View Full Version : circumcision

Apr 14, 2006, 2:45 AM
Hi everyone!

I haven’t been around for a while, but these last few days I’ve been able to have access to Internet with no parental control again… lol... I’m older than 18 years old :( but I was for different reasons forced to use a computer from a public library, and I guess their software didn’t find this site suitable to be viewed.

Some time ago, I started a thread with some pics of cut and uncut dicks, with no other intention than to have a bit of fun, without thinking about the heated reactions that came along:


There I was thinking and asking about the preference for ones or the others from healthy adult males who had had no problems with the procedure performed on them or not and the absence of that procedure.

It seems that always this issue brings a lot of different attitudes and rather opposing criteria, but still I think it should be further discussed in an open-minded, non-belligerent way.

First, I want to show some pics of a healthy circumcised penis in a flaccid and erect state and then a healthy non-circumcised penis in a flaccid and erect state.

As you can see from the pics, the main difference is during the flaccid state, due to that the foreskin is in that state usually protecting the glands, and naturally retracted when the penis gets aroused. When the foreskin is too tight as to prevent the glands from smoothly coming out during the arousal, then it is usually recommended the circumcision.

The pics have been taken, as well as the following table from the following link (wikipedia), where there are medical reasons supporting and against circumcision:


Table 1: International circumcision rates

Country--------Year----Neonatal circumcisions (%)
United States----2002-------60.1%
New Zealand-----1995------- 0.35%*
United Kingdom --1972------- 0.41%
*Samoans, Tongans and Niueans in New Zealand continue to practice circumcision, but not in public hospitals, to which these data refer.

All the best,

ray :male:

Apr 14, 2006, 3:04 AM
I want to show now a healthy non-circumcised penis in 5 different states of arousal. The foreskin is marked and through the different pics you can see how it is itself retracted as the penis gets more and more aroused.

You can check the pics in the original context with this link:


All the best,

ray :male:

Apr 14, 2006, 3:42 AM
I am very respectful to all traditions and religions, so please don't get offended, but I always think that we have a lot of information nowadays to try to have an independent opinion and to keep in mind all the pros and cons.

Babies that are born healthy and complete, undergo an operation, which as any operation, has a lot of risks, even if performed in hospitals and by qualified surgeons. So, is it really worth it to expose our babies to all those risks?

So as the baby is complete and perfect, when is born healthy, I can understand why some call circumcision a mutilation. According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, mutilation is:

1 : to cut up or alter radically so as to make imperfect <the child mutilated the book with his scissors>
2 : to cut off or permanently destroy a limb or essential part of : CRIPPLE


There are hundreds and hundreds of reports of even fatal infections and diseases caught due to have performed the procedure. Here you can see a list of a few, with the medical references where they were taken from:


I have attached just a few pics of men who have undergone circumcision as babies. The original pics are here:


Apr 14, 2006, 4:03 AM
Are you really sure that you have not been fooled by a huge market of selling and buying foreskins from babies?

Of course, you are not being going to be told that your baby's foreskin (whose circumcision operation probably you had to pay for also) is going to give even more profit to somebody else, but the market wanting babies' foreskins is huge, so are you sure that you were not tricked into doing a procedure just to benefit somebody's unscrupulous pocket?:


Apr 14, 2006, 4:23 AM
There are some cases where a few brave men have sued the doctors/hospitals/establishments that have performed botched circumcisions. Unfortunately many babies have died from complications from the operation. Unfortunately many adults have committed suicide from having a deformed penis due to a botched circumcision, or have led a sexless and depressed life for being too ashamed to look for help.

Here you can check a link, a sad story where a young Australian man won a compensation, but as you can read, he tried to commit suicide, and even his name cannot be revealed as he is ashamed of his penis:


Actually it has happened, is and still will be happening in many countries. Here you have some from the U.S.A. :


Apr 14, 2006, 4:38 AM
Here you can check the story of a healthy baby, that due to complications after the operation of circumcision he underwent, he became blind and severely brain damaged, unable to talk, move or do anything by himself (his medical records disappeared misteriously from the hospital, making the baby's family life a hell to get evidence of what happened):


Apr 14, 2006, 4:50 AM
At this link you can see video footage of mass adult circumcision in Uganda:


At this other link you can see a doctor performing a circumcision while explaining the procedure:


Apr 14, 2006, 5:09 AM
I said that I respect all religions, but I don't think it's hygienic or even appropriate to say the least that in some Jewish traditions, the Mohel sucks the blood from the baby's penis:


Actually there have been reported some cases of herpes due to that practice.
Fortunately it seems that it has been advised not to continue with such practice, although I'm not sure till what grade this advice has been followed:


Apr 14, 2006, 5:24 AM
Please, don't think that I'm against this or that religion. As I said, I respect all religions, but I'm a free-open-minded and I like to discuss certain aspects that maybe I find shocking.

This issue of circumcision is not only concerning Jews, as many Christians are also circumcised like in the USA and Muslims have also circumcision as a normal practice:


Apr 14, 2006, 5:41 PM
What is interesting with circumcision relating to the Jewish Faith is the medical sophistication found in Leviticus. The practice of using two cutting boards, one for meat the other for vegetables is quite an advanced concept. Not to eat pork and shell fish is another. Anyone wandering in the desert for 40 years had to have some type of hygiene- though the concepts in Leviticus are quite advanced for a people who did not know anything about microorganisms. So from where did the get that info from? And I don't want to hear "they got it from Jehova". Please. The Creator just does not work that way. So circumcision was just another form of hygiene which was, at that time, critical to health. Today, I would say, considering the ample use of soap and hot water, that circumcision is a moot point. It would be one, religiously motivated, or two, medically motivated (a foreskin which is too tight). Or three, the parents decide it's the best thing to do. Or four, the parents do nothing.

Apr 14, 2006, 7:38 PM
Today, I would say, considering the ample use of soap and hot water, that circumcision is a moot point. It would be one, religiously motivated, or two, medically motivated (a foreskin which is too tight). Or three, the parents decide it's the best thing to do. Or four, the parents do nothing.

Well said amobrosia. I, personally, don't understand the reasons for the thread, other than which do you like. Medical photos? C'mon dude.

Apr 15, 2006, 5:49 AM
You may also want to look at




I was circumcised at birth, but I am non-surgically restoring my foreskin. Sex is so many times better feeling now that it is literally beyond the power of words to desribe.

However... the choice of being cut or uncut is a personal thing- it shouldn't be inflicted in an unconsenting child, and it shouldn't be denied to a consenting adult. :yinyang: :

Apr 15, 2006, 2:25 PM
I don't know what this thread is getting at. Seems to me that the poster is fancinated with cocks. Not a problem with me. I just like them hard and inside.
