View Full Version : Eureka! Researchers confirm that condoms cause depression!

Sep 30, 2010, 1:55 AM
Barebackers of the world, unite:


I am so happy this has "come" to light. Yesterday a study was published proving that semen contains antidepressants, and people who use condoms are more likely to be depressed, lonely, and suicidal.

Barebackers might be more likely to get moscullum or syphilis, but they also stay in a better mood! Hoorah!

Sep 30, 2010, 2:20 AM
That's great... but it's still way too dangerous to do recklessly, with just anyone, at any time.

If I get into a serious monogamous attachment, it's a nice thing to keep in mind though.


Sep 30, 2010, 2:24 AM
In other news, gunshot victims report seeing a very bright, beautiful white flash just before the bullet hits them.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 30, 2010, 2:48 AM
Barebackers of the world, unite:


I am so happy this has "come" to light. Yesterday a study was published proving that semen contains antidepressants, and people who use condoms are more likely to be depressed, lonely, and suicidal.

Barebackers might be more likely to get moscullum or syphilis, but they also stay in a better mood! Hoorah!

interesting lol......

I will get in before our resident trolls and nay sayers launch their normal aggressive stance..........

there are a number of factors involved in depression than wearing a condom..... and while condoms can play a role in things..... you would need to remove every other factor in order to blame condoms for depression......

a lot of depressive types are chemical based and yes I will accept and acknowledge that sex and sexual interaction combined with semen, could have a effect on the human mental state...... and that has been proven thru studies that show the release of endorphines into the bloodstream in males...

and knowing just how complex semen and sperm are, then I would have to be honest and state that yes, i understand how a females body and mind could react to semen and sperm......as a form of natural * drug * injection ....

I am by no means a biologist or a scientist, but I know enuf to see where the study is going and what it is saying...... and even without cumming in a female, its also possible that a adverse, chemical reaction to the condoms or the spermicide, is possible and may cause a shift in mental states......

having dysthimia, I have a advanced understanding of non chemical based depression..... and i do know that the usage of condoms with dysthimics can cause a mental shift... and its got a lot to do with the understanding of condoms...... its a bit like a person making love to their new partner and having unsafe sex, they want to please their partner but they fear pregnancy and it can affect things.......

now I will sit back and watch the thread get buried under a few 100 posts about how this thread is telling people that bare backing is safe and its condoning bare backing and tells people that barebacking is fine etc etc......

but I want to say thank you for posting something that may or may not be dead accurate, but its food for thought..... well for those of us that can think

Long Duck Dong
Sep 30, 2010, 2:50 AM
In other news, gunshot victims report seeing a very bright, beautiful white flash just before the bullet hits them.

I thought it was your life that flashed before your eyes....... btw, I have to ask.... will the bullet take longer to hit a 100 year old man than a 20 year old man, as there is 5 times the life that has to been flashed before the older guys eyes :tong:

Sep 30, 2010, 3:47 AM
Barebackers of the world, unite:


I am so happy this has "come" to light. Yesterday a study was published proving that semen contains antidepressants, and people who use condoms are more likely to be depressed, lonely, and suicidal.

Barebackers might be more likely to get moscullum or syphilis, but they also stay in a better mood! Hoorah!

Other way around!

People who receive male ejaculate are likely to get a buzz. They are not depressed without it unless they already have a problem with suffering depression.

Maybe it's a natural mechanism to ensure copulation to completion?

As for the nasties, it just reinforces the idea that one should check things out first.

Humorous aspects appreciated.

Sep 30, 2010, 6:44 AM
Ignore the troll bait.

Sep 30, 2010, 2:13 PM
Yep yep. Barebackers can get to experiance that sexy after glow right before stepping out in front of that beer truck because they were too euphorically distracted to notice...lol Snicker. Oops. Talk about a case of came and went.....
Bad Cat

Oct 1, 2010, 1:27 AM
I'd like to point out that ONE STUDY does not make for a body of evidence. Second, the study group was of 200+ women who reported anecdotal evidence on an anonymous questionaire. Anyone familiar with science practices knows that is NOT evidence. The article also did not report how MUCH of each hormone is contained in each sample of ejaculate. If we do not know how much chemical is in the sample how do we know if there is enough to have ANY kind of effect on emotional well being let alone clinical levels of depression.

Sorry guys, but this is just VERY bad science.

If you'd like to read the full article yourselves, I tracked it down here:

Oct 1, 2010, 10:07 AM
I'd like to point out that ONE STUDY does not make for a body of evidence. Second, the study group was of 200+ women who reported anecdotal evidence on an anonymous questionaire. Anyone familiar with science practices knows that is NOT evidence. The article also did not report how MUCH of each hormone is contained in each sample of ejaculate. If we do not know how much chemical is in the sample how do we know if there is enough to have ANY kind of effect on emotional well being let alone clinical levels of depression.

Sorry guys, but this is just VERY bad science.

If you'd like to read the full article yourselves, I tracked it down here:


Oct 25, 2010, 6:38 PM
This is the biggest bunch of bullshit.

a. HIV lives for over 24 hours outside the body.
b. Hepatitus lives for weeks (months in the case of A) outside the body.

C. Considering your other comments on other threads, it is my belief that you are actually a straight person, most likely extreme conservative right wing. It is my belief that some sick part of your mind believes that if more gay/bi men get AIDS that the world will be better. I base this belief (that you're a far right winger) on this thread and on your other remarks regarding sex workers as well as Muslims. When I, the resident conservative, point out that you are a right wing whacko, you really have to be off the deep end.

I'll be reporting this post as well.


Oct 25, 2010, 7:29 PM
Really? Facts? I love facts. Please provide some evidence to back up your 'facts.' I'd absolutely love to see what 'evidence' you can provide. Until then...
