View Full Version : Creep out factor

Oct 21, 2010, 2:38 PM
:disgust: I recently had 2 gentlemen, if you can call them that, contact me. If they had used some tact and manners I would not be writing this today.
#1sounded like a bad obscene phone call and yes, it Did creep me out.
#2 Was just put on ignore and blocked from my mail because he wasnt smart enough to take no for an answer. I wont out either of them, or turn them over to Drew unless one of them contacts me again.

Creep #1: Since I live in Seattle I could come stalk you, watch your every move. Sit in my car watch your house and stroke my huge cock, thinking about watching you later that night. Steal up to your windows at night and jack off watching you without you knowing it, spraying my cum silently all over the window, then licking it all gone. Just say the word and I'm yours."

Uhhh yeah, like That's gunna happen. First of all, if I catch you standing at my window late at night (or anytime there in, you're going to be surprised at what's going to be poked out that window at you...And second: Like I reallly want to hafta clean off drool and lick marks off'n my damn window!
Three: I could always slam my shutters closed, catching your cock in between..maybe that would change yer mind just a little. At least you'd still be standing there when the cops came for ya. :cool:

#2 Contacted me first complimenting me on my size then proceeded to ask if I had any nude shots that I was wishing to send to him. I politely told him No, thats not something I do to strange men(I dont think he really caught my meaning on that one) but thanked him for thinking of me anyway. Second time he contacted me I got a bit brisk, but told him No I'm not pissed but warned him that most women dont like being bombarded with such bold inqueries and continued requests for naked pics. I thought maybe he was going to change and be a nice guy after all, until he asks "So does this mean if I'm a good boy you'll consider send me nude pics of you after all?"

Good grief jr, what part of NO dont you seem to comprehend??? (And that's what I wrote back to him, too. Right before I put him on iggy. He asked if perhaps he should change his name to "Creepy" I told Yes, definately!

If its someone who is a friend and whom I know well, I don't mind a little playful hitting on, but when its like these two bozos then I get a mite testy, and yes, very creeped out. Why cant these guys learn some tact and manners? Geez!
Start up a nice conversation, get to know the person then if the talk turns sensual and you arent ready for it, Say so. But use some respect fer Petes sake.

What has creeped you Guys and Gals out?
Ticked off Cat

Oct 21, 2010, 3:57 PM
Wow, that's sociopath creepy. Nothing on this site has creeped me out, yet. The one thing that has creeped me out happened with my first experience, and only experience to date, with another man. As I have stated in some other posts, my bicuriosity was very new to me and I discussed everything with my wife. We came to the conclusion that to better understand my curiosity, it would be best to actually do something with another man. So I went throughthe process of finding someone in proximity to where I was and scheduled the logistics for meeting. Once we hooked up and got "the show on the road" he was extremely fascinated with my piss slit. (That is the term he used and as I don't know what it is actually called in anatomy, that is what I am going to call it for the purpose of this post.) That was really creepy to me, as everything about being with a man was new to me. That was, mostly, all he talked about. So that is my creep out experience. It isn't the reason I have not been with another man, that is my own fault as I don't look hard enough and I am still learning what I am looking for, turns me on so to speak.

Oct 21, 2010, 5:02 PM
Oh my goodness, Cat. Hugs, just hugs.

My only real creepout was being contacted by a fugly woman who does have nude pictures on her profile who wanted to hook up if I was in her town. Proof she didn't read the profile.

The other creep out factor is the amount of phobics we have on this site. In a site where all our welcome the inability to tolerate other sexualities is very creepy.

Oct 21, 2010, 5:43 PM
I think thats more true than many of us know DD. People Dont take time to read the profiles! All they do is look at the pic and decide to cold contact someone. Maybe if they did, they'd save themselves some time and unneeded hassles. :}

Long Duck Dong
Oct 21, 2010, 6:53 PM
lol I came across a number of people like that when I was doing counselling and therapy work.......and some of them, I deemed a very real threat to society.....

had one female client that had one of the most unusual fetishes I have encountered....she was turned on by waiting rooms, and she was referred to me cos she was found a number of times masturbating in waiting rooms.....
I politely but firmly referring her to a specialist counsellor and therapy, as the last thing I wanted or needed was a client fluffing the goose where I was working.......and it was only after that, that I found out that she was also known for stalking her counsellors.....

even now, I have a stalker, tho I have not seen her around for near 5 years..... and she is a real gem..... she is sexually obsessed with people that remind her of her brother and father, and while there is no history of sexual abuse, she is definately in need of professional help...... last I heard she was confined to a psych unit by court order......

so yeah, cat, hun.... they are out there...and unfortunately in their minds what they are doing is fine..... many of us disagree...lol

Oct 21, 2010, 7:45 PM
What's creeped me out?

Short list

1) In the chat rooms I have been screamed at by men wanting ANY kind of sex from the chat available and telling me I would be their bitch, hurry up and give my address/phone number for a hook up.

2) On a dating site I was on for gay men I was ORDERED to comply and give them information so I could be trained as a good little pissboy.

3) Same site as above, different person, wanted to turn me into his puppyslave and brand my ass with his mark so I would be his.

4)Same site, different person from the other two, wanted to meet me and help me get over my delusions of being Bi because it's bullshit.

5) Trolls on this site sending me endless spam about how I am really a cheating asshole because that's what polyamory is, and I need to be shown the love of a good gay man.

I have more but you know, I think that's enough traipsing down memory lane for this Halloween.

I am sorry you got guys like that Cat, it really is odd how nice people tend to attract weird admirers...but you know, there is a lot to admire about you and I am sure they were sincere...sincerely creepy, but sincere is in there somewhere, right?


Oct 21, 2010, 10:42 PM
Wow cat, the stalker thing sounds just as bad as that time a member got on here to role-play incest.

Oct 22, 2010, 10:41 AM
avoiding the creeps is as easy as simply turning your computer OFF.

Oct 22, 2010, 4:00 PM
Wow, that's sociopath creepy...

Nah, sociopaths only give hints of creepyness when they're tired (their guard is down).
Sociopaths are generally very likable and charming people.
They 'act' at being 'normal' and use their charm to manipulate.
There's nothing charming about the statements Cat got.
Twisted yes, control issues probably, dangerous perhaps, sociopathic - no.

Oct 22, 2010, 4:17 PM
I think demanding pushy types in general creep me out, well more honestly...piss me off. :rolleyes: This seems to be the case with many men in general, many have no tact at all but get instantly to their 'demands'. Such types can simply fuck off. Any guy that wishes to play with me better be able to converse, share about themselves, be respectful, and become a bit of a friend first.

One gal I played with became friends and played with me for primarily because I could actually be friends and not demand anything of her. I knew her for nearly 3 yrs before we got around to the physical in person fun. Such a FWB situation can be very rewarding.

Oct 22, 2010, 4:22 PM
Cat, people like that can be dangerous!

If you know who they are, you should record everything you know about them and ensure that someone you know, knows where the information is.

If it was me, I'd ensure that the sheriff had a record of the incidents and every bit of data you have about them!

Oct 22, 2010, 4:25 PM
[B avoiding the creeps is as easy as simply turning your computer OFF. [/B]

lol It isnt just on the computer, Sweetie. They can be Anywhere. And there must be something about my "matronly" figure that seems to attract all of the weirdo's and nut cases in the world. (Its the boobs, I'm tellin ya!!)
This morning I decided to forego putting this mane of mine up in the normal clip to keep it out of the way. It trails down to the uhmm, crack of my ample assage. I dont normally wear it down because it attracts too much unwanted attn, and today was no acception...:(
I sat at the bus stop reading over the lesson plan of one of my 'Kids" when a weird looking guy sat beside me. He was grubby and smelly as hell, and looked like he was probably from the shelter behind the bus stop. Wisely I paid him no mind until I hear:

Weird Guy: "Raining hard out there"
Without making eye contact I replied: A'yup, it is"

Weird guy: "Always liked long hair. How far down does it go?"
Me: Three inches more and I'll be sitting on it"
Weird guy: "Is it real, I mean is it all yours?"

I finally looked over at him cooly when he came over another few inches.
"Yes, its all mine last I checked."
Weird guy: "No hair extension things or anything? Its all long and natural like?"
Me: "Nope. All mine. And theres plenty of seat here for both of us. Wanna move it a couple of feet that'a way?" I said pointing to his right.
He mumbled, "Oh sorry" and moved back over a mite.

He was thankfully quiet for a couple of minutes, then I hear: "Can I touch it?"
I look up and say: "Excuse me??"
He says: "Your hair, can I touch it?"
He had his right hand under his raincoat and was doing Spirits only knows what under there...

I stated coldly:"Hell no. I'm not a house cat to be petted. That's just for lovers and people who know me Real well. I dislike being touched by people I dont know"

Now bear in mind I have all the patiance on my namesake, but this ole boy was bout to stand on my last good nerve. No breakfast and no caffeine is a bad thing for us old ladies. And 7 a.m. is Not a good time to vex me. I'm not a morning person by nature as it is.....
He then states and points to my boobs: "Bet those are all natural and real too, huh? Big. Soft. Round. Fluffys"
Silly shit was all but drooling..Ick.

