View Full Version : Lip Service

Oct 14, 2010, 10:38 AM
Ne1 c Lip Service on Beeb3? Me found it hysterical.. an Ruta Gedmintas is.. TALL!!! ... an not a lil gorge...ya kno how me gets a lil tingly about tall gals.. tee hee.. fancied 'er wen she wos in Spooks an all..

Isn like the L Word, think its gonna b a tadge more raunchy bein British a lil more basic wen it cums 2 the sex scenes.. an it seems 2 move faster.. wotchin the Morgue scene wile Ruta as Frankie had 'er hands down a girl's knickers wos brill...

Set in Glasgow found it fun spesh as me knows mosta the places depicted...

Episode 1 wos promisin.. cant say moren that.. seems 2 have upset the Sun.. triff.. mus b gonna b ok then...


Nov 3, 2010, 12:11 PM
Ok.. no 1 interested? Well ya shud b.. cos it hasn haff becum brill.. well worth a watch an is developin betta than eva the L word wos... those ofya who havn't seen it in the UK can catch up wiv it on the BBC iPlayer an hopefully u lot outside of these lil islands will get the chance in time..

Isnt perfect but then since wen is telly eva perfect spesh wen showin depictions a gay life.. but it is remarkably true 2 life in its own way.. depictin a certain kinda lesbian.. the glam lippie type, and the tartie glam type at that.. mayb its cos me own life wos similar 2 the main character until a few years ago (also named Frankie lemme say.. who dus also live a sorta Fran style (former) life..tho she not a lil skinny thing like me) me likes it so much.. well worth the watch an lotsa raunch...


Nov 3, 2010, 2:02 PM
Who says no one interested.

Obviously there is a limit to what they can do on public TV but htere are a few things done or aluded to which are still pushing the boundaries and are quite sexy. For example:

There is the bit ion one episode where one turns her partner on to her front and proceeds to rim her. I think that that is probably a 1st for either gender.

In last night's episode, there in one scene where two of the girls are in the bath and the blonde one says to the dark haired one "shave it off" and proceedst to photgraph her as she does so. But that's not the bit nor the implied? oral later. The real sexy bit was kissing her toes en-route but that is not held long enough nor used as a slow route up the leg.

Naughty little trollops. Anyone would think that all lesbian girls do is rut.

I find it hard to follow the story line and the names elude me but then I need a label around my neck saying "if found lost, please return to......"

Nov 3, 2010, 3:28 PM
:confused: Not much to see here, not in the USA anyway. There are no links to any videos, just a few articles to read, that's all. Anyway I did take a side-trip, with the sideshows on their web-page and did read a few articles that were somewhat related to this subject.??? Really not much to comment on and so that should explain why nobody has made any comments on this thread.

Your friend, :doggie:

Nov 4, 2010, 5:06 AM
:confused: Not much to see here, not in the USA anyway. There are no links to any videos, just a few articles to read, that's all. Anyway I did take a side-trip, with the sideshows on their web-page and did read a few articles that were somewhat related to this subject.??? Really not much to comment on and so that should explain why nobody has made any comments on this thread.

Your friend, :doggie:

Didn really expect ther wud b Doggie hun... jus puttin down a marker so as if ya get the chance in foriegn parts 2 c it..take it.. an look in.. cos its fun... an don let the fact that its British putya off.. quite often Brit telly drama dusn take off ova ur way an ther lotsa brill drama produced by all our broadcasters.. its either neva picked up or stuck away somewer obscure.. or worse, ya do ya own version wich neva works cos the edge is lost on the American version.. an we don get that much gay, lesbian or bi drama in ne case..so wen we do... make best of it, cos it mite b last time for a long time..

Nov 11, 2010, 8:01 AM
this might be helpful:


nice photographed but the series - outside of scenes like this ofcourse - is a bit disappointing. Queer as Folk it is not..

Nov 11, 2010, 9:41 AM
Ok.. no 1 interested?

Not a lack of interest, just a need for Standard English. Too tired to parse your pidgin right now, Fran.

Nov 11, 2010, 10:15 AM
That was pretty intense, but I couldn't help but think as I watched that, "GEEZ! I've seen better breasts on some men!"

I know, before you say it........ I'm a superficial, super-visual, lesser-human, MAN!


Nov 11, 2010, 10:36 AM
this might be helpful:


nice photographed but the series - outside of scenes like this ofcourse - is a bit disappointing. Queer as Folk it is not..

It is not intended as a lesbian "Queer as Folk"... it is a different animal entirely and is about a certain type of lesbian.. the type of lesbian of which I am one, and I do accept that being that type of lesbian colours my judgement... and while I enjoyed "Queer as FolK" I have never viewed to be quite the wonderful gay drama many crack out to be.. and agreed "Lip Service" is hardly perfect.. but it stands up on its own merits as a an important development in bringing homosexuality to our television screens.

Nov 11, 2010, 10:38 AM
Not a lack of interest, just a need for Standard English. Too tired to parse your pidgin right now, Fran.

*Chucks bucket of ice cold water over Atiq* Wakey wakey!!!!!:bigrin:

Nov 11, 2010, 1:43 PM
That was pretty intense, but I couldn't help but think as I watched that, "GEEZ! I've seen better breasts on some men!"

I know, before you say it........ I'm a superficial, super-visual, lesser-human, MAN!


Realist, how could you? Smaller breasts are beautiful and Sergeant whatsername has a fabulous body to go with them.

Pity about the make believe cunnilingus (their heads are in the wrong position). Unless there is a secret insertion doing the real work?

In the latest episode Sergeant has a real movie style coming. Very elegant and ego building; these things range from a single sniff (was that it?) in some to the full body quake akin to the scene where the female android (Daryll Hannah) is shot in Blade Runner (OMG is she in need of exorcism?).


Nov 11, 2010, 3:26 PM
That was pretty intense, but I couldn't help but think as I watched that, "GEEZ! I've seen better breasts on some men!"

I know, before you say it........ I'm a superficial, super-visual, lesser-human, MAN!


Oi u!!! Thers summat wrong wiv a girl havin tidgies?????:eek:

Nov 11, 2010, 4:09 PM
Are "tidgies" breasts?

I was saying that the one having orgasms was very flat-chested and I've been with a couple of chubby guys with larger breasts.

Nov 12, 2010, 4:50 AM
"Are tidgies breasts?" the man asks.. God.. me wondas wot planet sum peeps liv on at times...:rolleyes:

Realist dear, they r indeed, breasts.. sum gals, like moi, hav tidgies.. sum sadly, lukky cows, hav tits :(

Nov 12, 2010, 8:48 AM
I was telling my GF about this conversation and how different the genders can be, sometimes.

I said, "Women are from Venus and men are......"

She interrupted me, "A SWAMP!" she sighed.

Nov 13, 2010, 12:07 PM
Uh,,, ah,,, yes, lip service... I know what lip service is!!!:rolleyes:

:bigrin: As a matter of fact.... I could use some "lip service" right now. :bigrin:

Any volunteers???

I just had to ask that.... Your friend, :doggie:

Just kidding now,,,,, so don't get all wadded up, OK?