View Full Version : gay cruise area or community asset, you decide

Long Duck Dong
Oct 7, 2010, 9:49 PM
the area they are refering to, is a popular beach area in the nelson region at the top of the south island in nz.....

as its a open beach area and one of the best recreational locations in the area... it is very popular.....and yes that means young kids and teens do go to the area for picnics and other activities.....

as you can see, some people want it to be regarded as a community asset ( in simple terms, do not deny gay people the right to use it for cruising and sexual purposes )...... but others are saying for fucks sakes, its a public area like a park

for the record, public displays of sexual activity and nudity are illegal, only restricted and clearly marked areas are allowed for nudity and they do not include public access beachs and parks....such as rabbit island

now..... I welcome others opinions and comments over this issue.....

Cruising-area-an-asset-says-gay-man (http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/4211595/Cruising-area-an-asset-says-gay-man)

Oct 8, 2010, 12:25 AM
I read that article and it is apparent that it is an open family place, kids go there so no it should not be listed as an asset because gay cruising goes on there.

To think that people would actually want a child to see public sex is pretty appalling and some of the comments on that article make it clear that some people care only about getting off but not about anyone who might see them.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 8, 2010, 12:32 AM
it was the 3rd comment under the article ( link in the first post )..... that amused me.... its the same type of comment I have see in this site from our resident trolls....lol

Dave #3 03:19 pm Oct 08 2010

Public outdoor sex and cruising always happens and will happen even if the breeders (straight people) have their way with this beach. No sense in prohibiting it.

The people who are annoyed at seeing naked men on this beach or in the midst of having sex need to stop being such prudes.

In the Netherlands the Dutch have a park where you are allowed to cruise and have public sex and everyone knows that this section of the park is used for it. So unless they want to see naked men in this area people stay away from there.

Likewise the straight people who are trying to push away the queer men from a cruising spot is a typical reaction from a heterosexual society that does not like men who are bisexual, gay, and not heterosexual.

Oct 8, 2010, 3:54 AM
Well, in response to Dave #3, "I am a bi-sexual male and I say do not list it as a community asset. So ... pppbbbbttthhhh" (sticking my tongue out).

it was the 3rd comment under the article ( link in the first post )..... that amused me.... its the same type of comment I have see in this site from our resident trolls....lol

Dave #3 03:19 pm Oct 08 2010

Public outdoor sex and cruising always happens and will happen even if the breeders (straight people) have their way with this beach. No sense in prohibiting it.

The people who are annoyed at seeing naked men on this beach or in the midst of having sex need to stop being such prudes.

In the Netherlands the Dutch have a park where you are allowed to cruise and have public sex and everyone knows that this section of the park is used for it. So unless they want to see naked men in this area people stay away from there.

Likewise the straight people who are trying to push away the queer men from a cruising spot is a typical reaction from a heterosexual society that does not like men who are bisexual, gay, and not heterosexual.

Oct 8, 2010, 4:31 AM
".......... It can be quite disconcerting to see a young Adonis bearing down upon you with everything swinging in the breeze."

I have dreams like this, not complaints

It is unfortunate that the terms community asset and public area are in contention. I would have thought the two to be largely synonymous.

That those interested in homosexuality are making life uncomfortable for others to their exclusion is almost certain to cause a backlash. Surprise surprise it would seem to be happening in the area mentioned. Cummulatively, there is a danger that it will set back the understanding that has been re-developed in western society for homosexuality.

Are there not laws already in existence which prohibit lewd behaviour in public? Assuming that there are then it would seem a simple matter of sensitive policing to prevent extreme offences such as public copulation; after all, most mobile phones now have very good camera facilities.

To give matters a lttle perspective, I was talking with a young eastern european workman (a new Albanian immigrant looking for work) who expressed shock at the 'indecent' sight of an indian asian couple holding hands and swapping an affectionate kiss in public (their new found freedom). Yet here we are talking about the acceptability of public copulation.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 8, 2010, 4:50 AM
there is laws hep..... and what they are doing, with the nudity and sexual conduct, is illegal.....

the trouble is that it can take 30 minutes for police to get to rabbit island and often there is people that watch out for the police and give warnings so when they do come, nothing is going on.....

most of the nelson / motueka area LGBT community are horrified and dismayed at the behievour in the rabbit island area.... as people often see them as the people responsible for the behievour and so the LGBT community has come under some heavy fire and a loss of community support......

the area is most used by some locals and mainly out of towners, tourists and closeted / in denial males that can be gay / bi / straight..... and the area is recommended on some gay sites as a place to visit......

any reaction against the behievour is quickly marked as anti gay / homophobic / gay bashing biased........ and when told that its a public area where kids are present and that its illegal behievour..... people are generally told to get over it, stop being prudes and that the gays are not going to stop......

there are huts there, so at the least, they could be a lil more private and respectful of the public at large, but there have been a number of reports about oral and anal sex in full view of the public.......

a specific part of the concern is that nobody is safe there and there have been reports of solicitation of young teens.......

Oct 8, 2010, 5:55 AM
Public outdoor sex and cruising always happens and will happen even if the breeders (straight people) have their way with this beach. No sense in prohibiting it.

Jeez.. I know its not your word Duckie.. but there is something about the word "breeders" as used by many gay people, men in particlular, which dont half get the hackles up.. sometimes the gay community thoughtlessly are their own worst enemies..

Long Duck Dong
Oct 8, 2010, 7:20 AM
nods ... it was the comment made by a poster on the site I posted the link to...

they can call straights, breeders all they want..... without the so called breeders, the LGBT would not exist....and a lot of so called breeders are also bi people......

Oct 8, 2010, 7:26 AM
nods ... it was the comment made by a poster on the site I posted the link to...

they can call straights, breeders all they want..... without the so called breeders, the LGBT would not exist....and a lot of so called breeders are also bi people......

..and just how many are themselves gay.. have in fact taken issue with just one such only last week for stupidly using the expression in my presence...

Long Duck Dong
Oct 8, 2010, 7:25 PM
a few of them self identified as gay.... but there were others that ID'ed as gay that were very offended and shocked at the attitude and lack of respect for others and the legal laws of nz......

many of the nelson / motueka lgbt that I know.... hate the word breeder.....as its a slur against any person regardless of sexuality that has children.....

as a update..... and at this stage its word of mouth, but it appears that the LGBT community are going to the nelson city council and are going to raise hell over this issue...... cos of the illegal nature of what is going on, the lack of respect by the people doing the sexual acts in a public area and also cos of the negative impact on the LGBT community as a whole in nelson.....

we do have the right to a citizens arrest in nz, and it appears that members of the LGBT are prepared to use it..... even with the risk of violence against them.....

Long Duck Dong
Oct 8, 2010, 7:58 PM
I have been following the story with interest and the comments...... and once again..... the same pattern is emerging......

undefined sexuality people are opposed to the behievour, and being labelled homophobic prudes..... and that straight people are to blame......

gay man with anti hetero stance

Stephen #5 06:00 pm Oct 08 2010

As a gay man there are very few places I can go like this where it's an all male environment and in a natural and clothing optional setting. So yes I do agree that it's a big asset.

Mr Finlayson is correct. We should see the cruising area of Rabbit Island as a major asset and it even promotes tourism there! I agree with the people in the article who said how the people complaining about this must be going out of their way to watch men have sex with each other. People know about this area being the place where men have sex with each other so they are going there intentionally either to watch the men, break up the sexual activity when it's none of their business and they're in the wrong place that they shouldn't be as straight people, and they want to control non-straight sexuality like straight people have been doing for centuries and still continue to do to this day.

*sigh* of course this is what Heterosexual people do. Straights want to destroy anything that's homosexual/bisexual/queer or not straight and sometimes they even mimic it.

Of course the straight people are going to 'blame' gay men for having public sex and then pretending that they don't do it either or never have.

Society accepts a Heterosexual couple having sex or 'making love' as they like to call it, a lot better than it accepts two men having sex and making love to each other in ways that Heteros are ignorant about.

I'm sure some of these straight people are going to bash (beat up) these men out of homophobia and anger like straight men are prone to doing.

and here are gay men speaking out against the issue and other gay men
Rabbit-Island-cruising-area-an-asset (http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4212234/Rabbit-Island-cruising-area-an-asset)

Paul #13 03:57 pm Oct 08 2010

I don't get how this is considered a "Private" way for married or closeted men to get their rocks off. As a 27yr old gay male myself I understand the enticement and the excitement of such a place would be, but I do not see why a hotel room can not be hired for such an occasion. What I do notice about the Gay community is that it's an 'I have the right to do what I want' kind of attitude. It is these people who giver the rest of us a bad name with the public. Don't get me wring, I am not a prude by a long shot but not everyone wants to see a bunch of men doing the dirty in a public way.

Zac #24 09:44 pm Oct 08 2010

These are the exact kind of actions which create (and justify) prejudices against homosexuals (and i'm gay). You are an idiot Finlayson.

even straight people think that objecting to illegal behievour in a public area is homophobic .......

Dan #19 06:26 pm Oct 08 2010

As a straight guy with a young family whom frequent Rabbit Island often, it saddens me that I live in a town with so many homophobes.... and what exactly was that twit 'Ruth' thinking? Are her horses also homophobic!!

Oct 8, 2010, 9:14 PM
Wow reading the comments and this just proves to me why straight people have a problem with alternate sexualities. We make them have a problem by shoving ourselves into their faces and then crying phobia when they back up. I hope they come to some sort of a compromise about that beach.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 10, 2010, 3:22 AM
Why can't it be both a public area and a cruising place?

It's already apparently a nude beach.

Areas where cruising and public sex happen are both venues for public sex and public places too. The only people who know about them being public sex areas are people in the know and men who cruise there.

I have had sex with men in wooded areas and in parked cars in public but we were dating and having sex together. It was not like I had met them randomly but even if we had met like that everything was fine.

I never did the tearoom/men's room thing, had sex in gym locker rooms, or had sex in adult bookstores.

It's not people who were quoted or people having public sex that you should watch out for.

It's people like this guy:

Moriarty #25 01:07 am Oct 10 2010

Why don't police and council officials concentrate on the real issues? This IS a real issue, just look at the record number of comments this article has attracted!. This is a very real issue, this whole sordid conduct is simply a symptom of a society going downhill FAST. YES, I am homophobic, just as I think my wife, daughters and grand daughters do not want to be propositioned, molested or assulted by some self centred (hetrosexual) pervert. AND, this is also a further misuse of the English language, homosexuals have destroyed that beautiful word "Gay" for their own perverted lifestyle, now they have taken the word "cruising", it used to mean an enjoyable boat trip.

cos if you read my posts..... its illegal, sex in a public place, the displaying of genitalia etc etc but the men in that area do not care, they feel its their rights so the law doesn't apply and we are talking about sex in board daylight on the beach, not in the huts

my main concern at this stage is it will take one spark there to trigger violence and vigilante justice.....

you have young children that go to rabbits island as its a family area.... and we have people there that have no respect for the general public or the law...... so you can imagine could happen if one person had wandering hands that wander too far.........

in nz, if you are registered as a sex offender against kids, you carry a bullseye on your head even in prison.... and if anything like that happened at rabbits island, the gay community would find out the true meaning of homophobia and hate crimes

the lgbt community had gay bars and saunas, they could have used..... the were shut down cos nobody went to them...... so the gay community now use the statement that they have nowhere to go......

and what hurts the most, is all the work that went into rising up the image and society friendly nature of the gay community..... and they go and risk it all.....

Oct 10, 2010, 7:05 AM
Your concerns shared LDD.

I alluded to it earlier that perhaps it is time for the camera in the hands of individuals to collect evidence so as to press home warnings if not prosecutions (as opposed to surveillence cameras in the hands of authorities to quell public outcry).

There is a time and place for everything and it would seem that the defiant ones have chosen both badly.