View Full Version : Do Soul Mates Exist?

Apr 10, 2006, 12:03 PM
A question for you all... Do soul mates really exist?

Mrs Al - my own soul mate - contends they do. I similarly contend they do (even if she says I don't!).

I'd love to hear different peoples opinions on this, and how people define what a soul mate is or is not... :wiggle2:

Apr 10, 2006, 12:51 PM
yes but they aren't sitting around waiting for you, you have to make (and be made into) one and then grow into them.

Apr 10, 2006, 2:20 PM
I believe that they do, yes, but that there isn't just one soul mate for each person. There are many people that touch your soul, sometimes in different ways. A friend of mine and I refer to it as "kharmically connected."

meteast chick
Apr 10, 2006, 2:22 PM
Absolutely everyone has as soul mate, and like Chaia said, we don't have but the one...

luv and kisses,

Apr 10, 2006, 3:53 PM
Yes, I do believe that we can find that one special person with whom we have a lifelong connection. If we are lucky it can be our spouse. I also think that people come into your life for a reason, perhaps unknown at the initial introduction. That has happened to me and they have given me guidence and friendship throughout the years.


Apr 10, 2006, 4:21 PM
Unfortunetly, I do believe in soul mates. The problem that tears at your heart is when you find your soul mate and you are both with other people. That's when you realize that life really sucks.

Sorry to be a downer, but someone and I just realized that we were soul mates, we both are married to other people, and all friends. Needless to say, we no longer see each other because the pain hurts us both too much.


Apr 10, 2006, 5:00 PM
I am reminded of the old joke about the old man who was asked why he never married and he replied that he was looking for the perfect woman.

Well did you find her he was asked?
Yep. he replied.
What happened?
She was looking for the perfect man. :bigrin:

Apr 10, 2006, 6:53 PM
I truely believe in soul mates and am luck to have found and married mine. The first time we met I knew he was the man I would marry. We seem to grow together in everyway and are always willing to explore each others dreams to make them reality. I also believe that there are more than one and that there are not only soul mates for us but kindred spirits, and old souls in young bodies that we can find our selves drawn to, and sometimes we can become confussed and believe that a kindred spirit is our soul mate, however they are wonderful companions that we are lucky to have.

Love is a complicated thing but we should never fear to experience it. The love of love makes us grow as a person and the pain of love is a fertilizer that is needed to help us grow.

Apr 10, 2006, 8:23 PM
Unfortunetly, I do believe in soul mates. The problem that tears at your heart is when you find your soul mate and you are both with other people. That's when you realize that life really sucks.

Sorry to be a downer, but someone and I just realized that we were soul mates, we both are married to other people, and all friends. Needless to say, we no longer see each other because the pain hurts us both too much.

((((( flawyer )))))) I feel your pain, truly!

Apr 10, 2006, 11:16 PM
I very much believe in soul mates! I also believe that each of us has more then one out there. And I have to agree with what Flawyer has said. Sometimes finding other soul mates rips your heart apart and leaves your heart broken because you cannot be with them. :(

Mrs.F :)

Apr 11, 2006, 1:11 AM
There are those that I believe we connect with at a soul level where sometimes the connection is for a specific purpose or reason, and can be of either short or long durations. They are a part of the souls collective with manifestations in both physical and non-physical reality. They are part of a larger entity I define as the soul. Not only do they manifest within my awareness, but I also manifest within their awareness as well.
I believe that I have met at different times these individuals and I refer to them as soul mates. I use the analogy of a large sailing ship which would be symbolic of the soul and the crew which is symbolic of the selves/mates pulling together to navigate and sail this soul on a never ending journey over waters both within this physical reality and those of the non-physical realities as well.
I have been fortunate to have met and married in this reality, within this space and time, one such individual. We refer to each other as soul mates because no other term seems to be adequate in describing the depth and connection that is felt. If your spirit is truly at peace with connection you have and it’s felt at the deepest levels humanly possible then this comes as close as I can to defining the term soul mate…..I believe….

Ambi :)

Apr 11, 2006, 9:28 AM
rofl!!!!!!!!!! :bigrin:


And maybe more than one at a time too!!!!!!!!!!

