View Full Version : Joel Burns Tells Gay Teens, 'It Gets Better'

Oct 14, 2010, 9:38 AM
This is a powerful message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax96cghOnY4&feature=player_embedded

Oct 14, 2010, 9:55 AM
I just wish the major corporation I work for didn't sanction violence/murder attempts against LBGTs...
That would hurt the corporate image and therefore doesn't exist.
they own the city, state, lots of purchased media and most senators and representatives in the USA.


I live with murder attempts probable on a daily basis, for the last several years. I can think of many, and have reported, unsuccessful attempts over the last... several/many years...
This is weird because I'm a big guy,not fat (too fat) but big.
OSHA, Justice departments, police departments are afraid and/or see only futility in going against this corp.
Reporting attempts to 'athorities' has become futile. All police and OSHA have refused to investigate.
Yet, I stand against this crap, and I don't give up the faith.

Oct 14, 2010, 10:00 AM
What? :eek: Who the fuck do you work for and why do you work for them then?

Oct 14, 2010, 10:14 AM
What? :eek: Who the fuck do you work for and why do you work for them then?

Seconded on that.

Oct 14, 2010, 10:37 AM
What? :eek: Who the fuck do you work for and why do you work for them then?

Well, ask yourself what major American corporation 'owns' states, representatives, senators, deals in 100's of billions of dollars, and is able to quickly hush the media (via commercial purchase, and other methods) of reporting it's criminal misconduct, and is even quite capable of negotiating with the US justice department... not to prosecute it's criminal misconduct.
No, it's not Microsoft... which leaves... ???

Why do I work there? ...kind of a frog in slowly boiling water... I've only slowly become aware of it... and make good money...

But I first mentioned this years ago here...
Should I ever mention the company name, Drew will be awash in international lawsuits so quickly, www.bisexual.com will simply disappear, and so will I, either by corporate thugs or instant poverty (or both).

Oct 14, 2010, 3:23 PM
Have I understood this correctly?

One of the biggest USA companies sanctions violence and murder and hushes these crimes up when they occur against LBGT community members?

Wow! The capitalist west is definitely a role model for the rest of the world

Oct 14, 2010, 3:51 PM
Have I understood this correctly?

One of the biggest USA companies sanctions violence and murder and hushes these crimes up when they occur against LBGT community members?

Wow! The capitalist west is definitely a role model for the rest of the world

You're surprised Heph? Is not only 'merican companies which act with extreme ruthlessness... but don believe for a min ya r...:tong:;)

Oct 14, 2010, 7:59 PM
I wasn't quite certain that this Joel Burns was outing himself during this speech or did the other councillor's know about his sexuality? If he was outing himself as he also revealed that he had gone through the same thing that some teens have killed themselves today, he is a very brave and good man.

Oct 14, 2010, 8:56 PM
I think parts Joel Burn's speech implies he already came out.
Other parts imply he didn't.
Great speech.

Oct 15, 2010, 1:09 AM
I love you, Blue, but I'll believe your claims if there is evidence. I know it sounds like the kind of thing that would tickle the ears of the more scandalwhore members . . . but me... not so much.


Oct 15, 2010, 1:26 AM
Well, ask yourself what major American corporation 'owns' states, representatives, senators, deals in 100's of billions of dollars, and is able to quickly hush the media (via commercial purchase, and other methods) of reporting it's criminal misconduct, and is even quite capable of negotiating with the US justice department... not to prosecute it's criminal misconduct.
No, it's not Microsoft... which leaves... ???

Why do I work there? ...kind of a frog in slowly boiling water... I've only slowly become aware of it... and make good money...

But I first mentioned this years ago here...
Should I ever mention the company name, Drew will be awash in international lawsuits so quickly, www.bisexual.com will simply disappear, and so will I, either by corporate thugs or instant poverty (or both).

You work for Walmart?


Oct 15, 2010, 2:04 AM
I saw this video earlier and I cried. My generation made it easier for LGBT kids to come out and our kids are STILL FOUR TIMES more likely to kill themselves than straight kids.

It's enough to break the heart.

Oct 15, 2010, 6:23 AM
I love you, Blue, but I'll believe your claims if there is evidence. I know it sounds like the kind of thing that would tickle the ears of the more scandalwhore members . . . but me... not so much.


Wot dontcha believe Taylor? That Blue works for such a company? Or that such companies exist?

Funny ole thing evidence.. amzin how many jus don believe it wen it is produced no matta how compellin.. but no matta.. Blue wud b a tadge potty if 'e published it 'ere now wudn 'e? So yea.. take it wiv a pinch a salt ifya must, but don dismiss the possibility outa hand... open mind Taylor hun.. ;) Cos ther r such companies an not only in your country...:)

Scandalwhore.. hav been called many kinds a whore.. but nev 1a them.. *chalks up bran new whore nic*

Oct 15, 2010, 6:30 AM
Following on from Herbwoman's comment. There are problems which are appearing.


Partly it is that as the composition of society changes over time then there are set backs to the understandings that may have developed previously. With immigraton may be the re-introduction of small town / village mentality through formulaic traditions.

Partly it is the erosion of any egalitarianism that may have developed: through the same process as above; through the attack on social institutions and the gradual oppression of the average 'man'. This last would be a re-run of the situations of yesteryear re-imposed in the name of corporate vitality and (mis)perceived economic necessities.

The concept of what is an acceptable famliy unit had broadened with the social institutions. Noting the above, as the social institutions are lamed, also partly in the name of individuality, then localised aggregations are encouraged as substitutes - social peer groups. In some contexts these groups behave as mindless gangs.

Simultaneously, the family unit may be overwhelmed by the social upheaval. Maybe the parents as the strongest members are rendered impotent (fear, mental collapse, self harm though booze and drugs). Maybe in the extreme the family unit does not survive. Additionally, we saddle our young with mounting debts to the point of neutering them.

Is all of this contributory to the rise in LGBT teen oppressions, self harm and suicides, indeed teenage problems in general which have certainly risen in young males in the UK.

Oct 15, 2010, 8:04 AM
I love you, Blue, but I'll believe your claims if there is evidence. I know it sounds like the kind of thing that would tickle the ears of the more scandalwhore members . . . but me... not so much.

I have a job, my sweet Taylor, and I am still alive. I've had to employ every last bit of paranoia to protect myself and perhaps do service to my LGBT community. Snail mail DVD/CDs with complete disclosure to old friends whom I can trust "Please execute upon my death, disability, or request".
Letters... and so much more... to Senators, Representatives, department of justice, several media points, journalists and much more.
I strive to eliminate 'evidence' from my residence as fast as possible.
Oxford dictionary is shorter than the 'rule book' for my company... this is no exaggeration; thousands of rules expressed in a thesis format. My company also expresses the rules in such vague terms that can be widely interpreted as a matter of convenience to the corrupt company enforcers, including reasons for corporate search and seizure in my private house.
I did exaggerate the term 'sanction' in my earlier statement on this thread, it should have been 'condone'. My company condones violence. To discover violence lessens the company's bidding ability. Employee against employee violence/threats hurt the company's future bids. This is the company's primary interest. Since LGBTs are a target, violence/threats to them must be forcefully ignored; as much as can be corporately covered up.
My trigger is my termination, my sleepers' trigger is my death or disability (or request).
Yes, I have evidence. I've had to be careful how I collect it as there is already a web site dedicated for years to the exact corrupt practices of my company. My company has myriad ways of legally destroying evidence against the corporate entity.
Yes, there have been more than a few cleaver attempts on my life at work and yes... the corporate entity is aware (no exaggeration - I have direct knowledge (proof not belief) over 100 company enforcers are aware) and... rather than use dirty tricks to eliminate the 'bad guy', they informed him prior to questioning, instructed him on details of method to avoid (thus corp can deny responsibility), and by sheer dumb luck I missed the clearly deliberate/immediate actions to get rid of me (not to mention the dumb luck of escaping murder). I'm concerned about delayed actions (not to mention continued murder attempts). I have contacted OSHA, have a case file, to no avail.

Finally, I cannot offer public proof at this point. I will be fired and black balled.
This is why I will not yet publicly offer the company name, and certain other details (I really bit my tongue in previous sentences). If I were more dedicated to our community and less watching out for my own paycheck, I would have already come out.
For this I publicly apologize. I'm not willing at this point to be a 'Rosa Parks' for the LGBT community.

Oct 15, 2010, 8:15 AM
...Is all of this contributory to the rise in LGBT teen oppressions, self harm and suicides, indeed teenage problems in general which have certainly risen in young males in the UK.

I don't think so, Hep. Teenagers have always had a high suicide rate, but until recently, no twitter or facebook to publish. The rise of internet communications coincides with the rise you're speaking of (my opinion).
A homosexual suicide note (pencil/pen on paper)40 years ago would have been 'politely' repressed by both police and family.
I don't think it's different, just more aware, as many other things.
...nothing new in the world, just new people doing it...

PS... I like ya dude... I hope we meet some day... if only for a beer.

Oct 15, 2010, 7:53 PM
A friend posted a link to this on Facebook. I thought it was incredible. When I checked it out there were just over 1000 views I think. Now over half a million! Good for him.

Oct 15, 2010, 9:33 PM
That was a very moving video and powerful words by this man.

I thought we might have been progressing when it comes to things like gay rights and such---but I am concerned that perhaps we might be going to go retrograde with progress in this and other areas. I am concerned the upcoming mid-term elections might be the "beginning of the end" in this regard.

It is going to be ironic-----all those people so fearful of Barack Obama's supposed socialism, ceding US sovereignty to the UN and all that crap---they will find in a few decades hence that they really lost their liberty thanks to their being suckered in by the tea bagger types who themselves were duped by the real "elites" that really own most everything who never liked that anyone other than those among their number ever had any political or economic power.

Oct 15, 2010, 11:42 PM
That was a very moving video and powerful words by this man.

I thought we might have been progressing when it comes to things like gay rights and such---but I am concerned that perhaps we might be going to go retrograde with progress in this and other areas. I am concerned the upcoming mid-term elections might be the "beginning of the end" in this regard.

It is going to be ironic-----all those people so fearful of Barack Obama's supposed socialism, ceding US sovereignty to the UN and all that crap---they will find in a few decades hence that they really lost their liberty thanks to their being suckered in by the tea bagger types who themselves were duped by the real "elites" that really own most everything who never liked that anyone other than those among their number ever had any political or economic power.

It is definitely happening in Michigan. We took the brunt of the Bush administration policies and now are voting for Republicans to save us or not voting at all. Maybe, we deserve our fate for being so stupid then and now.

Also, Congress gets very,very low job aproval ratings, yet we are completely responsible for who is in Congress. Maybe, we deserve our fate for being so stupid then and now. By the way, if you do not vote, be sure and put a "kick me sign on your ass".

Oct 15, 2010, 11:47 PM
I think he was out before the speech, but something happened that night, when he was 13 years old, that he was too choked up to tell us about. He probably attempted suicide. That would make sense in the context of the rest of the speech.

Oct 16, 2010, 2:39 AM
That was a very moving video and powerful words by this man.

I thought we might have been progressing when it comes to things like gay rights and such---but I am concerned that perhaps we might be going to go retrograde with progress in this and other areas. I am concerned the upcoming mid-term elections might be the "beginning of the end" in this regard.

It is going to be ironic-----all those people so fearful of Barack Obama's supposed socialism, ceding US sovereignty to the UN and all that crap---they will find in a few decades hence that they really lost their liberty thanks to their being suckered in by the tea bagger types who themselves were duped by the real "elites" that really own most everything who never liked that anyone other than those among their number ever had any political or economic power.

Both parties are guilty of this... don't pin it on just one group. I know you love to do that... but if you're gonna call out... call 'em ALL out.


Long Duck Dong
Oct 16, 2010, 2:55 AM
they need to stop saying it will get better and start saying WHEN !!!!!!!!

its like saying to a people with mental illness / depression that things get better...... but WHEN??? is what we want to know..... give us some hope, not a illusion of hope

when can a LGBT person look out the door and know that the world is a safe place..... and lets not point out laws and legal rulings.... cos they do not stop criminals so they are not gonna stop bullies....

we talk about society accepting..... but we know that society will not accept, parts of society will embrace, the rest will seek to eliminate.....

all we are saying to the kids, is hang in there.... if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger...... and when you survive hell... it gets better.... you only have to deal with societies bullies with laws like DADT

Oct 16, 2010, 4:11 AM
I don't think so, Hep. Teenagers have always had a high suicide rate, but until recently, no twitter or facebook to publish. The rise of internet communications coincides with the rise you're speaking of (my opinion).
A homosexual suicide note (pencil/pen on paper)40 years ago would have been 'politely' repressed by both police and family.
I don't think it's different, just more aware, as many other things.
...nothing new in the world, just new people doing it...

PS... I like ya dude... I hope we meet some day... if only for a beer.

The point about communication changes is taken.

However, our authorities have acknowledged that bullying and teen suicides in males especially have risen disproportionately. Attacks on homosexuals have also risen generally and within this category. Our societies usually mirror each other despite the usual phase differences and it is curious that the news from your side appears synchronous.

Who knows, maybe we're being selective? Although, I consider this unlikely.
Good luck to Joel Burns.

Drinkies anytime. Beer < cocktails < loins.

Oct 16, 2010, 4:24 AM
SodomandGomorrahShow - If Blue does work for the company your claim, do you think it wise to press this point so publicly?

Never, ever be surprised if there are hidden agendas in any groups. If they did not exist before then changes in personnel may introduce them and vice versa with all of the attendant inertia and power struggles.

Persecutions of individuals may take place at personal and coroporate levels and there may be deflecting actions to any accusation of wrong doing. History is awash with examples of such behaviour.

Oct 16, 2010, 5:01 AM
SodomandGomorrahShow - If Blue does work for the company your claim, do you think it wise to press this point so publicly?

Never, ever be surprised if there are hidden agendas in any groups. If they did not exist before then changes in personnel may introduce them and vice versa with all of the attendant inertia and power struggles.

Persecutions of individuals may take place at personal and coroporate levels and there may be deflecting actions to any accusation of wrong doing. History is awash with examples of such behaviour.

Well, if he's still here in two weeks, either S&G's guess is wrong, or . . .maybe it's not as bad as Blue says. I've learned one thing...we're freer than we think - -though we are not as free as we should be. IOW, things can suck, but they're no where near as bad as we scream they are.

<Shrug> I'm putting some meat in the crock pot. By the time it's done, we'll know.


Oct 16, 2010, 6:20 AM
I've learned one thing...we're freer than we think - -though we are not as free as we should be. IOW, things can suck, but they're no where near as bad as we scream they are.

Talking to my cousin at a hen night, her belief is the opposite of yours. We feel free and have the illusion of freedom, but we are not as free as we think we are. Which means if she is right that things are worse than we are led to believe. I don't know which of you is right but do know there are questions to be asked of both points of view.

Oct 16, 2010, 9:01 AM
You work for Walmart?


I'm waiting for the merger between Walmart and my company!

Oct 16, 2010, 9:38 AM
There are so many teenagers, gay or straight that have big self-esteem issues. This guy is standing up for what he believes in and it's great!

Oct 16, 2010, 11:29 AM
Pretty sure he outed himself in that speech, otherwise he wouldn't be saying "I don't want my parents to find out this way" - and then choose to skip ahead a few lines - that makes this video even more powerful

- it wouldn't be the first time I've cried like a baby thinking about all of the children who are thinking of life and death over self-esteem issues - whether they are LGBT or not..adults too for that matter but especially the children.

Oct 16, 2010, 1:19 PM
I'm waiting for the merger between Walmart and my company!

Veiwing your posts from 2007 and now, I doubt your story. In this thread ypu claim to only recently have become aware of all of this, but in 2007 you said nearly the same thing. These two statements do not coexist in a logical poaition.

In 2007 you used the Rosa Parks analogy. It's 2010 and you say nearly the same thing. Which raises some questions such as: what happened in the intervening three years, why are you still working there, why have they not made good on their threats, how have you managed to evade their will all this time, and if you did then how powerful/determined are they really?

Your story reads like a Robert Ludlum novel. It's got all the paranoia just without the fun or obligatory hot chick.


Oct 17, 2010, 10:04 AM
Veiwing your posts from 2007 and now, I doubt your story. In this thread ypu claim to only recently have become aware of all of this, but in 2007 you said nearly the same thing. These two statements do not coexist in a logical poaition.

In 2007 you used the Rosa Parks analogy. It's 2010 and you say nearly the same thing. Which raises some questions such as: what happened in the intervening three years, why are you still working there, why have they not made good on their threats, how have you managed to evade their will all this time, and if you did then how powerful/determined are they really?

Your story reads like a Robert Ludlum novel. It's got all the paranoia just without the fun or obligatory hot chick.

That's okay Pasa. I had typed out quite a response to your comment. Then I deleted it because it reveals too much.
'Recently' at my age includes the last couple years.
The Rosa Parks analogy still holds, if the company is successful, at any point of terminating my employment here, even for indirect reasons, I plan full public disclosure.
By shear accident, I did the right things at nearly the right time (including notifying OSHA).
If this isn't enough to ignite self protection paranoia in anyone... then 'anyone' must be willfully stupid. Besides, imagine yourself in my position and then imagine what a good lawyer would tell you... actions of extreme paranoia.
My 1st lawyer advised me... after I spoke of the attempts on my life and the company's reaction (and who the company was), "be glad you still have a job"... pretty incredulous legal advise.

SoddomAndGommorahShow has a past of contradicting anyone... even since only becoming a member last month... take a wild guess who he is.
I will neither confirm or deny guesses as to which company I work for... yet.
There's no reason for me to lie or even exaggerate on this issue.
Why the fuck would I want to do something like that?!?
Frequent or flagrant lies are for manipulators.
I have far too much in life to be so... pathetic as to needing to manipulate for self substantiation.