I was just getting ready to blast him when the bus pulled up with my first student of the day. I stood up, waved to her, and said: "No. Them I got dowt the Wal-Mart. They was on sale"
I got on the bus, leaving him there with a perplexed look on his grubby face. lol
So you see, my friend, creepy guys and idjets are Everywhere...:}
Chuckling Cat

Oct 22, 2010, 4:27 PM
Thank you Real-honey, but this guy knows nothing about me, so I'm safe. Peck to your cheek for your concern, and if I hear of either of them contacting the ladies on here, I'll be sure to turn the notes over to Drew. ;)

Oct 22, 2010, 4:31 PM
Big warm hugs to you too, Sir Ian. And dont worry about the trolls and assholes, or what they say to you in the chat rooms, or on here. :}

Oct 22, 2010, 4:55 PM
I'm sorry that this has happened to you. It may just happens to women or men may react differently when someone posts such comments to them.

I'm told that women get hit on by creeps all the time. The guy may not be as up front too bold but various things can creep out some one. Some guys are just assholes and especially if it works once or twice for them.

The only thing that I can think of that might bring this on to you is that you sometimes come across as a bit of a sweet, jestful flirt?...(I know shocking news to you..sorry dumpling but..:bigrin:) That does necessarily mean that you should be writen to that way though but ....some guys need very little encouragement?

I also think that guys hear/read such sexual comments from other guys on bi and gay sites a lot. If it isn't for us...a simple not interested usually works or "I don't think that we're a match"..and stuff like that.

"In a site where all our welcome the inability to tolerate other sexualities is very creepy."

I'm going to let this go more or less except to write why you and not others of your sexuality? That and I see nothing at the top of this site to state that this site is for all sexualities and welcomes all sexualities.

Oct 22, 2010, 7:36 PM
had one female client that had one of the most unusual fetishes I have encountered....she was turned on by waiting rooms, and she was referred to me cos she was found a number of times masturbating in waiting rooms.....

Bet she didn't have to wait long to see the doctor! Maybe it was just a tactic? :bigrin:

Oct 22, 2010, 7:38 PM
Ian don't be such a prude, pariah, victim, or stick in the mud.

Those men are just fantasizing and you should take it as a compliment.

Even if you were a piss sub for a night it's fun and very safe.

What you've described are common fantasies among lots of men and women.

Which site were you on?

Cowboy-Piss slit is a very common term for the urethra. There's nothing scary or disturbing about a slang term for the urethra. Did he lick your piss slit? Or stimulate it with his fingers?

This guy creeps me out.

Oct 22, 2010, 7:57 PM
I wont out either of them, or turn them over to Drew unless one of them contacts me again.

I would definitely get the first one banned from the site, at least.

What has creeped you Guys and Gals out?

Sorry to say, most of the personal ads here. Yeah, I really want to get to know someone who's shown me (and the rest of the site) their private parts but not their face.

All lot of the discussion of sex devoid of emotional connection makes me queasy. A lot of this takes place in the context of compartmentalizing life and lovers, ie "I love my wife but just need to suck a cock now and then." And of course a lot of this attitude is reflected in the personal ads.

There are quite a few people here who have annoyed, disgusted or angered me, but if you're going to talk about real gut creeped-out reactions, no one here has quite stirred that feeling so much as a certain self-absorbed, philandering writer and his endless public ego trip.:eek:

Oct 22, 2010, 8:21 PM
The only thing that I can think of that might bring this on to you is that you sometimes come across as a bit of a sweet, jestful flirt?...(I know shocking news to you..sorry dumpling but..) That does necessarily mean that you should be writen to that way though but ....some guys need very little encouragement?

What!? Me, a flirt!?? Oh wait...that Is me...lol Thank you Tenni, for pointing this out me. :tongue:
Seriously, the first one Did concern me a bit. His words struck a cord, and set off the red flags Big Time. It went from an admiration to down right stalker creepiness, and women Do take this quite serious. I dont frighten nor scare easy, but it did make me a little uneasy. And he Said he is a member here, but I cant find him on the members list. The other one has some disturbing traits listed on his profile, but I think He is harmless. Tacky but harmless. :bigrin:
And what was the message for DD all about?

Oct 22, 2010, 10:20 PM
I seem to have a much higher threshold on creep out than most that have responded.
But, I am not so sure about my neighbors.

Oct 22, 2010, 11:52 PM
Not much creeps me out but then I've seen a lot of things in my time on this earth and I am not surprised at the depths some people can sink.

I remember once on a run from Denver down to Tulsa I saw a guy on the side of the road literally playing in the guts of a deer he had hit with his car. Playing..not gutting to use the deer for food, playing. That did creep me out. I hit the CB and channel 19 and tried to get a cop there before the guy vanished. For all I know I had just seen the next serial killer that would hit the news.

Oct 23, 2010, 12:08 AM
okay Aidan that creeped me out

Oct 23, 2010, 1:00 AM
OMG Mom, and you didn't Tell us about these guys?? That's what I get for going on travel and leaving you alone. lol And forgive us for laughing but Ki said you probably looked at the bus stop guy and Really said, "Touch it and die, asshole" but was too much the lady to say so. LOL
As you are always saying with we girls when we go out "Caint take you kids no wheres"
Hugs to you Mama Cat

Kit N Ki.

