View Full Version : new-bi needs advice

Sep 14, 2010, 9:31 PM
Hello Bi-community,
First off thanks for being here and I appreciate any and all feedback
I'm new to exploring my bisexuality. It will be a year for me in October that I have allowed myself to express my bisexual feelings. For many years I had the feelings to be with a man, but out of fear I couldn't let myself.
A year ago I said "screw it" and gave it a go. I am glad I did.
I have had a few "flings", but am finding myself interested in a more intimate relationship with a man. I am having trouble finding someone. I don't want to go on with casual relationships.
Any advice on where I can find a more meaningful friendship/relationship?

"The reason we are given two ears and one mouth is so that we listen more than we talk"

Sep 14, 2010, 9:47 PM
use the internet, especially if u r closeted.


Sep 15, 2010, 12:40 AM
"The reason we are given two ears and one mouth is so that we listen more than we talk"

No, the reason is so your partner has a couple of handles to use while you suck their cock or lick their pussy.

Sep 15, 2010, 1:49 PM
Though I accepted myself several years ago I am at a similar place in my life. As a married visexual man with no intention of committing adultery poses a different set of challenges. I would be happy to develop relationships with other men in my situation. Thus far I have not met anyone. Living in a small Midwest community doesn't seem to help my situation.

I wish you the best friend, namaste.

Sep 15, 2010, 3:36 PM
You might try posting an ad in the Craigslist "Strictly Platonic" M4M Personals. I'm seeing a few ads pop up there from guys looking for people to do things with or just friends. I've seen two ads (one from the county next to mine) of guys that wanted another guy just for dates.

I actually e-mailed the guy from the other county and asked how his ad was working. Sadly, he said the only replies he'd gotten were from younger guys than he was interested in going out with.

My own experience with the Strictly Platonic ads has been mixed. I posted one just asking for other bi or homo guys that might want to chat about their sexuality- kind of like we do here. I did have some short lived e-mail chats with a few guys, but there were also a few replies from guys that went straight to sexual propositioning.

Maybe you'll see some ads from guys looking for dates?

And, as always, don't forget to take a second look at guys you already know. Perhaps someone you already know and like is bisexual but is hiding it just like you are.

Sep 15, 2010, 4:32 PM
You might try posting an ad in the Craigslist "Strictly Platonic" M4M Personals. I'm seeing a few ads pop up there from guys looking for people to do things with or just friends. I've seen two ads (one from the county next to mine) of guys that wanted another guy just for dates.

I actually e-mailed the guy from the other county and asked how his ad was working. Sadly, he said the only replies he'd gotten were from younger guys than he was interested in going out with.

My own experience with the Strictly Platonic ads has been mixed. I posted one just asking for other bi or homo guys that might want to chat about their sexuality- kind of like we do here. I did have some short lived e-mail chats with a few guys, but there were also a few replies from guys that went straight to sexual propositioning.

Maybe you'll see some ads from guys looking for dates?

And, as always, don't forget to take a second look at guys you already know. Perhaps someone you already know and like is bisexual but is hiding it just like you are.

I haven't placed an ad but have looked at those placed in my area. Not many and the few there are for hook-ups. I'm seeking anonymous nsa sex so not my thing. I haven't thought of responding to see if anyone would be interested in friendship. I'd like to find other guys who are in the same point in life I am with my sexuality. Great idea!!!

Sep 15, 2010, 5:34 PM
I'd like to find other guys who are in the same point in life I am with my sexuality. Great idea!!!

After thinking about it a bit more, you're right! It is a great idea. I placed the ad I have up now mostly just to chat with other bi/ homosexuals, but I was certainly hoping to find someone just about where I'm at, as far as comfortable with my sexuality and being open about it.

But thinking back, if we would of had the internet back when I was in my 20s, I think I wouldn't have tried so hard to suppress my homosexual desires. One of my regrets in life is that I didn't pursue some relationships with guys I knew and make them more intimate, if not romantic.

Be perfect for a younger guy today to maybe find someone through an ad for just friendship (maybe with benefits) that might blossom into something long term.

I still wonder, though, if it just makes more sense to look within the social circles one already has? Then again, some folks have a hard time meeting people and that's why they post ads.

Sep 15, 2010, 5:40 PM
In case anyone's interested, here's the Craigslist ad (http://humboldt.craigslist.org/stp/1925317058.html) I have up now.

As you'd expect, the first few days got the most replies, but every now and then I'll have another one show up in my inbox.

Had some good back and forth with two or three guys. Some of the others that responded are so married and closeted the discussion ended up being pretty one sided. I'd tell them everything about me, which I don't mind at all, but when I'd ask something about them, they'd clam up.

After telling one guy about the fantasies I jack off to, I asked him what he liked to think about when jacking off. End of discussion. Never heard from him again.

Sep 16, 2010, 12:28 AM
...personally not into the ad's thing, too many jerks to weed thru' and in my experience those on the site(s) are interested in only one thing, and that is NOT a ltr of any kind.

look for support, activist, social groups in your area; try the meetup.com site for possibilities near you, or start up one of your own, such as a meetup group center around a physical activity, and as you mention hiking, try that; you could even center it around a bi group with interests in outdoor sports/athletics, etc.

doesnt mean that you cannot find someone on the sites, just that it is more often a miss rather than a hit! :cool: