View Full Version : bi girl in love with a straight girl?

Sep 29, 2010, 12:05 PM
Ok, I've been running up and down reading posts on this board before writing this one, I really didnt want to ask a question that has been asked over and over, but so far I haven't found anything similar to my case.

Firt of all I introduce myself: I am a male, straight, 37 years old, and I am writing this post for a friend, female, 28 years old. This is the first hard step, making you all believe I writing this for a friend, you would ask "why your friend didn't come here and ask for advice herself?" that's what I told her, but she is very shy (and most of you can understand that in her situation being shy is quite usual), and she doesnt speak english very well.

We are internet friends (she lives 10,000 km away from me) for very long time, and I supported her for many years now through good and bad relationships with different men (all failed unfortunately). Recently she confessed me that she is very much taken by a girl that studies with her (maybe she choosed me because usually its easier to talk about these subjects with a person that is not in front of you). I spent quite long time to try to understand what means for her "to be taken" by another girl, and I could understand that she feels her heart pounding when she is next to her, she feels angry when she talks to other people and pay no attention to her, she feels very happy when this girl is around, and she feels sad when she can't see this girl for long time. She also said that she felt that tingling inside her stomach when she could sit next to her in a club one night they went out together with other common friends.
I dont think she has sexual dreams about this girl, but for sure she would like to be close to her and have a relationship with this girl, and she confessed me she sometimes feels she would like to kiss her.
First of all I am trying very hard to make her feel that this feeling is not wrong, that she should not hide this feeling to herself and to try to live with it and not blame herself for feeling like this. She said she still likes men but she feels very strange when she is with this girl, I've read somewhere in here that its like when you have apples and oranges, if you like both there is no reason why you must choose one.
Of course she doesnt know if this other girl would like to share a intimate feeling with her (or even just one kiss). I could give her advice on how to seduce men, but I really dont know what to tell her in this case, what should she do with this girl, if she should get close to her and find the right chance to confess her her feelings, or to try to find out if this girl might like another girl....

I guess that its quite common that a bi person falls for a straight one, but what to do in this case?
I hope all this doesnt sound silly to all of you, I thank you all in advance for your attention and for your kind replies.