Oct 23, 2010, 1:05 AM
Excuse me Aidan, but he was playing in the intestines??? Oh that is worse than creepy. And I have to go my car at 4 a.m.?? Insert scared face here, please. lol


Oct 23, 2010, 4:45 AM
Clowns, 'nuff said.

Oct 23, 2010, 10:19 AM
I am pretty old, so I have seen a lot of creepy people in my life, but the creep that sticks in my mind was fairly recent.

I had a young man contact me(email) so I replied telling him I was not interested, that I am looking for people more mature or maybe I said older. I also told him I was looking for like minded friends and not sexual hook-up.

I got another email from him within a few minutes. He said he wanted me to be his daddy and treat him like my son and use him sexually. Now that creeped me out, I just don't have a picture of doing anything with any family member, (well maybe a wife). I replied again telling him I wasn't interested and suggested that he not contact me again.

the next morning when I checked email, I had 10 from him starting with "It was playful fun" and proceeding to anger and threats, each one more creepy than the last. The last one suggested he knew where I lived and would visit me.

Before putting him on ignore and blocking his email I sent him one more message. "I am to old to fight, but I still shoot pretty well."

Oct 23, 2010, 1:04 PM
lol You tell 'em Man. And welcome to the site from a fellow Washingtonian. :}

Oct 24, 2010, 4:28 AM
Ian was probably on a site about BDSM or fetishsex. Or he had something about being submissive/service oriented, or about being into a certain fetish/kink/roleplay on his profile.

It is always possible that those men could tell that Ian wants to be submissive, service oriented, or is curious about consensual power exchange and kink based on what he said, pictures of himself, or text in his profile.

Either way Ian was on a site for queer male men.

What do you and he expect would happen on there?

lmao polite invites for just completely vanilla sex?

Don't get "freaked out" by non-traditional sex or sex that's not vanilla yet perfectly safe, sane, and consensual between two or more adults that involves power exchange.

I know that some people who are vanilla get angry at anyone that's not into vanilla sex and want to outlaw or criminalize BDSM and kink.

Just take it as a compliment say, "hell yeah!" if you like it, or "No thanks." if you're not into it and move on.

And you win the Cordon Bleu for being Creepy Clueless, S&G...he was talking about YOU. And my 2 cents for you...don't talk at me anymore. YOu're in need of some maturing and poking at me as if I am the one who is odd shows everyone how Norman Bates you are...k?

Oct 24, 2010, 4:43 AM
And you win the Cordon Bleu for being Creepy Clueless, S&G...he was talking about YOU. And my 2 cents for you...don't talk at me anymore. YOu're in need of some maturing and poking at me as if I am the one who is odd shows everyone how Norman Bates you are...k?

Ok, you have to hand it to S&G.... I had to reread it a few times to figure out why he didn't get it... :rolleyes:

Oct 24, 2010, 11:13 AM
"Originally Posted by IanBorthwick
And you win the Cordon Bleu for being Creepy Clueless, S&G...he was talking about YOU. And my 2 cents for you...don't talk at me anymore. YOu're in need of some maturing and poking at me as if I am the one who is odd shows everyone how Norman Bates you are...k?"

ROFLMAOWCSFN!!!! (With Coffee Streaming From Nose)

Bates ... yucky.

Oct 24, 2010, 1:31 PM
And you win the Cordon Bleu for being Creepy Clueless, S&G..

King Kreepy Klueless, no less. Yes, the troll is showing his colors more and more... graduated from asking little questions about our sex lives to publicly speculating about them.

I'm behind on my European mythology. What repels trolls? garlic? socks turned inside out? silver bullets?

Oct 24, 2010, 1:38 PM
Either way Ian was on a site for queer male men.

"Male men"? LOL, autopiloting idiot.

Or maybe he meant "queer mailmen?" Come clean, Ian. S&GS is not the only one here titillated by your secret fetish for men in uniform, mightily braving inclement weather with huge sacks stuffed with Publishers' Clearinghouse catalogs.

Come onto my lawn, young man. This dog's waiting to bite your leg. ARF ARF!!!

Oct 24, 2010, 2:31 PM
lol I was wondering when someone was going to catch on to S&G. He is a Diamond in the rough and has a DOGgedly persistant nature....

Oct 24, 2010, 6:22 PM
lol I was wondering when someone was going to catch on to S&G. He is a Diamond in the rough and has a DOGgedly persistant nature....

I ID'ed him as one of our banned but returning trolls days ago in another thread! He didn't deny it. (Can I claim that as some kind of right of 1st troll blood or something? )

I keep trying to come up with an analogy to reference what its like debating with this guy but have failed to come up with one I really like so far.

