View Full Version : A bit late----something that has made me go: Arrgghh! since it hit the news!!

Oct 11, 2010, 11:06 PM
Forgetting her politics and all that---did anyone else who knows the difference get pissed that both Christine O'Donnell, (the tea bagger type republican nominee for the open US Senate seat from Delaware) and the national press so wrongly and inaccurately conflated Satanism with paganism when that old tape of O'Donnell appearing way back when on Bill Maher's old show--"Politically Incorrect" was shown initially on his new show earlier this season and later run, ad nauseum, by just about every other news/media/entertainment outlet in America???

That she so got it wrong as to whether her supposed date was either a wiccan/pagan or a Satanist-makes me wonder if she made that story up at the time she said it back in the 90s???

What does get me with it all--as someone who has and still does to some degree work as a journalist---I do try to get the facts right---sometimes I frack up and get something wrong--we are all human and we make mistakes--but with this deal---some damn reporter should get the facts straight and point out the very major difference between paganism/wiccanism* and Satanism.

*I know there are some differences between paganism and wicca--but for this case-they are roughly the same--no sense in defining things out too much for an arrogant or is it, ignorant US media machine and the "American public."

Oct 11, 2010, 11:13 PM
...responsible journalism has long been absent from the news media; anything is written, the more sensationalist the better, facts an unecessary detail best despensed with as nothing but clutter that hinders the ability to market a story.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 11, 2010, 11:35 PM
I have the overview of politics that sometimes their mistakes are planned to shock, offend but draw attention to them as a form of cheap / free attention seeking......

satanism is more misunderstood than the differences between pagan and wicca ways

satanism teachs that you are responsible for what you create....and that there is no need for harm to others or other beings ( animals ) and that satan is not a god nor to be worshipped, that humans are their own gods

devil worshippers are the ones that support animal and human harm and worse....and by their own label, they worship deities.... something that is not a aspect of satanism.....

but a lot of the christian extremists, see all 4 as the same thing..... lol

Oct 12, 2010, 5:02 AM
.....satanism teachs that you are responsible for what you create....and that there is no need for harm to others or other beings ( animals ) and that satan is not a god nor to be worshipped, that humans are their own gods

devil worshippers are the ones that support animal and human harm and worse....and by their own label, they worship deities.... something that is not a aspect of satanism.....

but a lot of the christian extremists, see all 4 as the same thing..... lol

Confused here LDD.

Satan is The Devil and Satanists do worship him/her as a challege to the traditional Christian God. Thus he/she is seen as a god (despite being a 'fallen angel'). Satanism is Devil worship. As far as I know, this is standard belief which also finds itself in Islam. The Jews would appear to still be debating the matter as to whether God's adversary is or is not 'The Devil' seemingly much as they are still debating whether they crucified 'The Christ' or just a 'Mr Jesus of Nazareth'.

Extreme Christians? Are these people who re-enact the crucifixion to detail so as to feel as the Christ must have?


Oct 12, 2010, 10:05 AM
Putting O'Donnell and correct facts in the same sentence is an oxymoron.