want to start with me then make damn sure you grow a bigger pair of balls cause I have no problem metaphorically ripping them off.

As for Sodom, he's had many names on here and I'm sure that he will be dealt with by Drew.

Hugs to Fran, Marie, Realist, Falcon and the others that are so incredibly supportive.

Nov 17, 2010, 3:00 PM

Nov 17, 2010, 3:23 PM


Nov 17, 2010, 5:17 PM
I personally feel Tenni and Sodom are complete and total idiots and are singlehandledly destroying the ability of this website to be an actual community.

LDD and DD are a special couple, I feel privileged to have known them and to talk with them off this site. They are good hearted people and that's a rarity in the world of people being fake on the net and using it for whatever satisfaction they can get out of it.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 17, 2010, 5:30 PM
tenni and sodom, I was born with dysthimia..... it took 7 years for it to be confirmed ( standard diagnosis time is 2 years ) and I was diagnosised at the age of 37 and it was diagnosised by a american psych as no nz trained psych could diagnosis it as our mental health system and medical health system is sub standard compared to the US, canada, the UK and australia....

now if anybody wants to check in nz, the only treatment for people with dystimia is a 3 year stint in golden bays, learning to say affirmations... but do not take my word for it, google the mental health system in nz, the range of psych meds available to nz'ers and the fact there is no dysthimia support network in nz, only in australia....or better, go google dysthimia on the net..... its a form of depression... not a mind altering, reality distorting mental illness

if I was in the US, I would be undergoing therapy and treatment for the dystimia and the PTSD, including medication.....

so I would suggest that you both learn a lil more about nz before you try and make general statements about things that are beyond your 1 braincell capacity

1) I am a counsellor with certs, not a specialist counsellor, we do not have licensed counsellors in nz, I started on that path after a car accident at 16 that killed 7 people and was the result of me drinking and driving. I have spent the rest of my life trying to prevent others suffering in the way I caused a great deal of suffering for the families of my friends and patner.
instead of playing the victim for my actions, I took responsibility for them and the damage I did, and set about helping others that made the same mistake, to try and rebuild shattered lives.

2) I am one of a number of people that became disillusioned with the counselling and privacy laws in nz after I lost a client due to the laws that stopped me informing people that could have saved my clients life... a mental health nurse was fired for going public about a mentally ill patient that killed his own mother two weeks after he was released....try reading more about the nz laws with privacy before you spout more shit.....

3) professionals have differing opinions too, that is why you consult different professionals in the field.... remember scholars use to argue that the world was flat but it took a sailor to prove them wrong

4) my posts reflect differing stances and points of views..... yet I support stances that I am not comfortable with.... I am the first to state that I have dual stances as many issues have two sides... but I walk the walk and talk the talk... I love to live and live to love...
yet my opinions are based around life experience including military service... and my partners stance cover parenting, our combined experiences cover sex and relations and marriage..... tenni thats a number of areas in which you appear to have limited or no experience....

you never served in the military, monogamy scares you, religion is like a school bully to you, females intimidate you and you fight best when you think your opponent is no longer around and you attack peoples relationships to make yourself feel better and there are times that I seriously question if you had to use google to lose your virginity

I would suggest that you and your gf, sodomandgomorrah, use goggle to search for images of testicles as they are known as balls, man jewels and many other names.... now real men grow them naturally, we do not make them out of plastic and have them medical inserted... and nor do real men have inflatable dolls refuse to sleep with them either.....

how about instead of going after me when I have been absent from the site, or going after my partner, you grow a pair and email me directly, as the yellow streak down your back is growing like pinocchios nose....

unless of course, you perfer to fight females, trans and absent members and then only in a group, like school bullies do.....

Nov 17, 2010, 5:45 PM
if I was in the US, I would be undergoing therapy and treatment for the dystimia and the PTSD, including medication.....

Wait a tick...there's medication for PTSD? I have it because of the traumatic abuses I suffered from as a child. Nobody mentioned medication.

Nov 17, 2010, 7:20 PM
It is up to you if you decide to continue a relationship with LDD. There is however a lot of truth in what SodomandGomorrahShow writes. You are an intelligent enough woman to make your own decisions, blah blah blah, mmm this foot tastes good, wish they'd taken the bones out...

Dude, I have just lost so much respect for you. True enough that sometimes we can learn more from the words of our enemies than our friends, but your timing in presenting your two cents about this is just disgusting.

SodomAndGoTrolla is showing his/her/its full colors now, as I knew he/she/it would from the time he/she/it started in on all the little questions about our sex lives. The next phase I observed was his/her/its publicly spinning fantasies about one of our members, and now he-she-it is in full bloom, going after a victim's jugular. Troll behavior, we have seen, involves taking arbitrary sides in a conflict to stir things up. The choice of sides is quite random. He/she/it chose to attack her, could have been you instead. But instead of having some comraderie for a fellow bona-fide human member, you chose to follow the troll's attack. Shame on you.

Now about this troll Marie who spam trolls and accuses others of being a troll...lol

Nope. You have your feud with her, but she's no troll. She is a singular human who expresses her own view consistently, and not with the sole intention of stirring up strife.

Squabble with who you like here, but when a troll attacks a bona fide human member here and it happens to be one of your "enemies",

Nov 17, 2010, 7:29 PM
I personally feel Tenni and Sodom are complete and total idiots and are singlehandledly destroying the ability of this website to be an actual community.

Can I get a Hallelujah!?

Wandering, the sign would be appropriate except that they suffer like Curly of three Stooges Fame when he said,"I think but nothing happens!"

Nov 17, 2010, 7:34 PM
Nice to see you back, LDD. Not thrilled to see the old feud stirring up again, though. Hope your next post is soon and is not aimed at Tenni.

Nov 17, 2010, 7:57 PM
In referring to the troll, I'm finding the unknown-gender object pronoun a bit cumbersome to write, so I'll combine "she", "he" and "it" into "sheeit."

Thinking more deeply about what just happened here. In the troll's attack on two human members -- DD and MarieDelta, sheeit basically parroted words used by their human member enemy -- Tenni, and successfully drew the human into the conflict sheeit created.

The troll is a bit of a body snatcher. Humans, take heed. Personally I will be on the lookout for a new member who presents himself as a PolyBi male, posts defenses of Islam and marijuana, and then proceeds to attack veterans on Memorial Day.

Nov 17, 2010, 8:04 PM
Apparently, according to a few people that I respect, my words were inappropriate. I do apologize.

Nov 17, 2010, 9:19 PM
Why not just call yourself a Shiiite? Or a shemale? I'm not a troll but I'm not going to argue with you about this because it is pointless.

You'd do better to post your stoned ramblings about how the genocide that gay and bisexual men in Iran and Saudia Arabia really is (in your opinion) not that bad and how great it is to be living in Orthodox moslem countries as a bisexual or gay man. :rolleyes;


:stoned::stoned::stoned::stoned::stoned::stoned::s toned::stoned::stoned:

Nov 17, 2010, 9:23 PM
Can I get a Hallelujah!?[/SIZE]

You know, all this trolling has me suspicious of every newcomer. How can you build an online community when people don't freely welcome newcomers?

I really think an ID verification system could save this site. Drew?

Long Duck Dong
Nov 17, 2010, 10:34 PM
Actually yes you can get on medications for PTSD, depression, and whatever other severe mental illnesses you have in NZ.

I did a google search and yes you can get treatment and go on medications for having dysthymia and PTSD. Get a 2nd opinion on the Dysthymia you clearly have other major issues besides that.

This is just another way you are saving face, tricking, lying, and manipulating your girlfriend into being a future nurse/caregiver to you.

If you actually really did care about yourself and her you would get treatment for your severe depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and mental illnesses.

post links to the sites listing the meds please..... and then I will post a link to the nz pharmac site showing the meds available in nz for people with dysthimia.... remember, PEOPLE IN NZ.... not australia, not the uk, and not the usa, strictly NZ only

as for a second opinion ?? it was a american neurologist that diagnosised the personality disorder, it was a american psych that pinpointed the dystimia, it was a american ex military service psych that diagnosised the PTSD

it was NZ experts that checked me for a brain tumour ( 42 seperate mri's and cat scans, nothing found ) it was a nz specialist that had me wired up to a machine and getting electric shocks for 2 hours at a time and found nothing... it was nz experts that diagnosised me with anger and suicide issues ( part of the dystimia ).. it was nz mental health experts that told me I was fine cos I was not seeing space aliens or talking to god in my head....

now who would you suggest I get a second opinion from ?? the americans who actually made a correct diagnosis or the nz'ers that had no fuckin idea....

as for substance abuse ???? I have had one glass of whiskey in the last 6 months, I am drug free ( legal and illegal ) and I am happy to be tested anytime to prove it

now as for lying to and tricking my gf, she stayed with me for 3 months and was told that that 3 months was her time to make up her mind if she wanted to be with me..... but that I was quite happy single and celibate ( something I had posted about in this site in the past ) and I would not go chasing a person or a relationship as I had dystimia and PTSD and it made me hard to live with, therefore I would not ask or expect anybody to live with me because of that ( something else I have posted about in the site )

now I was born with dysthimia, and I gained PTSD due to military service, tho it is believed that its a result of the car accident at 16..... they are my burdens to bear, nobody elses.... hence I was single before DD indicated that she wanted more than just a friendship.....