Oct 24, 2010, 8:41 PM
NotLost and others, If you're going to nitpick my posts and flame me since I made a simple typo while giving excellent advice, then there's no point in casting pearls before swine.


I have an open mouthed gag that allows the sub to breathe, drool, and it makes a consensual sub into a urinal for myself and whatever other men and women are with us.



Oct 24, 2010, 9:34 PM
Who is flaming who in this thread?
You do not like S&G's opinion?
Well that fine, but then who is flaming who?

Oct 24, 2010, 10:21 PM
S&G, the site I was at is not your business. And if you had ANY experience with sites like that you know that you put up what you like and do not like....obviously. And I'm going slow so you can fallow along, I'll repeat it if this is not clearing your Rose Tinted World glasses.

Since I am posting it here, it's obviously something I stated disgusted me. Since I am saying it creeped me out, it is patently clear this was not invited in any way. And you completely glossed over the Biphobia/Erasure comments they sent me directly. This was a DATING site not a fantasy site. They ignored what I was saying just like you do, which is creepy. If this is the kind of thing YOU love, more power to you. But telling us about your fetishes that sicken other people is really not going to win your case, Norman.

PS: S&G, you're having a psychotic episode in the forums. Stop sharing. Happy Halloween. Thank you.

NotJustWandering: I don't know what drives off trolls, but in Dungeons and Dragons...because they regenerate rapidly they fear Acid and Fire as they cannot regenerate from that type of damage. As for classic trolls from European mythos, I am completely clueless. Sorry.

Oct 25, 2010, 3:46 AM

Ian, what you described happens on bisexual and gay male DATING sites too.

Just because the site is billed as a DATING site it's still going to be mainly all about sex and hooking up. Sex is way more free flowing in the bisexual and gay male world than in the heterosexual world.

And you point? You don't have one, just trying to make it look good....

Ian I don't have rose tinted glasses. You're very naive..blah blah blah...

I'm not naive, you are obtuse. These is about things that creep you out....you are one of them because you're really the immature one here insisting you know things you know nothing about, point in order being what's going on and what I was doing there, as well as what I do and do not understand.You really don't know the difference between your opinion and real life....

This all happens on this site too. Just look at people who write about how they're a consensual sub/slave or into actual real fetishes, actual kinks, BDSM, or power exchange on this site or in their profiles on here. Most people here are very vanilla though but that's to be expected. It's like that in society too.

Once again, this is more a statement about this site than anything else, and rather silly. Also, not a point about what we're talking about.

This all happens on this site too. Just look at people who write about how they're a consensual sub/slave or into actual real fetishes, actual kinks, BDSM, or power exchange on this site or in their profiles on here. Most people here are very vanilla though but that's to be expected. It's like that in society too.

Once again, not what we're talking about, you're batting solid Zero. What we're talking about are Creeps. People who push unwanted attention, ones that are specifically against what a profile says they are looking for in a partner. And STILL you are clueless about the ant-bi statements that were made.

With the supposed biphobia or bisexual erasure someone said on the site that could have been a fantasy. I know many bisexual and gay men who have the fantasy of "converting" a straight guy. Even if they were being serious why does it matter? Why are you taking it so personal? I'd hope you have more faith in your own sexuality not to take the very rare gay man who says that bisexuality doesn't exist seriously.

At this point I know you're TRYING not to get a clue about what's going on and are trying to be a poster-child for bad behavior. Who said I took it personally, who said I was upset or freaked. Creeped out by it, yes. Freaked, no. Taking it personally, no. Nothing I said inferred that. You are having a conversation with ghosts of rhetoric in your head and I suggest you carry that conversation off the boards.

Again you probably did have something in your profile that was linked to being a consensual slave, sub, or that you were into some sort of fetish or kink either pictures or text.

Now this statement clearly shows you are an ass. No ifs and or buts. You're an ass. Nothing in any profile of mine has ever put me in a bottom position for ANYONE. It's a dating site...DATING. Not fetish, not anything of the kind. That you cannot fathom this, process it and move forward is rather like picking your way through forest and always taking left hand turns and wondering why you're always around the same trees.

Ian I'm very much sane-safe and consensual too unlike people who get freaked out by text and descriptions adults having consensual sex that is not completely 110% vanilla.

Ultimate proof...you don't know me. YOu don't know anything about me, or anyone I know, or what I do. What I have done, what I have seen... Give up the ghost. You're not a very good, or a very smart for that matter, troll. From this point on, I'm just going to sit back and pity you wholeheartedly. Everything you say sounds 100% positive you know what you're talking about
and to quote Twain again,"Those who are always completely sure of the subject know the least about it. Consequently, they should also speak the least but are found lamentably to be at the fore."

