View Full Version : Who enjoys poppers?

Oct 10, 2010, 4:54 PM
Hi guys, just a random question. I quite like using poppers either alone or with someone. I like the buzz and the way it can make me feel.

I'm curious to know what you guys think about them?

bisexual Bill
Oct 10, 2010, 9:06 PM
I tried poppers a few times in the early 80s back when they were legal and still made with amyl nitrite.

I just sniffed them while dancing with men I was dating. I never had sex with anyone or masturbated while or after sniffing them. I did not enjoy the very short buzz or headache I got from them. I did not like the smell of them either when someone would open one up in a bar or dance club.

I still have seen poppers for sale here in the U.S. but they are not amyl nitrite like they once were.

Oct 11, 2010, 12:34 AM
A friend had a small bottle of the stuff back in 1980. I smelled it and enjoyed a skull pounding headache. Nasty stuff.

Oct 11, 2010, 6:51 AM
Hey that Benyl nitrate, nitrite, amyl nitrate will KILL you. Better to get some nice weed once it's legal in NJ next week, and 3 nice partners to climb all over each other! Happy swingers please apply at our front Gate!


Oct 11, 2010, 10:40 AM
If you are sniffing a 'VOC' like 'poppers', which may include any number of chemicals in addition to what's been named above; that's what they call SOLVENT ABUSE. That buzz and headache you feel is quite litterally the fat in your brain dissolving in industrial solvents brought-in through your lungs and bloodstream, right across the 'blood-brain barrier'. Understand that this kind of high is very different from other kinds of highs, neurochemically speaking.

Because this stuff isn't made with pharmaceutical-grade solvents, it may and likely does contain all kinds of impurities, so truthfully, you can disregard the labels. You are risking your life and at the very least, you are melting your brain when you use these kinds of intoxicants.

Who knows what that'll do to you, especially long-term or with repeated use or additional exposures. If you want to find out, you should visit the dementia wards in about twenty years and see who was sniffing 40 years earlier.:2cents:

Much better to smoke a fattie with a hottie, or a bong with a buddy, and/or vapourize and socialize with everybody gettin' jiggie when we boogie!:cool:

CONFIDENTIAL TO THE BEER LOBBY: Pot sales won't hurt beer sales in the least! How better to quench those pasties (ie. dry-mouth)? Ease-up on your opposition to the propositions to legalize-it on the November ballots.

Peace out.

Oct 11, 2010, 11:03 AM
It is something that with the potential health issues relating to "poppers"---they would have been outlawed ages ago.

I think they are bad news--I will stick with my drugs of choice--some liquid libations and maybe some good "bud" ("bud" being a plant material--not the liquid one in this case).

Oct 11, 2010, 4:11 PM
I don't enjoy the stupidity of self poisoning, by popper or POT and don't be stupid enough to delude yourself that POT isn't a poison.

Oct 11, 2010, 4:46 PM
From recovering drug addict and alcholic the shit is all bad for you.Yes that stuff will kill your brain cells,and you never get them back.The high i get now is from being Clean and sober and just enjoying what life has given me. All that stuff is a form of self medicating and avoiding the real issues people have .

Oct 11, 2010, 5:14 PM
I never understood why a person wouldn't want to be totally chemical, alcohol, and drugs free, when they were having sex.

I've had sex while loaded with too much Whiskey, beer, wine, or a couple times with pot......it dulled my feelings, senses.

Personally, I do NOT want anything to take away from the euphoric feeling that being sober and clear-headed during sex provides.

I've had others argue that those things enhance sex, but I certainly didn't find that they did.

Apr 6, 2011, 6:36 AM
this thread reminds me of the time when a box of amyl nitrate vials smashed on my dispensary floor.Tons of paperwork from the provost.

fumes nearly killed me but girlfriend enjoyed my cock showing thru tight combats.

poppers are legal in uk, however the BR's (books of reference or queens regs) stil prohibit use in her Britanic Majesty's Forces.

Apr 6, 2011, 1:41 PM
Smells like toxic fumes, or sht that would come out of my cars mufflers.

Apr 6, 2011, 4:51 PM
Occassional use is fairly harmless physiologically, depending on the purity of the individual product. The *real* danger is using any of this stuff while taking erectile disfunction meds. This can lead to a drop in blood pressure that can progress into shock. Play safe boys and girls! :>)

Apr 6, 2011, 8:45 PM
Well you asked for an opinion so here goes, I have never used them personally but a friend of mine who is gay said he was walking down the aisle of Home Depot (big box home improvement store) the other day and smelled a familiar smell. Apparently poppers were very prevalent in the 80's and he was smelling that same smell, they were using the same chemical to mix paint at the store.

To each/own I guess but inhaling VOC's on a routine and consistent basis just can't be good, would be just like huffing any other aresol spray.

Apr 6, 2011, 9:21 PM
I never tried poppers. The most I've ever done is pot and I haven't smoked in decades. I'm all about good liquor or mojitos now. But you would think sex would be better if you weren't impaired.

Apr 7, 2011, 3:34 AM
Poppers have origins in the treatment of heart ailments, a benficial effect noted from earlier use as a base chemical in the manufacture of munitons.

The chemical is amyl nitrate.

The side effect is reducing smooth muscle tension elsewhere in the body i.e. relaxing the anal sphincter(s) and making anal penetration easier. The headache is caused by the blood rush to the brain as another side effect.