View Full Version : A new addition to the family...

Sep 22, 2010, 5:03 PM
As many of you know, it's been a heck of a year for me. The topper was loosing my beloved cat in the fire. Well, I wasn't going to replace her for a while cause I wasn't ready, but the stars had other plans for me.

While sitting at an out door festival in Toronto on Saturday, this guy came up and sat on a bench right beside me and opened a box full of kittens. Bastard! I was smitten. I paid the requested $10 and carried it around for the rest of the day. Today I took her to the vets and she got a clear bill of health, and a couple of surprises. She turned out to be a he, and he turned out to be a Fire Point Himalayan. He is Just 5 weeks old and needs lots of love and care, but I'm so happy!!!!!

Meet Zeus:

Damn! how do I insert a pic again?!?!?!

Sep 22, 2010, 5:30 PM
Congrads. One should never seek out a cat; the right one will always come to you.

Damn! how do I insert a pic again?!?!?!

Right below the window you type the letter in, see "Additional Options." Click "Attach A File."

Sep 22, 2010, 5:42 PM
I just came back from the vets...."special" dog food for my PugX. Funny, but there were two cat people(as in people who own cats rather than dogs) discussing the idea that it is best to let cats (and dogs) pick you rather than you pick them. I guess it is like women pick men and they might as well accept that...:bigrin:

Sep 22, 2010, 5:44 PM
thanks!!! this is just like my boy.

Sep 22, 2010, 7:18 PM
Congrats, Mikey! Yes, always best to let cats (and dogs) choose their staff ... I mean owners. ;)

I've been "adopted" by a stray black cat here in our apartment complex (because I feed it) and it has taken me about 5 months for it to trust me to the point where it will now meow for me when I go for my walk (if I'm on the other side of the pool area than it), it will walk right next to me (like a dog heeling), and also let me pet it. I really want to adopt it and bring it home, but I already have a cat and she would really not be happy about another addition to the family (she would try to kill it). ahhhh, well, I have my indoor cat and my outdoor cat ...

Long Duck Dong
Sep 22, 2010, 7:49 PM
its why I can not go near pet shops.... I have a soft spot for cats and kittens..... and I would end up with far too many to look after

Sep 22, 2010, 7:51 PM
Great Mikey!

I knew a fellow who's cat owned a dog!

When the dog was a puppy, she was grown and made sure he knew who was boss. Even though the dog was a German Sheppard, when he grew up, he still thought the cat could whip his ass!

He could also open the door for her. When she'd been put outside, she'd make a fuss outside and the dog would open the door and let her in.

In the winter, when the dog was laying down, the cat would snuggle up to him. Wherever the dog slept, so did that cat!

That's why she allowed him to live there.......... to keep her warm and let her in!

Sep 23, 2010, 1:04 AM
Awwww Mikey, He's adorable, Sweetie! Congrats.
Cat, Cat lover.:}