I have to say I am honestly embarrassed for you because you keep sliding your sneaker in your mouth each time you try to come at me, and all I can do is feel sorry for you each and every time you do it.

For your own sake, please pretend I don't exist. I'll do the same for you.

Oct 25, 2010, 6:18 AM
NotJustWandering: I don't know what drives off trolls, but in Dungeons and Dragons...because they regenerate rapidly they fear Acid and Fire as they cannot regenerate from that type of damage. As for classic trolls from European mythos, I am completely clueless. Sorry.

Hmm... I like the acid part, but here in Sinai I can't get anything harder than opium. The regeneration part has me worried, though. Last night I started thinking, "Aha! We have the troll cornered in the gross-out thread! Time for an exorcism!" but then I thought, no, even if it drops the S&GS identity it will surely return to the site under yet another login. So maybe it's best we let him creep around in his current form, maybe even give him a little attention once in a while?

"That was very interesting disclosure, S&GS. I had no idea people did such things. Really, I'm not nauseated at all."
"Way to go with the subtle question about my sex life, S&GS. Very suave. No, I don't mind if you masturbate in here."

Oct 25, 2010, 12:29 PM
Pretty good answers, Ya'll, all except for S&G's tirades. But what else has ever creeped you out? It could have been a person, a place, a situation: Dark part of town late at night, a person that looked/acted kinda scary-creeps. (The Deer guy was enough for me, I tell ya) Something that made you feel odd, or uncomfortable....you get the idea. C'mon, its Halloween time. Forget the trolls and posers for now, let's have some fun. Not crass or gory, just creepy fun. ;)
Non-scaredy Cat

Oct 25, 2010, 12:59 PM
Not really a creep out factor, but scary in a manner of speaking. I DON'T WANT THIS TO TURN INTO A POLITICAL POST! I finally talked my wife into let me buy a handgun. I grew up around guns and believe in owning one for protection, if it should ever come to that. (I think having the neighbors get arrested numerous times for drugs and other things finally helped convince her.) For our anniversary this year, she gave me the money to go get my gun and we went and bought it. I brought it home and like the good Marine that I am, I proceeded to break it down and clean it. While I am in the process of cleaning it, my father-in-law came out and asked me to do him a favor and keep the gun hidden from him. (We live with my in-laws and he is Manic-Depresant.) I have two little girls that are my universe and even though I know he was implying to hide it from him so he wouldn't use it on him self, I am now afraid to let the gun out of my sight. So now my handgun goes with me everywhere I go, with in the limits of the law and my concealed carry license. Like I said, not really creepy, but scary none the less. AND AGAIN, I DON'T WANT THIS TO TURN INTO ANY KIND OF OFF TOPIC DEBATE OR CONVERSATION! Take it for what it is, an incident that scared me.

Oct 25, 2010, 1:10 PM
Pretty good answers, Ya'll, all except for S&G's tirades. But what else has ever creeped you out? It could have been a person, a place, a situation: Dark part of town late at night, a person that looked/acted kinda scary-creeps. (The Deer guy was enough for me, I tell ya) Something that made you feel odd, or uncomfortable....you get the idea. C'mon, its Halloween time. Forget the trolls and posers for now, let's have some fun. Not crass or gory, just creepy fun. ;)
Non-scaredy Cat

When me wos still big inta the lesser mortals among us, me didn usually do blind dates.. but 2 make me sista happy, me agreed 2 go long an make up the numbas cos she had the reel hots for this guy from the rigs an 'is m8, who she sed wos rite dishy an all..

..well.. we turns up an not only r the getts 15 mins l8... the 'riginal blind date wosn in tow wos e'? Instead wos this skinny, limp, dreepo wiv sticky up greased hair an who reminded me immediately a Uriah Heap:(,an wen 'e touched me an tried 2 kiss me hello.. me flesh crawled:eek:... excusin mesel, took me sista immediately 2 the loo for a kwik discussion on wtf me wos gonna do.. is not that me cudn stand 'im touchin me.. cudn stand lookin at 'im.. got these heeby jeebies that few peeps hav eva given me... she begged me not 2muck up 'er nite, but it wos 2 much... wen sum 1 makes ya skin crawl as much as this guy ther is no way ya hang 'bout...

.. it wos nearly a month 'fore Hellen reelly forgave 'er lil sista's insensitivity an selfishness, but even she had been revolted by the visage wich 'er prospective paramour had drug up from the depths a the primordial slime.. me knows... am bein nasty.. but for chrissakes... jus nowt me can do bout that...

Oct 25, 2010, 2:09 PM
Miz Cat--sorry that ya had a few creepy crawlies bug ya---but I figure if anyone can squish a bug--you can.

As far as S & G is concerned---I figured him and a few other recent arrivals as being either a new or returning troll or trolls--so they got put on iggy status---that does make life so much better on here to do that---I would suggest taking such action to others with whomever you consider to be someone of a questionable nature.

Oct 25, 2010, 7:59 PM
Thank you Voltie. I must have a "Feel free to Bug me" sign on my forehead, or I look like a nice person. I am neither..LOL :bigrin:

We have one kid that comes to the bus stop and he Looks like the skankiest, scariest sucker you'd ever seen: Blue long hair, spikes on his forehead and lip, numerous earrings, black fingernails and eyeshadow, red lipstick, and platform boots. He has this whole Gothy/Vampire look going for him. And he has naturally pale silvery looking eyes. He Looks scary...but is one of the nicest young men you'd ever want to meet..lol I'd see him when I take my charge to the bus every morning, and he Did creep her out. She wouldnt ever look at him..lol One morning he smiled at her and she dropped her eyes. He'd just smile and go back to reading. We got to talking one morning about Steven King books, and talked about numerous things once he found out I'm a Sci-Fi buff..lol
The brake froze up on Marissa's wheelchair one cooold morning, just as the bus was getting there. The driver refused to help lift her onto the bus, and the lift wasnt working. So this young scary-looking man came over without being asked, picked her whole 90 pounds up, took her aboard the bus, got her safely seat belted in, then assisted me in bringing her wheelchair aboard. He wouldnt let me lift it. And he glared at the lazy driver. He said 'Karma watch you know..."

Marissa looked up at him in shock and stammered, "Thank you"
He says in the rich, deep, cultured voice, "You are very welcome Lady Marissa" and went to the back of the bus.
Next day, Marissa brought homemade poppyseed muffins, and when she saw him, asked Me to offer him one. I told her "Nope. You gotta learn that just because someone Looks different doesnt mean he is going to bite you."
She offered him one in that tiny, mousey voice of hers and he gladly accepted. We got to talking about her classes and courses, and as it turns out, He goes to our college too. Only on the other side of the campus.
His name is Kelvin, and altho his appearence is scary to some, he is Very sweet, intelligent and quiet, but very likable. He enjoys sitting with us because we dont judge, we're just fellow passengers and now friends. He helps Marissa to get on the morning bus, and has even came over to our side at lunch time to sit with the disabled students and we mobility aides.
We all get some odd looks, but we dont care. As it turns out, he had difficulty with Dyslexia as a child and teenager, and had a very hard time in school because of his looks, so he just went Gothy. He relates to my students, and the others, and loves being with us. ;)
So altho not all creepy people arent as gentle and loving as Kel is, there Are exceptions to the rule. And I was very surprised and honored to see his name on our list for new tutors in the Spring. I think this is going to be fun.:bigrin:

Oct 25, 2010, 8:33 PM
When I was just starting going out in public I would volunteer at the local LGBT center (Abdill-Ellis Lambda Community Center (http://www.bglad.com/detail/9581/abdill-ellis-lambda-community-center.html) in Ashland, OR.) Once when returning to my home (mind you I wasnt out as anything at the time) I had a car follow me most of the way home. Now maybe I was being a bit paranoid, but I didnt go home either, and that car followed me through more than three turns.

I finally lost them by turning down a dirt road and turning off my lights.

The other creep out was a chatter here at bisex who was very insistant on what I did in private with my girl, and what parts I do or dont have. When I refused to answer he became very abusive in open chat towards my girl and I.

Oct 25, 2010, 11:12 PM
The other creep out was a chatter here at bisex who was very insistant on what I did in private with my girl, and what parts I do or dont have. When I refused to answer he became very abusive in open chat towards my girl and I.

Ok, now this just gets my goat. I'm sorry Marie. *hugs* :(

Oct 25, 2010, 11:39 PM
Ok, now this just gets my goat. I'm sorry Marie. *hugs* :(

It's ok Ian, I'm a big girl, for the most part.

I wonder how many of our current folks remember a certain chatter by the name of tcinhotz or itchin'?

Oct 26, 2010, 12:50 AM
Thank you Voltie. I must have a "Feel free to Bug me" sign on my forehead, or I look like a nice person. I am neither..LOL :bigrin:

We have one kid that comes to the bus stop and he Looks like the skankiest, scariest sucker you'd ever seen: Blue long hair, spikes on his forehead and lip, numerous earrings, black fingernails and eyeshadow, red lipstick, and platform boots. He has this whole Gothy/Vampire look going for him. And he has naturally pale silvery looking eyes. He Looks scary...but is one of the nicest young men you'd ever want to meet..lol I'd see him when I take my charge to the bus every morning, and he Did creep her out. She wouldnt ever look at him..lol One morning he smiled at her and she dropped her eyes. He'd just smile and go back to reading. We got to talking one morning about Steven King books, and talked about numerous things once he found out I'm a Sci-Fi buff..lol
The brake froze up on Marissa's wheelchair one cooold morning, just as the bus was getting there. The driver refused to help lift her onto the bus, and the lift wasnt working. So this young scary-looking man came over without being asked, picked her whole 90 pounds up, took her aboard the bus, got her safely seat belted in, then assisted me in bringing her wheelchair aboard. He wouldnt let me lift it. And he glared at the lazy driver. He said 'Karma watch you know..."

Marissa looked up at him in shock and stammered, "Thank you"
He says in the rich, deep, cultured voice, "You are very welcome Lady Marissa" and went to the back of the bus.
Next day, Marissa brought homemade poppyseed muffins, and when she saw him, asked Me to offer him one. I told her "Nope. You gotta learn that just because someone Looks different doesnt mean he is going to bite you."
She offered him one in that tiny, mousey voice of hers and he gladly accepted. We got to talking about her classes and courses, and as it turns out, He goes to our college too. Only on the other side of the campus.
His name is Kelvin, and altho his appearence is scary to some, he is Very sweet, intelligent and quiet, but very likable. He enjoys sitting with us because we dont judge, we're just fellow passengers and now friends. He helps Marissa to get on the morning bus, and has even came over to our side at lunch time to sit with the disabled students and we mobility aides.
We all get some odd looks, but we dont care. As it turns out, he had difficulty with Dyslexia as a child and teenager, and had a very hard time in school because of his looks, so he just went Gothy. He relates to my students, and the others, and loves being with us. ;)
So altho not all creepy people arent as gentle and loving as Kel is, there Are exceptions to the rule. And I was very surprised and honored to see his name on our list for new tutors in the Spring. I think this is going to be fun.:bigrin:

Thanks for sharing this, Cat. This is something I think we all need to remember. {{{HUGSZ}}} to you, Marissa, Kelvin and the rest of your students as well.

Oct 26, 2010, 2:48 AM
So now my handgun goes with me everywhere I go, with in the limits of the law and my concealed carry license.

I share your creep-out feelings on the topic. Back and forth for years on keeping weapons in my home. Decided not to for myself. We had a kid in our martial arts school use one on himself in the heat of a personal moment - perm solution to a temp teen drama.

These comments are just on the topic and certainly not directed at you or your skills or choice.

But, one can get a gun safe that can go (be bolted) under one's bed or in the closet. USE it. All the time when gun is not on your hip. What if you dose off on the couch and a little one crawls over and snags it? Take it off, goes in the safe. Not on your pants while you take a shower, etc. but you already know all that as a Marine (other readers, maybe not). They make the safes very small - just the right size for a hand gun and a few clips.

I am very well trained/marksman in a number of small arms/weapons from 9mm, M16, M60 from the military (AND the BIG BOYS that they hang in planes too ;-) ) but decided never would keep one in my home with kids or, for that matter, even for myself. Generally speaking, I came to the conclusion that if I don't have a weapon, I'm much more apt to find a "non-permanent solution" to a problem. (a nice solid broom handle works wonders). Martial arts/self-defense skills are very useful (even at a few parties that got a bit out of hand). Nothing like a few nice pressure points and locks.

With regards to weapons, even those trained at one time do lose their edge and a person should be willing and able to kill someone each time they pick one up the weapon. Not as many people can do that as think they can.

And, the adrenaline tunnel vision then makes taking the "good" shot a challenge for those not constantly training. Your mind/body has to be trained to do it not think about doing it, That's why so many people with guns end up having them used on themselves during an incident. Its very easy for a trained person to take a gun from an untrained person or someone that's getting older/not training, not willing to kill. Its also a whole lot harder to HIT the target than one would expect. And, you can't just shoot them in the leg like everyone seems to like to suggest. You shoot to kill if you shoot at all.

Of course, I don't live next to drug dealers so I can't fully relate. If I did, maybe I'd do the same but, I think I'd have an M4 instead of a 9mm (or at least a 45 ;-) ).

One of my creepy things relates to your post is that I have a recurring dream (seems mostly when under stress) that I am in a situation and I have a gun, have the shot but I can't get the trigger to pull no matter how hard I squeeze it. It must be time to spend some time at a shooting range pulling the trigger.

Think about the safe!

Oct 27, 2010, 2:34 PM
GGGGGGRRRRRR!!!!! Just made me bare fangs and claws Marie at the mention of Tic's name....lol. That little dork was a vexation to Many people, and I for one am glad he isnt in the picture anymore. :}
Cat, calming down now.....lol

Oct 27, 2010, 3:42 PM
It's ok Ian, I'm a big girl, for the most part.

I wonder how many of our current folks remember a certain chatter by the name of tcinhotz or itchin'?

Now thers a name 2 conjure wiv Marie..an make sure ya drop an flush down loo...:tong: