View Full Version : Dear Drew....

Oct 22, 2010, 9:47 PM
There seems to be an ongoing debate that pops up in thread after thread on this site as to who exactly belongs here.

We have bisexuals here, we have straight partners of bisexuals here, we have transgendered here, we have bi curious here, we have lesbians here, we have gays here. We have straight people who just want to show support for bisexual friends.

So tell us, Drew, end the debate for us. Who do you want here?

Oct 22, 2010, 10:41 PM
Ok, this is a debate I totally missed....

Last I checked it was supposed to be everyone is allowed to be here so long as they don't act like a complete pain, right? Who's been saying there are only certain people allowed?

Oct 22, 2010, 11:12 PM
There seems to be an ongoing debate that pops up in thread after thread on this site as to who exactly belongs here.

We have bisexuals here, we have straight partners of bisexuals here, we have transgendered here, we have bi curious here, we have lesbians here, we have gays here. We have straight people who just want to show support for bisexual friends.

So tell us, Drew, end the debate for us. Who do you want here?

"In a site where all our welcome the inability to tolerate other sexualities is very creepy." quoted from DD comment.
I see nothing in the banner stating that this site "all are welcome". I read "bisexual.com" "the bisexual community site".

The question is not who do you want here Drew but what and who was this website created for?

Was it created primarily for heterosexuals?
Was it created primarily for transgendered?
Was it created primarily for bisexuals?

People who are heterosexual who come to this website and scream with caps about a bisexual's behaviour being "DEMENTED" are quite different from heterosexuals who come here to ask for advice about understanding their bisexual partners.

Heterosexuals who offer advice after a bisexual asks them as to how to disclose to their heterosexual partner are quite different from heterosexuals who go from thread to thread and make morality comments about bisexual behaviour.

It isn't your sexuality that is not tolerable. We are bisexual.

Oct 22, 2010, 11:49 PM
Tenni, this is the second time I have seen you go after DD. As I recall very clearly what you are referencing was a thread in which she commented to someone who posted he had went to parents weekend at his daughter's college "as she was struggling to get settled in" and dropped the bombshell of divorce and infidelity on his daughter. Personally, I thought he was a bit demented as well. He posted that he knew his daughter was struggling so what does he do? He goes and kicks her legs out from under.

Please find another example where it's actually bisexuality she has said anything about rather than a comment on parental timing.

Oct 23, 2010, 12:03 AM
I have no problem with DD, or straights of any variety, or gays.

I do have a problem with assholes Go figure.


Oct 23, 2010, 12:16 AM
Please excuse my :2cents:
When I first came to this site, I came to grasp an understanding of bisexuality
I was under the impression that was what the site was for as well as to be able to talk about it.
I call my self bi - curious, because that is what I am, not having any same sex incounters.
I am now 65 years young, in all these years I have only had 3 MM encounters.
I was refered to this site to help me understand just what mm sex was all about.
If I am not suppost to be here because I am only bi - curious, then please tell me where to go for the kind of insite I am looking for

thank you Tony ....... grayhound

Long Duck Dong
Oct 23, 2010, 12:17 AM
I refered DD here to get a overview of bisexuality and bisexuals as I am bisexual and DD needed to get a unbiased view of bisexuality.......

thankfully she joined the site before the constant US bashing, anti monogamy, anti hetero posting that is now a constant feature of the site and some members only input into the site

but its getting just a lil annoying that she is being hounded by a bisexual male in the site and told to not post as much and not be seen to be supportive of her bisexual partner as its not good that other people can see her supporting a bisexual as she is a heterosexual female that is pro monogamy.....
and the fact that she is american ....... I am surprised that that she has not been targeted cos she is from the US .....

oh wait... is that another US bashing thread on the main page ??????

me and DD were talking last night and DD told me that if it was today that I asked her to join the site.... she would have told me to go fuck myself.... she would not join a site where there is a constant flow of anti monogamy, anti us, anti muslim, anti hetero, anti * breeder *, anti trans, anti religion, anti society sentiment in a site where people are decrying the lack of acceptance for bisexuals and bisexuality......

we are the role models for bisexuals and bisexuality in this site..... and its what people on the web are seeing and judging us by......

its no wonder that every day, I wish more and more that I was not bisexual.... cos I hate the idea that I am bisexual and so are the people posting the anti * everything *.... threads and posts...... and that I can be judged by association.....

Oct 23, 2010, 12:32 AM
LDD and DD I understand your sentiments. I see so much nastiness posted now on here and I have only been here over a year. I think you 2 are a perfect example of what a loving couple SHOULD be. LDD is bi and DD is fine with that and secure in the knowledge that he is monogamous to her only. I LOVE the fact that you are both so secure in your relationship and share with us your thoughts, dreams, ire, and such. I read LDD's posts a times and think to myself, 'AH. I never thought about it from that angle.'

Oct 23, 2010, 1:18 AM
I know that I am a new comer here, and no one knows me besides Cat, but I would like to chimb in here if I may?

I am the wife of aman who is bisexual, and this talk makes me question now if I really fit in here as well. We were refered to this site by a great friend, and it was great to be in a group where everyone was accepted for being who they are, not just because of being Bi. I have only recently discovered my bisexuality, and I am wondering if I am still accepted here dispite of this fact. I have had only two bi experiances in my life, and the first made me fear for years to have another experiance until recently.
It was my understanding that this group was for all to feel free with themselves and their spouces or just themselves.

I mean, no one has even taken the time to hardly speak to me as it is, except for Cat and another gentleman, some greeting me my first day, and I was afraid it was because I was not bi at that time, but now I begin to question this even more.

So because I am newly bi, does this mean that too am not welcome here? I dearly love reading the posts and enjoy most of the topics, but I'm not sure now....:(


Oct 23, 2010, 4:52 AM
I don't think there's much doubt that people of all sexual tendencies are welcome here. I have seen this "you don't belong here because you're not bi" thing crop up a few times, always by the same few people, and always as a weapon in a personal attack. I also think that it's clear to anyone who's been here for a while that we get lots of positive and negative contributions from people without any correlation to their sexuality.

I doubt Drew is going to answer the question, and I don't think it matters. People will join, leave, take breaks from and return to this site regardless, and the site will continue to be as it is, positive and negative traits together, because of who comes here.

We need to recognize personal disputes for what they are and pay no mind when the squabblers try to make their tiff out to be about something larger, that includes us. And not to take 100 posts by one person the way we would regard posts by 100 different people.

I mean, no one has even taken the time to hardly speak to me as it is, except for Cat and another gentleman, some greeting me my first day, and I was afraid it was because I was not bi at that time, but now I begin to question this even more.

Aww, little sister... it's not like that here. We have lots of bi-curious, fluid and experimental people here, and if you read their posts you'll see they get lots of support. Did you introduce yourself in the forum? Sorry I missed it. I come and go here; when I get disgusted with how much time I spend here I take a break and avoid the site.

The longer you stay and the more you post, the better people will know you, more people will contact you out of the blue, and the more support you'll feel. You can of course also take the initiative and contact people whose posts you like.

There are a few out-and-out nasty twisted characters here, but most people here are nice enough, and I suspect many are at their worst behavior when behind a computer keyboard, and would never say in person the things they type here.

I do wish the feuders would come to a truce or just start ignoring each other. The personal attacks take a big toll on the signal-to-noise ratio.

Oct 23, 2010, 6:42 AM
I mean, no one has even taken the time to hardly speak to me as it is, except for Cat and another gentleman, some greeting me my first day, and I was afraid

Did you introduce yourself in the forum? Sorry I missed it.

Oh, wait... I think I did reply to your introduction, come to think of it. You said "gentleman" so I assumed you were talking about someone else. :bigrin:

You know, another way to open to more personal contact here is to post a personal ad. There are a lot of ads here from people who are just looking for friends. It's a place to say as much as you like about yourself, which is more easily accessed than any individual post you make. A lot of off-forum contact here starts when someone reads a post, they like it enough to want to know the writer better, they check out the writer's profile, and liking what's there even more, go ahead and write them an e-mail.

Oct 23, 2010, 8:34 AM
When you first sign up for this site, it gives you the option to choose if you are transgendered, straight, homosexual, bisexual and even to what level. Obvious, Drew would not have given such options if he didn't plan on welcoming everyone. Time to get over it people.

Oct 23, 2010, 1:19 PM
WTF, over??? What the hell happened to us just being People? And if a person wants to get pissy about it it is suppose to be For Bisexual folks But we have a good mixture of folks here, and no one outside of Drew has the right to say if a person should be here or not! The spouse or significant other of a bi person has just as much rights here as anyone else! This is not a Us vs. Them war, and its getting ridiculous.
And no offence to the Gay folks here, but if a Gay person tells a non-bi significant other of a bisexual that they dont belong here, then They should take a step back and look at the title of the group. One of our own stopped coming here because she kept being told that lesbians didnt belong here.
This group should be for ALL of us, a safe-haven from the narrow-minded and tight assed people who look down on us because we are all varied and different; and because our sexual orientation isnt what "polite society" sees as in their little box. This is a place of comfort and ease for many of us, and thats the way it oughta stay..
So you kiddies play nice and cut out the bullshit...

Oct 23, 2010, 1:32 PM
Kit-Baby, Never question who you are. Just be You. I told you that when I took you guys to your first sex party, and I'm telling you the same now. Not Lost and Atiq are right. The more you post, the more folks will come to know and love you as I do. And dont Be afraid to post on something controversial and speak your mind, and if you have to stand up to a troll, bully, or asshole, then Go for it. But mainly, just be you Darlin. You are welcome here, thats why I invited you and Ki here to be with us.:tongue:
No worries Girlfriend. Just be you.
Your Cat

Oct 23, 2010, 1:54 PM
It isn't that all sexualities are not welcome but the audacity of one heterosexual to feel an "entitlement" to slam bisexuals, comment about bisexuals lifestyle and decisions. Sorry, but I consider the "Are you demented" directly connected to a bisexual's behaviour. He was the first that I read about who actually opened up about his process. He was advised by his wife's counsellor to do this. Yet, DD, felt the entitlement to slam him and call him (via a question) that he was demented. This is not the first time and I'm not going back to put her on trial as some others see nothing wrong with a heterosexual imposing her views in bisexual discussions.

All other heterosexuals take the position of being very cautious about what they post as advice and I believe do not offer unsolicited advice. They recognize that they are not bisexual and that this site is primarily for bisexuals to discuss their sexuality. This is one of the few (only?) heterosexuals who takes the position of entitlement to speak so broadly about and to bisexuals as if she were an expert.

I agree that Drew will probably not comment on this but he might.

Apparently, several find that acceptable. So be it. I must be the "troll" not her.

"a safe-haven from the narrow-minded and tight assed people who look down on us"
I consider this type of heterosexual as looking down on bisexuals and being tight assed with her "advice" from a heterosexual perspective. This is not a safe haven unless the bisexual presents themself as humble timid and confused.. dumplin.

Oct 23, 2010, 2:31 PM
It isn't that all sexualities are not welcome but the audacity of one heterosexual to feel an "entitlement" to slam bisexuals, comment about bisexuals lifestyle and decisions.

I think that's where this is all coming from and I got more than annoyed with people who kept running a certain fellow down time and time again after he already admitted what he felt was his wrong doing.

I don't know that it had anything to do with whether those comments were made by straight, bi or homo people. I really hadn't noticed the sexuality of the persons who were annoying me but it seemed like there were 3 of them.

So, it's a matter of what sort of comments are being made, not so much the sexuality of the people making those comments. It might be best for some of us to stay away from discussions where we know our comments will generate hostility in others.

Oct 23, 2010, 2:51 PM
as long as everyone is kind and considerate WHATS THE PROBLEM gees there's some simple minded bafoons in this world.

Oct 23, 2010, 4:28 PM
People who are heterosexual who come to this website and scream with caps about a bisexual's behavior being "DEMENTED" are quite different from heterosexuals who come here to ask for advice about understanding their bisexual partners.

Heterosexuals who offer advice after a bisexual asks them as to how to disclose to their heterosexual partner are quite different from heterosexuals who go from thread to thread and make morality comments about bisexual behavior."

"It isn't that all sexualities are not welcome but the audacity of one heterosexual to feel an "entitlement" to slam bisexuals, comment about bisexuals lifestyle and decisions. Sorry, but I consider the "Are you demented" directly connected to a bisexual's behavior."

My feeble mind fails to see where the comment, "DEMENTED" had any correlation to said person's sexuality. The way that I understood the comment was based on the TIMING of his disclosing the information about the failing relationship with his wife, and the reasons, to his daughter. So if you could please offer more information into how this is related to his sexuality, I would be curious to know.

I have yet to see, and granted I have not read all 781 of DD's posts as I don't have that kind of time on my hands, where morality comments about bisexual behavior have been made. The behavior of a person lying and cheating is far different than a behavior based on sexuality and most of us on this site have agreed, most of which are bisexual, that these actions were wrong. I can see how this can be misconstrued into a morality debate, but not one based on sexuality. I am in agreement that deceit of any kind is morally wrong, but this is based on MY morals and virtues. (No, I am not heterosexual.)

There are quite a few variables into the disclosure of information by the person, for whom you are referring to, to their heterosexual spouse. For those of us on the outside looking in, we can only know what has been shared with us and go from there. Most of the arguments I have seen have leaned more to the deceit side of the disclosure and not the sexuality side.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, as I have been wrong about things before.

Oct 23, 2010, 4:28 PM
Why did you not just send a private email to Drew? If you wanted him to reply, that's a better way to do it. Go to "Contact Us." Just so you know, here is the link:


That doesn't appear to be the purpose of starting this thread.

Maybe take your own advise ("READ THE ******* PROFILE ENTIRELY BEFORE YOU THINK OF CONTACTING ME." )The information you seek is on the first page of the web site - you really can't miss it. Its specific (without the profanity):

Welcome to Bisexual.com

Bisexual.com is the internet community for bisexual men. women and couples. We have personal ads, chat, articles, forums and much more - and all of it is COMPLETELY FREE. But we do require new users to register to access most of the features - it helps us moderate things and helps ensure that all personal ads are placed by seriously interested parties only. We have a comprehensive Privacy Policy that reflects the needs of even the most privacy-conscious folks. And, yes, of course we are 100% bi owned and operated. Click below to register.

(One might consider a bisexual couple one that has one bisexual member - I certainly do.)

It seems to be then that everyone else should consider themselves a guest and conduct themselves accordingly acting as if they are a guest in a friend's home. But, then again, everyone should be doing the same anyway. No one should be telling anyone they don't belong. If they do, put them on your block list and let the admin know! Many members have been banned in the past. Not a single post from a blocked person will show up when you browse the forums nor will you get email from them.

This looks to me to be an attention-getting stunt who's purpose is start a riot. Of course, such a post will elicit strong reactions. And, most naturally like clockwork, LDD swooped in to defend his beloved's honor.

Oct 23, 2010, 4:36 PM
Not Lost and Atiq are right.

Are? Hunh?

I may be bisexual and a Gemini, but I am one person.

At least I think we are.

Oct 23, 2010, 5:13 PM
This looks to me to be an attention-getting stunt who's purpose is start a riot. Of course, such a post will elicit strong reactions. And, most naturally like clockwork, LDD swooped in to defend his beloved's honor.

Of course, it's just more DD&LDD/Tenni war games. Aren't you glad she started her own thread for this, rather than let the feud manifest in its usual form as the DD&LDD/Tenni virus, which infects threads and causes them all, regardless of their original topic, to mutate into a U.S. vs. Canada flamefest?

I'm surprised none of you have chimed in with me.

I do wish the feuders would come to a truce or just start ignoring each other. The personal attacks take a big toll on the signal-to-noise ratio.

Annika L
Oct 23, 2010, 5:24 PM
When you first sign up for this site, it gives you the option to choose if you are transgendered, straight, homosexual, bisexual and even to what level. Obvious, Drew would not have given such options if he didn't plan on welcoming everyone. Time to get over it people.

I think this answers the OP better than any silly debate we might have on this or any other thread.

Tenni, this is the second time I have seen you go after DD. As I recall very clearly what you are referencing was a thread in which she commented to someone who posted he had went to parents weekend at his daughter's college "as she was struggling to get settled in" and dropped the bombshell of divorce and infidelity on his daughter. Personally, I thought he was a bit demented as well. He posted that he knew his daughter was struggling so what does he do? He goes and kicks her legs out from under.

Please find another example where it's actually bisexuality she has said anything about rather than a comment on parental timing.

I read and re-read tenni's post, and cannot for the life of me see how it can be construed as "going after DD".

As tenni points out, the site was created for bisexuals and those who love us. As Rissa points out, all are clearly welcome. Tenni just adds the very sensible observation that it's not a person's sexuality that would exclude them, but their behavior...jerks are not welcome here, be they heterosexual, bisexual, transgender, or (especially) spammers.

I don't always agree with tenni, but in this case, I think he's right on.

Annika L
Oct 23, 2010, 5:27 PM
Of course, it's just more DD&LDD/Tenni war games. Aren't you glad she started her own thread for this, rather than let the feud manifest in its usual form as the DD&LDD/Tenni virus, which infects threads and causes them all, regardless of their original topic, to mutate into a U.S. vs. Canada flamefest?

I'm surprised none of you have chimed in with me.

*chimes in with Atiq* ...both of him. :tong:

Oct 23, 2010, 7:54 PM
Agree with Annika and Atiq. There's always the option of not reading the postings by certain members. I frequently do that. Partly because I already know the clash of overstated opinions will take place....and partly because I don't really care what their outlook is on the subject. I usually find myself sharing an opinion with the more polite, understated and laid back types anyway. And that makes me happy. I know I'm in good company.


Oct 23, 2010, 8:20 PM
Nephx, I did mail Drew :)

Annika, he went after me with his edit accusing me of saying something about someone's sexuality.

Notlost, I made a thread to get a definititive answer in a form that someone who insists only bisexuals should be here would understand. For the record Drew has posted in other threads that ALL are welcome here just follow the rules.

As for LDD's post, that's up to him. He was free to make a comment in this thread just as you are, Nephx.

Oct 23, 2010, 8:25 PM
People who are heterosexual who come to this website and scream with caps about a bisexual's behavior being "DEMENTED" are quite different from heterosexuals who come here to ask for advice about understanding their bisexual partners.

Heterosexuals who offer advice after a bisexual asks them as to how to disclose to their heterosexual partner are quite different from heterosexuals who go from thread to thread and make morality comments about bisexual behavior."

"It isn't that all sexualities are not welcome but the audacity of one heterosexual to feel an "entitlement" to slam bisexuals, comment about bisexuals lifestyle and decisions. Sorry, but I consider the "Are you demented" directly connected to a bisexual's behavior."

My feeble mind fails to see where the comment, "DEMENTED" had any correlation to said person's sexuality. The way that I understood the comment was based on the TIMING of his disclosing the information about the failing relationship with his wife, and the reasons, to his daughter. So if you could please offer more information into how this is related to his sexuality, I would be curious to know.

I have yet to see, and granted I have not read all 781 of DD's posts as I don't have that kind of time on my hands, where morality comments about bisexual behavior have been made. The behavior of a person lying and cheating is far different than a behavior based on sexuality and most of us on this site have agreed, most of which are bisexual, that these actions were wrong. I can see how this can be misconstrued into a morality debate, but not one based on sexuality. I am in agreement that deceit of any kind is morally wrong, but this is based on MY morals and virtues. (No, I am not heterosexual.)

There are quite a few variables into the disclosure of information by the person, for whom you are referring to, to their heterosexual spouse. For those of us on the outside looking in, we can only know what has been shared with us and go from there. Most of the arguments I have seen have leaned more to the deceit side of the disclosure and not the sexuality side.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, as I have been wrong about things before.

Thank you, but I can tell you that even if you read all my points you won't find me disparaging anyone's sexuality. Why? Cause I see everyone as a person, not a sexuality and treat them as equals.

Oct 23, 2010, 9:08 PM
As far as I am concerned---this site is for anyone of any "stripe" who wants to be here for any reason---as long as it is not to be a "troll" of course.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 23, 2010, 11:24 PM
I think this answers the OP better than any silly debate we might have on this or any other thread.

I read and re-read tenni's post, and cannot for the life of me see how it can be construed as "going after DD".

As tenni points out, the site was created for bisexuals and those who love us. As Rissa points out, all are clearly welcome. Tenni just adds the very sensible observation that it's not a person's sexuality that would exclude them, but their behavior...jerks are not welcome here, be they heterosexual, bisexual, transgender, or (especially) spammers.

I don't always agree with tenni, but in this case, I think he's right on.

does that include the way he went after rissa until she left the site...and she is a bisexual female and has every right to be here......and rissa was not a trouble maker.....

however her partner is in the us armed forces and tenni was quick to jump on that and go after rissa over it..... but I take it thats acceptable....cos its a bi male going after a bi female, cos of her partner......

tennis, anti hetero, anti female, anti us behievour is well known in the site.... even you, annika has called him out over it........ but suddenly its ok cos its not a bi female but a hetero female this time ????

and no I am not saying DD was right or wrong.... I am just asking about the dual stance based around the sexuality

Long Duck Dong
Oct 23, 2010, 11:40 PM
This looks to me to be an attention-getting stunt who's purpose is start a riot. Of course, such a post will elicit strong reactions. And, most naturally like clockwork, LDD swooped in to defend his beloved's honor.

please show me where I defended her honour ...... I am known for defending the right of any person, bi, bi curious, bi allied and friendly ( covering all sexualities ) to be a part of this site.... and to learn and share our experiences
there is a difference between condoning behaviour and supporting partners... and its nice to know that I am being judged for supporting my partner...... so does that apply only to me or any person that supports their partner without condoning their actions

I am not that stupid as to kick my allies in the balls.... and thats how NZ got the civil union thru for all LGBT/ Heteros.....

I guess the US is using your stance of do not support the people you care about...... cos its working.... the LGBT still struggle for basic rights.....

there is more to supporting to people, than supporting my partner..... and my partner is one member..... I am supporting every persons right to express their opinion, regardless of if I think they are right or not.......

I believe that is the basis of your first amendment rights, nephx...... or does that only apply selected people.....

Annika L
Oct 24, 2010, 12:14 AM
does that include the way he went after rissa until she left the site...and she is a bisexual female and has every right to be here......and rissa was not a trouble maker.....

however her partner is in the us armed forces and tenni was quick to jump on that and go after rissa over it..... but I take it thats acceptable....cos its a bi male going after a bi female, cos of her partner......

tennis, anti hetero, anti female, anti us behievour is well known in the site.... even you, annika has called him out over it........ but suddenly its ok cos its not a bi female but a hetero female this time ????

and no I am not saying DD was right or wrong.... I am just asking about the dual stance based around the sexuality

LDD, I have no idea wtf you're talking about here. Does *what* include the way blah, blah, blah?

I call tenni out when he's wrong, yes, and I give him credit where he's right.

I read his post here as saying, in a nutshell, that although the site was created primarily for bisexuals, anyone of any sexuality (including bisexuality) is welcome only as long as they behave themselves civilly. I find that exactly right and said so.

No, tenni hasn't always been on the right side of civility...so that makes him a sometimes hypocrite...so what? He still made a valid point. I could be accused of incivility at times myself.

For that matter, I don't find your accusing me backhandedly-if-incoherently of bi-centrism to be particularly civil either. You engage in a quieter form of incivility, perhaps, but I still don't appreciate it.

Oct 24, 2010, 1:24 AM
I have something VERY I have to say...listen, read it, please?

No one I disagree with is my enemy, and though I do not share LDD's or, DDs, or Darkeyes, or MountainCats viewpoints on EVERYTHING,(I'm not singling, just naming names for the sake of naming names as examples, ok?) I'm not going down their throats for any reason. They're here, we're all here, we're family of a sort. Dysfunctional of course but that's how all families are.

Opinions are not bullets, they neither wound nor cause death. Do I think some people here are pompous pricks? Hell yes, but that doesn't make me want them to leave. If someone on the street comes up to you and tells you what you do in your own bedroom is evil and wrong, or counter to what you believe, why are you even caring what they have to say? If you are ok in your own heart with how you live your life and you harm no one, you owe no one anything.

Now for the afore mentioned people, I love you all, and I love Canticle most of all! This has nothing to do with anything more than putting this in perspective.

Now should someone cause you grief, pop the ignore button and go on with your life! Seriously! There is no reason to put on the Diva and single someone out if they disagree with you in every thread you can! This is a forum, a meeting of the minds and lifestyles! Such nonsense is unbecoming. And this advice is aimed at NO ONE in particular and applies to all parties concerned....

Long Duck Dong
Oct 24, 2010, 1:30 AM
LDD, I have no idea wtf you're talking about here. Does *what* include the way blah, blah, blah?

I call tenni out when he's wrong, yes, and I give him credit where he's right.

I read his post here as saying, in a nutshell, that although the site was created primarily for bisexuals, anyone of any sexuality (including bisexuality) is welcome only as long as they behave themselves civilly. I find that exactly right and said so.

No, tenni hasn't always been on the right side of civility...so that makes him a sometimes hypocrite...so what? He still made a valid point. I could be accused of incivility at times myself.

For that matter, I don't find your accusing me backhandedly-if-incoherently of bi-centrism to be particularly civil either. You engage in a quieter form of incivility, perhaps, but I still don't appreciate it.

I am not accusing you of anything annika......and I do apologise if it appears that way... it was not my intention......

I was addressing the fact that rissa said all were welcome, yet she was run off from the site by a bi male with a agenda ..... and she is one of our own.... so why was she harassed cos of her hetero partner being in the us armed forces and posting about her own struggles and issues, until rissa left.... if tennis issue is with uncivil people.....

cos that totally voids his stance about uncivil people in the site.... as tenni has a number of times, told my partner to not be seen in the site being supportive of her bi partner as its not a good look and post less.....
and that was well before this lot where a comment was made by one parent to another about parental timing.... and others agreed..... yet tenni immediately goes after the heterosexual and how the heterosexuals attitude is not welcome... yet ignores the bisexuals that post the same opinion as the heterosexual.....

so tenni is bringing sexuality into a issue that was to do with parental timing not sexuality, to support his stance... yet that contradicts his actions against rissa who was a bisexual female and not making trouble at all.....

so annika, again I apologise for the bad way I worded my first reply to you and I do apologise if it caused any offense

Oct 24, 2010, 2:15 AM
Cat "a safe-haven from the narrow-minded and tight assed people who look down on us"
I consider this type of heterosexual as looking down on bisexuals and being tight assed with her "advice" from a heterosexual perspective. This is not a safe haven unless the bisexual presents themself as humble timid and confused.. dumplin.

*Shakes head* Awww Tenni, and we were doing so well..Guess Hell got tired of the cold front...lol

This IS a safe-haven in a metaphoric sense, and I dont think You consider Me humble, timid, and confused, because you know me better than that.
Not everybody is going to agree, it isnt human nature, but it isnt good form when people go after others purposely because they:
1. Dont see eye to eye and never will.
2. Cant stand each other and will jump on them even if they said the sky is blue/smoggy/cloudy/ today, or what the hell ever.

Just agree to disagree and call it good. This site ISNT just for one faction and certain peoples, it might have Started out that way, but it has become so much more, and we All have our own thoughts and opinions. So just relax and continue to be your own sunshiny self...Dumpling

Oct 24, 2010, 2:36 AM
oooh I missed the part where he called me tightassed....

Hey, Tenni??? How many kids you got? How many times you been married? Seems to me I am infinitely more qualified to comment to Danreid regarding the timing of his revelations than you. It had nothing to do with bisexuality it had everything to do with family relationships. So just go back on ignore and don't bother the pot shots in other threads cause I won't be reading them and I hope to hell the people that I do want to read posts from do not quote you.

Oct 24, 2010, 6:19 AM
OK now....Refer to the reply that I posted in the thread by Long Duck Dong, "I'm outta here"

God - a - mighty folks, seriously, quit taking the world so dam seriously!!!

Remember the song "Garden Party"???

You can't please everyone, and so, try and please yourself!

Others may not think so, but I'm happy with the way I am and to me, that's all that matters!!! :cool:

Your friend, :doggie:

I agree with what "NotLostJustWondering" said "The music to noise ratio seems to be getting out of hand"
Makes me wonder how things would go if we were all at a party together, and in person. Would it be music, or all noise?

Oct 24, 2010, 2:48 PM
No one I disagree with is my enemy, and though I do not share LDD's or, DDs, or Darkeyes, or MountainCats viewpoints on EVERYTHING,(I'm not singling, just naming names for the sake of naming names as examples, ok?) I'm not going down their throats for any reason. They're here, we're all here, we're family of a sort. Dysfunctional of course but that's how all families are.

LOL Thank you Ian. I've always wanted to be used as an example for good..lol

Oct 25, 2010, 2:49 PM
:shades: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by www.bisexual.com
Welcome to Bisexual.com
Bisexual.com is the internet community for bisexual men. women and couples. We have personal ads, chat, articles, forums and much more - and all of it is COMPLETELY FREE. But we do require new users to register to access most of the features - it helps us moderate things and helps ensure that all personal ads are placed by seriously interested parties only. We have a comprehensive Privacy Policy that reflects the needs of even the most privacy-conscious folks. And, yes, of course we are 100% bi owned and operated. Click below to register.

(One might consider a bisexual couple one that has one bisexual member - I certainly do.) :eek:

It seems to be then that everyone else should consider themselves a guest and conduct themselves accordingly acting as if they are a guest in a friend's home. But, then again, everyone should be doing the same anyway. No one should be telling anyone they don't belong. If they do, put them on your block list and let the admin know! Many members have been banned in the past. Not a single post from a blocked person will show up when you browse the forums nor will you get email from them.

This looks to me to be an attention-getting stunt who's purpose is start a riot. Of course, such a post will elicit strong reactions. And, most naturally like clockwork, LDD swooped in to defend his beloved's honor.

Although the opening quote into Besuxual.com states;
"Bisexual.com is the internet community for bisexual men, women and couples." ,

the Kinsey Rating, in which all who join are allowed to complete, opens up the barriers to who might choose to become a member. No where does it say that anyone joining the site has to be bisexual .

So that leads me to ask this question . . .

Has anyone thought about this?
Bisexual.com could also have been named as such partially due to the fact that, and I quote;

". . . . we are 100% bi owned and operated."

So, just my :2cents: worth - everyone (except the trolls) are welcome here regardless of sexual label, preference, ideology, gender, sexual fluidity or lack thereof - so get over it and don't fall prey to the troll's (whoever) bait (whatever). :yikes2:

Every one is entitled to their own opinion. And all opinions are like sphincters, some stink and some don't.

Doggie :doggie: