View Full Version : bonobo alike families

Sep 15, 2010, 2:58 PM
Bonobo are bisexual monkeys. Homosexual contacts are used to cement family relationships and destroy competition.

So naturally comes an idea that bisexuality is given to humans to form large families, communities alike. Hippies weren't bisexual , so they failed.

it's better from all perspectives. Economical, emotional. And of course , sexual.

Who is not afraid to try? What do u have to loose? Virginity? :cool:

Sep 15, 2010, 6:06 PM
Bonobos are notoriously difficult to observe in the wild, but those who have done so say that their sexual activities are greatly exaggerated, and that what has been observed in captivity is the behavior of a group of semi-intelligent beings cooped up in a room with absolutely nothing to do all day except sex play. Sort of like a chat room.

Sep 15, 2010, 8:25 PM
Jaaammiee, have you been..monkeying...around again? Bad Boy....lol

Sep 15, 2010, 9:36 PM
actually--Bonobos being chimpanzees--they are not monkies--but are "Great Apes"


Not being picky--just wanted to get the proper info out there about these animals.

Sep 15, 2010, 9:54 PM
While I am inclined to believe whole-heartedly that we are all born bisexual (with certain, oft-times strong, inclinations toward one orientation or the other) and that our environment seals the deal, this is a very interesting and provocative subject for me.

However, being an old hippie, I can say, from personal experience, that '"free love" was just that, "free," and some old, hetero template had little to do with the hippie movement failing. That failure was mainly due to an absolute refusal to believe that prior generations had any credibility whatsoever, accompanied by some very dangerous drugs. We were absolutely open about sexuality. I, in fact, was able to live honestly as a bisexual all through the '70s, but felt pressure to stow all those very natural inclinations in the nearest closet as that decade came to a close.

Only recently, have I finally returned to being completely and openly honest This newly reclaimed honesty comes at great cost -- to myself and to my current (and very-possibly, my next ex-) wife. Anyway, let's hear it for the bonobos. And, that's just some honest feedback from someone who was there in those amazing late-60s.

Sep 15, 2010, 11:50 PM
Bonobos females are also the dominant gender whereas in the human society males are dominant. It's so fascinating!!

just a little fun fact I learned a while back!!

Sep 16, 2010, 12:40 AM
And they are a lusty breed too. You can see the naughty little things on YouTube under Bonobo mating....Hell of a thing to have on YouTube(along with other animals breeding) but its there....:rolleyes:

Sep 16, 2010, 1:50 AM
Bonobo's being the closet genetic tie to humans have been observed time and again in the wild. You can look it up very easily. Those that try to discredit the research are doing so because they don't like the results. Bonobo society is one of free sex and in fact sexual contact is used to stop wars and fighting. All forms of sex are used in bonobo society, it is in essence a free sex community. It is a bisexual society for if it were a homosexual society the whole procreate thing would be a major problem ;)

Sep 16, 2010, 9:01 AM
While I am inclined to believe whole-heartedly that we are all born bisexual (with certain, oft-times strong, inclinations toward one orientation or the other) and that our environment seals the deal, this is a very interesting and provocative subject for me.

However, being an old hippie

I appreciate your input, honestly. Especially about your hippie experience.

I'm a researcher who scientifically came to conclusion that humans are bisexual and after being straight for whole my life and married for 20 years, I developed an exercise how to open my homosexual channel. it worked great but now I'm a victim of such success. :rolleyes:

However I didn't stop and converted my wife as well. I strongly believe the nature wants us to leave monogamy and go to the group marriage.

The problem is the monogamy doesn't work anymore at all.
Women can't relay on single man and stopped reproduction. Western society is aging.

On other hand group marriage is more economically stable , emotionally satisfying. There is nothing "dirty" about it, just way to live.

"Dirty" is a word of monogamists. They hide their bodies and shame their love.

Sep 16, 2010, 9:55 AM
''I appreciate your input, honestly. Especially about your hippie experience.''


''I'm a researcher who scientifically came to conclusion that humans are bisexual and after being straight for whole my life and married for 20 years, I developed an exercise how to open my homosexual channel. it worked great but now I'm a victim of such success. :rolleyes:''

If you are a ''researcher,'' how come you called the Bonobo, monkeys, when they are a member of the ape family and were once referred to as ''pygmy chimpanzees,'' but now classified separately???

And the rest....umm...well...it made me laugh.

''However I didn't stop and converted my wife as well. I strongly believe the nature wants us to leave monogamy and go to the group marriage.''

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? LOL!!

''The problem is the monogamy doesn't work anymore at all.
Women can't relay on single man and stopped reproduction. Western society is aging.''

I reckon you would have plenty of prople who would argue that point with you and people from every sexuality. Women can't rely on (a) single man and stopped reproduction.........When did women stop reproducing? I haven't noticed any lack of babies coming into the world. Why concentrate on Western society? Where there is good diet, good healthcare, better living conditions, etc, etc.....the lifespan of humans is bound to increase.

''On other hand group marriage is more economically stable , emotionally satisfying. There is nothing "dirty" about it, just way to live.''

