View Full Version : what type of bisexual are you ?

Long Duck Dong
Sep 20, 2010, 3:01 AM
I am mildy curious ( nosy )..... how do you see yourself as a bisexual.....

I know how bisexuality is defined, ...a attraction to both genders, but thats pretty broad, so how do bisexuals define themselves

personally myself, i am attracted to all people ( pansexual ) but its not sexually attraction.... I do not think about who I will take to bed, but who I can be attracted to and intimate with on a passionate level.... ( hugging, kissing, holding and yes sexual )

the first and 7th choice read the same.... but they are different.... as a gay natured bisexual is different to a hetero natured bisexual.... and I didn't add the defining parts there.....

also I have allowed for multiple choices as I am aware that at different times, our feelings and attractions change thru the spectrum

curious married m
Sep 20, 2010, 9:32 AM
LOL LDD, I was thinking that choices #1 & #7 were a trick. I know I think about sex twice as much as the average.

Sep 20, 2010, 10:32 AM
"I love both genders equally, sexual and platonic "

This is written from LDD philosophical /desire/understanding about bisexuality.

What is missing is I am capable of loving both genders.
I would pick this but it is not an option. This seems more appropriate than to include platonic love in with a sexuality.

From previous interactions with LDD on the aspect of "love" according to LDD is to include "platonic" ( as in love for your child, parents, or a friend) in with bisexuality. Is there a sexuality that involves such a love as part of its definition? I don't think so. Platonic love exists outside of our sexuality and carnal physical sexual cravings. All sexualities are capable of platonic love imo. There are lots of things written about the difference between carnal "sexual" love and "platonic" love and the problems when "platonic" love crosses over into a carnal sexual love. It seems a little "pervy" to me to put it into a definition or categorization for any sexuality. I could be wrong but see this aspect due to platonic love involving child/parent love or sibling love. I believe that LDD doesn't mean to make it so though.

Then of course, "thinking about sex with both genders" is kinda the basics of bisexuality isn't it? A given so to write whether you think more about men or women. It seems like an entirely different poll. This is a very strangely worded poll with multiple choices?

Sep 20, 2010, 1:44 PM
before starting hormone treatment i loved having sex equally with men or women. now except for oral or just masturbating a woman i am useless to her. when it comes to emotionally i am more for women. most of the guys that i meet are gay until they come and then straight once they have shot their loads. mostly for lasting freindship i prefer women but i don't mean i aren't open to lasting friendship with men. it's just how it has been in the past. maybe it will change one day. i'll have to wait and see.

Sep 20, 2010, 3:09 PM
Granted I feel I am able to love anyone in every aspect, but I do find it funny at the time I will have posted this at least 40 admit they think only about sex. I love sex but I feel it is better when you know the person well.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 20, 2010, 11:11 PM
"I love both genders equally, sexual and platonic "

This is written from LDD philosophical /desire/understanding about bisexuality.

What is missing is I am capable of loving both genders.
I would pick this but it is not an option. This seems more appropriate than to include platonic love in with a sexuality.

From previous interactions with LDD on the aspect of "love" according to LDD is to include "platonic" ( as in love for your child, parents, or a friend) in with bisexuality. Is there a sexuality that involves such a love as part of its definition? I don't think so. Platonic love exists outside of our sexuality and carnal physical sexual cravings. All sexualities are capable of platonic love imo. There are lots of things written about the difference between carnal "sexual" love and "platonic" love and the problems when "platonic" love crosses over into a carnal sexual love. It seems a little "pervy" to me to put it into a definition or categorization for any sexuality. I could be wrong but see this aspect due to platonic love involving child/parent love or sibling love. I believe that LDD doesn't mean to make it so though.

Then of course, "thinking about sex with both genders" is kinda the basics of bisexuality isn't it? A given so to write whether you think more about men or women. It seems like an entirely different poll. This is a very strangely worded poll with multiple choices?

there is more to platonic than family relationships

there is the forbidden love, that can be shared between two people ..... romeo and juliet for example

the idea of the sexual and platonic, was a way of saying I can love people that I am not screwing..... and reveals that bisexual people are not sex machines and we are capable of loving the ones we are not fucking,

if we are to use the idea that bisexuality is sex based, then any bisexual that is not sexually active, is not bisexual...... but bisexuality is attraction defined, not sex defined.... and so what I put in the poll, also covers bisexuals that are in relationships, yet adore other people however they are not sleeping with them, only their partners.....

Sep 22, 2010, 12:59 AM
Perhaps it's only an ideal, but my own personal experience has led me to believe that I am somewhere in the middle. I happen to have fallen in love with a wonderful woman. But if for some reason I found myself single again, I could easily fall in love with the right man.

I must admit, however, that I would be more willing to follow through with a male loving relationship today than I would have 20 years ago. Although I still have certain insecurities, I am much more confident and comfortable in my bisexuality than I was when I was younger.

For the last several years, I have considered myself in the minority within the bisexual community. It will be interesting to see whether this poll bears my own hypothesis out or not.

Flexuality MD
Sep 28, 2010, 9:14 AM
Long Duck, I considered some of the same issues when I created a Flexuality Test, based on my study of sexuality as a psychiatrist. I propose 12 different sexual types, though that still reduces very complex patterns into a few narrow labels. But it's better than having just gay, straight, and bi.

If you're interested, here's the page in my blog where I describe the 12 types, and you can also look around the blog and/or take the Flex Test:


mr swallow
Dec 15, 2010, 5:08 PM
I am married w/a wife that is very ill.She doesnt perform anymore sexually.So some times I go to craigs list and find a married male older who isnt getting any we hook up have great oral & anal sex then he goes home until next time yes we swap #s but I do like a limp cock growing between my lips and being able to enjoy what is going to be cumming my way sweet due to pinapple juice and huge amounts I just deepthroat it all & swallow yummy.Now I also suck &lick pussy and a women after she has had a fantastic climax I will even lick her asshole to get at the rest of the juice. So I guess I am a True BISEXUAL man

Dec 26, 2010, 4:36 PM
I love sex with both men and women. With men though it's just sex; a physical release, there is no emotion. With women I have a deeper connection. I feel emotionally attached to women and I know that I can only love women.

Dec 26, 2010, 6:08 PM
I can and do love & fuck both a man & woman. For me having that is the definition of bisexual. I believe in spiritual love as well as all out passionate lust. People whom attempt denying either, often frighten me. Balance is key.

Dec 26, 2010, 11:09 PM
I have loved both and been platonic with both....prefer being romantic, though.

Am less apt to fall for a guy, but have maintained relationships longer with a couple of men, than most women.

I'm mostly attracted to the person, rather than their gender.

Dec 27, 2010, 8:40 AM
I don't fit comfortably into any of those categories.
There are women that turn me on sexually very much, but, I am ambivalent about actual having sex with them. It would be pleasant at best.
I really love oral sex with men. But, men do not turn me on sexually at all unless they are gay or bisexual and then only if they show interest in me.
When I was young, I could be very romanticly in love with a woman. Now, that would not happen with either a man or woman. Yet, I care very much for my present partner. However, it is not the extreme passionate love that characterized my youth.

Dec 27, 2010, 4:58 PM
The definintion of Platonic Love is that it does not involve sex or sexual attraction.

So I'd agree with tenni that the question should be "capable of being sexually attracted to and of having sexual love for both/all genders"

Which is how I'd define myself as a Bi-sexual.

What is missing is I am capable of loving both genders.
I would pick this but it is not an option. This seems more appropriate than to include platonic love in with a sexuality.

From previous interactions with LDD on the aspect of "love" according to LDD is to include "platonic" ( as in love for your child, parents, or a friend) in with bisexuality. Is there a sexuality that involves such a love as part of its definition? I don't think so. Platonic love exists outside of our sexuality and carnal physical sexual cravings. All sexualities are capable of platonic love imo. There are lots of things written about the difference between carnal "sexual" love and "platonic" love and the problems when "platonic" love crosses over into a carnal sexual love. It seems a little "pervy" to me to put it into a definition or categorization for any sexuality. I could be wrong but see this aspect due to platonic love involving child/parent love or sibling love. I believe that LDD doesn't mean to make it so though.

Then of course, "thinking about sex with both genders" is kinda the basics of bisexuality isn't it? A given so to write whether you think more about men or women. It seems like an entirely different poll. This is a very strangely worded poll with multiple choices?

Dec 29, 2010, 6:23 AM
I would describe myself as an orally bi male. I have no interest in anal (either way) or in male-male mouth to mouth kissing but I am comfortable with lcicking, kissing, sucking armpits, nipples, cock and balls and love sucking and swallowing as well as having these things done to me. In my own definition, I feel that I am not gay as I am not attracted to gay people and feel that my ideal male is someone who shares the same feelings as mine (ie. also not into anal.) I have an excellent heterosexual marriage but the additional need to spend some time on my bi side.

Dec 29, 2010, 9:41 PM
I have loved both and been platonic with both....prefer being romantic, though.

I'm mostly attracted to the person, rather than their gender.

This is how I identify myself also. I am married to a transgender male to female, AND have a girlfriend that we both fool around with.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 29, 2010, 10:22 PM
The definintion of Platonic Love is that it does not involve sex or sexual attraction.

So I'd agree with tenni that the question should be "capable of being sexually attracted to and of having sexual love for both/all genders"

Which is how I'd define myself as a Bi-sexual.

I added the platonic and sexual aspects as bisexuals are not fucking everybody they love and they do not love everybody they fuck....

by your defination.... bisexuals are not capable of loving a person unless they are having sex with them... which is incorrect......

the way i put it, is that it covers ALL forms of love, be it platonic, non sexual, forbidden, hidden, unrequited, shared, monogamous / poly etc etc

Dec 30, 2010, 1:30 PM
for me i love to be with both i,m happy at being bi-sexual just love to be with ether sexes

Dec 30, 2010, 1:42 PM
am more romantically attracted to the female gender and more of play with genitals and let a man top me with a lot of anal action with a real cock. i would love to do doggie style with me fucking my girlfriend with a man doing me doggie style at the same time and everyone gets off. love to have a transgender friend to share the same bed with us.

Dec 30, 2010, 1:53 PM
i am romantically involve with a female at the time and do love her. i have been hurt in the past and i am giving it one more time and if this fails then i am never going to get involved with another female. i am going to find a male partner and maybe live happily ever after. i enjoy sex with a male and the partnership with a male but not to that point yet but if this one fails then i am going to give full time male sex a chance. i know there are a lot of males out there looking for a nice guy to have a relationship with if only platonic but having one partner sexually. i love anal sex, bottom, and love sucking cock and playing with the male gentials so why not go to that and not be hurt again by females which hurt mentally.

Dec 30, 2010, 11:39 PM
I feel more intense emotional connections to women, and a stronger sexual attraction towards men. Life is confusing!

Dec 31, 2010, 4:05 AM
Answered # 6 in the poll. #1 works also, but it is more than just think about sex with both genders.


Aug 2, 2011, 6:58 PM
not sure but I am sure that i am at least bisexually-cerious.

Aug 2, 2011, 7:11 PM
For me I am sexually attracted to both genders, but only romantically attracted to males. Hence forth I am married to a man and only play with women.

Aug 2, 2011, 7:29 PM
I'm capable of connecting with m&f on both sexual and emotional levels.
I say 'capable' as I've experienced it with both genders. I still swing.:)

Aug 2, 2011, 9:03 PM
I love women. I can have sexual acts with men.


Aug 3, 2011, 9:11 AM
Quite a nice one I hope. I like to think so anyway.:)

Aug 3, 2011, 11:26 AM
I have a history of loving those I'm with, but have also had a few gratifying platonic, FWBs, too. Romantic relationships with either gender have been the most memorable/rewarding for me.

Too shy/cautious for one night stands. Never been with a guy I didn't know well and trust, beforehand. Had one, one-might stand with a lady....never did it again.

Aug 4, 2011, 11:44 AM
I'm not really sure how I'd answer the poll. I had relationships with men my whole life because I figured out too late that I was bi, so I simply haven't had much experience with women. It wasn't shortly after I figured it out that I met my boyfriend, and it's been almost 8 years with him. I've had a little bit of experience with women sexually, but never had the chance to find out if I could be with one on a deeper level. I like to think I'm capable of it, though. I still, deep down, have a crush on the first girl that made me realize I was bi. I think there could have really been something there. On the real Kinsey scale (and not the one provided by this site... not sure where it came from) I would put myself at a 2, but I think there's always the possibility that I'm a 50-50 "3", on both a sexual and emotional level, and just don't have the experience to know for sure. So I'll just say I'm more toward the hetero end of the scale. (Though I do think women make better eye candy!) :bigrin:
Hope that all makes sense, lol. Bisexuality is complicated, but isn't that what makes it so amazing?! :flag3:

Aug 4, 2011, 4:20 PM
Umm....I didn't really put that much thought into it...I'm just really horny...all the time...is there something wrong with me?

Aug 6, 2011, 2:51 AM
honestly I went with #5, as well as 4. I can often find attractions without the sexual thoughts and such, although that too does exist. I guess I also wish it described me better than 5, but it's true.