unlike the average person, I gain no pleasure or joy from a relationship because of the dysthimia and it irks me that a partner can suffer cos of who I am and what I have as it is not their burden to bear nor should they have to suffer because of something they never created....
DD knows that is my stance and she doesn't like it cos it appears like I am pushing her away with my words...... I am actually allowing her to make the choice in her life, in the same way I told her I was bisexual and sent her to this site so she could make a informed decision for herself about me

I have also sent her links about the mental health system in nz, she has researched the lack of resources available to me, the lack of meds and the lack of support ...... so if DD is being lied to and misled, its not by my hand...

you really have to ask yourself why nz has one of the highest teen suicide rates in nz and why teens are refered to a online teen depression site when they need help..... its cos the mental health system in nz will only treat the top 3% of mentally ill people in nz, the ones most likely to pose a threat to the nz public and when that goes wrong and a mentally ill patient kills somebody, they blame each other for not doing enuf to prevent it

but what would I know, I am only 40 and mentally ill, living in nz, and that is proof there that a person in the usa, knows more than I do cos they post in a forum about how they googled sites that they have no links for while I have battled the mental health system for 25 years and spent the last 10 trying to be more support and resources for the nz depressed which is estimated as every one in 5 people....

so sodom, keep the attacks going.... it reminds me of a member that did the same thing ....a member called jeannie aka jeannie tg....

Nov 17, 2010, 11:49 PM
If none of you others will say it, I will.
I am a big fan of freedom of speech, but Drew, can you ban this jackass Sodom?
His attack was uncalled for and uncouth on a member who had resigned from the site to get his head straight.
I suspect the only reason he is back is to defend his love against this troll.
People can say what they want about positions or opinions, but unprovoked, personal attacks need to be dealt with. Harshly.
Tenni, I will give you this, at least you can admit when you are wrong.

Nov 18, 2010, 12:56 AM
Sighs...I sometimes wonder why people think everyone is an idiot. I have not only researched dysthimia I belong to a web based support group here in the states. I am well aware of the lack of treatment for the condition in NZ and the fact that a lot of drugs are not even available in NZ.

I am extremely amused at the implication that I suffer from mental illness as well or that I am being lied to by Duck and do not know him. I have spoken with him pretty much all night long for almost three years, I went and spent three months with him in New Zealand. We have shared one of the most painful things to happen to me in this liftetime and we are stronger for it.

So Sodom, continue to believe the crap you spout off and I can only hope Drew deals with you quickly.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 18, 2010, 1:03 AM
Long Duck Dong do you even know what Dysthymia is?

It's a type of depression and you can easily go on any number of medications for it in New Zealand.

If you can't get on an anti-depressant in New Zealand how did at least 600,000 New Zealanders get on them?

Someone is not telling their girlfriend the truth about treatment for depression/PTSD and whatever other mental illnesses you have and how easily you can get these treatments or even go away to a mental hospital yet you refuse to do anything.


Dysthymia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysthymia)

gee I guess I only have ahhhh most of the symptoms according to wikipedia

so lets get me drugs for it.....

sodom has provided a news article as proof that I can get access to treatment for dysthimia and PTSD... so I think I will go for the treatment it doesn't mention and the dysthimia treatment it doesn't mention.....cos sodom has posted it as proof that they are right I am wrong

ok let me see if there are other options...

dysthymia-treatment/ ("http://psychcentral.com/lib/2008/dysthymia-treatment/)

woohoo the antidepressant Serzone (nefazodone)...... that I can not get in NZ, will work for me, so i think I will go and take a medication that I can not get but wait... I can also get psychotherapy...... oh wait, I have mentioned a number of times that its the only treatment for dysthimia in nz....... cos I can not get the meds ...... I can only get them in places like the UK, USA and australia....

well fuck me...... that article must be wrong too..... its lieing to DD and the rest of the internet cos its matching what I am saying..... bloody lieing websites, dammit it.......

so lets go to a mental hospital, but I am running out of choices as the closest one was shut down.... and that was in nelson.... and so was the one in christchurch... and the one in otago... and the one in wanganui.... and one of the 3 in auckland..... and sorry that I am not posting links, but as sodom has proven, every website is telling lies if they match what I say.... so I better not use any links as that condones lying...

so I guess we better trust sodom and their new article link cos that must be the truth cos sodom posted it....... and the rest of the internet must be wrong and lying...... who would have thought that.....

and for sodoms next trick, he will find weapons of mass destruction in iraq cos they are there, sodom said so.....

Nov 18, 2010, 3:12 AM
This whole post is nothing but depression. Skimming through three pages and I want to put a fucking bullet in the side of my head! Seriously now, who gives a crap how bi you are. Stick a cock in it (or tittie) and get on with it. I'm bi, love to suck cock and munch carpet. Whoopy fucking doooooooo! I don't care how bi or gay or straight you are. Seriously you sound like a bunch of kindergarden kids trying to figure out who you are. It doesn't matter if you are "out" or not. I'll suck cock in the closet untill the day I die and be perfectly happy each and every time I do it cuz I got nothing to prove to anyone but my dam throat!! Ahem...

End rant... Now fuck like rabbits and be merry!

P.S - I am very intoxicated right now :) if this doesn't make any sense to the saine then I apologize, otherwise, get bent! It's all true!!!!! 8====>~(-:

Nov 18, 2010, 4:03 AM
So wait a minute you're majorly depressed and suicidal and somehow you were never mentally ill at all? Yeah right! :rolleyes: You also need some help that you're not getting just like your boyfriend but that is what attracted both of you to each other in the first place.

You're in a co-dependent relationship with LongDuck and you can claim that you visited him for 3 months or that you talk to each other online nightly but you really do not know each other.

I did read your links LongDuck you could very easily get treatment for depression, PTSD, and whatever other mental illnesses you have in your home country of New Zealand.

I am friends with a man in New Zealand and he has suffered from depression and PTSD and he can easily get treatment and medications in New Zealand.

Of course LongDuck is correct that New Zealand has a sub standard mental health system they somehow allowed him to become a counselor of all people and slip in through the woodwork to work with people.

You can marry this loser all you want DuckiesDarling but do not come crying here or blame us when you realize that you knowingly married a man who has tons of issues and who has too many problems that will never be solved because he refuses to get help for them.

LongDuckDong and DD: Get help, you both need it desperately.

-from everyone here at this website.

Asshole let me spell it out for you. I had something major happen in my life. I was suicidal not mentally ill there is a fucking difference. There are things you have no fucking clue about and things I pray no parent ever has to go through so stay the fuck out of my life and go find someone who actually cares about you. You have been reported to Drew, your pms have been forwarded to Drew and I am now putting your idiotic ass on ignore.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 18, 2010, 4:12 AM
So wait a minute you're majorly depressed and suicidal and somehow you were never mentally ill at all? Yeah right! :rolleyes: You also need some help that you're not getting just like your boyfriend but that is what attracted both of you to each other in the first place.

You're in a co-dependent relationship with LongDuck and you can claim that you visited him for 3 months or that you talk to each other online nightly but you really do not know each other.

I did read your links LongDuck you could very easily get treatment for depression, PTSD, and whatever other mental illnesses you have in your home country of New Zealand.

I am friends with a man in New Zealand and he has suffered from depression and PTSD and he can easily get treatment and medications in New Zealand.

Of course LongDuck is correct that New Zealand has a sub standard mental health system they somehow allowed him to become a counselor of all people and slip in through the woodwork to work with people.

You can marry this loser all you want DuckiesDarling but do not come crying here or blame us when you realize that you knowingly married a man who has tons of issues and who has too many problems that will never be solved because he refuses to get help for them.

LongDuckDong and DD: Get help, you both need it desperately.

-from everyone here at this website.

I was not a mental health counsellor.... so you failed on that point....

btw, the links I posted, none of them were NZ links..... but I thought a intelligent person like you would have realised that... if you had actually read them.....

you can know anybody in the world and say they can get treatment for depression.... but hey if you knew so much, you would know that you treat dysthimia, clinical depression, post natal depression and bi polar depression differently......

but you would also know that in NZ, dysthimia is not recognised as a mental illness, dysthimia is a american term... in nz its classed as long term depression... hence it was a american psych that was able to correct diagnosis it......

now sodom, they used to treat me with carbamazepine ( and I am sure that a expert like you would know what its called in nz and why the treatment was stopped by the neurologist .....
my friend in the us that works in a hospital, knew immediately why I was taken off it....

so how about it....sodom... care to share more of your profound wisdom and answer my questions

Nov 18, 2010, 4:24 AM
Nice 2 c ya Duckie.. pity 'bout the circumstances.. soz 'bout that me luffly.. sum peeps r just heartless nasty shites... muah!

Nov 18, 2010, 5:47 AM
Too bad Sodom wasn't the one who said he was leaving the site.

Nov 18, 2010, 6:11 AM
LDD, the very best of luck to you! I never knew you, but I wholeheartedly agree with your viewpoint. Nuff said.

Nov 18, 2010, 6:17 AM
Oh, and don't sweat the idiots. They only drag you down! Live YOUR life as YOU see fit. Don't impose yourself on others. And give your efforts to those who will appreciate them. We spend far too much time trying to appease utter fools who think ALL should be pleased. Ask yourself...for what?
Best wishes!:)

Nov 18, 2010, 8:18 AM
You're in a co-dependent relationship with LongDuck and you can claim that you visited him for 3 months or that you talk to each other online nightly but you really do not know each other.

Isn't it amazing that one who has never met two people can know them so well and be so sure he knows all things..:rolleyes:

Nov 18, 2010, 12:06 PM
Well, now that troll thing is apparently gone (Thank you Drew), welcome back LDD. I hope you will stick around.

Nov 18, 2010, 3:18 PM
Isn't it amazing that one who has never met two people can know them so well and be so sure he knows all things..:rolleyes:

yeah isn't it, Fran? oh well guess the sun sets in the east today too

Nov 18, 2010, 4:10 PM
yeah isn't it, Fran? oh well guess the sun sets in the east today too

Poor ole SodofftillTomorra.. wonder wot 'e will call 'imsel then?? tee hee;)

Nov 18, 2010, 4:33 PM
Whatever he calls himself he won't be hard to spot just as he hasn't been hard to spot on the other names. Some just can't help it, the words closeted will appear then it will go on to the other wonderful slurs and insults couched within his "loving" advice.

Nov 18, 2010, 8:21 PM
You know, all this trolling has me suspicious of every newcomer. How can you build an online community when people don't freely welcome newcomers?

I really think an ID verification system could save this site. Drew?

Now don't start singling me out because I agree they are being pains in the ass. I have been here SILENTLY watching since 2003. I haven't been unwelcoming to everyone that logs in and asks a strange question or been creepy.

And as for a system where we verify them, that would cost money and I wish it could be so, but realistically the money part is what will make it not happen. Drew does this out of his own pocket, and I can understand him not wanting to throw good money after bad. We haven't had updates in an age and an age, and I have no idea why that is.

As for being suspicious of the trolls, you have a long way to go yet to reach my suspicion level though I keep quiet of it. Few here know what blows I was dealt personally through this site. I refused to think all the world evil because we trolls and Stalker-trolls, and all I do is leave for a bit then come back. Not that anyone noticed, but that's what I do.

Nov 18, 2010, 8:30 PM
Ian, know what amused me was when we were joking about the next troll name and you mentioned it would be something like L3st4t and what do you know, next troll to pop up was named something similiar.

Nov 19, 2010, 12:20 AM
Ian, know what amused me was when we were joking about the next troll name and you mentioned it would be something like L3st4t and what do you know, next troll to pop up was named something similiar.

I know....THAT was really creepy that I got it right. It made me wonder if it was chance or they did it purposely.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 19, 2010, 12:34 AM
use a second browser, that is not your primary browser......and you can view the forums and threads without appearing online in the site, if you are signed in automatically

its a trick used by many trolls in order to get info on their targets.....

one of our trolls revealed they use that type of trick when they went after me over things i have not said in a post or thread for a few months before the troll signed up.....

so we can rest assured that our resident troll is sitting in their chair, nursing the friction burns on their hands as they read all their dating site rejection mails and plotting their next attack on bisexual.com......

I honestly wonder if our troll is the genius behind such awesome pics on the net such as getting their penis stuck in a vaccum cleaner pipe and the xray pics of a barbie doll stuck up their ass...... it would be about their level of intelligence.....

Nov 19, 2010, 2:24 AM
Ian, know what amused me was when we were joking about the next troll name and you mentioned it would be something like L3st4t and what do you know, next troll to pop up was named something similiar.

That DID happen! I was scratching my head the first time I saw L3st4t, wondering whether my mind was playing tricks on me.

Nov 19, 2010, 3:42 AM
I know....THAT was really creepy that I got it right. It made me wonder if it was chance or they did it purposely.

Ifya printed it in a thread or even chat, ya kno the answer, Ian hun..;)

Nov 19, 2010, 12:59 PM
I don't know if S&G and L3 are trolls or not--but I saw enough in the things they say in their posts to make me think they are--so pretty early on--I put them on IGNORE status-----it does make things much nicer to do that when you think that someone is a troll or a least kind of jerky and most of what they say is not worth paying any attention to.

I'd urge everyone else to consider doing the same and not giving them the pleasure of responding to their junk.