Hmm.....Nah....humans being humans.....jealousy...arguments...confusion about which man is the father of which child, who is going to do certain chores, cat fights, pms, post natal depression, men just being darn awkward, who drives what car. the need for different tv rooms (men are still gonna want to hog the remote and watch the sport)...etc etc. Ain't no way group marriage is the perfect solution.

' "Dirty" is a word of monogamists. They hide their bodies and shame their love.'

Ohhhhhhh!!!.....balderdash and piffle!! LOL

The Bonobo are fascinating creatures. Highly intelligent members of the ape species. Their behaviour is peculiar to them, within the ape family (I'm deliberately missing out humans). Though sexual, in nature, to us humans watching them, their behaviour is not necessarily an act of sex for them, or penetration (I'm not a researcher, but I have watched countless documentary films about them). They show the same hierarchical tendencies, as other animal species. Dominant individuals getting underlings to show respect by being submissive etc.

I often wondered why guinea pigs enjoyed being stroked, underneath the chin and became very calm. Then I watched (and recently), as an older guinea pig chastised a baby, getting it to lower it's body position, raise it's head and be stroked under the chin. The younger pig was being submissive. It was a case of ''OK Auntie Lil, I'll do as I'm told,''......for all of five minutes!

Somehow, I get the feeling that you are being very tongue in cheek with your posts and a little humorous...but then...I could be mistaken. :tong:

Sep 16, 2010, 10:43 AM
Canticle's point was well taken: a 'scientific researcher' is not supposed to be out to prove a theory or 'convert' themselves or anyone else. At least in pricniple, scientific inquiry is supposed to be free of bias.

Sep 16, 2010, 11:12 AM
Canticle's point was well taken: a 'scientific researcher' is not supposed to be out to prove a theory or 'convert' themselves or anyone else. At least in pricniple, scientific inquiry is supposed to be free of bias.

guys-girls, i'm originally Russian, English is my third language, so give me a break about monkeys and apes.

The honest scientist first experiment on himself and his friends, which i did.

I'm in the process of writing all the results down and publishing. My previous book is on Amazon. if moderator will allow such advertisement I can give You a link.

it's impossible to convert gay people to straight, but possible to make gay person bisexual. Also possible to open homo-love for the straight person.

of course, if they want to.

give me your gender, orientation, currently involve or not, and I'll try to give You specific exercise.

:) I can imagine straight men doing work to convert themselves to gays...:bigrin:

Sep 16, 2010, 12:21 PM
Well, the OP seems to have a hypothesis or a wish. I do not know very much about the Bonobo and their social sexual aspects of their society. "Hippie" was a term applied to a social change that questioned many aspects about the social mores of primarily the North American societies. I'm not sure whether that challenge is comparable to the Bonobo social sexual activity. The communal aspect of "hippies" was not as wide spread as some may think while the sexual changes in youth was a bit more universal. It opened up discussion on heterosexual activity but not same sex activity. It may be seen as a precursor of same sex openness perhaps? I don't think that same sex activity was anywhere as near as widely practiced but it did happen. It was more discreet though. Hippie was a philosophical and sociological phenomena while what little that I do know about the Bonobo is not based in a philosophy.

I am inclined to think that bisexuality would be more visible if the same sex taboo did not exist as strongly as it still does within the North American society. Monogamy and heterosexual coupling are not constructive social philosophy for bisexuality imo. Monogamy and coupling are strong social values that were not completely rejected by "hippies" but it did in some respects touch on loosening up sexual mores about strong monogamy as long as they were heterosexual activity. It just didn't quite stick as much as hetero sexual activity exploration did. I do think that sexual exploration has expanded to include sexual orientation exploration more so than previously. Rigid views on sexual orientation are slowly giving way but people still seem to enter into a monogamous relationship and if bisexuality comes into the relationship after the coupling it creates problems. People are still too rigid to be as open as Bonobos.

Sep 16, 2010, 2:56 PM
Well, the OP seems to have a hypothesis or a wish. .... People are still too rigid to be as open as Bonobos.

Sure they are. but....
A morality changes itself automatically as soon as living conditions approve.
For example french nobles in 18th century were pretty homosexual and very sexually active. An elite in any society always exposes higher sexuality just because they live better and monogamous connection get weaker.

Just pay attention how the fashion and sexual openness change since middle of 20th century. Now, extrapolate it a bit to the future and You'll get bonobos.

I don't think full openness will be reached very soon but first large group families , 50 people for example, can be easily formed today.

At least there is no economical or political issues, it's just the custom didn't formed itself yet.

Sep 16, 2010, 8:39 PM
Reading the wikipedia on Bonobos--it is sad to note that these creatures--like so many animals great and small are endangered with extinction--for all practical purposes--if their numbers in the wild are as low as the piece says, and their numbers continue to decline due to habitat destruction and the hunting of them--then they are extinct creatures already.

The same can be said for many populations of elephants, rhinos, orangatangs, polar bears, many species of sharks and the list goes on.

To me--the world is sure going to be a less interesting place if many or most of the creatures that the human race is about to wipe out are gone in the coming years. We don't need climate change or whatever to show that human activity does have a profound impact on the planet-- for at least most of the other lifeforms we share this rock with.

It sure doesn't speak well of us a species that we have been such crappy stewards of this wonderful world.