View Full Version : The difference between men and women

Sep 27, 2010, 7:45 PM
One night a woman doesn't come home to her husband until the wee hours of the morning.

"Where were you?" he asks. "I've been calling you, leaving messages, and haven't heard from you til now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey," she answers. "I met up with one of my girl friends after work, and we had a few drinks and got stoned, and I don't know, I must have had a few too many, but I just passed out at her place. I didn't realize I had my phone turned off, I should have called you, I'm sorry."

"Oh, is that right?" He goes off and comes back an hour later.

"Well," he announces, "I've just called your ten best friends, and you weren't out with any of them last night."

She doesn't know what to say and he drops the subject. A few nights later, he doesn't come home until early in the morning, looking worn and dishevelled.

"Where were you?" asks the wife. "I've been calling and calling. Didn't you get my messages? Why didn't you call?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he answers. "I met up with one of my buddies after work and we hung out at his place. We smoked out and did some shots, and I guess I went overboard. I passed out at his place and just woke up now. Didn't realize my phone was turned off."

"Oh, is that a fact?" She marches out, phone in hand.

A few hours pass and he seeks her out.

"Well? Did you call any of my friends?"

"Yeah. Ten of them."


"Seven of them said you were with them last night, and the other three say you're still there."

Sep 27, 2010, 9:01 PM

I think that tendency may be extended to several of the more controversial threads....;)

Long Duck Dong
Sep 27, 2010, 9:08 PM
roflmao, not lost...... I know of a situation with a couple where that happened..... I can not reveal details, it was a counselling case....

short story, the husband told his wife he was at a new job on a trial basis, but it fell through sadly..... she asked what job and where, showing a interest and he told her ...... she moved out the next day and filed for divorce......

if he had been at the * new job * on a trial basis, he would have met his boss..... his wife, she was the manager......

it was his own inattention to details in his marriage that finally proved to his wife, that he was lieing to her on a constant basis