The Universe(s) are all connected up..........or at least something like that!!!!! lol!!!!

Love and Peace from the UK

Rupe :)

Apr 11, 2006, 10:12 AM
I do think everyone has one. Finding them and meeting them at the right time in your life is of course the quest. I don't think you can "make someone into your soul mate". That would mean whomever you could change is your soul mate, those who rather just be themselves aren't? To me it's the person who touches your heart and SOUL. A person you are compatible with, and you love and embrace the differences you have.

Apr 11, 2006, 2:29 PM
yes in deed they do . i do beleave there may even be more than one who knows with an ever populated world what can happen :bipride: :bipride: :bipride:

Driver 8
Apr 11, 2006, 2:49 PM
I don't think you can "make someone into your soul mate". That would mean whomever you could change is your soul mate, those who rather just be themselves aren't? To me it's the person who touches your heart and SOUL. A person you are compatible with, and you love and embrace the differences you have.
Michael, either you and I disagree, or we're interpreting this differently ;)

The way I read smokey's post, you don't meet someone and expect things to magically work out because you have such a wonderful connection. Too many people, it seems to me, fall into the trap of expecting they'll never have to do any work in their relationship, or think about what they say and do - because someone who really loved them would just understand, or would love them the way they are. Remember that 70s movie with the slogan "Love means never having to say you're sorry?" The priest at our church says love means saying "I'm sorry" whenever it's needed.

Learning to listen, gradually figuring out those things your partner can't quite put into words, finding the best ways to talk to your partner about good things and bad ... that's what I think of when I think of making yourself into someone's soul mate. :2cents:

Apr 11, 2006, 5:54 PM
Soul mate... Mrs Al is the only person I have ever known that I have allowed to know everything about me, no holds barred. I have never known anyone at anytime that I have connected on the multiple layers that I have with her.

I thought that kindred spirits and soulmates were much of a muchness, but they are not... Mrs Al wants to get a tattoo in Asian characters that says "Soulmate." I hurt her feelings badly by equating a soulmate with a kindred spirit, and saying that I have known many kindred spirits in my life... For her, this meant I have known many like her, that I connect with similarly... Fact is, I never have connected with anyone the way I have Mrs Al.

To Mrs Al:

I apologize for my insensitivity to you, the love of my life... Wherever we are, whatever we do, there will never be anyone to be as right for me as you are. You are my world, my everything.

To all of you, cherish those that cherish you...

Apr 11, 2006, 6:49 PM
Do you see why I love this man? I have always thought of "soulmates" as the "twin flames" type of soulmates. Yes, there are other types of soulmates. I feel as though Alaric is my twin flame. Everything I read on the subject convinces me more. Dear Alaric thought I meant a more general type of soulmate.

As for the tattoo. Well..... He is my soulmate, in either sense of the word.

Apr 11, 2006, 8:30 PM
Of course Driver8, do you think I am an idiot. Every relationship takes work and undersatanding. I have seen too many people enter into a relationship and immediately try and "mold" that person to be the person they want.

Yeah Driver8, you and I do disagree, very much so!

Apr 11, 2006, 10:35 PM
Hey I don't know about this "relationship takes work" business. When you've found the right partner it's no work at all. I was married for 20 years and that relationship needed more than "work" to keep it going. :banghead: Needless to say that relationship didn't survive. Theres no way I would ever get into another relationship that needed that kind of work. Now I'm in a relationship for almost 3 years and it's no work at all. It's amazing how well we fit together. We both say it's like living with ourselves. Are we soul mates? I dunno. All I know is we are totally in love and just as happy as can be together. Whoohooo! :bigrin:

Apr 12, 2006, 4:53 AM

But i think that soul mates come in many forms, be it a partner, friend, sister, brother, parent!

My eldest brother was my soul mate.. he committed suicide 3 years ago, the pain still eats into me!

Flawyer, I totally agree with you, I've found another soul mate, unfortunately, I'm engaged to a man i'v been with for 6 years, but when I'm with her, I feel like I'm ... home...

Unfortunately, life is far too complex for it to be peachy, you find your soul mate in a partner and Bob's yer uncle, you get to be with them.
I wish it were that easy! :(

Apr 12, 2006, 10:01 AM
The agony of finding your soul-mate already married, attached or at great distance seems all too common in the responses.

Yes I believe in soul mates, twin flames...the 'one' or 'many' through the journey of life or many lives...

I'd think the agony would be worse in never having that intense emotional attachment. Never meeting...and forever searching yet not knowing why. :(

For my life....nothing is impossible! Bloody difficult and frustrating, yes, but never impossible. Ahhh *dreams* of the possibilities.

Apr 12, 2006, 9:55 PM
i dont believe in soul mates, too many reasons why BUT my main and most important reason...its something people made up in the hope to find their true love and...its a load of poop lol =)

Apr 14, 2006, 7:42 AM
Kindred souls? Soulmates?

I have a kindred soul, who lives over in SW Colorado. He's a handicapped gay man and one of the most beautiful human beings I know.

I had a soulmate for 8 yrs. I still miss him. Don't know if I'll ever find that again

Apr 14, 2006, 10:27 AM
:2cents: I completly believe in Soul Mates or Kindred spirits or what ever you want to call them.

If we are lucky, throughout our lifetime we will meet many such people whom which we connect with on a deeper level. Whether the connection last for an hour or lifetime is irrelevant.

I feel for those who sit and wait a lifetime to have that one connection, only to find that if they would have opened their eyes and their hearts alittle more they could have had many such encounters.

Apr 15, 2006, 2:52 PM
One of my favorite books is "Stranger in a Strange Land." Soulmates, waterbothers, kindred spirits are all around us, if we can only open ourselves.


Apr 15, 2006, 6:21 PM
A question for you all... Do soul mates really exist?

Mrs Al - my own soul mate - contends they do. I similarly contend they do (even if she says I don't!).

I'd love to hear different peoples opinions on this, and how people define what a soul mate is or is not... :wiggle2:

Yes!!! Soul mates do exist. Belive in youself, and feel free to share your feelings at the very begining. Honesesty is the only way.

Take good care

Apr 15, 2006, 6:37 PM
Everyone is so worried about finding a soul mate---why not BE one?

Apr 17, 2006, 6:47 AM
I like to think there are 2 types of soul mate, the first being on the romantic/lover level the second being on the friendship level. I am yet to find a romantic soul mate and I hope I do find one as my soul is kinda lonely and I would love to share my life with some one on this level.

As for friend soul mates I am blessed I have found 1 who is indeed very special and means the world to me. I wont mention names but I'm sure they know who they are.

Angelique Tragedy
Apr 23, 2006, 11:21 PM
Okay so this is an old topic...but I'm new here and this post reached out and grabbed me so to speak. I believe in soul mates...and as someone else said I don't think there is just one for every person. I think there might be many out there...I believe in past lives so I believe that people from your past you can still connect with...someone said Karmicly connected and that is exactly right.:) I know in the past I had another man in my husband and my life and I was karmicly connected to...I loved him so much but his wife and I didn't get along all that well...it hurts to think about him but I have moved on.

Now if I can only find the woman that I am karmicly connected to...:)

Apr 23, 2006, 11:54 PM
I think there might be many out there...I believe in past lives so I believe that people from your past you can still connect with...someone said Karmicly connected and that is exactly right.

I believe in past lives too. And what about when we're not living; could our souls be part of something bigger? Could all of our soulmates be part of that something?

I think my husband and i were cut from the same cloth. Never mind that he looks like fine silk embroidery and i look like a mess of knotted cloth. :)

Apr 24, 2006, 12:01 AM
Re from my wife:
Im not sure I think so But im not sure.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2006, 2:19 AM
as a former spiritualist teacher, meditation master, psychic reader and natural witch...I felt the need to throw a couple of spanners in the works, WHILE helping people understand a lil bit more about soulmates

Q can anybody be a soulmate ??
A yes... but anybody or anything !!! it is possible to have a soul companion in a animal as well... some of the most gifted people ( spiritualist and non spiritualist ) have a bond with their pets that is far beyond a normal pet/ human relationship ( and no I don't mean beastiality or zoophilia )

Q what is the correct term, soul mate, soul companion, twin flame etc ??
A there is no correct term... there is only belief and truth.. you can beleive that you only have only soul mate or you can beleive you have many soulmates...that is your truth

Q ok how can all the books and people say different things about soulmates, twin flames ??
A simple... cos people pay for it....the books often are one persons truth... that others pick up and follow, and make it their truth..... it doesn't mean its true for you

Q why do so few people meet their soulmates ??
A for the same reason, so few people never win the lottery... its simply, the right place, the right time to buy the winning ticket....but unless you go out and buy a ticket.... you will never win anything at all.....but there is also the fact that not everybody would be happy with the winning ticket... many are happy with a lesser prize

Q so you are saying that its possible to be happy without meeting your soulmate...??
A i am saying you choose your happiness.. if you meet somebody and after a few years you decide that you both are soulmates.... then allow it to be that way... too many people search for their soulmates... and miss the chance to be in love and be loved with somebody that can become their soulmate

Angelique Tragedy
Apr 24, 2006, 1:23 PM
I believe in past lives too. And what about when we're not living; could our souls be part of something bigger? Could all of our soulmates be part of that something?

I agree...I think that when we are not around we are preparing for the next life and then when we are reborn we might find a few people that were part of a former life. That is that electric feeling you feel when you meet some people. That feeeling of 'I've known you forever even though I just met you' ect.

Angelique Tragedy
Apr 24, 2006, 1:29 PM
as a former spiritualist teacher, meditation master, psychic reader and natural witch...I felt the need to throw a couple of spanners in the works, WHILE helping people understand a lil bit more about soulmates

Q can anybody be a soulmate ??
A yes... but anybody or anything !!! it is possible to have a soul companion in a animal as well... some of the most gifted people ( spiritualist and non spiritualist ) have a bond with their pets that is far beyond a normal pet/ human relationship ( and no I don't mean beastiality or zoophilia )

I am a long time all the same as you...lol and I thought what you said was very true...but wanted to comment on the bit about animals. I totally agree about that. It also gets down the fact of animal guides. Your animal guides/spirits when you find them you often find that you have that same feeling...that comfortable I've known you forever feeling. I have only ever had that with a couple animals in my life...one with one of my horses and one with my dog (that I currently have). It's an awesome feeling...

Apr 25, 2006, 12:29 AM
ahhh yes..... (sigh) My heart wants to respond with an emphatic YES!!! but my experiences want to attach an "that depends". Over all I believe that we are all soul mates to each and everyone that ever crosses our path. Of course I realize the intention here is the idea of a certain someone that moves the very depths of us to a point that startles our very own souls....that movement within that seems to have never been moved by anyone else except a certain individual. It's a tough call. I think soul mates become that when we allow our hearts to open and allow that person to partake in the richness of the ripe fruit within us....and they allow the same with us....and you know they know as they know you know.....oh yes......it 's such a wonderous most beautiful thing that the rumblings of it frighten and yet fulfill at the same time........ Do I believe in soul mates???
hehehe...you be the judge........Do they exist???......well, that's the question.

Apr 25, 2006, 7:39 PM
I believe that they do.......Yes......I always have.....

I do believe you have to seek the person out.......or allow them into your inner world........your soul......

So many times people cross our paths and we dont give them the time of day.......Ohhhhhh but if we do, and decide to let this person know us.......you just never know what you will find!........Perhaps a Soulmate.......

What a GLOURIOUS month April is........and will always be.........for it shall never end........ever............I love you very much, you are precious to me.

ladyd........ :)

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

May 1, 2006, 11:50 AM

my wife and I fell in love at first sight while still 20 feet away from each other and without having ever spoken a word to one another. That was a little over 9 years ago and we're still as much in love today as ever!


May 7, 2006, 10:55 AM
I think my husband and i were cut from the same cloth. Never mind that he looks like fine silk embroidery and i look like a mess of knotted cloth. :)

Careful my love, others will think you have quite the find. Silk embroidery or the sow's ear? Let those who listen hear. Nevertheless through untold eternities, we are intertwined.


May 7, 2006, 7:47 PM
Yes, they do!!!! Now that I've become some kind of super member (which I appreciate), Be honest and true to yourself and all things are possible. :2cents: