View Full Version : Can bi-chicks really please a guy?!

Sep 17, 2010, 8:08 PM
Lol, that headline was to draw your attention. I'm sure they can, just not in my sitch.
Just tonight i'm doing my thing with a few friends (they're my age, 20, actually older more like 22ish) so then one things leads to another and I'm making out with these two chicks who are dating each other. :cool: I know.
Anyway, we're doing some heavy petting, and some serious making out etc. But then they try to shake hands with the president if you know what i mean. And that's when things went horribly awry. I mean wow! I don't think my member has ever been so roughandled! I mean WOW! it was terribly painful! And then afterwards, they were wondering why I didn't get off, mostly cuz I was just trying to limit the pain after I realised I wasn't about to get off! I dunno whether or not I should have been more vocal about what i wanted, but i felt like they were never gonna get the picture. Oh well, wanted to get that one off my chest anyway. Never had two girls at once! :cool:

Sep 17, 2010, 8:17 PM
Sometimes I experience the same thing although with the female equivalent! I think it's always a good idea to communicate- especially if you don't like what they are doing! Hopefully, you'll have another opportunity for ffm and it will be fabulous.

Sep 17, 2010, 9:43 PM
There are people who have a special ability for just the right touch, saying the perfect thing, knowing when to say something......or be quiet. I'm sure they thought what they were doing was exciting and stimulating you. I'll bet if you could bring yourself to tell them what and how you liked something, they'd probably be happy to try whatever you suggested. If not, you didn't need to be with them.

It may be a cliche`to say that they key to a good relationship is communication, but there's never been a truer thing said.

I think most humans have a desire to please and, if you approach the subject intelligently and say what you really mean, in a non-threatening, or non-accusatory manner, marvelous things can happen.

Sep 18, 2010, 1:55 AM
Dayum..it isnt sposta hurt...well unless people Want it thata way, but normally a 3some is suppose to be very sensual, and loving, and filled with lots of pleasure for all. I'm not into the pain aspect (outside of maybe having my ample assage slapped during the throes of passion) but no real pain-pain. Obviously those 'girls' dont know the techniques of causing pleasure for all involved.
Better luck next time Darlin. Or may I suggest a couple of skilled older Cougars perhaps? Hey, just a thought..lol:bigrin::cool:
Bad Cat

Sep 19, 2010, 3:11 PM
well, thanks for the input. I might get another go on Friday! That'd be brilliant.

But in future I'll remember to be a bit more vocal. I mean, not a lot of experience with the whole thing, so I was really trying to enjoy what I had! I didn't really know what to do with my hands!